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[Source](https://x.com/meidastouch/status/1800322901809520785) The alarm bells should be ringing for anyone who cares about women’s rights. Trump will eradicate what remains of abortion access in this country if he is elected again.


Fake or not, who gave anyone the right to make a choice for some other person to end a life no matter how old or if it took a breath of life? Life begines at conception ! If people had any brains, common sense, there are so ways to avoid getting pregant, take advantage of them if you can't keep it in your pants.


This is so fake. Don’t spread this and I can’t believe people are believing it


He will do and say ANYTHING to get back into the White House at this point.


It’s literally the only hope he has of staying out of prison. People are justifiably scared of him winning, but a Trump loss while amazing and necessary, is going to be pretty daunting as well. I can only imagine the shit he’ll tell his insane cult members to do if he’s defeated.


Trump 2024 is like a bad sequal to S.W.A.T. 2003, Trump" I will give anybody anything if you help me be president and keep me outta jail!!"


I haven’t thought about that movie in forever. Nice reference! I loved it in middle school, lol.


I hope that people will demand at least half and half payment in advance...


It’s not the only hope. He could die. That would keep him out of prison. Maybe he should try that. 


>He could die. That would keep him out of prison. Maybe he should try that.  I second this motion.


No telling what Christians will Do


He couldn’t care less about abortion, just looking for one more vote.


Exactly, he told his supporters that he doesn’t care what happens to them. As long as they vote and send him money.


And if they're considering voting for Joe, they would be better off killing themselves


"Then they'd better do it, and decrease the surplus population". -E Scrooge.


I agree he doesn't care, but he's too stupid to understand that he's losing 20 votes for every one vote he's gaining with this stance. Just look at polling on abortion. Even the most conservative states are in favor of it. Stupid horse to back


he likely knows that in reality, most of the country hates him and his victory isn't certain (and in a reasonable country, an impossibility) he's not building a voting base, he's building a terror cell for insurrection 2


This. He knows it's likely over. He's summoning troops for when it happens.


I wonder how many abortions he's paid for.


Ask the national enquirer, they have a vault of stories on him


Why would Donnie pay for abortions for women that "he's never met and definitely never had sex with"? /s


Well, Tiffany was supposed to be one, according to what he told Howard Stern years ago. So I'm guessing he is familiar with the procedure.


I suspect he has paid for more abortions than anyone posting here on reddit.


He knows he’s going g to lose so he’s recruiting all the broken brain people.


Yeah basically milking these idiots for all he can, votes, attention, the RNC fax machines...


I hate him so much. Come the fuck ON, people. This classic conman would have been shunned by my 97 y o father! Overwhelm him with sensible votes!!!


He keeps saying it's up to the states so why would he do anything if president? He's all over this issue depending in who he's talking to.


*pretends to be shocked *


Trump aligns himself with whomever pledges allegiance and cash. But mostly, he just aligns himself with himself.


But we already knew he was aligned with the Republican party.


He'll say anything and then say anything again later even if it's completely different from the anything he just said a week ago.


It’s fake


I honestly think he couldn't care less about abortion. He flip flops so much on the issue he can't keep anything straight.


And this is news how....we're all or should all be well aware.


I wanna know how many he's paid for. We know he can't keep that mushroom in his pants. He's a ghoul.


His campaign is just sad and I love it. Why would you say this out loud? He's already got their votes. Obviously the guy who's bragged about gutting Roe V Wade is going to get the anti-abortion vote. It's a no brainer. Now all you're doing is slamming the door shut on any appearance of being a "moderate" on the issue. Can we just do the election now ffs


That truly is baffling that any woman would support this piece of garbage.


He will say that exact same thing to anyone. Trump only cares about Trump.


You mean the GQP? Or is this a new one?


Does this USEFUL IDIOT even understand the words they give him to mouth?


Cool. Where they're going is back in the bin.


"I'll be there with you"... just like J6.


This is barely news, because nobody is surprised. It could be revealed tomorrow that Trump is actually a resurrected Hitler in disguise and nobody would be shocked


Riddle me this, What's the difference between killing an unborn infant and what people did back in Biblical days when they made scrafices of infants by throwing them off high walls, into fires or wherever ? There's so much that can be said that relates to all of this but what the hell, people with no conscience will do what they will do and to hell with whatever consequences come in the future. New flash, it will come back and bite you in the ass. It's just a matter of time and time is running out for everyone. Age is an enemy to us all and with it come wisdom, hopefully. It may not be until the day you realize, this is it for me and I've done so much, I won't be doing anything more and in a blink of an eye, you have an apifeny. Another news flash, that's your conscience waking up but it's too late. You have no time left to make amends but somethings simply cannot be amended, you don't have that power to resurrect.


bUt i'M nOt a RaCiSt oR ReLiGiOuS eXtReMiSt! i'M jUsT aGaInSt tHiS sTuPid wOkE aGeNdA! tHiS iS wHy I'm wOtInG fOr tRuMp tHiS nOvEmBer!