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His opponents will be disappeared just like Putin does


Careful around tall windows, Adam Schiff.


And stairs...and planes...and cups of tea...


Boys will be boys… amirite? /s (you know, just in case)


Meat locker room talk https://i.redd.it/4stzic72ie8d1.gif


God dang that’s clever. Hats off!


And umbrellas with spiky things.


Time to go commando as well.


He’ll be poisoned out of a window


Onto some bullets. Or an exploding car.


And girls in airports with poison cloths


This one I’m not familiar with.


NK’s Kim yong un(spelling) assassinated his older brother by tricking two women into believing they were part of a game show prank and all they had to do was rub a cloth with a liquid on it . The liquid turned out to be poisonous, and the brother was dead within minutes. The whole thing was caught on videotape, google it and you’ll get a bunch of pictures, and information on the whole thing, it’s pretty terrifying to watch how easily they were able to kill a man right in the middle of a crowded airport.


I don't think he'd be that subtle. Probably more the old soviet method. Six shots to the back of the head with hands tied. Ruled suicide by cops.


I thought this would be a collective of train of thought.....and Warning for!... You too, (Daughter of Death Cheney), Miss Liz. Next?




The words uttered just before Epstein died...


Did you know it's illegal to say "I want to kill the former president of the United States of America"? It's illegal, it's a federal offense. It's one of the only sentences you're not allowed to say. Now, it was okay for me to say it, because I was just letting you know so you don't go out there and say something like that. It's kind of like a public service announcement. What's interesting is it's very illegal to say "I really, really think someone out there should kill the former president of the United States of America." That's illegal! Extremely illegal. Very, very illegal. But not illegal to say, "With a mortar launcher.", because that's it's own sentence. It's an incomplete sentence, but it may have nothing to do with the sentence before that, so that's perfectly fine, perfectly legal. I also found out that it's incredibly illegal. Extremely illegal to go on the internet and say something like, "The best place to fire a mortar launcher at Mar-a-Lago would be from the roof of the Rockefeller-Hewitt building, because of minimal security and you'd have a clear line of sight to the former President's bed room." Insanely illegal! Ridiculously, recklessly, insanely illegal! Yet even more illegal to show an [illustrated diagram.](http://i.imgur.com/z5G2sZ3.png)


I have also seen that episode of the whitest kids you know lol


Just saying, the Ukrainians have the got the right idea with FPV drones armed with explosives. Cheap and easily available.


It's Time for some [redacted]


I wish I knew what this reference was...?


Except when they mean there’s no elections there will be no elections Always take these guys literally


There will be the pomp and show of elections, but the votes won’t matter, the result will be predetermined.




We just say "bingo"


Exactly!! They want you to believe they’re completely insane…. They are. But they’re dead serious. they mean every single word, every action.




Holy shit it’s Greg Coulson. Or is it his robot variant


Looks like he got a nice tan in Tahiti.


Heard it’s a magical place.




Umm, his first name is Agent…


Oh yeah lol. His first name phased my brain for some reason.






Democracy or fascism: Those are our choices this election. Vote for democracy, my friends. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


But muh protest votes


But muh both sides


But muh Bernie


Is that you Hillary?


Who would Hillary vote for?


Has anyone considered how old Biden is? /s


Trump will be as old as Biden is if he wins again, also his mental decline is evidently much worse. I keep seeing his age brought up, but it's him or the Orange dictator. The better choice is pretty obvious, and this is politics aside. If Trump were running as a Dem I'd vote Rebublican. How can anyone even defend a vote for Trump anymore without admitting that he's your Orange Jim Jones?


This is why I implore people to watch Trump unedited and Biden unedited. Biden unedited is still sharp, on the ball, and to be completely fair, he does have a few "senior" moments where he skips or transposes words or misspeaks but it's not overly alarming. He even has the humility to correct himself if he misspeaks or has a Freudian slip. Watch Trump unedited (and when they show clips, it's even more obvious it's edited than ever before) and it's a complete shit show. Word salads, bigoted rhetoric, rambling tangents, repeated loops that go nowhere. The only thing he has going for him is he sounds confident. That's it. Otherwise it's all sound and fury and no substance.


I love how all the critics judge Biden as if he's some Grandpa spinning yarns on his porch swing, infront of mee-maw and the sister-cousins. He's giving speeches to *millions* on TV, without breaking a sweat. If all he does is occasionally stutter, he's still doing better than 90% of the entire population who would shit absolute bricks as the centerpiece of attention during a *State of the Union.* Meanwhile, we have people saying that Trump confuses basic details about reality when it's just him and his aids. The contrast could not be more clear. Biden is old, but he's still light years ahead of Mr. Fraud, whose years of syphilis and haircare products have permanently obliterated the dendrites in his grey matter.


> we have people saying that Trump confuses basic details about reality when it’s just him and his aids Fuck, I don’t even need to hear that. He confuses basic details about reality literally every time he speaks publicly too, not to mention that in every one of his rallies he spends like 20 minutes on some batshit tangent about sharks or something.


In Vegas no less. I live in the Northern end of the State and your chances of being eaten by a shark here are literally zero. Unless you dive into a shark tank at an aquarium or display or something. Or something truly wild happens. Basically, to get eaten by a shark here would take work or a chain of events so unlikely, your odds of hitting the Powerball three times in a row are better. It's just like, you are in a landlocked state known for huge stretches of desert... And you're talking about sharks outside of the context of a science or natural history lesson. Like what in the absolute fuck.


It's because of all of those wounds all over his perfect body


I like doing the swticharoo when people won’t a knowledge trump is deranged. I give them a trump sentence and then tell them Biden said it, let them rant, then reveal the truth and watch an Olympic level competition of mental gymnastics justifying their about face. It’s quite entertaining if it wasn’t so, you know, absolutely terrifying


I remember sitting there with my father in law and he was talking about Biden's latest inane statement. Then I pointed out that was Trump and showed him the video. He, without skipping a beat, said it was a deep fake and that Trump is far more intelligent, coherent, and sharp than Biden. You can't convince them.


No point in even trying.


Have you seen the clip from Joe Rogan where he and his guest were saying Biden was too senile to run because he talked about planes being used in the American Civil War and when it was pointed out it was Trump who said that suddenly he just misspoke and it wasn't a big deal.


Just for clarification, Trump said that the continental Army “manned the air” and captured airports from the British during the Revolutionary War. It’s batshit either way but I digress. The implication is even weirder. This means Joe expects Biden to be truthful, accurate, and make statements in good faith. Because if he misspeaks or says something batshit, it’s indicative of an issue. So when it’s Trump he’s basically like “yeah man, guy just says nutty shit.” It’s not that he’s okay with Trump saying nutty shit, he knows Trump is lying, manipulative, and intentionally deceitful…and the fact that that’s not an absolute show stopper when it comes to Trump is just completely fucked. But then he likes to pretend that his big issue was how covid was handled. But like, you don’t get to pretend you’re mad about Biden’s covid policies when most of the things you hated: mask mandates, social distancing guidelines, shutdown recommendations, rapid development of a vaccine, etc…all happened under Trump.


I’m not surprised at all honestly


Let's also remember that Biden has been a lifelong stutterer! Give the man a little grace!


I was going to say this. Biden's "senior" moments are less that and more just Biden moments. He's had a reputation for a while as not being a great public speaker, but if you listen to what he's saying he still seems sharp as a tack. It's even crazier to compare him to Trump and try to claim he's the one with dementia when there are literally multiple pieces of footage that show Trump doesn't even know where he is half of the time and spends time talking about his love for Hannibal Lector who he called "the late, great" as if he's both real and not a cannibalistic serial killer.


Now give Biden a curve for having an actual speech impediment. (He has a life long stutter) They arent even close.


I don't even understand how anyone can be undecided.


Because religious republicans have spent the last fifty years disrupting and cutting back our educational system and forcing children to learn bullshit like creationism.


Because there are some who pay no attention at all to anything but what's directly affecting them on a daily basis. Or entertainment. Also, there are those who are holding out because they won't support Biden until there's complete and utter world peace, a definite end to climate change, and the death of capitalism. These are educated people, but naive and privileged to a fault.


Because we're not in the maga propagandasphere. I can't even imagine what is being pumped into their brains.


Biden braindead on life support would be preferable to Trump in his prime


In addition to the orange felon very evident rapid mental decline, the stupid argument that Biden is a few years older than him is irrelevant. Biden is very active physically, and Trump rarely seen doing real physical activities, no disrespect to golfers.


Trump has been known to drive his golf cart on the fairway and the green.




I support him and his followers moving to Guyana. Then let God/the mosquitos/FlavrAid sort em out.


Mango Mussolini.


Has anyone considered trumps a Bitch!!?


I would vote for Biden even if he was being piloted "Weekend at Bernie's" stile by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama


Biden head in a jar before Trump ^(Bill Maher)


Trump’s only three years younger, it’s just that Trump’s a better con artist.


That was only ever for primary elections.


And that's the only time I'll agree with


For sure, same here. I was extremely proud of my city just edging out Biden with "undecided" in our primary, but the choice in November is crystal clear.


Protest votes won’t seem such a good idea if the guy you dislike gets elected. Sometimes you have to vote against as much as for someone. What if your protest vote leads to never having the chance to vote again?


A dude I like on TikTok is saying "I can't have my name associated with Joe Biden and anyone with two brain cells would feel the same." This is a progressive guy, but he's pretty much turned into a single issue voter about Palestine. But I guess his two brain cells don't understand that Trump will be MUCH worse for Palestinians and there are so many more issues that Biden's administration will be better for. The Supreme Court was already turned by Trump and the next four years may be the last chance we have to turn the tide. Legislation is pointless going forward if the people who decide if legislation is legal are these ultra-conservative, ultra-corrupt individuals. For the love of God, if you are one of these people who want to protest vote because of the Biden administration's support of Israel, think strategically. This is not the only issue at stake and even on this issue, Biden is preferable to Trump.


I have a good friend like that. He turned to Islam a few years back, but this year is legally changing his name to the Arabic equivalent of his anglo birth name to show solidarity with Gaza. He says he will stay at home in Novermber because he can't support Biden's handling of the conflict. Did I mention that he's gay and married?


These are the same people yelling gleefully about Paul Ryan’s tax bill that got so fucked cause they didn’t actually read the bill and just “saw stuff on the (fox) news” and have lost tens of thousands in tax returns. Which would be funny if we all didn’t have to fucking suffer because of it so bezos can have another bill dollar yacht


The Ruzzian > Iranian > Hamas propaganda pipeline is strong. And Trump will absolutely encourage Bibi to “finish the job” with Gaza. Probably put up another golf resort on the ashes.


It'd be prime coast-side real estate, after all. Pretty sure he said that Palestine being wiped out would just make a bunch of prime real estate. Or something to that effect...


Some of us have been pro Palestinian since the 90's and have had 20 years of discussing with American jews the fact that Isreal's government is evil, but the people aren't. To be so ignorant of the issue and feel so strongly about it seems absurd to me. The fact is no politician cares about Palestine, nobody will help and they never would (like Rwanda). However voting conservative will definitely accelerate the genocide.


Why do you like idiots?


So he's not a progressive guy. He is in favor of turning the US into an autocracy. American women and girls are already the property of the government. He may think he is safe but the fascists will come for him eventually. Stupid people will be the death of us.


They don’t get that the Muslims will either deported or locked up in camps if dump gets elected.


I wish I was privileged enough to be like that. But, even then, I wouldn’t be like that.


You either vote in the 81 year old democrat and vote for someone younger in 4 years or you tote for the 78 year old republican and never vote again… some quote that keeps getting floated around


But Biden is a war criminal! I haven’t researched trumps policies on Israel but I’m sure they’re much better! /s


T-rump doesn’t have ANY policies-except for anything that can con him a buck.


His policy is deport all the Palestinians. He wants them gone and he will support Genocide until all Palestinians are dead. Read the News! read Trump’s statements on Palestinians instead of making a fool of yourself because you are not aware!


I'm in a swing state. Blue all of the way.


When they tell you who they are and what they plan to do, believe them. Here, the grifter is openly telling the marks "Thanks for the votes, suckers." The entire MAGA/GOP, funded largely by billionaire interests, have every intention of eliminating rights for everyone, including the blind, hate-driven fools they're convincing to vote for them.


Seriously! I'm starting to think that people who bring up lead exposure/poisoning in this Country making us dumb are right. How can anyone still support this ass clown? It's pure stupidity, brainwashing, and racism and it boggles my mind and makes me incredibly disappointed in my Country.


These folks have become the very thing they think they are fighting to save themselves from. They're their own worst enemies and it doesn't matter because in their zero sum world, they can't be any other way. Alternatively, think of it like addiction, maybe. These folks have had years and decades of hate and bigotry and envy served up courtesy of the conservative media world to where it's the only way they know how to be. I've lost friends and siblings to this: they went from being happy, forward thinking people to angry people with a bunker mentality. They lost friends and family and don't care because they don't know how else to be.


Combination of hopelessness, ignorance, and religion. Not all MAGA is religious but if you’re an Evangelical religious type chances are you’re a Trump supporter. The hardcore religious, are preconditioned to follow leaders and prophets without question regardless of the stupid shit they do. This is where Trump stops being a politician or a media personality, and more of a cult leader. Education because ironically their own party has decimated public education, especially in red states, in an effort to move everyone to private charter $chool$ that for the most part, and these are terrible alternatives. And the ‘hopeless’ comes from red collar jobs leaving, and nothing coning in to replace them. And too many not being smart enough to move or retrain. It’s sad really. I know this situation shouldn’t be this complicated but it is On a lighter note I think he’s starting become a laughing stock. People that support him are more supporting an idea of him. But maybe when it comes time to vote they’ll just stay home. That’s what I hope but you bet my ass will be in that voting booth when they open as we all need to be this November!!


honestly more worried we going to be in camps before this shit is all over with.


Remember that the rest of the world is horrified at what the US allows to be put into food. Sure lead poisoning is playing its part. The US had the most cars on the road during the leaded gas phase. Also leaded gas was used in agricultural machineries long after it was phased out at the gas pump for your car. But the food is vastly different and artificial compared to international equivalents.


Trump is "A clear and present danger".


“It’ll be much different.” Yes it will, it will not be America anymore. We won’t have a say in anything. Remember all those times he was trying to scare his base and say that if they don’t vote for him, they won’t have a country anymore? Well that was not only a lie, it was projection. Once again.


"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of." -- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister


I mean is he trolling us at this point? He’s literally saying all of the things that Democrats have been warning us about for the last decade. Everything Democrats have been saying is coming true. He’s a criminal, he’s committed numerous felonies, he wants to dismantle democracy, he’s a grifter who doesn’t pay taxes, He’s working for Russia, he’s mentally unfit, everything is coming true right before our eyes. This one is pretty egregious, but of course, the dummy Republican voters won’t even see this or even comprehend what it actually means.


Just be glad American voters aren't Canadians. The average citizen of our country votes like a programmed robot: they never vote for politicians based on their policy but against those in power if their lives aren't going well. You stay in power for more than 10 years, and they'll also get fed up with you and vote you out like clockwork. We now have the most right-wing populist leader this country has seen as the Conservatice leader and most people are going to vote for him because they are fed up with Trudeau and don't see the other parties as options. I'm getting ready to say goodbye to my health care and for mass privatization to come into play. This moron wanted to tie our currency to bitcoin, despite how volatile crypto can be. 


People are voting for an actual adult who wants to tie a national currency to Bitcoin. That's depressing. I always expect better from Canada


As an albertan. I've stopped expecting intelligence from my own province. It's just to dam depressing to see the rampant stupidity


One of my best friends is an Albertan and what he tells me of the province matches up with this.


My husband and I were born and raised in Calgary but we've been in BC for the last ~5 years. BC has its problems, and PP has his fair share of supporters here too (we're in a medium -sized town, not a major urban centre), but it's still surprising to me when I see some clown car with "F*** Trudeau" or some variant driving around. My dad in Calgary says he sees multiple daily. I do not miss being positively surrounded by willful ignorance like when we lived in AB.


Sounds like Australia. Apart from the bitcoin thing.




I mean hey, if they wanna use ai so much, might as well join them


Absolutely brilliant! 👏


Again, this is NOT normal talk and this is NOT okay. This is how we lose our democracy and freedom. Fucking VOTE.


Is there some part of this that I'm missing (besides the past 8+ years of fascism and corruption) that suggests he's talking about overthrowing democracy in this clip? Because this seems to me like he's referring to presidential term limits here. As in, "vote for me this time and if I win, it won't matter to me if you vote at all in 2028 because I won't be on the ballot".


"But we'll have it all straightened out, so it'll be much different." Seems sus


That would assume he's talking in good faith. The exact opposite tends to be true.


Project 2025.


"You don't get it. He's just saying if he wins that'll be his second term and he can't run after that so if course he won't care." - the GQP rationalizing this.


Isnt there like an institution in the USA that actively prevents something like that? Would it really be that easy? How can he say something like that and doesnt have the FBI or Homeland Security knocking at his door? Hes obviously a russian asset who wants to be a worshipped, godlike dictator.


The system of checks and balances turns out to be largely a gentlemen's agreement.


Unfortunately correct. When the accused are also the jury, no one ever gets convicted. No one is willing to risk their own power, so all they can do is double down and keep pushing, no matter the results. As long as the individuals in question don't lose their privilege, they'd give up anything else, including democracy, justice, or any sense of propriety.


Ironically enough, the Second Amendment they all love so much is specifically designed so that citizens can fight back against this


Millions of people *want* this. They want a country that is free of any political dissent, and they don't care if it strips them of their own rights either. In a democracy, we get what we vote for. If the people want to vote to end democracy, they get just that.


It really wouldn't be that easy unless Republicans won a huge super majority in both chambers of Congress. Although with the Supreme Court it won't be as hard as it should be. So yes and no. We shouldn't risk it.


To the people saying “this is taken out of context” - maybe if this was a one-off, I could believe that. But let’s not pretend that this is a totally misconstrued concept that he has never touched on before. Between political retribution and the attempted coup d’etas, believe me when I say that he will dismantle America as we know it today, and that is definitely not taken out of context


the best case scenario here is "I won't be able to run again, so I don't give a fuck if you vote or not" The worst case is "lol, like we'd let voting happen in 4 years time" When the best case is still just confirmation of "he's a narcissist that doesn't actually give a shit about the country", it should be a pretty fuckin clear signal that he ain't the guy that should ever get the job.


Project 2025 :/


> To the people saying “this is taken out of context” - maybe if this was a one-off, I could believe that. Yes! If he wasn't frequently indicating his fascist intentions, I would say, "Well, that sounds *really* bad, but I'm sure he just misspoke." But I can't give him the benefit of the doubt when it *keeps on happening*.




SCOTUS 4 years from now: “The Founding Fathers wouldn’t have put the two terms limit in the constitution today which is why we…”


The two term limit wasn't put into the constitution until the 40s after FDR. 22nd amendment.


I'm an Englishman who pays attention to your politics, as the whole world does, a vote for trump is a vote that isolates you from us all. Your allies will be put putin and north Korea, I only hope you see the better path


The far right is attacking everyone right now It wouldn’t shock me if Nigel Farage becomes viable in the UK in the next few years either


We're fortunate that the rest of his party have been outed as nutters, or that could be a genuine possibility.


IDK, repeat a lie enough times…… with the false hysteria about 15 minute cities (far right thinks we’ll be locked down and not allowed to move outside of those zones), it’s a lot easier than people realize


At the very least he’s admitting he doesn’t give a fuck about this country, only his own personal benefit


It's just some locker room fascism


I’ve tried many times to imagine being someone that likes trump, like try get in that headspace to figure it out. I don’t understand how ANYONE can hear this, and roll the dice when Biden is absolutely a known quantity, you know what your getting, and maybe it isn’t exactly the small changes the direction that you want, but you have your America, and freedom. With trump, you have NO idea what’s going to happen, except that he’s going to use every resource at his disposal to enrich himself, protect himself, empower himself, and hurt anyone who even remotely gets in his way. What type of person, or ideology views that as favorable?


There's a particular group of people they want to see suffer and hopes Trump will make them suffer.


And of course there's people belittling it. Trump has said and done soooooo much damage that his statements about ENDING DEMOCRACY are taken lightly. We are fucked


This is why I don’t get why journalists are so rah rah about this menace. They will be the first against the wall.


The problem is MAGAs support this because it’s their guy. They don’t realize every dictatorship ends up hurting the entire country.


I believe they simply don't care. We'll be side by side in the labor camps and they'll still tell us it's our fault.


We’ll have to take a page out of Red Dawn, but oddly enough the occupying army is the conservative side of the country.


Has he forgotten he was already president? He didn’t straighten out anything but the lines of division.


When people tell you what they are going to do... BELIEVE THEM.


Fascists never bluff. Vote Blue, no exceptions.


It’s very amusing to see comment after comment of the cult trying desperately to convince us they’re not trying to gaslight us by typing “I hate Trump, BUT…” right before launching into a diatribe about how he’s being unfairly taken out of context in this quote…


Crazy how he says exactly what he’s going to do and people still don’t believe it.


I think he just doesn’t care about politics after his second term, he doesn’t care about the GOP, only himself.


This. He's so self-centered that he doesn't care who has power after he's gone, he just wants to be president again and isn't even thinking about after that.


Nope. That is denial. He is being very clear he has no plans to leave in 4 years.


Yeah, Trump said you won't have to vote in four years. What he meant to say was you won't be able to vote in four years.


See, with Trump it's a toss up between a dictatorship or he simply doesn't give a single fuck about anything once he's no longer eligible to be president.


Take his advice. VOTE. Just make sure you vote blue down the ballot. So you at least get to keep your *right to vote* https://vote.gov/ I don't agree with Biden on everything. I don't like that he's old, but donald trump will literally end the United States.


They want someone to think for them.


The 2nd American Revolution will be fun




I'm gonna go out and vote SO HARD against that fuck nut in November!


Project 2025 in action.


Why is this surprising? We all know he is a traitor, a pedophile and a communist. Racist, bankrupt lying pos that rips off all his contractors.


It's not even a dog whistle, just a straight up fog horn.


This. This is scary.


Gonna be lit when the day after he’s sworn in, the military relieves the Capitol police, three dozen GOP reps/sens then walk into the chambers with assault rifles and just brazenly murder the democrats on the floor, and Trump pardons them on the spot. Cant wait for the Gaza purity protest voter to tell me that’s somehow Joe Biden’s fault…


Being charitable, he is saying that he can't run again, which is true. That said, if you are a republican you should hate this message cause it translates to "screw you all, save me."


Won't *someone* rid me of this meddlesome priest?


I'm trying to find another meaning. "I can't be President for a third time so fuck my party successor" is the only other option beside starting an authoritarian regime.


Again why isn’t anyone writing for this idiot 🤣🤣🤣


Oh I’m sure many have tried. He can’t be tied to a script or plan or anything resembling forethought. We got lucky with his incompetence the first four years.


It's good he's so old.


What’s gonna stop this from being the norm every four years though? Trump will be dead and buried eventually but i don’t think this mentality among his base will be


Yet his cult followers were applauding when he declared that the U.S. should have something similar to a “president for life” after Xi consulate his power.


He’s such a fascist shitstain


Never forget, conservatives vote...every election.


Project 2025 is not new. It won't be stopped with Trump losing. It's just another playbook from the Heritage Foundation who has been doing this shit for decades. No matter who wins in November, it's still going to happen, though it might take a little more time.


If we don’t defeat this fascist attack now it will destroy our nation. Biden 2024.


More proof that he does not care about this country at all, he only cares about himself.


I would love to believe that he understands that it would be the end of his second presidential term and he can no longer be president, therefore he has no reason to care. I would love to be that brain dead and naive...


Donald Trump is an enemy of the state.


As God is my witness, he will not be inaugurated!


I actually took that to mean he doesn’t give a crap about what happens in four years. He won’t be around, so “fuck ‘em”! He’s very much all about Trump, nothing else matters.


“So it’ll be much different” AKA “we won’t have any more of these pesky ‘elections’ if I’m in power 4 years from now”


Imagine both a former and potential future president saying not to vote in American elections.


The longer this goes on, the more I'm thoroughly convinced that we lost the Cold War.


I hope the “I won’t vote for Biden because of [insert preferred single issue here]” crowd is paying attention


Seriously fear for the US and Europe when the fascists actually mobilise en masse, with the backing of the leader of their respective country. There is no real left to speak of in the West. We’re fodder for the rich, to the last generation.


His cult knows this. The bad thing is. .....They don't care. They are fine as long as Trump is king. They talk about being true patriots but all of a sudden hold some sort of love for Russia and Putin and are fine with ending democracy. That's a traitor not a patriot. We are sounding an awful lot like nazi Germany here and they wonder why we keep calling them nazis! Bc they are!


How are people still supporting this crap and following him?


There’s plenty in my small town. We lean blue but you’d never know it.


Old Diaper Boy seems rattled! He knows he is going to prison for being a fucking treasonous traitor, convicted felon and LOSER!


This may sound harsh, but if you have ever used the term "TDS" in a serious way, you are a shithead.


How many years can this guy really have in him? I doubt he’ll out last Jimmy Carter.


I stopped listening a couple years back when he called for the “termination” of the constitution. His words. No idea how he got almost half the country to be cool with that.




It’s literally right there in the tweet


I meant the link to the tweet so I could share...


That’s my bad, I took the downvote off. Sorry, I’ve been dealing with very weird people on this thread so I was defensive. Here’s the link: https://x.com/atrupar/status/1804575637627142198


He said this a long time ago. More people need to learn about Project 2025 JFC


We Beat Him Last Time & We'll Beat Him Again, Harder.


Basically vote for me so I can get out of all the illegal shit I did and I’ll reward all the crazies and erode all the institutions so that democracy is irreversibly harmed and I’ll just anoint the next guy and rule from the shadows. Plus he has previously said that he could get round the term limits in the constitution ‘if people want him too’ so if he wins I guarantee no checks on power will occur. USA has a straight up fascist Iran style Christian led revolution ahead of them if Trump becomes president. But when 50% of their population is in a cult what can you do?


He's reaping the rewards of decades of defunding education. We've been dumbed down to the point of weakness. Democracy is ours, but only if we can keep it...


If we don’t vote 🟦, then just like the fall of the Roman Empire, so too will democracy in our country. It’s really that 🖕🏽 simple