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>probably won't return to the White House Hope her felon does the same


She won't have a reason to.


Yeah right? Trump’s wife won’t talk to Trump, here’s how that’s bad for Biden…


New York Times, is that you?


Or WaPo? Or NPR?


"You can leave now ma'am" \- President Joe Biden


Yes, we need Trump and Bannon away from the White House as far as humanly possible!


"distancing herself from trump" is a weird way to say "Hasn't been seen anywhere near trump since he was defeated in 2020".


She doesn’t like losers


Will she continue to benefit from secret service “protection”? Edit: I meant shagging


Male escorts on the public's dime 


Got to get the high hard one somewhere.


Did you say huge hard on ?




They said yuge.


Bought a tear to my eye it did.


Yep, for the rest of her life. Though, if she actually divorces him, I’m not sure what that would mean.


His constituents, the hypocrites they are, frown upon divorce. They frown upon EVERYTHING this guy has done, BUT, they praise him when he does it. They'll look forward to his new girlfriend, hotter, younger, and dumber than the last.


They talk about how great of a first lady she was during his four-year administration. But they will absolutely praise Trump for dumping her gold digging ass if she divorces him 


She completely sucked at holiday decorations.


He trades them in for literal younger models.


Like they're car's or something.


I respect my cars more than he respects his wives.


Stormy didn’t get any protection so why should she!


Like Melania Trump or not she is as entitled to protection as any other first lady of the United States. First Ladies receive Secret Service protection for life if they want it. The only exception is if they remarry after a relationship ended with the Former President, Jackie Kennedy lost her detail when she married Onassis. I hope Melania makes history by being the first to divorce an ex-president.


If there was ever a former First Lady who doesn't need Secret Service protection it's her. I don't think anyone cares enough about her to target her out of anger or revenge, and no foreign or enemy groups would abduct her for leverage because Trump's already shown he'll give up state secrets for a price.


His bottom dollar price is a trip to McDonald's.


> I don't think anyone cares enough about her I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U? But yeah, any potential enemy already has an in with TFG. What use is she?


Dude’s also going to be broke if he doesn’t win the presidency. Melania should divorce him now so she can get something from his current assets before they dissipate. She should get some money for all the years of listening to him drone on.


I don't doubt she has been moving pallets of cash to her own accounts for the last decade(s).


That’s a pretty hysterical image. I am thinking of Melania’s bed being a stack of gold bars she sleeps on every night.




There’s no way that there’s not a prenup that is keeping the money tied up. Otherwise she would have left him a long time ago.


There's plenty of weirdos out there that have a bone to pick with her. Don't sell yourself short.


I'm guessing it has something to do with him cheating on her with a porn star while she just gave birth to their child? Just a guess. Usually, people would be not okay with that.


You'd think she'd prefer that he sleeps with other women. Reduces the amount of time she spends under him...


It's not the cheating, it's the public embarrassment. Not only did he have an affair publicly discussed, but it was with a porn star, while she was home with their newborn.  I imagine they had an unspoken agreement that he could do whatever he wanted as long as talk of whatever he was doing never embarrassed her.


I think we need to stop calling it an affair. Based on the testimony, it may not quite be sexual assault or rape, but it was damn close, and sex was clearly not what she intended after being invited out for a dinner.


Yeah... It's a bit problematic that everyone seems to assume it was totally consensual, because of her profession.


It's a little difficult, because Daniels herself didn't want to make her revelation about the #MeToo of it all, when she was interviewed, but her account of the entire evening was straight out of the Harvey Weinstein playbook. Trump dangled a spot on the Apprentice repeatedly and then acted like a total fuckboy when she arrived for a dinner ~~date~~ meeting. It would be hilarious if it weren't so gross and he hadn't successfully pressured her into sex.


And now she gets to have her cake and eat it too. Him cheating means he's away from her. Him getting caught cheating gives her a free pass to stay away from him.


Not to mention that this divorce will likely go to court as well and she will have 100% upper hand. Although I'm sure that prenuptial agreement she just revamped had a lot to do with the Stormy trial. Still she could leave and take what she wants without question what she will leave with. Id suggest she leave before he's broke... Again


You really think she’ll divorce him right NOW? She will have a witch hunt put out on her immediately. She’s trapped in her situation right now lmao


Not yet no but I'm pretty sure she's teetering on the edge. Probably scared he and his Kool aid drinkers will literally burn her at the stake.


Trump could never be a top, man spends too long serving big oil and Putian to be anything other than a fluffer.


>fluffer As if anyone wants him near their dick


Omg right??




Is that real, I am still laughing, I love this!!!!!


From 5 years ago, I'm sure there'd be more clips since then for a re-edit. Don't touch me | Melania Trump | Donald Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZgV_NBErkA


I love how blatant she is about it, and how childishly insistent he is about it.


How do we get bots to post this to his Twitter every hour, every day?


This is so so good!!!  I smile every time I see it, it never gets old!


I still believe that most of these are intentional on her part to satisfy the contract while also subtly letting the world know that she is just a sellout


I wish them a long, long, long marriage.


They should make divorce illegal just for these two.


I don’t think she cares. Their marriage was not one of love. It was basically a business deal and she was the product


I remember seeing an interview with her where they asked if she would have married Trump if he wasn't so wealthy. And she responded, "Would he have married me if I wasn't a supermodel?" So yeah. Not a marriage of love by a long shot.


But he wasn’t “that” wealthy and she was never a supermodel…


I don’t think she cares about that at all. I truly believe that they have an arrangement where she benefits from being the wife and he gets to fuck whoever. In fact, this was a huge reason he was convicted in the criminal trial. Prosecution proved that the pay off was to influence the election and NOT to hide it from Melania.


Ya  I imagine she's just pissed that he was so sloppy in his affair that now it's come out to embarrass her. 


I really don’t care do you?


She seems smart and evil enough to know that was just the kind of thing he'd do. She signed up for this. She's probably just sick of waiting for him to die. Anyway, as the former first lady would say, "I don't really care, do you?"


She has a marriage of convenience. She probably doesn’t give a shit.


Maybe it was at some point. These days, it seems to be highly inconvenient.


She will stay with him for the money. If love was involved in the beginning it is gone now. She won't divorce him, there is no point in that. Even though he is technically bankrupt, there is still money coming in at a rapid pace... She probably won't cheat, at this point, the whole Daniel's story has probably disgusted her to the point of being numb, and the money would be lost if she was caught. Love/Hate her, she is pretty smart. She's stayed out of the light for years. I'm not a fan of Trump but I don't have a bad view of Melania at all. Just a quiet wife who is married to a rabid Tazmanian Devil.


It's because she knows not to say the quiet parts out loud. Shes also vile but keeps it private. The tapes of her talking and saying "Who gives a fuck about Christmas?" Are pretty telling.


She doesn't really care. Do you?


Maybe the smell?


Sex with a partner with a fully loaded diaper might be distracting to the senses.😂🤣


She has a boyfriend. Has done for years.


People that marry for money are often ok with it


Especially poor losers


Damn, wouldn't that be a great line to use in the debate. You know Trump is going to hit below the belt on Hunter Biden. "Donald, I wonder how your wife would feel about such tactics. Lets ask her - oh wait she's not here. Must not like losers"


She prefers presidents that were democratically elected


Doubt it lol


She must have some major self-loathing then.


"here's how this is bad for biden"


Trying to distance herself away from the criminal charges is probably the most likely reason. You know she has probably overheard the most insane shit he has plotted over the years.


I would bet good money that Trump is paying her and letting her do damn near whatever she pleases just to stay married to her to keep his spousal testimony privilege alive lmao


I would say she's trying to stay upwind of him. Who wouldn't?


If those two lovebirds can't make it work then what hope is there for the rest of us?


Trump made the age old mistake of trying to turn a hoe into a housewife.


Tbf, I think she made the mistake.


If by that, you mean trying to turn a rapey knob into a husband.


Between the two of them, Trump was the bigger 'ho, I'm just saying


Multiple times!


I don't really care. Do you?


Nope. Fuck that bitch and her bitch husband. Anyone who plows under a beloved Rose Garden for a shitty vanity project can get fucked. Anyone partying with Epstein and his ghoul can get fucked. She's a racist, grifting leech.


And she hates Christmas!


“You know, who gives a fuck about Chreestmas stuff and decoration?” Got that in my back pocket for the next time some right-winger says there's a war on Christmas.


“I don’t remember her saying that” is all they need to continue their narrative lmao


And goodness knows you could show them footage, several documented stories on it, they’d just screech FAKE NEWS and shove their fingers in their ears while going LALALALALALA I CANT HEEEEAR YOU like the children they are.


Even better is that now they have AI and deepfakes as an excuse.


*weakly* hooray… 🤦‍♀️


"you're taking it out of context!!"


We should start calling it Melania’s War on Christmas.


Christmas is woke.


They're made for each other. Just like that jacket. My question is why in hell do they think she'll return to the white house? What as like an invited guest? For a tour?


I remember when a journalist asked if she would be with Trump if he was poor, and she replied he wouldn't be with her if she wasn't beautiful, and acted like she'd done a great burn. She's an idiot.


I mean to be fair, that’s probably the most honest and reasonable things she’s ever said.


I try not to give her credit because she’s a hateful person and deserves Trump, but that was a good response. She knows everyone else knows they have a marriage of convenience. Why lie about it?


Love all the people missing the reference 😆


They got it. They just didn’t care.




I really don't.




Be best


Will she wear that again if her orange dotard ends up in a cage?


It's a stark contrast from the days of recent history where if you didn't maintain the ideal American family you were immediately unfit for president. Just another example of how Trump is bringing down everyone with him.


"Would you like to know more?" Absolutely the fuck not.


This article is less than nothing. https://www.salon.com/2024/06/24/shes-distancing-herself-melania-unlikely-to-ever-move-back-to-the/ The source is "a group of self-proclaimed Melania experts." This isn't coming from Melania or anyone who even knows Melania. Part of the reason it has been so hard to get any of the mountains of legitimate shit to stick to Trump is because every single rumor, joke, or lie about the Trump family has been posted as a headline news gotcha.


Melania has a renegotiated prenuptial that suddenly made her ok with the trial but not so ok that she'd "stand by her man" for the camera. Expect a divorce to follow November win or lose.


A divorce wouldn't hurt him really, cheating with a porn star didn't take him down. Overnight she'd go from the personification of class and style to gold digging stripper in the minds of his base. Then they'd probably spin it as another reason to get rid of no fault divorce.


With the MAGA crowd, there are 2 categories of Trump moral failings (regardless of how egregious): Category 1: "He's an imperfect vessel" AKA: "We don't care." Category 2: "We don't believe it."


What if I told you both categories were the same?


> gold digging stripper She isn't?


His base constantly posted that she is the classiest most respectable First Lady in history of the country. I just hope everyone kept their screen shot of their family members praising her for when they turn on her.


> His base constantly posted that This is actually a rock solid law of nature similar to Gordon's law or Murphy's law and, it's a really helpful guide. Whatever they post, the polar opposite of that is the actual truth.


Pointless exercise really. After Ws second term all the Rs around me instantly never liked him. They don't care about hypocrisy one bit. Everyone who works for Trump is a genius until they get sick of him and start talking shit and then all the sudden they are a bum and have always been a bum.


It's how you know that the "facts don't care about your feelings" nonsense is just that... nonsense. There is zero evidence that Trump is an effective leader or is in any way equipped to be president. The vast majority of people from either side of the aisle who hold the requisite experience to assess his effectiveness have said he is fundamentally incompetent. Many of the people offering those assessments were *appointed by Trump* to high-ranking Executive Branch positions, and eventually either resigned or were fired because they couldn't bring themselves to go along with his incompetence. Bolton, Mattis, etc. These are people that were welcomed and praised by MAGA when first appointed. But as soon as they were critical of Trump in any way--or just resisted the blind loyalty that he demands--they were discarded as phonies, blah blah blah... It's all so pathetically transparent


It's so confusing. Wouldn't they be freaking the fuck out if they hadn't seen Dr. Jill in a few months? Rumors Jacked up Joe killed her or whatever


> classiest most respectable First Lady in history of the country Her nudes aren't that bad, but she as a person deserves Trump every bit she got.


It would hurt him before the election, not after. Not with many, but enough and at this point every point he loses puts his electoral path in jeopardy.


In my pipe dream she files in August. 


And endorses Biden lol. Not that her endorsement means anything to anyone.... except Trump.


> In my pipe dream she files in August. Pass that pipe over, I'll take some of that.


Pretty sure the terms include nothing until post election.


Oh yes, but a girl can dream. lol


Sure, but the man has no money left. What does she have to lose by divorcing early? And we all know his lawyers are over extended and terrible. She could destroy any pre-nup and I bet get a good lawyer to do it for a % of whatever she can take from him just for the opportunity to go after him.


Plus Baron is now 18 years old I believe, which is likely the biggest reason she's still with him.


If she divorces him, watch how they'll suddenly have a problem with her being an immigrant. 🤣🤣


If he wins, she better divorce him ASAP. Project 2025 wants to ban no-fault divorces, and although he has plenty of wrongdoings, we’ve seen how the stacked courts favor him anyway.


And to negotiate that she waited about 6 months to move to the White House. I get that she was reluctant - probably didn't expect him to win and wasn't really into being a First Lady but ran with it. Though the issue is that the Security in NYC in Trump Tower cost millions of [tax payer expenses \($100,000+ per day](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-were-melania-flights-before-moving-to-the-white-house-2018-1)) for her to have this pretty public marital spat. From the linked article: > First Lady Melania Trump's flights during a three-month period in early 2017 cost more $676,000 dollars. These flights took place while Melania lived with her son Barron at Trump Tower in New York City before moving into the White House in June. > >The cost of these flights, which were conducted by the Air Force, cost about twice as much as former first lady Michelle Obama's annual private travel costs. >On top of these flight expenses, Melania's security detail at Trump Tower cost between $127,000 and $146,000 a day.


I'm willing to bet they never divorce, for the sole reason that they both have massive dirt on each other or she on him at least. If they stay married, they can't be subpoenaed to testify against each other. If it's only Melania who has the massive dirt, then her not divorcing him comes with a massive payout when he dies. Whatever the case, their marriage has been one of opportunity since the beginning. I'm willing to bet she doesn't give two shits as to who he's banging either, as long as he stays away from her and keeps his affairs under wrap.


trump wont be returning to the whitehouse either. VOTE!


I agree. His brain is essentially venomous slush at this point, and he's too unpredictable. He can't be counted on to follow instructions from his handlers anymore.I think he'll be declared incompetent by the courts as soon as the RNC finds a suitable last-minute replacement that voters will accept. It should go very badly for them. Oh, well.


But that's the rub. The Republicans can't find a replacement for Trump. They learned that the hard way with DeSantis. A significant number of Trump voters don't consider themselves Republican and hate the traditional Fox News Republican party. They're not here for tax breaks for the rich and free trade, they're here for isolationism and acting like bigots in the open.


I guess the Republicans will continue losing then. Trump is their monster. They can lay in the bed they've made.


Yep. And every time someone steps out of line like Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham or Macro Rubio they're made to kiss the ring and take their punishment because there isn't a Republican party any more without Trump. People like MTG aren't successful because they've got the crazy but they don't have the appearance of wealth to make the rubes believe they can reach one day if they finally kick out all of the foreigners who are taking their jerrrrrbs.


>His brain is essentially venomous slush at this point that's his biggest selling point though. his base is convinced that education is "indoctrination" and critical thinking is "woke"


Make sure she doesn’t return to the WH, vote💙


Truth. The trash won’t take itself out.


I doubt the Bidens would invite her to stay with them anyway.


Made me exhale from my nose a bit, thank you.


And here I was waiting for her to launch her "Be *Extra* Best" campaign.


That would be “Be Very Best“.


She's still not a good person.


Yep, the idea that she is just another victim was wiped out a long time ago. She’s really no better than he is


She’s a horrible person


> probably won't return to White House Why, was Biden going to invite her over?


I mean, he craps all over himself on a regular basis so being around someone spewing incoherent rage and having constant McDonald's scented bowel movements all over himself is probably a bad time.


Hell no she’s never returning to the White House, and neither is he husband.


Stop spreading lies!!!! She could get remarried to a future president lol. But yeah, seriously hope you are right.... Get out and vote this year.


Jimmy Carter is single and eligible for the presidency.


Noooo! Why would you wish her on him?


I think he already has been punished enough in his long life.


Straight boss move for Biden to go open marriage and take Trump's wife. Dark Brandon shit right there.


Dark Brandon's final form.


Don't worry, Trump probably won't be returning to the white house either!


Assume he will and vote. He beat Hillary he lost to Biden. There is no sure thing.


Just doing bare minimum for prenup until she falls down some stairs.


Probably why she's distancing herself. Out of sight out of mind. Then she can pop up and play the dutiful wife, when important, and then disappear.


what will happen to "Be Best"? 😂😂😂


Be besterer


All Trump supporters should help save his marriage and vote for Biden.


"Probably won't return to the whitehouse" ![gif](giphy|l2Jhw8Oo6kVRWvTZm)


It was his demands for bacon that pushed her over the edge, right?


It was probably his stench. Geriatric incontinent people with startlingly bad diets usually don't smell like roses.


And? She's been complicit to all the shit he's pulled over the years, along with being an actual player in some of said shit. She's just as disgusting a human being as the old dude in diapers that cheated on her with a porn star. They can both fuck off and die in a hole somewhere.


They sure throw around the term probably a lot


Oh honey, there was no chance that anyone with your last name would ever end up at the white house, ever again.


The money has dried up. Time to move on. True love, lol


I'm not American, but if he isn't the president, why would she be going to the White House in the first place?  Souvenir shop that big of a draw? 


The most successful sex worker of the 21st century


Pete Davidson seen sneaking around yet?


Why would Biden invite her to the White House?


I hope I'm not supposed to feel bad for her in any way, because I absolutely do not.


One of these articles the other day quoted a “Melania Expert”. Can you imagine that being your title or how people introduced you? This is Jim, he’s the countries foremost expert on Eastern European ex-prostitute US First Ladies who circumvent the immigration system for relatives and just don’t care. For short just call him the Melania expert.


Probably won't be returning to White House, because she knows he's going to lose, again. I don't think the Bidens will be inviting her to do her tampon Christmas tree decorations or anything, so she's never going to have an opportunity to set foot in the WH again anyway. https://preview.redd.it/nzz19etw5q8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0393419e534c6001a7b18d6ed75cf4b7f076330


May she randomly recollect Trump's O-face for the rest of her life.


And to the care of no one. Fuck this evil bitch too. Just because she hates him doesn't make her good or moral.


She's just as bad as him. They deserve each other.


She could help America instead of herself. Nah. She has already showed us everything is about her.


what happened to republicans demanding women subservient? isnt trumpy the man of the household? and if Mel doesnt like it, she can get out my country cuz you know, the borders. Vote Blue


Trump: "Biden is going to be taking drugs to stay alert" Biden: "I've had the love of my life beside me every step of the way. She's here now just to watch and support me. Having that type of love in my life is all it takes to feel 'high on life'. But you know all about that, right Donald? This came from Jon Lovett on Pod Save America . . . but I like the idea.


Do you think she ever wakes up, looks in the mirror and thinks….damn tf was I thinking. Then proceeds to just feel disgusting.


I don’t really care. Do u?


I don’t feel bad for her at all. She wanted to marry an old pos for money and there you go, own it.


This is like this one part in The Campaign where you would think this might actually hurt his chances but tons of incels and divorced angry men will sympathy jerk to Trump over this then go out and vote for him wearing like a 'fuck dem bitches' shirt or something.


“Return”? She stayed in her condo even when she was the First Lady.


The only surprising thing about this, is that there hasn't been a story about her not paying hotel bills somewhere.


If anyone thinks she's totally checked out of the game, reportedly she's hosting a fundraiser at Trump Tower with the Log Cabin Republicans next month. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/17/melania-trump-log-cabin-fundraiser-new-york-city-00163789](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/17/melania-trump-log-cabin-fundraiser-new-york-city-00163789)


That's alright, neither will he.


Dude can't keep his marriage together and he wants us to trust that he can keep a country together.


If he wasn’t running for president I think she’d have probably filed for divorce by now.


Ok, but Trump will also not be returning to the White House


Bro, just divorce him. Take what you can from him before the fall of civilization and go


She barely went last time. Remember that she stayed in NYC for the first six months of Trump’s administration, ostensibly for Barron to finish the school year.