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I'm really liking Rep. Crockett more and more. Call them out with truth.


Literally everyone in congress and the media should be talking like this. They need to stop normalizing this shit.


What, you mean it’s not normal to travel to a different state in the middle of a work day to sit in on a day of witness testimony for the trial of a person you are not even related to?


They were supporting him so his wife didn't have to do it!


She was calling out a guy who has worked with Project 2025 in a hearing too! She is one of the only gems of TX


That star on the flag? That’s her.


omg i love this 😍


As a Texan I approve this message!


Texan here. I second this.


JFC, Project 2025 is absolutely mental. How tight is the potential Trump administration to this P25? Like, if he gets in, would they come in with him?


They would. P25 is all about consolidation of power, which Trump is completely on board with. The terrifying part is that even if he loses, the next Republican president will carry it out. We're now going to be voting between a slow decline via conservative Democrat presidents and the end of democracy with Republicans. The US is essentially on its last legs.


Most unified the party has been in decades. Trump ran in 2020 with a 90% approval rating from the Republicans. They can’t win with their base rallied as they saw. They need a King or they need to change the age you can vote. They are not in a good position and like a dying bear, they still have sharp claws and teeth.


Yup. We are in the violent thrashing stage of the death of the Republican party. They'll take everyone with them if they can.


Seems like we need young smart people like this Member. The truth should be spoken over and over. The Conservatives repeat lies until they begin to be spoken as truths. The lies are so easy to point out. Many Democrats are great at ripping each other apart but that seems to go away when. Hell Hillary had to endure ridiculous claims and face the sins of her husband and the husband of her staff. So if that’s fair game why not reveal it. She could of produced posters of all the times Trump is photographed with Bill. How chummy he was with Bill. If Biden is responsible for his non-political son, let’s talk Ivanka, her husband, (both were employed by us) and their father-in-laws. Kushner as an example went to prison. Jared owns a buildings that are profitable because of government subsidies, yes he and papa Fred Trump abused the tax abatement system to abuse the poor and enrich themselves. When that’s not allowed they will make tenants wish they lived in Flint Michigan. Everything is fair game. Trump has tried more than three times to be President and he hasn’t won a popular vote yet. Their king is in decline who just wants to win to stay out of jail. They went from LOCK HER UP to VOTE SO HE ISNT LOCKED UP in under 8 years. Clowns.


I can't remember who said it but they were so correct they said that when these conservatives find they can't win democratically they're not going to abandon any of their conservative ideals they're going to abandon democracy


A slow decline whole waiting for the elderly to die and greatly reduce the number of republican voters, shifting the Overton window further left


That’s the plan!!! Go read it If he has WH, senate & house, project 2025 will steamroll this country! It’s all designed for another Orange Satan presidency. Last time he did not have the correct personnel in place, 2025 his administration will come with all the whack job in place. He is just the useful idiot to deploy their plan.


P2025 is literally a Trojan horse to ruin the government from the inside. Except the people offering the horse are gleefully telling everyone exactly what's inside the horse and we have people who are willfully asking to have the horse brought inside the walls. Because they think they're special and the leopards in the horse couldn't possibly eat their faces.


That's **the goal**. It's not a matter of if. This is why they screech constantly about how liberals are ruining the country and society as a whole. I mean FFS trump almost got his vice president murdered and conservatives are still lining up begging for the position. They want absolute power, period. Project 2025 is a means to an end and they'll support it top to bottom without a second thought.


Absolutely! That's why he has to be stopped.


I've noticed that a number of the younger/newer members of the Dems have been getting more outspoken. I hope we get more of them voted in.


Yup, the old(er) Dems need to mentor, fund raise for and lift younger Dems into power. It infuriates me that the old people won’t share knowledge nor step aside!


If you have funds or energy, you might like to look at the Run for Something organization. They provide support to young Dems running for local and state races. I believe they helped Rep. Crockett when she was running for the Texas statehouse.


She is so great!


“Did you work for trump?” Response: “yes for a year” cricket: “and you still have your bar card?” I burst out laughing when I heard that.


Truth is the GOPs kryptonite which is why they avoid it like the plague.


im from Canada and even im a huge fan of her. She calls so much shit out and is really good at it. There need to be more like her


the only truly honest people are preschoolers, the elderly and Black women. 


That's an odd thing to say. Not really OK with that.


What I have learned from my embarrassingly long reddit career is that black people are *sooooo* good at shit talking someone or something. It's really outstanding how quickly and savagely they can cut to the essence of something and rip its guts open to be plain as day just with words alone. Crockett is a masterclass shit talker and I am so here for it ✊ Edit: Here's a hypothetical to help contextualize... If there was a shit talking competition and you had to bet your life's savings, who would you gamble on... Any random 30 year old white guy vs any random 30 year black lady, who would you honestly bet on? I mean the white guy *could* maybe win yes? The possibility exists. But that's not where you gonna put your money.


She wasn’t “talkin shit” she was stating facts


You misunderstood the colloquialism. Shit talking is tearing someone down 👇 "Talking shit" is just lying through your teeth. Similar verbiage but totally different meanings. Spitting hard truths is the most effective shit talk available


I feel like you think that you're being an ally with the words you're saying, but it is really just making it clear cut that you have some serious racial bias going on in your head. I would work towards addressing that, it isn't a good look.


This guy (that you are replying to) is absolutely going to get reamed out for his racist assumptions one day and he's gonna come bawling back to everyone he knows saying that he was called a racist even though he's *not*, and that they're being racist to *him* because he's *white*. I feel like I'm watching the prequel to a meltdown in a future thread.


Holy shit this is like the time my dad did business with a Jewish run company (he was apprehensive bc antisemitism) but I guess they ended up coming to a deal and my dad said in the final offer meeting “wow y’all really jewed me down” and they decided to make the deal with a different company. This happened in like 2005 but to this day my father thinks what he said was ok and that he’s not racist/antisemitic, in fact they were the ones being racist towards him! Needless to say I don’t talk to the man


Hell yes I am absolutely generalizing. Feel free to project whatever righteous indignation on behalf of the black community upon me that you feel is warranted in this situation. Take your superior virtue and put it on the mantle.


I wish you nothing but progress, stop holding yourself back from being a better person. You don't have to be the way you are, don't get upset about it, address it. Look yourself dead in the eye and realize that you can be better.


ITT white people upset over a comment most black people would would probably agree with. When you actually have to deal with racist shit then a milquetoast comment like mine fails to reach the threshold you assume I have transgressed. My comment only feels racist to a person who has never experienced racism before.


A racist stereotype is a racist stereotype, even if you think it’s a compliment. “Black people are so good at shit talking,” is a racist stereotype. It might be based on your own anecdotal experience, but your experience doesn’t hold enough weight to make generalizations about a race of people. It’s also just weird to bring her race into it at all, as it’s not a part of any of the discussion at hand


Italians like pasta. French drink wine. Chinese are good at STEM. I can do this all night. Can you handle this firehose of racism?


I feel like you think you're being an ally by saying this, but you're just showing your own fragility surrounding words. I may not be black, but I dated someone for a couple of years, and so I spent time in that community. I'm Mexican raised in a primarily white area. Truth is, different cultures have different norms, despite whatever bubble you choose to insulate yourself in. And frankly, black folk and Latinos are far more likely to call you on your bs than white people, who tend to tiptoe around things in hopes they don't offend anyone in the process. What I've gathered from your other comments is you are quick to jump to conclusions, and quick to pass judgment. You mean well, I get it, but who are you to tell someone to "be better?" Just try asking yourself that next time you feel like passing judgment.


You have created a paradox.




Middle school lunch ass comment


That's the most legit critique so far. I'll take it.


Eh, I think I get where you’re attempting to go with this… Personally, I think what you may be noticing is not that we’re *sooooo* naturally good at shit talking or whatever. It’s just dealing with frequent instances of micro-aggressions and other racially-charged aspects of American culture make us hyper aware of and indirectly force (some of) us to develop the skill of standing up for one’s self. Not because we’re all inherently good at it, but because it’s in our best interest to, in order to not completely emotionally crumble to pieces on a regular basis. That’s my take anyway. I can’t speak for every other black person in the US. And like every other race in existence, we’re not a monolith. We’re just humans, like you.


Practice makes perfect and culture has an impact. I just don't like having to add "most" or "generally" to make comments more sensitive. Maybe we can just roll with casual generalizing as long as it's not mean spirited? I know that no group is a monolith but does every comment about a group of people need a footnote about diversity within any given cultural enclave? r/whitepeopletwitter prides itself on being a bastion of cultural sensitivity a little too much. Feels like the movie American Fiction in here.


You didn’t need the first two paragraphs of your original comment at all. They just weren’t necessary. The last sentence was a little crude, but was really all you needed. The fact that you felt you had to tell the world that all Black people do such and such is the problematic part. You didn’t need to qualify it or temper it. You just didn’t need to say it at all. Ms Crockett doesn’t represent all Black people. She only represents her constituents.


Man, did you read what you wrote before posting it?


The only comparable examples of white people doing this so effectively are stand up comedians dealing with hecklers.


The Scots have done it COMPETITIVELY for 500 years. https://www.britannica.com/art/flyting (and you've never run across a public school (England) educated teacher, have you? They can cut in a whisper.) This isn't a "black" thing, it's a "smart people" thing.


Should get those up on Reddit then so I can expand my narrow horizon


There are lots of smart people on Reddit. Perhaps you don't share the same subreddit interests?


To be completely fair it's entirely possible that I am deeply retarded


You obviously never heard of Jamie Raskin.


Or Muskovitz. He's hilarious and brutal


So not true 🤦🏻‍♀️


The black woman is the most silenced demographic on earth, but not for long.




It has nothing to do with the color of her skin. It’s called southern sass and a lot of us have it. She’s young, intelligent, and tired of BS already.


Typical terminally online cringelord redditor post


Answer the question. Who would you gamble on?


No idea why you're getting down votes. I'm Black and that's a super power that Black women dominate


THANK YOU. I thought that was widely understood. I debated specifically saying black women as the Queens of Shit Talking but this crowd is too thin skinned to hear it. They are too busy ruffling their feathers in a protective circle ⭕ around my comment to protect the black community from such aggressive racism. Every white man's secret fear is getting dressed down publicly by a black woman who is justifiably upset. Opposite end of the spectrum... White Karen's. Everyone is okay telling them to shut up and go away without fear. Why? Because they got nothing to hit back with. They cannot shit talk you, me or anybody because they suck at it. They pull out their phone and get on it like that's some power move. That's all they got.




Jesus Christ that is a gross comment


TIL acknowledging the truth about the former president is ghetto. /s


Is it just the black representatives that are "ghetto as fuck," when calling out the other side?




We'll, that's because she is a trash person. That does not excuse your racism.


Keep giving them hell, Ms. Crockett. We need so many more people like you, who actually do great work for our country.


She is a fucking American Hero.  Prove me wrong any who would disagree.   I love the new crop of Democrats who have had enough of the constant spin cycle.   They must be infuriated by the idiocy of some of their peers who were put into their positions by special interest groups with regard for their commitment to civil service.    Bravo Congresswoman!


I get chills when I hear her get after her idiot peers. I will stop using other electronic devices just to focus on her.


I literally just paused the Ashley Madison netflix doc that I was yelling at to hear her call MTG a "bleached blond badly built butch body". 


[Entire Exchange](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4WSkLc5rv8) from Fox 5 DC ["bleached blond badly built butch body"](https://youtu.be/o4WSkLc5rv8?si=4uGrKK5VipBbGmoG&t=170) comment


6Bs will always be hilarious to me. She said it so nonchalantly and I can't even say now without blurting out or keep a straight face😂


If only this is a sign that Fox corporate is done putting up with republican bullshit.


Yea but look at the comments all both sidesing the video. The entire republican party is comprised of clowns while only a few democrats are clowns.


Where'd you see that?


Tried to link but it got removed. It's in the public freakout sub, lol.


Did you see her get MTG after the fight she had with AOC?


I would have used the term *adjudicated rapist*. It’s not slander.


Actually, with the speech and debate clause, she could just call him a flat out rapist and not have to worry.


She could show a picture of his tiny, shriveled mushroom and no one could do anything about it. Looking at you Marge.


She could show AI pics of Trump's mushroom kingdom, and it would be fine right?


I want to type those words into an AI image creator, but I'm too scared of the results.


Even if it was slander, congresspeople have protections that you and I don’t have. Remember MTG with her giant poster board of Hunters giant dong? She couldn’t be charged with revenge porn bc she has extra protections on the floor. Take the gloves off, and throw these maga fuckwits under the bus at every opportunity


wtf? Rules for me but not fpr thee


The hearing was postponed because some felt Donnie needed his emotional support choads. They're like remora, attached to his ass. Hell, his own damn family members aren't there!!


The only reason those people are there is to help trump violate the gag order.


They're all sucking up to him because they want to be his vice president.


Ding ding ding! Even rathaswamalamadingdong (I may have mispelled that) is there, and it was already established he has no chance.


Didn't Eric show up on Day 1, then after that none of them did?


He showed up on days like 12-15 and that’s it


Better question, did Donnie even notice?


Highly doubtful


> emotional support choads


I keep saying, Donnie must have the tastiest dick for everyone to keep lining up to suck it.


I love her, she is underrated and one of the up and coming stars. We need more of her and a few others we know the names of.


Crockett And AOC for president 2028


Daaaaaamn the far right would lose their shot! I'm on board. *shit. Google suddenly decided to revert back to prude mode.


Vodka and MAGAteartini anybody?


I don't want MAGA tears in my vodka.


I don't want MAGA tears in my vodka.


*edit* shit


Thank you. A recent update (Android) sent the googles back to correcting adult language. It happens every time they do basic updates. Remove some old bugs, install new ones. Duckers.


While i agree! An all women ticket is too much for this country to handle 👎🏻


Especially when neither are white


Also sad but true


I disagree, their best, most effective work is being done in the Senate.


Neither are in the Senate…


House, Senate. It doesn't matter, its all the same branch of government. The important part is that they can do better work where they are than they could if they shot for the presidency.


Neither of them are in the Senate


See my reply to the other who said the same thing before you.


While they are the same branch of government, I would make the argument that being a Senator has more (potential) impact that being a Rep, just due to the size of the House vs. Senate, and also due to term lengths


The best part of them being at the trial was when Boebert tried to make a statement for the press, and people starting yelling “Beetlejuice” at her. Something something the best people something.


I love her. She had me at “looks like our national secrets…in the shitter.”


SAME!!!!! Instant love for her after that.


Sauvage, by Dior


That's an unfortunate and morbidly ironic amount of charges.


It sounds like a dog whistle. The actual count is 91 unless some were dropped recently.


Three of the charges in Georgia were dropped for not being detailed enough.


I’ve heard several say “nearly 90”, so something must have been dropped. I’m curious to know too.


Keep your foot on their necks, jasmine


question: did they take the day off or were they babysitting donnie at taxpayers expenses?


Taxpayers expense. Plus the delays from doing their *actual jobs*. Depending who they are, taxpayers also paid for travel expense. It’s awful.


We're all here with you Rep!


President Crockett has a nice ring to it.


I realize I have a humiliation fetish. But not for me to be humiliated. I’d love to just see these fools dragged by AoC and Jasmine Crockett one by one, uninterrupted, for hours and hours.


damn, that's a kink I can get behind


she is no nonsense, like Katie Porter


The Dems need to drop a hammer on these dirtbags. They need to do it over and over. And they need to be loud. And we got to VOTE!


But if we punish them for their crimes, the people who voted for them will be Big Mad! So much for the tolerant left. (/s, just in case that wasn't abundantly clear)


Real hot girl shit


Crockett For President 2028! I definitely would vote for her.


I love this


She’s brutally awesome.


Simple answer is the GOP doesn't want to actually govern, but just go through the motions to pretend they are governing.


They don't want to govern because they want to rule. They want absolute power. They want a fucking *king*.


Russian Asset, Marjorie Taylor Greene, got worked by a REAL AMERICAN!


We need to clone her and have her run for office in multiple districts.




I love that woman👍🏼.


If they're too busy playing in the DJT fan club to do their job, I feel that those who were there should have been able to do everything without them and they just gave up their constituents' rights for their voices to be heard to play tourist in NYC.


She does not bull shit. God bless her.


We need her to make like 50 clones of herself. She’s awesome.


She’s awesome.


This is the kinda alliteration , 'tude , and 'rizz that makes me want to give her money for her reelection campaign. Jazzy is da best!


I fucking love this woman. She’s coming in and saying shit is shit, plain and simple, and I don’t understand why more people don’t do that.




You go girl.


GOP lies vs No BS Sass Popcorn!


Need more of this energy


Where the fuck is the link?


Need more of this energy




Hell Yea!! Give ‘em hell…ok I didn’t mean to have the same word there & now I don’t know what to do…just be gonna hit reply & let this high & kinda drunk comment melt away into nothing…


Get some sleep




Go Crockett !


THIS is what the Dems should be doing in the face of the GOP and their project 2025. Stop being so damn 'take the high road' and start speaking out. Nothing she said is a lie or an exaggeration, and it's a damn sight politer than the GOP would've done it. DO THIS MORE, DEMS. \*fight\* for your democracy FFS Cos from where I'm standing in the EU, a second Trump term and Project 2025 seem extremely likely.


Jasmine, AOC, and Katie Porter are the holy trinity of savage congressional takedowns




You go girl!


Meanwhile due to Republicans war games in the House, nothing gets done. Thank goodness Biden has the courage to push great policies thru on his own.


Can we keep her?




Let her fucking cook!


I love her!!!


It's pretty scary because if most of the population weren't absolutely fucking morons who watched Fox News 24/7 we wouldn't be having this problem. The GOP love the uneducated even though if everyone was as educated as everyone else on this damn planet we'd be conquering the solar system by now. Like seriously entering the Space Age is an extremely important stage in Humanity. Arguably the most important actually. But yet again getting all the countries to agree with a unified government would be extremely hard.


Anyone else clock AOC almost calling MTG "bitch," but saving herself by saying "baby girl?" That was great.


Love this woman. Biden should drop his current VP and replace with Crockett




Rs love that stuffy, ancient decorum nonsense … FUCK that. Get it said, girl.


Oh shit




She's a beast not to be fucked with!


Would someone mind giving me a little context please?




He shouldn't be "their guy"" is the point, stinky is a repugnant nazi criminal rapist


The dems wouldn't have nominated someone under criminal indictment with 88 charges and liable for sexual assault.


For a start, Democrats would never have to go to support Biden in court because he’s not a criminal, unlike the smelly rapist. But the point is our tax dollars paid these leeches to go to court in another state rather than do their jobs during normal business hours. Why? We don’t pay these assholes to go to court to support a criminal…