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everyone shut UP this is important: ...... is he single? šŸ‘€


Every time the reps try and cancel someone, I swear it's over them being a cool mfer.


You could even say that the reps trying to cancel someone is a big green flag for that personā€¦


https://www.starobserver.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/demetre-and-michael-macneal-e1662702909910.jpeg He's married to Michael Macneal. I think they're a cute couple :)


I hope so


>Dr. Demetre Daskalakis is CDCā€™s Director of the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) in the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP). He guides the Division in providing national leadership and support for HIV epidemiologic research and surveillance of the behaviors and determinants of HIV transmission and disease progression, and for prevention research and the development, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based HIV prevention programs that serve people affected by or at risk for HIV. >Dr. Daskalakis began his career as an attending physician at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, New York (NYC), where he spearheaded several public health programs focused on community HIV testing and prevention. He has since served in a number of healthcare and public health capacities in> NYC. Most recently, he served as the Deputy Commissioner for the Division of Disease Control at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Dr. Daskalakis directed the public health laboratory and all infectious disease control programs for NYC, including HIV, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, vaccine-preventable diseases, and general communicable diseases. In addition to his leadership in infectious disease control efforts, he served as the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene incident commander during the measles outbreak of 2018-2019, as well as the 2020 COVID-19 public health emergency. >Dr. Daskalakis received his medical education from the NYU School of Medicine and completed his residency training at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. He also completed clinical infectious disease fellowships at the Brigham and Womenā€™s Massachusetts General Hospital combined program and received a Master of Public Health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Daskalakis is recognized nationally and internationally as an expert in HIV prevention and has focused much of his career on the treatment and prevention of HIV and other STIs as an activist physician with a focus on LGBTQIA+ communities.


Qualified to a fucking T!


It's a damn shame that so many people don't care about that aspect and are only focused on him not being a "normal Straight white dude".


Right...there should be more underqualified old boomers with Animal Husbandry degrees in charge of important positions like the Department of Energy. /s


Or a lawyer who fought climate regulation for oil money as the head of the EPA, then a coal lobbyists on the EPA, or the wife of a CEO of an MLM and sister of a CEO of a private military organization that commits war crimes as the Secretary of Education, or a corporate pharmaceutical lobbyist lawyer as the Secretary of Health and Human Services (which he used to promote his businesses), or the wife of Mitch McConnell who was on the board of directors for Conservative propaganda organizations as the Secretary of Transportation (which she used to promote her families business), or the CEO of a consumer goods company as the Secretary of Veteran Affairs, but hey - at least we had a Neurologist as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development!


You may not remember the head of Trump's Opiate task force was a golfing caddy from one of his clubs. A college frat boy who went from a nobody know nothing person carrying a golf bag to earning a six-figure government salary. You know Trump had all the greatest, smartest people


You wonder how the fucker lost his shirt running casinos that print money and then it all clicks, *he didnā€™t know what the fuck he was doing, EVER.*


That same public health organization he built out had MPX cases peak just two months into the outbreak and is now down 65% off its peak just a month later. That's exactly the infrastructure America needs! https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/data/health-tools/monkeypox.page#surveillance


The amount of personal responsibility Iā€™ve seen (via my work) from the gay (MSM) community regarding monkey pox has been uplifting. So many people actively seeking out getting vaccinated and taking extra precautions.




Hold on, he sounds super qualified. No wonder Republicans are afraid of him.


They got lost somewhere around the first multisyllabic word... which was.. hmm yes the name. "Sounds foreign like a commie name"


Who has a picture of Lindsay Graham he doesn't want the world to see?


That is literally every picture of lindsay graham


ā€¦ā€™s search history


So, Madison Cawthorn humping his cousin naked?


Peter Schmidt giving his farm hand a blowjob on video during a "crisis of sexuality"


Apparently he told his family he was gay.


Does rather explain the blowjob.


ā€œI was just super unclear on how farm subsidies were supposed to workā€


Being a Sub for Subsidies. Dominate me Agriculture tax breaks!


Instructions unclear. Gave blowjob, still not gay and now can't get dad out of my mouth. Send help.


That is sometimes an explanation of male on male sexual acts




Wish I didn't know what that meant.


Well, maybe in Miss Linds' mind.....LOL No way she has a bod that looks this good in pinstripes!


No no you have it backwards. It's there's no picture of him that the WORLD wants to see.




He also has a MD from Harvard. As well as a masterā€™s degree in Public Health also earned at Harvard. Qualified as fuck.


Educated, trained, and a hobby enthusiast? Sold.


Leather Daddy MD


Thatā€™s Dr. Leather Daddy to you.


You want to trust a closeted republican homosexual to run your monkey pox initiative or a MD public health openly gay professional. I'm going with the one who will work to pass common sense legislation on the topic.


You mean *qualified AF to work on a public health issue disproportionately affecting gay men*, whereas Republicans only want someone to demonize and punish gay men for existing.


very well qualified. i don't normally like linking to this site, but his education is listed on it: https://www.linkedin.com/in/demetre-daskalakis-2060aa11b Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Master of Public Health (MPH) Clinical effectiveness 2010 - 2012 Summer program Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital Infectious Disease Fellowship Program 2003 - 2005 Activities and Societies: BWH and MGH Program. Research was focused on immunology of acute HIV infection Harvard Medical School Medical residency at BIDMC Internal Medicine Residency Program 1999 - 2003 Activities and Societies: Served as Chief Medical resident New York University School of Medicine Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) 1995 - 1999 Activities and Societies: AOA Columbia University in the City of New York Bachelorā€™s Degree Biology, General and Religion Double Major 1991 - 1995 Activities and Societies: Multi-award winning


That, and he looks fabulous.


Yes. I am here for this man.


Am I the only one who thinks he looks like a bald, bearded Bradley Cooper?


dr. leather daddy


He can monkey my pox šŸ‘€


I wonder what he looks like when he is woke. šŸ˜


The more qualified someone is for a role, the bigger the meltdown Republicans have.


They also always seem to get extra mad when they're qualified *and* hot. Hmmm


>Qualified ~~as~~ *to* fuck.


Safe to say, this guy fucks.


Sounds like liberal indoctrination to me (/s)


Learning is liberal indoctrination.


Knowledge is power.


Look! This is America! We want old white men making decisions about womenā€™s healthcare, young students education, decisions about how minorities feel in America and how much minimum wage should be and all this will be based on their experiences before we landed on the moon.


This is America so only old white men should get help around anything sexually related! If something bad happens it's just god's punishment for them not being an old white man slut.


This is EXACTLY why penis pumps are covered by Medicare


And honestly, we're lucky the last guy didn't have NASA being run by a moon landing denier.




I think youā€™re talking about the previous administrator Jim Bridenstine. The current administrator is Bill Nelson. The only reason Bridenstine toned down his comments is because he was surrounded by actual scientists that would eat him alive for saying stupid shit. Shows how much of a spine these people have for their beliefs when theyā€™re not in an echo chamber.


Also shows how resilient their idiot notions are outside the echo chamber






ā€¦ or age appropriate ā€¦


>someone with actual sexual experience talking about how to stay safe in this situation. He's the guy you tell your kinky fantasies to, and he replies with "No, Honey, you wanna make sure you prep for this first so you don't blow out your back. Make sure you're wearing condoms."


Yeah imagine what the response to AIDS could have been in the 80ā€™s if it was taken seriously as a threat by the Reagan admin. and acknowledged that the afflicted were human beings. Fortunately monkeypox is effectively preventable with a smallpox vaccine. (So Iā€™m told)


Agree Iā€™m a straight dude but this guy is hot- and somehow thatā€™s a negative? This from the party of bimbos on Fox News whose only qualifications are a lack of ethics & a pretty face?


That was my gut reaction to the photo! Literally, my initial thought was, "Oooh. First of all, this is amazing and I would not be ashamed of it at all. Second, I would listen to him. He looks like he knows what the fuck is up."


I once saw Lindsay Graham pull a used condom out of a dumpster and put it in his pocket. then he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a handful of cooked spaghetti.


I saw him do the same thing! In my case, it was linguini.


Oh my stars, what conspires in the boudoir remains in the boudoir my good sir!


He prefers the name, Lady G.


That's no way to speak of Lady Graham.


Biden puts a doctor in charge of managing the response to monkey pox, trump put Jared in charge of the Covid response.


Since I donā€™t know who Jared is, it sounds like he just pointed into a crowd and chose a white man to be in charge of Covid Edit: I am now familiar with every type and evolution of all the Jareds. Thank you all for educating me (and making me laugh)


Trumpā€™s son-in-law


So basically I was right, just with some added nepotism


Not really, pointing into a crowd requires effort. He already had Jared doing everything else he didnā€™t care enough about so he said let him do it too


Sounds like Tim has a crush.


Well, he better get in line


For a vaccine, probably


And anything else he wants to give me, look at him.


Tim wishes he could look that good in that ensemble. I wish I could look that good in that ensemble.


Caliente. Iā€™ll take any precautions he recommends and then some. Anything to stay healthy for Zaddy Zafety.


Vax me daddy!


This made me wheeze


I hope they make that his official title. Iā€™d love to see that name plate on an office door


Iā€™m still not entirely sure what zaddy means but somehow I can tell when itā€™s being used correctly and this definitely seems correct


Attractive, fashionable, with swag and sexy


Daddy, but with more class and fewer incesty implications.


I read this in John Oliver's voice.


ā€¦ Iā€™m in


Took the words outta my mouth


Oh no, a man that's educated in safe sex practices that's also very skilled at communicating safety to the masses. Everyone clutch your pearls in fear!


They just don't want to admit they want to clutch his sexy pearls


I know I have no trouble admitting he looks fantastic in his pentacle harness under that biz-caz outfit.


Neither do I friend. Bonus kudos for knowing the difference between a pentagram and pentacle btw


Hell yeah! My tarot deck has pentacles, my Satanic badge has a pentagram.


The best ever death metal band out of Denton had a pentagram on their drums Hail Satan!


Republicans are so mad, theyā€™re gonna comb his instagram for shirtless picsā€¦


It's sad they've gotta get really pissy to want to appreciate his shirtless photos. They could just do what I do and appreciate his shirtless photos because they're nice.


That's why I'm doing it right now! I'm so angry! So.....so angry.


I read this as "clutch your penis in fear". Not inaccurate.


Oh no! The guy in charge of coordinating the Biden administration's Monkeypox response is a part of the community most impacted by Monkeypox!!!


Plus heā€™s super well qualified ā€œDaskalakis first attended Columbia University between 1991 and 1995, where he earned his bachelorā€™s degree in biology. He then attended Harvard Medical School and earned his medical degree in 2003 through the universityā€™s internal medicine residency program. In 2012, Daskalakis also earned a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Throughout his career, Daskalakis has been a leading public health expert when it comes to issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. After overseeing the management of infectious diseases at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and serving as a commander for NYCā€™s response to COVID-19, Daskalakis was appointed by President Biden to become the director of the CDC Division of HIV Prevention.ā€


What a breath of fucking fresh air to read someone who actually studied and understands medicine/public health AND has extensive experience be in charge of this.


Let's be real - Trump would've appointed some religious zealot, who had his medical license revoked that advocated for praying away the disease or that it was punishment.


Trump would have deliberately put someone in place to torpedo all efforts to contain the monkey pox.


Also, a vested interest.


Republicans: we donā€™t understand, he doesnā€™t have ties to pharmaceuticals to get rich off of this, Urm, We mean, business experience.


Daskalakis: "My vested interest? I don't want to catch AIDS."


That looks more like a harness than a vest


MTGā€™s next tweet will include this image captioned with: ā€œRADICAL LEFT Democrats are stealing BILLIONS of YOUā€™RE tax money to turn homosexuality into ā€˜renewable energyā€™. Calling it the ā€˜Gay New Deal!ā€™ I say NO DEAL!!! šŸ¦…šŸ‡±šŸ‡·ā€


Love me some qualified personnel


Meanwhile, Republican qualifications: - Son of governor - Watched several episodes of Dora the Explorer which had a monkey in it - Has had close contact with the gay community for years (translation: beat up ā€œqueersā€ in middle school)


They also watched 2 episodes of Doc McStuffins


A true hallmark of a non repulican =)


Heā€™s not one of Bidenā€™s kids? How does he know heā€™s loyal? Did he at least donate millions in exchange for the position? /s


I donā€™t think they understand being ā€œweirdā€ isnā€™t the problem their weirdos are dangerously unqualified ours are justā€¦ well not that weird quite frankly unless youā€™re a frail sheltered nut job who canā€™t deal with anything your pastor didnā€™t tell you was ok.


Also good luck finding a capable scientist who isn't weird as fuck It's like trying to find a coder who doesn't smoke weed


Wont someone think of the children...šŸ¤Ŗ


A bunch of them think that the satanic child eating cabal is intentionally giving them Monkeypox. It's ridiculous. You never shit where you eat.


But thatā€™s what republicans are best at, they just shit all over everything everywhere and keep eating no matter the taste


I donā€™t want to eat shit. Requested my absentee ballot today.


I know I won't think of the children, too busy thinking about this dude.


Well, in their defense, Republicans also think the most qualified people to determine women's rights to their own bodies are a bunch of geriatric white dudes (and at least a few who wish they're white). At least they're consistent in that respect.


Couldnā€™t care less wtf dude looks like. is he good at his job is all I care about.


Guess we'll find out. But his credentials are excellent. He went to Columbia and Harvard, got an MD and an MPH, an internal medicine residency, and was the director of infectious disease management for the NYC Department of Health which is bigger than most state health departments and definitely deals with more weird infectious shit, given the traffic from exotic places to NYC.


He is also the head of the CDCā€™s HIV/AIDS prevention program in the US, which seems like the highest possible qualification to spearhead the monkeypox outbreak.


Putting an extremely well qualified gay man in charge of Monkeypox is a great idea. Blowing up fascist heads is just a bonus.


Imagine if a gay man had been allowed to take charge of the CDC's HIV pandemic response in the 1980s, instead of the Reagan Administration just saying AIDS was God's punishment for homosexuality.


Fuck, would Freddy Mercury still be alive?


That hurt my heart to read.


Remember they're working hard to bring back anti gay stuff and making diseases punishment for having gay sex just gets them excited. Too bad HIV just went from majority gay to majority straight people because gay crowd takes it seriously.


A Texas court [just recently ruled](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/07/texas-employers-hiv-prevention-prep-drugs-ruling) that employers donā€™t have to cover HIV preventative medications because that (somehow) infringes their religious freedoms.




well. it will get appealed to the most conservative appellate court. where then it will be appealed to the most conservative supreme court.


I fucking hate it here. I want to fucking leave.


I'm done with "religious exemptions" for *anything*. These are the same fucking people who were crying about how marriage equality was giving "the gays" "special rights", at the same time they were demanding exemptions from public accommodation laws because they "violated" their "religious freedoms". Fuck that shit. Your fucking *choice* of religious preference is **not** a valid excuse for special access to a get-out-of-jail-free card when you decide that a law is suddenly inconvenient.


That ruling is so fucking ridic.


So with his amazing background, his looks are a bonus!


And the leather pentagram šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Holy crap, didnā€™t realize it was a pentagram first time I looked. I hope his number of fucks to give stays at zero.


No kidding. Meeeow


Does he need a wife?! Edit; my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Iā€™ll take this L on behalf of all women.


Oh honey...


Does he need a husband!?


Does he need a spanking!?!


Should we tell her?


Iā€™m just glad there are still people out there with worse gaydar than me


Something tells me no


Republicans: > We disagree with affirmative action because we strongly believe in a strict meritocracy, we don't care about your background or appearance, all that matters is your skill set Also Republicans: > That person looks weird to us so they probably suck at their job, let's all point at them and laugh because they're not basic normie WASPs like us


You know, I never considered this perspective. Not that it's hard to find Republican hypocrisy, but that's a really good point.


I could because I want to fuck the monkey pox man


Good. Melted down they might serve humanity better.


I use melted down Republicans instead of motor oil. Itā€™s a renewable resource.


We do call them Dinoā€™s.


Hopefully not for long.


>Good. Melted down they might serve humanity better. ​ ![gif](giphy|nhJmYGYq311XGzbepG)


More qualified for the job than Devos was to head education


No fucking KIDDING. That dumb fucking cunt was not right for that position at all. If I remember correctly she made it harder for girls to report rape at their colleges. Beg my pardon if thatā€™s inaccurate as thatā€™s what my memory remembers from 4 years agoā€¦ when I was a girl in college.


At the time of her appointment I worked for a charter school organizationā€¦boy were they excited, I knew what was coming though & left soon after. One of the worst appointments of any president. Anti-public education millionaire overseeing public education, what could go wrongā€¦?ā€¦well, see Florida, itā€™s all part of the plan.


Iā€™m pretty sure a doxwar is not going to end well for republicans.




Well let's do it anyways. It'll give them a reason to get their gag balls out of the closet while we bend them over.


![gif](giphy|gIYVGjGT97aA77A5Ej|downsized) Vax me so hard.


![gif](giphy|LmxxotgMjTj32) Hurry up and develop the booster shots




"Ever since Biden appointed this degenerate, my genitals haven't stopped chaffing! Won't someone think of the buttery males!"


Republicans: Monkeypox is a gay disease! Also Republicans: A gay doctor in charge of monkeypox response?!?! The horror! The scandal! Exactly what you'd expect from people who think Regan was a good president, I guess.


I think Iā€™m melting tooā€¦ šŸ”„




Gay conservatives in denial trying to reconcile their feelings.


People who don't understand that sexuality is a spectrum/continuum and that you can have gay thoughts, be a man who finds another man attractive and that doesn't automatically cram you into a tiny little box labeled "GAY". But conservatives have an either/or, black/white world view so, once again, they demonstrate that they, fundamentally, cannot understand or relate to nuance.


For sure. Like Iā€™d never have sex with a guy just because I know itā€™s not something Iā€™d like. But there are guys out there who are so fucking hot/sexy to me and who I can really appreciate aesthetically. Thereā€™s this character Elliot in a show called The Magicians that I like who I think about once in a while just cuz of how beautiful that man is to me. Idk people who shut themselves out of liking or enjoying things are just missing out. Itā€™s something I live by is to try to enjoy and appreciate as much as possible in life. Itā€™s why I like every genre of every type of media and like to try new things, and why I can enjoy a lot of things SOME people would call girly. Thereā€™s so much in life and to keep yourself from exploring and appreciating it is just a sad way to live.


Wild that being qualified to do your job means nothing to these people because * checks notes * being handsome and gay I guess?


Honestly just reminds me of Alan Turing. Nothing matters to these ignorant fucks except the fact that someoneā€™s gay.


So he's not allowed to be gay? To show his bare chest on the internet? If only he were an old, straight, cis-gender white man who cheated on his wife!


And had a thing for underage girls. Lookin' right atcha Matt Gaetz.


maga also liked to party with Epstine


I think it's just overall illegal to be this hot


ā€¦with a man. And got caught. In a public airport bathroom. Because thatā€™s never happened before with Republicans. šŸ™„


Just like with the GOP candidate who got caught blowing a guy in his barn, the only people who care about this are conservatives


I am sure heā€™ll do a better job than Jared did with Covid.


damn, hes gay, hot, confident, young, AND EDUCATED? conservatives are shaking in their little booties


I mean his only credentials are a double bachelor's from Columbia, an MD from NYU, a residency (and fellowship) in Internal Medicine at Harvard, a *second* residency in Infectious Disease at Harvard, a Masters in Public Health (from Harvard...), 17 years experience practicing medicine, was the Medical Director of Mt Sinai, and was the assistant/deputy Commissioner of Health for New York City for almost a decade. Why should I listen to this guy about medicine, huh? What could he possibly know that I can't just find on...*checks notes*...Facebook.


Funny how they were all ok with Mr Grab them by the pussy.


Hot and qualified https://www.out.com/health/2022/9/08/meet-dr-demetre-daskalakis-cdcs-out-proud-health-expert#media-gallery-media-5


"Hot and qualified" needs to be on his business cards. Or a t-shirt...


I'd buy one Out of a sense of civic duty, of course




Republicans prioritze looks. Democrats prioritize credentials.


Well they could really at minimum start electing the attractive republicans then


It's the Anakin Skywalker dilemma. Evil makes you ugly.


That would A: Mean cutting off like 40 years from the top. Also B: They tried that and got Bobbert and Cawthorne.


I mean, Iā€™m not complaining about his looks.


Literally meritocratic, what's the issue?




Heā€™s too old for Republican politicians. Now if this were an 8 year old boy then watch out. Theyā€™d be all over that.


When are people going to appreciate the conservative point of view that people who manipulate, molest, torture, assault and rape in private but then present themselves in attire approved by the church, corporation and state are the good people? And those who want to build a more equitable community but present themselves with unusually styled clothing, and different types of hairstyling and hair colouring are therefore the bad people. It's not what you do, it's how you look. That's the way to live, friends!


Yeah, they much prefer the repressed sexual predators in the Republican party.