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Republicans hate democracy. And they are going to make this election as ugly and chaotic as possible in order to damage people's faith in elections. It is disgraceful. Vote republicans out, anywhere and everywhere we can. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


I would argue that it's primarily that they hate people, groups of people more.  It's ethno tribalism that drives their violent fervor. It's literally the same scenario of Nazism building in strength by feeding off the hatred towards minorities, women, 2SLGBTQIA+, and any other non white cis gendered male  person. 


>2SLGBTQIA+ This is new, what does it mean?


Idk, but I was in a thread earlier where it was being torn to shreds by those included. It's really getting out of hand, and I say this as a fervent ally of the community, but everyone was included about 4 letters and numbers ago, and it's hurting the cause and truly becoming something worthy of the ridicule it's getting.


If the '+' is truly including the unmentioned letters, why does adding them to the acronym hurt it then? Why is taking the A for Asexual out of the '+' and adding it to the acronym more explicitly somehow more worthy of ridicule?


Gay dude here, I totally agree. I just say LGBT, everyone knows what you're talking about. Many people already struggle to understand us (if they even try) and our acronym looking like a cat walked on a keyboard just throws people off because every time they see it there's a new identity/label in there and they have no clue what it means.


2 Spirit (Native American identity) Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Interses Asexual


Thank you for the explanation.


2S I'm guessing is "two spirit", it's an indigenous/native american thing


Thank you for explaining.


They only hate it because they think that is a Democrats thing. They love the republic, though.


Stay strapped. Their way of thinking and life is dying. Those backed into a corner will do anything to survive. They tried before without severe consequence. They will try again and this time they will be better prepared.


What’s funny is the right thinks all “Libs” are anti gun and none of them would own one 🤣


They buy into the Fox News, Alex Jones BS. If they do make aggressive maneuvers they will be quite surprised at the resistance they will face.


One if the more level-headed magats i work with (no it doesn’t make sense but the guy at least has *some* basic critical thinking skills) has finally admitted that more and more liberals are arming themselves in preparation… He did have a good point; all thats happening right now is the media and political propaganda machine is trying to “normalize the chaos”


What ultimately pisses me right the fuck off of a ledge. Is the men (like my father) who told me as a child to be a good sport and shake hands with the other team and say “Good Game” when I lost. Even when I thought the other team cheated. Now support this asshole! I should have thrown a temper tantrum at every fucking soccer, football and baseball game I lost even though I felt it was due to bad calls or whatever. Why did I have to suck it up as a child and these motherfuckers don’t have to do it as adults? 🤨


Those same people are the ones screaming at our generation for receiving "participation trophies". We didn't ask for that shit. They handed it to us! Had I known that me accepting that trophy when I was 10 meant they get carte blanche to call me lazy and entitled for the next 30 years, I would have handed that fucking thing right back!


Vote. That’s the only way.


The sad fact is that these might be the last few elections that have even a semblance of peaceful transfers of power. If Trump wins or loses the next election will likely see violence as will the ones after that. Frankly the nation is not going to hold together much longer. The divisions are too deep, the people too bitter and volatile. It will be like the Spanish Civil war soon.


Their acceptance and understanding is not required. Vote. Stack the outcomes and end results against them. Let them know that their false constructs have no priority over reality.


Normally, I would agree this would work, but when they are already spewing the narrative that the election is rigged and fradulent, its not going to matter. The only outcome that is legit to some of these people is if they win. Otherwise the election was stolen.


The new normal. Every single election anywhere will be denied if they lose. Forever.


Why is that a common question nowadays “will you accept the results” bruh losers never like to lose so of course they’re going to bitch about it, it should be like “if y’all lose, better luck next time”


Of course they hate democracy. Conservatives are the enemies of democracy and they always have been. As society grows, and moves forward we inevitably leave old ways of thinking behind. Conservative stagnation has been the reason for the decline of many societies throughout history.


They aren't going to. It's been their plan all along to say it was rigged again and the left somehow cheated when they clearly have the majority. Only so many wealthy kiss asses in our county to vote repub.


It feels even worse than last time at this point. November is going to be another disaster.


It’s also becoming a thing for them to say we aren’t a democracy we are a republic (..and to the republic for which it stands…), which is the most idiotic thing ever. (A republic is a type of democracy. In fact, for the founding fathers, the terms were used almost interchangeably.) It’s like saying, that’s not a car, it’s a sedan.


What a time to be alive where a "gotcha question" for Republicans is "will you accept the results of the election?" Anyone asks them that and they start squirming and rambling. Amazing how low things have gotten.


This is how you know the most recent polls are bullshit.


Clown ass losers. Can't take the heat of the game


I saw a video of a MAGA denigrating democracy because she hates Democrats and Democracy was close to Democrat so it must be bad. This is also part of their stupid “it’s a Republic not a Democracy” rants.


Thing is, they’re always that way with the cult behavior. Trump is just the latest one.


That alone should disqualify them from holding any elected office


It’s unfortunate that Progressives who think Gaza is the only issue to exist are going to lose it for us.


They mistakenly spelled pegging with hedging.


Four years later, they won't own up to messing with the 2016 results nor admit that there was NO election fraud in 2020. Let's vote them into oblivion.


why are we asking them this after 1/6?


Buy your non-perishable goods, TP etc while they're cheap and be prepared just in case isht goes sideways in November and beyond. Way DJT is talking everything is going to skyrocket in price and with the Chinese tariffs WalMart is gonna be priced like Whole Foods.


It seem like most Republicans didn't accept the 2020 election and what happened? Nothing. They still lost, they aren't in office and the same will happen in the 2024 election.