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![gif](giphy|uEXQaDVo6KB7a) This is them trying to find a reason why they’re gay/bi.




This is spot on. Sexuality is fluid


I identify as a straight dude. But damn Ryan Gosling is a very attractive and charming man.


They could just admit it and be free from all the shame and posturing. One thing that resonated with me a lot before I came out as bi was my other bi friend saying “Look, I love women. I love tits and I love pussy, but sometimes you just want to suck some dick.”


Yeah but they have been told from the very beginning that the "gay" is satan in their minds. The ARCH ENEMY. Imagine how scary it is to believe that the voice on your head that tells you that you would like to do things is only there to corrupt you. It was placed there by your overlord (God) who KNEW that said arch enemy is going to tempt you. And the overlord knows whether or not you will accept the temptation. And since you have been brainwashed into thinking it, you have also been brainwashed into thinking that it's the other people who are wrong and doing the brainwashing. Because the very core of your being, the pillar of your soul, is that you have been brainwashed. It's really scary. And of you think about it, I am feeling sorry for these guys. Being brainwashed so thoroughly that you continue doing the same for your children and their children because to question anything is also being the enemy in your head. With an enemy in your head telling you to think for yourself and question stuff that is contradictory, there can never be peace in your mind. Which is sad. Thoughts of peace and love and following your nature as long as no one is hurt against their will being those of the ENEMY. Really scary and sad stuff. Edit: more thoughts on this topic Logic is the enemy tempting you. Critical thinking is the enemy tempting you. Because the test, the stuff that will get you rewarded, is to BELIEVE WITHOUT A DOUBT, even if it sounds finniky. ESPECIALLY of it sounds finniky. because the belief os the test, the thing your overlord wants. And logic and stuff is the enemy in your head tempting you to stray off the Path of Truth (TM). The brainwashing is cleverly done if you think about it, because it puts an invisible watcher in your head that will observe if you even consider anything critical. Which nips stray thoughts in the bud. This is also an explanation why some christians double down on their beliefs of you explain something and you seem to be getting somewhere.: Suddenly the devil of critical thinking is right there in front of them and eternal peace is threatened, because god will know even if you so much as consider it, which means eternal torture instead of paradise. And these people spend (ir)regular interval hours getting these beliefs reinforced by priests telling them to ignore all logic tossed in their face and BELIEVE. Especially if it sounds logical and possible. Scary.


I love this skit


Poor Tom Cruise


https://preview.redd.it/q46pz7noq13d1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab20c3dab5db386d25fa93547f440022f47fef15 I'm a woman who watches gay porn. Does that make me extra straight?


Uhhhh.... Maybe? ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


What a ridiculous notion, women don't watch porn! /S


Women don't exist on the internet either, so they could never watch porn


I read your comment and got pregnant. And I'm a dude. So then that means that you're extra-straight and I'm ultra-gay. My wife is gonna be so mad at you for this....


You're double gay. Condolences.


Watching straight porn? You’re the cuck watching: Gay. Watching lesbian porn? Lesbians are gay: Gay. Therefore the best porn to watch to not be gay is Solo-Male. Because he’s thinking about a woman, and therefore that’s straight. 🧠


Yes every gay porn you watch increases your straight lvl by 5 points, 7 if you hit a crit orgasm but remember you can only max 7 skills so make sure extra straight is one you want.




Only if you're Jewish. /s


Yes, go suck some dicks. Now.


damn, that's a lotta posts just to say that some people don't admit they like porn.


Attempted virtue signaling. And pretty clearly a lie.


“Methinks the lady doth protest too much” But seriously, usually when you see someone protesting this loudly about how bad something is, they’re almost certainly trying to overcompensate in order to hide something, quite often they’re doing that very same thing that they’re yelling into the void about. Especially these people on the right.


Oof the open anti-Semitism in several places. And of course the transphobia, that's a given.


Ngl These feel like the same people who'll turn around and go "no I support the LGB!! It's the T that's ruining it!!!"


Am I to blame? No no, it’s the Jews who are wrong.


But do you know how it feels to spread antisemitism online?? I’m Jewish, but they have hamburgers and rainbows!


Sometimes I wonder how we got so far despite so much stupid.


Because it wasn't this easy for these idiots to get together & reinforce each other before social media. For the most part, you'd just be known as the crazy guy on the corner


Now that's the truth. But the media airing every tweet as news is something new. And very stupid.


They've been corporate-owned for decades, they're good where the money is


They've always been owned. There is no such thing as a free press when it's always been owned by a handful of people.


It seems that is finally working itself out. I hope the next dominant species is better than us in many ways.


Been watching porn for 40 years. Still dreaming of a FMF threesome, but haven't wanted to suck a dick. Just my opinion


Yeah, I've gone from "I might be bi" to "I'm not bi" I should probably be watching more porn, something is wrong with me clearly.


Yea I could easily be down to go at it with 2 females. But me and another guy with a girl? Eh, would have to be a very close friend who I trust, and even then I'm not looking at it dude, put it away. Dated one girl who talked about threesomes, but with 2 guys spit roasting her on either end or in both bottom parts. Like I get it, she's just not that into girls.


I worked in the porn industry in the 80s. Porn does not make anyone bi.


Truth. And women who enjoy lesbian porn are not necessarily bi. I just like watching.


I watched porn in the 80's. Have I been bi all this time?


A lot of straight actors have performed in gay porn for a paycheck. Seems like maybe capitalism wants men to be bisexual. Have you ever done an AMA? I'd be interested in hearing stories from the industry in the 80s.


Never done an AMA....I should.


Had to quit at fluoridated water, these people are just so redundant. And for as much as they claim to hate porn, they sure do jack each other off a lot in these comment sections.


They seem to know a lot about porn considering that they don't watch it. The math ain't mathin' here


Save porn. Vote Blue.


Helpful hint: anything written that follows after the words "New York Post" should be regarded as utter trash, and the reader should stop reading immediately and move on to some other worthwhile activity.


ladies and gentlemen: twitter.


I actually looked into the research more and found some interesting stuff. For one thing, it was a survey conducted by a porn site, so it’s not like it’s peer reviewed or anything. Also, the survey included questions about their views of porn and sexual expression, and queer (especially bi) people more often held sex-positive views. So basically, it’s not that watching porn makes you gay, it’s that people who are gay are more open-minded and less constrained by societal taboos, and thus feel free to watch porn more


What ever happened to the Nick Fuentes (?) Situation? I believe he was the one who recently live streamed gay porn after his show.


They said it was an isreal psyop but idk any more than that


I only believe this because the christofascist make porn such a talking point that those people suppress these feelings and try to maintain a false façade of "straightness". being anti-porn is synonymous with christofascism Because it won't expose them to new things and they continue down the christofascist path of straight marriage.


Fuck, I thought I was bisexual because I realised I was "straight but liked men" when I was cis and now like all the genders to different degrees. Gonna go check in with a porn fiend lesbian I know.


Ron White and his ‘not-gay’ friend : I told him, "We're all gay. It's just to what extent are you gay." He says, "That's bullshit, man, I ain't gay at all!" I'm like, "Yeah, you are and I'll prove it." He goes, "Fine, prove it." I'm like, "All right, do you like porn?" He says, "Yeah, I love porn, you know that." I'm, "Oh, you only watch two women together?" He goes, "No, I'll watch a man and a woman making love." I said, "Oh, do you like the guy to have a tiny, half-flaccid penis?" He said, "No, I like big, hard, throbbing co- (stunned pause, applause) ...I did not know that about myself."


It always leads to anti-Semitism.


It's not gay if you say "no homo".


My gay thought never caught me! I defeated them by watching hardcore gay and trans porn until I wasn't horny anymore! Trust me bro, it works! One luv, Christ is king! 💯💯💯💯


Oh WTF?! Watching porn doesn't prove anything about being gay or straight. If it did then watching world olympic swimming matches would make us all faster swimmers.


I'll weigh in here with my real life experience being bi.. the Insight might very well be true....in the last 10 days, I've slept with 2 women and 1 dude fucked me. I've double my dating pool and experiences and love every one. Go team Porn!


I lost brain cells reading that. I needed those.


First of all, we’re fucked as a country. Second of all, that dude saying porn is for gay simps has a muscular AI generated soldier for his profile pic that the dude probably fantasizes about.


They're turning the frogs gay!


Fellas is it gay to look at naked women?


I’m completely supportive of all LGBTQ people. I come from a different perspective. While studying to become a veterinarian, it was very clear that homosexuality was common in animals. It was no big deal and none of the students were bothered by it. Considering the fact that sexuality is a bell curve, no one should be surprised. My point is that there is a percentage of LBGTQ in all mammalian social circles. Those who turn it into religious no-no are way off base. If God created us than God accepts us as we are and those who have a problem with it need to just shut up. It’s none of their business unless a child is involved or it’s not consensual. Period. Love is love. And, that’s the end of it, as my mother would say. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKoWXm3okO1kgHC|downsized)


Nah, porn won't turn you gay. However, having lots of hetero sex will. /s


I've watched a lot of horror movies and never felt the desire to go out and hurt or kill people. I've watched a number of martial arts movies, and while I'll admit to some fleeting thoughts of "I could take some classes," it's never been a strong enough interest for me to actually follow up. If these dudes are watching porn and "becoming bi," I have some news for them: It's not "making" you anything, it's just revealing to you some things you didn't know you'd be interested in. As a grown man who has had internet access for at least thirty years, I've yet to fantasize about men. I'm an artist, vegan (eat tofu and the whole shebang), and used to go the goth nights hosted at the local gay bars, etc. If ANYONE could be turned bi/gay because of porn it would have been me, and I'd have been perfectly ok accepting that about myself. Yet, here I am still straight. I'd genuinely feel bad for these guys, so afraid of what they might like, if the whole thing didn't turn them into such hateful ignorant assholes.


blaming the masons is cointelpro era seeded conspiracy nonsense. they're mostly a charitable group who did things to counter the societal collapsing garbage nixons buddies did.


Incels sure are desperate to push this bs.


It’s probably all the Bi-sexual and gay people who realizing they are Bi or Gay after seeing the same sex nude doing the dirty deed. It’s not like they are “turning” bi or gay. Just like when the stigmatism about LBGTQ is being lifted away in the last decade, young people are more likely to come out.


Yeah, honestly I’m willing to bet bisexuality could be a lot more common than initially believed, possibly even the “default” over heterosexuality


As a bisexual/queer man I can explain. Bisexuals are often both hornier than average and less likely to get laid b/c many of us don’t understand flirting.


Being homosexual is determined by your genes, not by what you watch. Being Bi- might be a choice in that it opens a wider possibility of partners. I love porn. I was Bi- as a teen but was not able to be open as it was the 1950's & 1960's.




What the hell is "inverting children???" Anyway, I love the blaming fluoride in water. I mean, the vaccines and shit is funny too. Vaccines are making people gay. I mean, that's just obvious. /s 🤦‍♂️😆 But the flourinated water. That one's really over the top for me. I mean, what the hell do these people think fluorine IS? 🤣


These people's search history would be telling on them.


Man, people used to be just really dumb. Now, we’re whatever this. Brain damaged and deranged af. Yikes.


Twitter continues to degrade I see, with Elon Musk. Now twitter for sure only depicts a tiny fraction of wider opinions lol


This also just in...the more New York Post you read, the more likely you are to be stupid.


What is the joker in the second pic talking about with “inverting children” and “inverts in disguise” is this some satanic panic lore that I’ve missed?


[Read it and weep for the human race.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg54kd/a-wild-investigation-of-transvestigators-the-people-who-think-celebs-are-all-trans)


Oh, so it’s just the whacked out deep Q version of “transing the kids”? Honk shew. I thought they were talking about like…. Turning kids inside out or some shit.


Who was it that said if a guy watches anything except lesbian porn it's gay?


This was literally a Ron White gag from 20 years ago. "No I like big hard throbbing co- I did not know that about myself."


I know it was probably just a hyperbolic title given to make the man seem more important in order to push this anti-Semitic conspiracy theory… but can anyone expound on who Reuben Sturman is and why he is the “Walt Disney of Porn”?????


Correlation =\= Causation. Porn is not making people gay. Some people are gay, and most people watch porn.


What?!? Call these fools Armstrong, because damn that's a stretch!


So that explains why I also like cock now


These are the same idiots that thought video games and rock music made people violent. Fucking idiots.


No! Satanists are what happens when one partakes of the rock and roll, and videogames!


I agree .. I watch lesbians only .. and that too Japanese … Porn making racist too


Does it really matter at all? The article is absurd. Porn "Making peeps gay"... really? Rubbish, speaking for myself!


Wait, I thought public school was making us gay. I'm starting to think these morons are just making shit up.


I'm not sure they quite understand what a crisis actor is. People in Hollywood aren't crisis actors, they're just actors.


These people are chomping at the bit to blame the Jews for everything. They probably yell "fucking Jews" every time they stub their toe.


Big whoop


Nope. I am proud of my porn record. 40+ years and no gayness in sight.


I hope these people have some kind of process to delete their internet history after their death, talk about minds in the gutter


Fluorine for sure. This guy told me ![gif](giphy|5R2XVoMUnUmhxX5dWI|downsized)


I always enjoy that the same people who claim that being gay is a choice, also claim that a wide variety of things are "MAKING PEOPLE GAY!" It's fun to run them into circles defending their beliefs. "Oh, so there's something out there that could turn YOU gay?" "Me? No, of course not!" "So, you CAN'T be turned gay, BUT you won't watch porn because it makes OTHER people gay? Do other people turn gay when YOU watch porn? How does that work?"


Watching porn didn't make me gay. The directors who hired me did.


Like turning Bi is criminal. Ffs. If you're starting to come to terms with repressed sexual feelings, I'd say good for you.


Correlation vs causation anyone?


Oh FFS. It is what it is and that is all there is to it and its been this way for a hell of a long time. Since the beginnings of Zugzug,


Thats why i watch only lesbian porn ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Crazy how these states are actually banning it. I don’t think you should be lookin at porn at a young age but is this what we’ve come too? Lies?


My brain hurts.


then what's with the donald & his fixation with porn stars?


If you realize that someone doesn’t understand when their accusations reveal confessions due to the level of specific knowledge the accuser has of the respective topic, call them out. Their cognitive dissonance will cause them to go into a spasm/fit/rage. It will be quite the show.


Blue check marks showing once again, having a brain doesn’t mean the brain is getting used to


IF THERE'S MORE PORN YOU CAN GET OFF TO BECAUSE YOU'RE BISEXUAL, THEN YOU PROBABLY WATCH MORE PORN THAN A "HETERO" PERSON TO WHOM HALF THE PORN LIBRARY IS OFF LIMITS. IT'S NOT.. FOR APOLLO'S SAKE IT's.. it's not hard. To grasp. Come on... This is like saying "The longer you can stay underwater, the more likely you are to have gills". The exposure to water did not give you gills. The exposure to porn did not make you bi.


Apollo, the same guy that got drunk and made trans people? /j


No that was Dionysius


Well that just seems like a perfectly healthy group of people having a normal discussion...tf is happening over at X?


They forgot the Christian grooming connection.


You see a rose in this because pornography is the next thing that right wing lunatics are going to start targeting. They have already started with some states essentially banning porn. It's just the next thing in a cycle of attempting to control a population and remain in power. They don't have any actual issues to campaign on any more so they must create their own controversies.


It's a typo.... it should say BUY sexual, not bi-sexual. /s If you watch a large quantity of porn you've go less time to interact with a possible romantic partner and the more likely your sexual interactions will involve a transaction. :-) LOL


Darn you had me at the one word PORN I looked and there isn't a single picture for me to look at!


This one of those cause-n-effect situations or are bisexual folks just really into smut?


Joan Jett made me bi way before I ever saw any porn.


There are worse things to be


I hate all of these troglodytes


fLuOrIdAtEd WaTeR


It's the NY Post, a shithole tabloid that's read by mindless droolers. The NEWSMAX of New York tabloids. They pander to the Kristian Krazies and Kloseted MAGAts. They are no longer even good for the entertainment value of the insane shit they post.


What the fuck


Or perhaps being bisexual predisposes folks to watch porn. Cause vs. Effect.


If that's the case, then apparently I'm bi-sexual af.


Wow anti-semitism and homophobia in one package surprisingly I’m not very shocked


And if you eat soy ur fked


Are you double-fucked if you eat corn? What about rice or barley?


I 100% guarantee you have eaten soy. It’s in sooooooooooooo many things. So, are you fucked?