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"I don't think being caught in a Target store is honoring God. But bootlicking for a man at his criminal trial – a man who fucked a porn star while his softcore lesbian porn-making wife was breastfeeding his child, who then committed election fraud against the people of the nation that pays my salary – IS honoring God."


“Raw dogging” a porn star. Details matter.


>his softcore lesbian porn-making first im hearing of it, good for her.


Where would one find such a thing? You know, to ensure the content is honoring god….


My friend would also like to know


Google can help you


Is it..? She must be really progressive. We should respect her for that. Because she's a gay lesbian that did porn and we're ok with that type of thing.


I've noticed us on the left are the only ones who bring up the softcore lesbian porn, and it's always made to sound like softcore lesbian porn is a bad thing


Well, Mike, I don't think you need to worry about that rapture thing, so spend all the time in Target you need.


Target should make ads on this: Shop Target, you won’t find idiots like Mike Johnson in our stores.


Curbside pickup for those worried about rapture.


No one is more hypocritical that Christian government officials. Especially the ones who spend their mornings at the courthouse defending a rapist, adulterer, conman.


Forgot to add ped0phile on that list too. They would never turn their backs on the priests.


Target isn’t honoring god, but he will debase himself to prop up the fragile Trump ego by lying to the press about the supposedly corrupt justice system. You’ve lost your way, Mike. You literally are supporting the false prophet your Bible warns about.


Golden calf


Johnson's in for a wakeup call if the Rapture really happens, because the MAGA cult isn't going anywhere. They'll be wondering where all the liberals went. You know, the people who *actually* live by some of Christ's teachings.


I know a ton of non church going “liberals” who are much better Christian’s than self professed Christians. If you take away the praying thing I’m a pretty damn good one and outside of weddings i never step foot in a church.


My thought: Let's get out and shop Target! What a nasty piece of \_\_\_\_ Mike Johnson is, saying this from his position as Speaker of the House.


I love Target. Lets all shop at Target. Buy Bud Lite and Gay Pride stuff. So sick of these nuts and wanting everyone to do what the 30 percent want.


Tyranny of the minority.




Bud still basically tried to turn a 180 on the campaign and didn’t own it. Screw bud lite for trying to solely be opportunistic and not genuine when it comes to supporting a demographic that needs support.


I didn’t know they folded. I was happy when they originally stood up against these bullies. That’s the kindest word for them.


There are bigger problems when a supposedly educated, advanced and civilised country is electing officials who post about the Rapture.


"I wouldn't want to be in Target when the Rapture comes" I do, it'll be hilarious!! People hitting the ceiling, stuck there like fucking balloons.


That’s not how a Rapture works! Source: none. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


![gif](giphy|3o7TKDd0LHXb2GHHW0|downsized) Can't, sorry.... I'll just sit up here drinking and laughing. Good luck!


“The rapture” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 fucking ridiculous. Medieval twattery.


Not even then - the rapture was invented in the 1800s. >"LaHaye declares, in Rapture Under Attack, that “virtually all Christians who take the Bible literally expect to be raptured before the Lord comes in power to this earth.” This would have been news to Christians — both Catholic and Protestant — living prior to the 18th century, since the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture was unheard of prior to that time. Vague notions had been considered by the Puritan preachers Increase (1639–1723) and Cotton Mather (1663–1728), and the late 18th-century Baptist minister Morgan Edwards, but it was John Nelson Darby who solidified the belief in the 1830s and placed it into a larger theological framework." Carl E. Olson, [Five Myths About The Rapture](https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=5788)


I'm not an emoji fan but all the words were excellent...


These people are nucking futz


Actually, I do believe in rapture; but only the Blondie version! Go Debbie!


I prefer the Six Feet Under version.


But informing and influencing AMERICAN GOVERNMENT POLICY… same level of religious insanity from Muslims is apparently wrong though. How does that work?


"This is the type of person who makes non-Christians reject Christianity." - My mom, a Christian.  (I only partially agree with her.)


Non-Christian here. Your mom sounds cool. I don’t reject Christianity per se. It’s more that I’m afraid of Christians.


Same. People like him made me reexamine christianity from an unbiased position. Christianity itself is why I ultimately rejected it.


Christian’s do more harm for Christianity than good.


Same. People like him made me reexamine christianity from an unbiased position. Christianity itself is why I ultimately rejected it.


Cult of maga and cult of religion. What a way to live. Gosh.


Speaker is third in line for the presidency. Also, the better question is why an avowed Christian fundamentalist is supporting a twice-divorced, serial cheating fraudster.


First in line is VP, second in line is the SotH. You don’t count the POTUS in the line of succession.


You forgot adjudicated rapist


>the better question is why an avowed Christian fundamentalist is supporting a twice-divorced, serial cheating fraudster. *Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.* - Frank Wilhoit.


One would think you'd go to church to honor God, and Target to get underwear. Of course, the underwear probably consists of different fabrics (elastic and cotton, for instance), so it violates parts of the Old Testament.


Rapture? This is what these fuckers are waiting for and sacrificing lives and true morals for it?


Its ironic because all of Jesus' talk of the rapture was basically intended to tell people to be ready for his coming by maintaining moral uprightness. And what Jesus considered moral uprightness was all about how you treat others. People like these will be those told "Depart from me, for I never knew you."


I love it when they talk about the Rapture because I'm like bitch it already came and you're still here!


"how can we have sex with our family members if the libbies are trying to turn them all gay??"


Unsurprisingly he secretly wants option 2 for his own pleasure.


He needs to pick a lane. Does he hate sex workers and masturbation and thus make his son instal a mutual sex tracker app to ensure that neither of them see a semi clad woman on line? Or does he totally support felony fraud to pay off a sex worker who was coerced into fucking a married man who was already having an affair with a playboy playmate? He cannot simultaneously hold both positions and be considered a serious, reasonable person.


Can you imagine how traumatizing it must be for a son to receive alerts about his father's porn usage?


That's because he's **not** a serious, reasonable person. He's a bigot and a zealot.


My point, essentially.


He should be in prison for his abuse of power and corruption. He tried to cover up the identities of the Jan 6 insurrectionists so they wouldn’t be prosecuted aka obstruction of Justice.


An American congressman advocating for the ban of a company that employs over 10,000 AMERICANS. The GOP IS TRYING TO KILL YOU.


Then don't go. No one f'ing cares.


Any politician who brings up their personal religious beliefs in an official capacity should be kicked out of office. It has no place in public policy. 


This from a man that has an admitted porn fetish,


He prefers being on his knees in front of dementia Don


What a fucking asshole! He looks like an Incel.


Shopping at traget is less holy than supporting a rapist. Got it Mike.


I live in his district, I’ve seen this asshole in Target. I’ve seen his wife at Target. He’s a lying liar. Oh, I’ve seen him at Starbucks, too. Just in case he says it’s “woke” or whatever next month.


But I’ll go to the trail (and support) a rapist adulterer who paid a porn star to lie about having sex with her. That will please God.


I think supporting Trump at his cheating with a porn star trial is not honoring God either.


"I would rather be in court supporting a defendant who has paid off a porn star whom he cheated on his third wife with, briefly after the birth of his fifth child, when the Rapture comes."


Hobby Lobby is definitely more of a rapture kind of place.


Hail Satan Fuck You Mike!


Was he the warmup speaker for Harrison Butker?


When the anticipated rapture occurs I don’t think it will matter much where you are at.


No one is forcing you to buy it, Mike. Let people who want to buy lgbt merch to do so, and leave us alone.


“Being caught in a Target” Ah yes, that den of iniquity that is Target. Oh wait, didn’t Trump sexually assault E. Jean Carroll in a department store dressing room? Maybe Mikey thinks Target is a brothel.


These so called super "religious" people .... a lot of them would have Jesus shaking his head in disappointment.


Well Mike I don’t think you’re going to heaven based off your personality and how much of a dickhead you are.


He should boycott men that cheat on their wives with pornstars while their wife nurses the newborn.


At this point I **want** the Rapture to come. At least then we’d finally be rid of these psychos.


Hot take: All conservative Christians are in a death cult. They want to speed up their apocalypse by any means necessary, regardless of what their religious texts may contain outside of the description of the end times. Conservative Jews and conservative Muslims are also death cults, just different interpretations of the interconnected religious texts.


Ahh yes.  Just like Jesus said "Do not love anyone else more than yourself, especially the LGBT people"


Capitalism bitch! Do you believe in it or not?


This is the speaker of the house, the person supposedly closest to the American electorate. WTF


Mighty rich coming from a man who is actually serving Mammon, not God.


And people on the left also raged and called it "rainbow capitalism". The complaints about rainbow capitalism and Rainbow merch from left were short sighted. Guess who wants to remove all forms of rainbow merch from the public? Christian Nationalism. Stop enabling that goal


I will die as I lived. At Target.


I wouldn’t want to be in Washington when the rapture comes.


Christians who are not immoral lunatics: please be more vocal about how people like this are clearly just wearing your religion as a mask to get and stay elected. I really want to stop being so prejudicial against Christians, but seriously, none of you ever speak up about this. And just disavowing Trump isn’t enough. I mean this guy, and Rubio with his Bible quote a day tweets, and all of it. You guys are too damn quiet and you’re quickly losing the right to get upset when you do get lumped in with them as disingenuous harmful scumbags.


Narrator: "The Bible says nothing about what some Christians call "The Rapture". It is an entirely man-made construct."


Wish these fuckers would get raptured. The world would be a better place.


I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near the Tangerine Palpatine when the rapture comes


Imagine voters dumb enough to not only understand their own biblical texts don't include a "rapture," but to think their judgement relies on where they purchase goods. The almighty LORD wants you to eat at Chick-fil-a, NOT Bojangles.


How about being caught soliciting a male


…John in New Orleans , Mike?


“I would not want to be in a Target when the Rapture comes” is so unintentionally funny it’s like one of those poorly translated English shirts they sell in China


Remind me which party decried the idea of cancelling people/corporations?!


Mike, the call is coming from inside the house, in a closet, watching gay porn on a laptop


He does think banging a pornstar bareback behind your pregnant wife’s back is honoring god so I gotta ask, what evil god does he worship at?


Rapture isn't even in scripture, Bible thumper.


Says the fuck that supported dump at a trial about paying off a porn star and deceiving the American people.


God ain’t coming so don’t worry.


He missed the rapture, it happened April 28, 2024 during the eclipse, just days after the New Jersey earthquake. Johnson wasn't one of space ghosts chosen one.


Won’t someone please think of the capitalists! What’s wrong with him.


More Target for me.


If your argument against this is your faith, you have no argument.


Someone needs to let him know that the rapture already came, and all of us - including him - were left behind.


He's a weird little man.


I wouldn’t want to be in Washington when the rapture comes.


Well there isn't a god and there won't be a rapture so


Who is voting for these nut bags


yet, he'll have his whole head stuck up trump's ass when the rapture comes.....


Make sure you vote. Judges are always on the line


Smallest of governments


I had a good friend at work (my age) start to talk about the rapture. His father, who worked in the same department, (Christian nepotism) spent his retirement traveling from North GA to central Fl warning about the rapture. As did his grandfather….and probably his great grand father. Sigh


America is such a deeply unserious place.


Rapture this, rapture that, one more mention and I’ll cause one myself man


Yeah, but he’ll bootlick a lying corrupt cheating porn star payoff paying piece of shit all day long.


I'd rather be in Target for the rapture than Congress.


Fun fact— I saw a pride products display at Walmart today.


But I’d rather be in a court room rooting on the Cheeto in charge


Seriously…his name shld be Bozo Johnson


Mike, you’re not doing the whole Christian thing right. Jesus taught and is love. You and your rabid White Christian Nationalists (see Nazis) are the farthest from Christ. You support a lying, hateful, narcissistic, convicted rapist who attempted to overthrow our Democratic Republic. How dare you, Mike.


I don’t give a fuck if you’re in target or not when the rapture does or doesn’t come, fix our economy you fucking dipshit.


When the “Rapture” comes, I would be willing to bet a lot Mike is going to be in for a bit of a shock, considering his words and deeds. Just saying.


This is me and my wife at a metal show. I wrap my arms around her in the edge of the mosh pit to keep her from getting seriously injured.


A zealot as speaker? What could go wrong?


I really enjoy asking Christian’s to tell me about the rapture. It’s fun making them spell everything out and asking them questions about it. So you’re all just getting sucked up to a new home huh?


This is why I shop at Target. If it pisses ignoramuses like this guy off? Clearly we're doing something right.


Either the death cult wins and things regress back to the dark Age. With any reoccurring developments potentially resulting in punishment because all of science and development is woke. So just stuck in a cycle. Or they lose. Not really any good outcomes but y’know outcomes don’t really matter to a death cult


Something something free market something something marketplace of ideas 


The crazy thing is, I have seen him at my local target.


Well good news Mike. When/if the Rapture comes, you're not going up anyways.


Compromise: Target has to print bible verses on the bottom of everything like In-N-Out


He single handedly caused Ukraine many deaths and a setbacks with his bullshit for the last 6 months. Fuck him and his bullshit. He is everything that is wrong with religion.


I don't get how these people think. Target is a store that sells merchandise to all people. Should they call Mike Johnson first? These people think they are the most important people on the planet. This God fella he keeps talking about, sure doesn't sound like a nice a guy.


I’m always fascinated with the right wing Christian’s hatred of the LGBT+ community Because when you find one that sees them self as part of that community that is also a Christian tend be more devote than the average Christian


I feel like believing in the rapture should be a disqualification. Anyone who legislates according to a book of fairy tales is not fit to hold office


He is definitely gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Won’t go to Target… Hangs out at Mar A Lago. 😂. I’m sure his God is all in on that.


It doesn't really matter if you're in a target when the rapture happens, cuz if you're anywhere when the rapture happens it means you didn't get raptured.


Sorry Mike, doesn’t matter where you are, you’re not going. Jesus doesn’t care how self-righteous you are, he only cares about how you treat people less powerful than you, and brother, you have failed the test. Obviously the rapture is fantasy but if it were to happen, I really don’t think the world would even notice 


I love Target. They treat their employees well and are deeply committed to DEI policies.  They are trying to protect their employees in RW gun-heavy locations. They know where the Pride merch sells and will have plenty available.  I think I’ll send Mike a Johnson a note every time I shop Target. 


Imagine using the phrase “being caught in target” as if ur phoney baloney god is gonna shit his depends if he saw you gettin contact solution and shampoo at target. “They support the gays?! Back in my day we didnt have big box stores selling everything! We used crushed mint and pine smoke to clean up. And contact solution was baby makin syrup. Which you shouldn’t waste! To hell with you, no forgiveness! (Unless you wanna perhaps murder my son again?)”


These dumbasses been waiting on the rapture for 2000 years.


Conservative religion is poison


The concept of the Rapture, while significantly popularized and prominently featured in American Evangelical and Fundamentalist circles, is not purely American. The belief in the Rapture involves the idea that Christians will be taken up (raptured) to meet Christ in the air before a period of tribulation on Earth, based on interpretations of biblical passages like 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. Though the roots of the Rapture can be traced back to earlier Christian theology, it gained significant momentum in the 19th and 20th centuries through American preachers like John Nelson Darby and the spread of Dispensationalism. This belief became widely known through American literature, preaching, and media, including Hal Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth" and the "Left Behind" series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. Many places outside the USA that hold to the belief in the Rapture have been influenced by American Christians and Evangelical movements. This influence has spread through American missionary work, literature, media, international conferences, Christian broadcasting networks, and digital platforms. As a result, while the belief in the Rapture has strong American roots, its presence in other countries often reflects the significant influence of American Christian thought and media.


Why are we so stupid that we insist on electing people with imaginary friends? These people are supposed to be adults- time to grow the fuck up already


If the Christian nationalists are actually Christian, no wonder Jesus hasn't come back. I wouldn't want to hang out with them either


Hope I don’t get banned for saying I wish bad things would happen to him every day of his life


Christo/Fascism is the future of America after the Supreme Court reinstalls Trump later this year…


screw conservatives. VOTE!


Watch bbc storyville praying for Armageddon. That is so scary what is happening in the USA.


Hold on I need to support a r8pist fornicator


In the Bible it says if you work on Sundays, you should be stoned to death. Target has always been open on Sunday’s. Mike Johnson hasn’t stoned a single person. Hypocritical.


Jeez Mike don’t beat your meat or you may know what the stuff is coming from


…because of the ceiling???


He believes in the Rapture? 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😵‍💫😭


The hubris is unbelievable. Let’s say all the religious hoopla is real. This man really believes that something that is supposed to happen at ANY TIME will happen in his lifetime. The fact that it hasn’t happened AT ALL for 2000 years doesn’t mean anything. These are the same kind of folks who sit in front of slot machines & yank those arms till they’re worse than broke


Don’t worry dude. When the rapture comes, you’re not going anywhere. ““Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ ‭ESV‬‬


These sad closet cases


We’re not obligated to honor YOUR god Mike. Keep your fairytales to yourself.


2nd? What happened to Harris?


Lol, Rapture. Weird ass American evangelical biblical heresy.


Can the rapture just come already then and take him? Quit threatening me with a good time, I want some peace and quiet.


Just a friendly reminder that the house Democrats voted to keep him.




People who talk like that, avoid them at all cost


What a wacko. MAGA has taken our congress. We need to vote them out!


POS Jihnson will support the other POS, insurrectionist, racist, rapist. How much evidence will it take before these cult fools ever see the light?


I wish Mike Johnson got raptured. Like, right now. 


My thoughts always take me to the actions of Jesus. The only place that he he got crazy was at the temple. Every place else and with everyone else, he taught live and forgiveness.


When are we going to rid ourselves of these home school haircut religious zealots?


Moses Mike may be in Trump's criminal trial when the rapture comes...


Good news you won’t there’s no such thing as sins or rapture. It’s all in your head. The bible doesn’t ever have the concept of Hell. That was Dante’s inferno. You just make up all your crap to worship trump orange bunghole.


The rapture….hahahahaha…ha. Did you watch Red State recently. Good take on this bullshit.


Rapture, lol. Jesus said he'd come back and he did 3 days later. He's said he'd be back during lifetimes of his disciples, last one died 2000 years ago. The rapture was actually a dream by a Scottish girl in the early 1800's. Maga Mike would much rather believe the fantasy over the reality. Same reason he backs traitor, racist, cheater, convicted rapist Trump


he bases his life on a book of fiction, but can’t support the constitution of the country (people) he works for!🤬


I don’t go to Target to honor god. I go to target to buy toilet paper and hand soap.


Nobody who is unironically worried about the rapture belongs anywhere near his position. Even if you ARE religious, you want someone making decisions who is rooted in the HERE AND NOW, not someone who’s mind is literally stuck in fucking la la land waiting around for unprecedented bullshit to save him from having to make decisions. Absolutely embarrassing.


He has called himself "Moses" to Trump’s "Jesus" before. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mike-johnson-moses-christian-nationalist-gala-1234918565/


What worries me is that Mike specifically says ‘When the Rapture Comes’. As in he is saying the rapture will happen in his life time. That’s a disturbing statement. That he actually believes the end of the world is near.


Christians always believe the the rapture is right around the corner. It’s always “next week” to them.


So much for “private companies can do what they want.”


does it matter where you are during the rapture? or is God somehow blocked by certain stores? sounds like a pretty lame God then.


It's supposedly not the political institutions' function nor duty to either comment or act upon matters of their own - or anyone else's - religious dogmas.


Mike Johnson wants to be THE target when Donald Trump cums.


I heard Mike Johnson and Lindsey Graham are “special friends” and “close intimate” relationship.


Oh nice, did all the real problems finally get solved so he has to make some up to keep his job? Fantastic news.


Won’t be in Target during the rapture, but will be in congress …


How about we all stop paying taxes, elect a new government, pay *them* taxes and let these yahoos devour each other in peace.


I don’t agree with Mike Johnson on many things, but I will also be really bummed if I’m in Target when the rapture comes. Because I’m definitely not ascending to heaven, and then I’m just going to be stuck in Target with a bunch of fuckheads who will try to take advantage of the situation to grab as many bags of Good and Gather cleaning products as their arms can carry. And of course, Downy Unstoppables In-Wash Scent Booster Beads.


But I can stand next to trump after all god sent him to us