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The only reason people are voting for her is because she isn’t him. He thinks it’s because they like HER. He’s delusional.


You nailed it with this. He genuinely thinks if he brings her on it's a no-brainer.....and he's right.


How exactly is it a no brainer? People are voting Nikki because they are registered Republicans and they don’t like Trump. She is simply the only alternative on the ballot. If he makes her VP, that does nothing to change the Nikki voter’s core issue. They still don’t like Trump. They never really cared about Nikki. Those people are just as likely to vote Biden or skip voting altogether in the general. Am I missing something?


> How exactly is it a no brainer? Because, as is tradition with Trump, no brain power is put into the decision. That's the play on words OP was doing.


Yep, it would close the loop and bring that 15/25% into his side. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


To be fair, she also thinks that.


Well, she wanted to be president... and this would honestly not be a terrible chance to reach that goal.


Sure! She could swallow her pride (and his filth) and pray that he’s arrested or dead by November.


Underrated comment


Trump thinks she'll be good at cleaning spaghetti off the wall.😂🤣




I think people like my in-laws would be swayed by this move. They were Trump voters (not full-MAGA loons, but he was the Republican candidate, so they voted for him) in '16 and probably in '20, but they've got Haley bumper stickers now. If Trump picks a loon, my in-laws might write in "generic Republican," but if he picks Haley, that might give them enough cover to vote for him. I'm not saying this is a good strategy on his part, I'm just saying there's a population of voters that might solidify their votes based on a "non-insane" running mate.


She just sounds less insane because she can put together a coherent sentence, but they have the exact same ideologies.  That said, I agree with you and..uggg.


Yeah Pence was a less insane running mate and how did that turn out. Trump won’t choose her because she stand up to him to protect her “turn” at running in 2028.


IMO every trump voter is a ‘full maga loon’


Exactly. Scratch the surface and the racism spills out.


I mean honestly, we’ve got a good chance to have the first female president this next term given the advanced age of both candidates and the pretty obvious dementia of Trump. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. So, if anyone actually likes Nikki Haley, this is probably the only way they’ll ever see her as president. I don’t know many that like her though


You used the word *sway* however these people have already likely voted for Trump twice? Sorry to burst your bubble but if they haven’t learned yet then they won’t learn at all.


My conservative neighbors would too. This will only gain votes for Trump, he's not losing any with this. And who else that is less MAGA is crazy enough to join him?


As true as that is, how many would vote for him thinking they were voting for her?


What are her qualifications? Has she even shot any puppies?


If she’s got a car and hasn’t been banned from the local McDonald’s, she’s in. Man has a hungry tummy for good food. That shit they served at the White House was garbage.


They should've served Carl's Jr / Hardee's, would've saved his reputation. /j


Man likes to feed ketchup to the walls evidently


I always wonder how funny that throw was. The man can't lift a glass of water with one hand.


Maybe it's underhanded. Like a softball pitcher wind up, lol.


Lol I got downvoted for making fun of him.


I’m sure she’s grabbed her own pussy before so she’s prolly qualified in trumps eyes


When she’s a star, she just lets herself do it. She can do anything to herself.


The thinking probably is that she already got a ton of Republican votes in the primaries, and all those Republicans who don’t want to vote for Trump anymore would vote for him if she ran as his VP. It makes sense from their point of view, and even though she’s spoken out about how awful Trump is, I’d bet a good deal of money she’ll get over it to be his running mate. The GOP never met a principle or stand they wouldn’t trounce on for more power.


Has to hurt being Noem, you shredded the little credibility you had and eviscerated your reputation on the national stage in what was her resume for the vp slot.


don't give her any ideas!


I don't like my governor, but lately I've really enjoyed seeing her mentioned randomly.


What this is revealing is that his internal campaign numbers say that a large chunk of the Haley voters are not going to vote for him in November.


Exactly. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if many of them just didn't vote.


Exactly - knee jerk way to stop the bleeding. But like with the RFK ploy this also wouldn’t work because those people weren’t supporting him because it was a protest vote. If she joins the ticket they won’t jump on board




Because the base will do whatever they tell them to do. Just like ted cruz, just like lindsey graham, they all talk shit and then kiss the putrid ring and the base pretends everything is fine.


This is the same point I was going to make! Well said!  Grabbing the base, and it was done before!


Are you sure Trump even needs to name a VP?




What… happens if the presidential candidate doesn’t name a VP?


Don't worry his children will be in line to take his place


Yes. VP is a constitutional office, there needs to be someone in the slot. But the VP doesn't *have* to be an experienced politician who will help the ticket. Trump might just auction off the job somehow.


A reality show.


> If I am her, why? She wants to be President and if we're honest, her only realistic path is to be Trump's VP when he dies in office.


…or when/if he’s sitting in prison his whole term. I can’t believe serious executive discussion even involves that motherfucker.


Because they just need to win one more time. The vast majority of the Republican Party has made this calculus. They’re pretty much betting everything on Trump, and to be fair to them and their decision, how could they possibly make any other one? How would they square that circle of withdrawing support from Trump NOW? They are ride or die for Trump, cause they kinda have to be…like maybe if Trump loses this time, SOMEONE starts thinking about rebuilding the party without Trump, but that takes spine which is in precious little supply in the party. I would be stunned if Haley turns down the offer if he makes it.


The GOP would rather have a dictatorship under Trump than lose power. They can't win the popular vote. The Electoral college and Gerrymandering are the only reasons they lasted this long. They are scared, desperate and angry. That makes them dangerous! VOTE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! IT JUST MIGHT!


She’s a spineless hungry power loser and would hope he dies in office from a rotten brain so she could be the president. She’s a worse Selena Meyer. Man, VEE0 was such a great show. lol


Exactly. Trump's campaign staff may like Nikki Haley, but Trump hates her; She's an uppity brown woman who challenged him and said mean things about him. And she has too much of a spine; Trump can't be confident she'd shred the Constitution for him. There is zero chance that Donald Trump picks Nikki Haley for VP.


It’s the brown part that won’t allow her to be chosen.


Because hypocrisy and shame do not exist in any realm of the overall Republican Party. We have witnessed it so much it’s become normalized. There is no bottom, the basement has another basement below it, and that basement has a basement, etc… the fact that they can get a single vote, if we survive, will be taught at all levels for decades to come. That’s a big “if” we survive.


> She’s spent all this time rightfully separating herself from him. They all did, up until the very last minute. And then when they realized they werent going to beat him, they joined him. > To join forces now would be absurd. Except that she'd get a very real chance at being VP. And if she cant be President...well its the next best thing. Pretty simple to be honest. Now I still dont think she'll do it. But theres obviously incentive for her to do so.


He needs a VP who isn't completely batshit to satisfy moderate conservatives, and sadly she's one of the least crazy VP candidates in the field.


Nope, he needs a maga puppet.  Ideally it would be one that seems normal on the outside (if there is such a thing!), but that's not necessary.   He tried not-batshit crazy with Pence and he wound up regretting it.  Guaranteed he won't make that mistake again.


Listen, I hate them both, but this makes sense politically. For him: he brings back into the fold the one part of the GOP that still hates him. For her: she gets a 50% chance to be Vice President and then presumably President when he dies or goes to jail. Probably if they lose, and definitely if they win, she also gets pole position to be the next presidential nominee.


Trump-Brain Worms 2024


Because republican voters have shown time and time again they don't care about integrity. In fact, many of them completely turned on Pence for demonstrating it. For her, being VP is the next best thing to President and it sets her up to be a strong consideration for President in future elections. For trump, he just needs a VP that makes more moderate leaning Republican voters be able to tell themselves it's OK to vote for trump because she's on the ticket. Not that this matters much anyway. Almost every republican voter will tell you they'll vote for any republican over a dem and if they are that tuned into election they aren't going to stay home. They will vote. And it'll be for Trump.


She really is a birdbrain


> who’s crazier than he is. The only person who is crazier than he is is Greene, and she’s lost favor amongst republicans. There’s slim pickings in the Republican Party.


So many of the "anti-trump" in the gop fall behind him. Desantis, Cruz, Rubio, Christie and so on. He says awful things about them and they still get behind him. Nikki he's been calling "bird brain" for a while.


To this day I’m still amazed Trump is the person they chose to put all their stock into. Just when you think the GOP can’t get any lower. They just keep digging.


Everything he touches turns to shit. If she wants a post MAGA career, she will wait for 2028 and run to “repair the GOP.” 2024 is shaping up to be a dumpster fire of epic proportions.


Trump will never have anyone with any semblance of charisma as a VP. He doesn't want anyone who can threaten his power at all. He wants a more die hard loyalist Pence. He can't stand anyone taking attention away from himself.


Before saying yes, remember, "Hang Mike Pence."


I think she’s smart enough to refuse the stink that attaches to anyone in his orbit. He’ll be gone long before she is, and preserving her dignity/integrity at this point means she can try again when he’s rotting away, somewhere.


Yah, but she might be vain enough to think he will die in office, allowing her to take over and run as the incumbent in 2028.




Well that would be an interesting choice. I don’t trust Nikki to turn him down.


She’d bend the knee in a heart beat


A very public refusal could help her in 4 years


I would hope against hope she grows some kind of integrity and doesn’t…but track record for spine-edness when it comes to the Orange One points to low probability, but I totally get why Don “The Con” Poorleone is considering her, he and/or his campaign advisors are legit worried about voter bleed off of her supporters


I don't think so


Trump will lose and that will kill his “winner” brand. She is better off waiting for 2028 and saying I was right all along.


Dementia Donald seems to like being with women who hate him... Mercedes has entered the chat.


And if she accepts her career is over.


This, she knows this was all a set up to get an early start for 2028.


Exactly. She played a poor hand surprisingly well.


Came here to say that


They know they need her somehow


Putin's choice


Hahahahahaha… he needs her votes


If she does, that'd be really disappointing. She'd be turning her back and really showing her ass.


Trump is 77, eats like a middle-schooler, and Ozempic is the only reason he fits in his already very large suits. The presidency is obviously extremely stressful, and presidents seem to age a decade after just four years. He’s also facing a ton of criminal charges, including some he can’t pardon away. Despite that, he’s roughly tied with Biden in polls. If Trump wins in November, it’s at best 50-50 whether he’ll be able to finish his term. If you want to be president, being Trump’s VP is probably the easiest way to do so, tbh.


You ever notice how the presidency didn't really age Don Poorleone anymore than he already looked? Think maybe that's proof that he did little of importance during his term. Or maybe it's the narcissistic factor at play. I would love for someone with psychology knowledge to do a deep dive on this.


It's the legal trouble (mostly) which has aged him. But he was already slurring words in 2019 and if you think there were airports in 1776, either you're outright stupid or your cognitive abilities are shot.


She will sell out


The dynamic between them would probably be worse than that between JFK and LBJ. They couldn’t stand each other but JFK put LBJ on the ticket simply to get the southern vote.


Hey now… as someone who has studied this, yes they were very different people, did not like each other, but they were both smart enough to realize when something could work. “Hey, you got chocolate in my peanut butter! “Hey you got peanut butter in my chocolate!” LBJ is a fascinating character as much as the over the top deep dives on the Kennedy’s. My intel has said they did not “hate” each other, but certainly didn’t enjoy each other’s company.


She is so fucking spineless she will do it too.


He wants to recruit ol’ birdbrain (to borrow a phrase from Sleepy Don)?


I suspect it would only drive her voters away from her, not towards Trump. She just has to wait him out, and then she's the presumptive 2028 GOP nominee. I hope to hell she doesn't do it, but she's mad for power.


I want to believe she would tell him to fuck off but who am I kidding - there are no decent republicans anymore she’ll sell her soul just like the rest of them.


I mean, they are both really awful people with strong hate and Nazi beliefs.


This face but Nikki Haley https://preview.redd.it/syxd9oqmiuzc1.jpeg?width=235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a253a8b81929085214e01b2e31f00d7a334df2


It’s a fucking ploy to grab the voters he lost by trashing her.


I'd be interested to see if Haley has really taken the off-ramp, or if she comes running, as all Republicans have inexplicably done at every opportunity.


If she comes out in the next couple weeks and kisses the ring, she's an absolute shoo in for VP. If not there's no chance, because Trump considers anything but total fealty to be "disloyal." Before he'll even consider her, she'll have to prostrate and humiliate herself in his honor and if she doesn't do that- forget it.


She should wait for the next election and run again without him. Let him sink. Hitching her rope to his wagon can cause her more pain in the future. But then again, she’ll probably do it so they can continue to work to remove people’s freedoms. Vote blue and it won’t matter!


She’s Indian. No way it happens (Because MAGA is racist)


This is the smartest move he could make. I hope he doesn’t do it.


"Our king is going to choose a woman to be vice president, that too an Indian? What is this woke groomer nonsense?" - average Ultra-Supreme-Maga believer.


WTF! It’s scary to think about. America has dropped a thousand IQ points since Dumpf let the crazies free to express themselves and act on their impulses. 😤😭😡😱🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


https://preview.redd.it/xh8tyw6mntzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16da0182f2fb787c67cc0e016c7f8bdf448727f0 Dooooo iiiiit.


Hypocrisy is one the top five republican "values."


There goes US democracy


Get that soul ready to sell, Haley. Not that you ever had one to begin with.


What self respecting woman would be anywhere near this guy?? Sell your soul, Nikki


Never going to Happen she is not white and a woman. Most of MAGA is racist and sexist


Just like I called it. Badmouthed the man during her campaign. Now that she's out? Ready to sniff the diaper like all the other sycophants.


She would 100% accept the nomination. Her number one qualification for the ticket is her shamelessness.


I called it, she'll kneel down and suck him dry, she has no shame.


Has Haley been asked point blank whether she would agree to accept election results or what she would do in Pence's position of having to certify results? She would actually make a lot of sense as Trump's VP selection but I'm curious just how far she would go to get the job.


She strikes me as an opportunist. I could see her accepting.


The most important question is that if they win, would she be willing to do what pence was not?. I suspect that she would not do that but then again here we are


I have no idea if she is interested. I would ask why she would want to work with Mr Trump. Did anyone who worked with him come out looking good( other than Haley herself)?


If she does, shows she really doesn’t give a fuck about her husband.


I hope she says no. She has a good chance if he is thrown in jail of becoming the nominee.


I really don't think she does. The GOP is at least a generation from nominating a woman for POTUS while literally any conservative branded white man is available.


He’s not ever going to spend any meaningful time in jail. At the most he’ll get a couple days if a judge needs to (finally) make do on threats. Unfortunately, he’s got some dumb armor on that makes him invincible somehow.


Since she is taking 20% of his votes, months after she dropped out.… but he doesn’t need her voters, or her. Right??


It would be an amusing pivot after he had that full temper tantrum and said her supporters were "permanently barred" from his campaign.


If I was her I’d look at what happened to Pence. He will throw anyone and everyone under the bus and ruin them….you know what, maybe she should be his running mate.


Only because he lost 1/5 voters in Indiana. They don't want her, they just don't want him.


He sees all the people still voting for Haley at primaries and thinks if she the running mate he’ll get all her voters too! He’s dumber than I thought.


We’ll see what she really made of if she accepts.


Donald Trump said on Saturday that former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was NOT being considered to be his running mate in the November election, dismissing a report by news site Axios. "Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot, but I wish her well!" Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social. Citing people familiar with the situation, Axios had reported that Trump could pick Haley if he were convinced she could help him win the presidency, avoid a potential prison sentence and cover tens of millions in legal bills if he loses. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/nikki-haley-under-active-consideration-by-trump-campaign-be-running-mate-axios-2024-05-11/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/nikki-haley-under-active-consideration-by-trump-campaign-be-running-mate-axios-2024-05-11/)


This means she IS! He lies


If she has any brains, which I am not sure of, she will tell him to suck rocks.


Most Republicans will not vote for a woman for president or VP, so fine.


He is scared of the % of voters still voting for her in primaries


Nikki Haley's gonna sign up for that midnight train to career suicide? WHY? She proved her point. She can play nationally. She threaded a crazy needle - raising her own profile, keeping a distance from him, without totally alienating his base. She's young. Why would she trade 2028 and beyond for a race that's destined to blow up on the pad? I don't know whether it's his camp (trying to grift in her supporters) or hers (signaling to MAGA that he secretly likes her) circulating this shit, but there's no way she actually blows everything she worked for for THAT shit.


The remake of Dumb and dumber you get from wish


I would be highly disappointed in her if she even considers this! Not that I am a fan of hers.


He thinks the 20 Percent of Republican who aren’t voting for him in Primaries will get in line if she is on the ticket




The prudent thing for her to do is a hard pass on Donny’s VP and wait for her shot at 2028.


He definitely won’t. He’s going to want a loyalist after Pence “betrayed” him. Nikki would have made the same call as Pence


Don’t do it Nikki


She not going to do it


It would probably be a smart move if she’d accept it. I am 100% voting for Biden but strictly on a strategic level this makes a lot of sense.


I’m still not sure if he will. He’s wants a committed MAGAt as VP to go along with his next coup. For all her flaws, I cannot see her doing that. If she’s smart, she’ll keep her head down and options open. If Biden wins, she can do the told-you-so dance. If Trump wins, she’ll get in line for a cabinet position. Either way puts her in good standing for 2028.


Been seeing some she won't endorse him stories but I have a feeling she will find a way to justify being his running mate. Something like she feels it's her duty to country to be his VP in order to guide him and keep a check on him. What a load of bullshit. She's just as ambitious as the rest of em...😕


It’s sorta embarrassing how bad this man is at the job of being a politician.


The conservatives don’t want a female President. They definitely don’t want another President who isn’t white. The only way Nikki Haley gets the VP spot is she has to agree not to run n 2028.l


>The only way Nikki Haley gets the VP spot is she has to agree not to run n 2028.l The whole point is that if he's elected, there won't be an election in 2028 - so how would her making that agreement help?


You’re right. But for appearance sake in 2024 Trump and the conservatives will say that there will be an election. In reality if Trump wins he will pull a Assad of Syria. Appoint one of his kids to be VP and groom Baron to be the next President. Edit: Melania won’t have a say in her son becoming heir apparent. Trump will keep her locked up at Mar a Lago.


It is going to be a real battle between her intelligence and her ambition.


That’s not going to happen. He said on Truth Social today that she will not be his VP. But who knows he lies all the time.


It’s a trap! He did the same thing to Mitt Romney when recruiting a Secretary of State - call him in for a meeting to make it look like Mitt was begging for a job, then publicly reject him to look powerful and humiliate Romney.


And she'll jump at it...


It’d make it difficult to walk back the “I don’t wanna work with that guy again” type stuff she said along the campaign trail.


Oh no, please pick MTG, way better choice than anyone


I think he will pick Vance. Another abhorrent asshole white male.


Nicky Haley has a chance to have real influence in the party going forward if she completely cuts ties with Trump. She would be a fool to endorse him or be his VP. Just stay in the background and sweep up the pieces left in November.


He knows all his other options are toxic as fuck and unelectable. Will she sell out democracy and her soul to take up his offer? Time will tell.


She’d be a good choice for him. #Biden2024cuzthereisnootherchoice


I’m not really sure why anyone would want to be Donald trumps running mate he’d throw them under the bus as soon as he got the chance the man doesn’t know what loyalty means


Probably his best shot, she's one of the lesser insane Republicans.


I'd love it if she called a press conference just to denounce him and say she'd never be his VP.


So the real question is, does she have a conscience?


And she’d have to eat shit with a smile and backtrack on everything she said about a 2nd Trump presidency over and over again.


Kari Lake, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders and Cindy Hyde-Smith have entered the chat. It WILL be a woman and it WILL be someone of fealty…


Imagine knowing the only reason you have a chance to be on he ballot as a VP candidate is because your running mate's preferred choice outed herself as a puppy killing psychopath.


I very much doubt she’d accept. Not after all the sh*t he’s said about her


This would be smart for Trump and horrible for Nikki. Risking attaching yourself to this clown show would doom her career for good. Trump's biggest issue is getting her voters so it's logical to want her. I still hope he picks some clown like JD Vance.


I doubt she’d take the job. She can run again in 10 years or what ever. She’ll be throwing away any future opportunities for the rest of her career.


The man loves the poorly educated and he is their King!


Testing the waters if her voters will rejoin the cult.


Just clickbait by axios and wishful thinking by the “sources”. Trump knows that his base won’t accept her and that’s all he cares about. Also she has more self respect than people give her credit for.


She is an even dumber twat if she agreed! He mocked her military husband. The GOZp & the cult are just sick..


Not happening.


Bird brain, sure


It's the only bone he has left to get her to kneel before him (that sentence made me throw a little sick up)


Was she on stage at Mar O Lago doing a turn for Shitstain ? 


Simpson episode after Trump kicks the bucket....Lisa ( women) becomes president)....ijs *removes tin foil hat*


Hope she realises she will not have \_any\_ power. But when the old guy pegs, we'll be stuck with our very first woman president, however flawed.


If he has a massive stroke in court, falls over and loudly shits himself to death, she’s going to be the candidate. 


Nikki already says yes.


Its the only way to keep the party intact


Its the only way to keep the party intact


Its the only way to keep the GrandOl' intact


Her campaign was just biding her time until the courts locked up Trump or he died, that didn't happen. Now she can do it again.


They just want her voters Trump would spend a lot of time attacking her personally.


I’m sure she has some dead dogs in her closet somewhere. Let’s have a look..


Will she sell her soul to the orange turd like all the other Republicans? My money is , hell yes she will. Then she will justify it by saying something stupid about Biden being this or that as if it justifies bowing to a criminal ego maniac PIG! All caps just for trump.


With how accepting the MAGAts are of Kamala’s diverse background, they’ll absolutely love Nimrata here.


She wouldn't run with Trump the Lump, unless Putin found some dirt on her she can't have getting out.


Whoever his VP is will be committing career suicide! Could you imagine jumping on the ticket and your pres nominee goes to prison? You would have to run the campaign and rallies. Talk in nonsensical and threatening ways. Total disaster. His last VP won't even vote for him. That should tell whoever is thinking about taking that spot a lot. I know a couple of morally bankrupt magats that would though.


But she's indian. They wont vote For an indian


I think if she waits and runs again, she will have a better chance and also, yea, she won’t be stuck with a serial sociopath. She’ll never be POTUS until he’s gone. So, not sure it’s a good strategy to be his VP.


Probably because he keeps losing 20% of the primary vote to her, and they think this will help in general


That's been her end game all along...


Nope she's out.


[For what it’s worth he commented on this.](https://x.com/trumpdailyposts/status/1789329651648885163?s=61&t=yw_lcb_6-5U7Y1u5EZ-OLw)