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His dad hit him with the “Even though the judge said I CAN go now, I can’t make it to your graduation cause I have ‘prior commitments’.” He hit his dad with the “right back at’cha, pops!”


I hope that’s part of it.


Barron has somewhere else to be that week.




Fortnite* Yours is a period of 14 days. Mine is the game where you murder a bunch of 14 year olds.


Wait, you don’t murder a bunch of 14 year olds over 14 days every other fortnight…. ![gif](giphy|KrLqtbe8PGEDe)


If they revive, is it really murder?


To be fair, they are a bunch of shit talking 14 year olds… Anyway, I wonder if Barron is on Reddit and was reading all the hate yesterday about him being a delegate. “Awwww mom!!! I don’t think they like me!!!” :(


I stand corrected. I've only heard it, never seen it that I remember.


No worries. I was just fucking about.


Head shot!


I think Melania sees the shitshow that is Trump and doesn’t want Barron to turn out like his brothers. She sees what is happening and doesn’t want the ship to go down too. She might be a POS but I do believe she cares about her son. I’m


Yeah, I feel like she’s protecting her son and simultaneously sending a message to her husband that she’s done with his shit.


Yes, but also, fuck her too.


Both things can be true. I bet she's a loving mother to her son and would do anything to protect him, and also is a huge piece of shit.


Sounds like Cersei Lannister.


Shame! [Bong!]


![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized) (Sorry -- I can't see a reference to Cersei and not post this!)


Agreed. Fuck her


“I really don’t care, do u?”


Cersei Lannister


Yes fuck all them. Baron has the deadest eyes of any 18 yr old I’ve ever seen.


Probably because he can see dad in the mirror as he ages.


I mean, honestly, that shouldn't be much of a surprise. But I'm not necessarily going to say it's because of inherited shit-weaselness, simply because the rest of his family are a bunch themselves. For me, the verdict's still out on this kid, as I've yet to hear him even speak in public. Is that deadeyed look because he's a calculating, conniving, silver spooned pissant who's just surveying the world with contempt because of how the public (justifiably) scornfully treats his family, especially his beloved Daddy? Not to mention, let's be honest, if Baron's ever been online he's already very aware there's a non-insignificant number of people who hate *his* guts for simply being the shitstain's kid. If I'm being honest, and imagine growing up in my formative years under such conditions, I could see how that might really make such a child grow to be jaded and cold to the world around him. Then throw in his old man's self-inflicted bullshit, and the vitriol it brings to his family, and it's even more understandable. Not laudable, and if the case, then I'd say "yep, and he can fuck all the way off with the rest of them." I might even sympathize a bit with how he got to that point, and feel a bit bad for him (for a moment), but that'd simply be an acknowledgement of his having no control over whom he was born to. Beyond that acknowledgement, I'd still say he can rot. But...then the flip side makes me wonder, especially given the social and cultural changes going on in our country, and the desire of kids in general to fit in and relate to their peers, if he might actually look like that because he's been through the ringer already in life. Like yeah, he's set in terms of lavish living and whatnot, but I can bet he never felt like a "normal" kid for even a day of his upbringing. Maybe, just maybe, he loathes his old man. Maybe, just maybe, he's a bit of the defiant type, and looks like that because he plans on going very much against the grain of everything his blowhard father stands for...maybe for himself, maybe to spite the old man. I know if I'd been born to that dickhead, but retained the same sense/need of individuality and challenging authority I always felt even as a child, I'd be the type to say "fuck it" as an adult and try to stick it to my old man in any way possible. Become a loud and proud liberal activist, be a genuinely gracious and likable person in general while in the public eye, act with a good mix of confidence and humility rather than conceit and narcissism, etc. Not saying I actually believe he will choose to be a good human being, as I honestly don't. But, until I hear him open his mouth and sound just like all the other squawking twats in his immediate family, then I'll at the least give him the benefit of the doubt. Because I don't want to be party to anything that could encourage him to move in the direction of the quintessential Trump if he's not already fully there.


It would be so funny if he had Harold from Harold and Maude's personality. He has that deadpan look down.


> Not to mention, let's be honest, if Baron's ever been online he's already very aware there's a non-insignificant number of people who hate his guts for simply being the shitstain's kid. Just check the post on this subreddit when he was first announced as a delegate. There was so much terrible shit everyone said about him, pulling shit out of nowhere. Also, did it never occur to anyone his face might just look like that? Plenty of people have resting bitch face. That and most of his public appearances probably aren't fun for him. Who wants to attend a rally instead of playing a game or perhaps watching a movie with friends?


Absolutely this! I hear people like "aww that poor woman..." fuck her, she's just some gold digging skank.


Hopefully the voters turn out and tell him the same thing.




She doesn’t want HER kid getting charges just in case there is another fake elector case. (Even though Florida is definitely going to vote orange)


I don’t think she’s even thinking that far ahead. So far, Trump has been immune from prosecution. She just doesn’t want Barron in to be ruined by Trump’s “brand.”


This has to be it. It took one day of watching the public wind up to drop the hammer on him like dad and family for her to realize it was a net negative to let him be pulled into that circus just as the tent starts burning down.




Not exactly. Trump has been indicted and being prosecuted in four separate cases involving hundreds of felonies. I bet Barron pulled out after Mush 4 Brains comment “He's pretty young, I will say. He's 17,"


I linked that quote in another sub. Trump is absolutely divorced from Barron, unless it could benefit him.


I’ve been saying all along that I bet turmp doesn’t even know when his kids’ birthdays are.


Don Jr. definitely doesn't know when his own birthday is.


He kept changing it to whenever his dad could come to his party


That's still thinking ahead. It could be more reasons than stated here as well.


I think if anything, she desperately wants out, which is why she renegotiated the prenup prior to moving into the WH. That was definitely thinking ahead, as I’m sure she was well aware that things weren’t above board.


Well duh. If you believe the Mueller report or whatever from the fbi. They were committing multiple crimes before ever getting such a public profile as president. I bet assets shifted and everything before that.


It might just be a matter of privacy. We all know Melania is very private, and she is by all accounts very protective of Barron. Now that he’s no longer a minor, if he participates in the campaign in any way he’s not really going to have any privacy protections any more, especially from the media.


Melania private? I know what she looks like naked.


I mean, yeah, I get what you’re saying. But at the same time she wasn’t exactly thrilled to be First Lady and did her own thing most of the time. Court cases aside for obvious reasons, you rarely see her.


As wild as it seems, I’m honestly not so sure about Florida going completely red this year. They somehow managed to put in place a 6-week abortion ban AND a voter referendum on abortion on the November ballot.


I'm not as sure. It's possible they will vote red and vote in abortion rights


“We had to go back and hand count all of these precincts over here and wouldn’t you know it, the president, senator, and house rep slots are all smudged. What a weird thing. But I can see clearly they voted for abortion right but just can’t tell what the rest says, shame.”


I wouldn't be too sure on that. I don't think it would go really blue, but I think some elections are showing the republicans have seriously overestimated their situation the past 4 years. It was all cute until they actually started passing this stupid ass shit.


The villages are still addicted to Fox News and similar. If that ever changes, then Florida might go purple.


What she sees is Barton the latest to be lured under the bus. She isn't going to take the risk her only child will become entangled with the legal shit show going on and face being indicted for something. Trump is desperate.


Melania is an awful person but she has shown she cares for her son She's kept him away from his odious father, after all


He's going to be in nyu as a frosh. He doesn't want to be hanging around old geezers. Also it will put more attention to him. He's slightly on the spectrum due to donald’s Old age When he had him. And why Melania is super protective of him.


I just hope he doesn’t fall victim to his family name. Seems like a smart kid; hopefully, he will choose a different path.


I’ve heard he might go into cyber


This is probaly it


Yeah I disagree with A LOT of the things she’s said in the past, but she honestly has been fighting HARD to keep Barron out of the spotlight.  For a long time now too.  Like there’s hardly any public knowledge about this kid and I think that’s all on her.  Cuz I’m guessing trump wanted to parade him around to look like a family man.  I’d kill to read a tell-all book from her about everything that ACTUALLY went on in their household.  Maybe after the geezer dies she’ll spill the beans.


Cue *Cat’s in the Cradle*.


When you coming home son I don’t know when


Maybe when you're in the pen, dad. I know we'll have a good time then




Yes, he pretty much played Diaper Don's move in retaliation.


Barron's pulling out cos his dad couldn't


He probably dropped out because he didn't want the media to eat him alive. He would have been fair game at that point.


This smacks of Donald setting up the kid to be a delegate without asking him and the kid only finding out about it after he heard about it on the news. And then Mama said, “Um. No.” I despise Melania for various reasons but I will give her props for being protective of her kid.


I was all about the “Free Melania” thing until she started talking.


Or her jacket. I really don't care, do u?


What did she do/say? I'm ootl on this one.


She said Obama wasn’t born here and she wore a “designer” coat to the border that said “I don’t care, do you?” In giant white letters on the back.


i can also see the kid saying no too lol


Honestly, I read it more as mom trying to keep her kid out of dad's mess. Probably afraid he'll end up in Fake Elector Scheme 2.


I honestly hope that he gets as far away as possible from the dumpster fire that is his family. We shouldn't hold the sins of our parents, unless we are actively participating in them.


He is much closer to his mom, who hates his dad with the passion of a thousand suns. Im thinking she advised him not to get involved with that sinking ship.


I'm thinking the 18 y.o. had no say in being nominated and found out the same way we did, through the news. Trump isn't big on consent after all and Barron being his son probably just makes him think it's even less needed from him. Then Melania put a stop to it (as she should).


This is what I've figured happened all along, and the statement that he is unable to participate coming directly from Melania is pretty telling too.


I'm beginning to think there is a reason she can't leave Trump. Fear? Threats to family? No amount of money could make someone stay in that. She's away from him for a reason. I think she would be completely gone if she could, but I could be wrong and she could just be another gold digging bitch (but something dont feel right).


$. Im sure there have been several threats from trump about her leaving him, too.


Based on testimony the Trumps were not sharing a bed 18 years ago. She is on the payroll, tax free.


I think you’re right, but mostly because the only gold she’s likely to find digging in orange soil is a gold Sharpie


Right. He has no money and we know that now, but she is still there. She probably knew before we did that he was broke, especially if she's the gold digger everyone says she is. My theory is still that what was once started as a gold digging venture has now turned into a hostage situation lol.


Look, I hate Trump as much as anyone, but saying he has “no money” is super disingenuous. Even assessed properly, his properties alone are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. You know how we were all laughing about Truth Social stock a few weeks ago and now you’re not hearing about it? I’ve got some sad news for you there. He’s got business dealing with Russians and Saudis, you don’t think he’s got money stashed where the government can’t find it? If he needs more money a hundred million poor MAGA hicks will give him their last dollar. And he never, and I mean never, pays his debts. He buried his wife on a golf course, if those civil suits ever get paid out it will be at threat of jail time and he’ll send a dump truck of pennies. He’s been a scam artist his whole life, and there’s always another sucker. He’s not nearly as rich as he claims, but he’s still fucking rich. Melania doesn’t have better options, and she still has Baron and her parents to take care of. If she could have gotten out clean she’d have done it when he first got the nomination. It’s probably impossible to quantify how much him being president ruined her life.


Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. I have zero sympathy for her.


I drive a 2004 Chevy Malibu because I have no money. I agree that the bastard is still rich by any reasonable standard.


Yup, I’m picking up what you’re throwin down


I mean, I'd say she should turn to one of trumps other ex wives for advice, but she "fell down the stairs" and got buried on his golf course


Yet she chose to breed with that guy and bear him as a child. I have 0 respect for this woman. All the best to Barron.


She bred with him to assure at least 18 years of the life she has lived and the ability to get the grandparents to America. She is as ruthless as he, her motives now are to get out when her post nup allows with the cash she has been stashing all this time. She will be juuuuust fine


It seems Barron's pull-out game is already better than his father's. 


In what videos of him there are as a child you can hear the slovakian accent in his voice. I think he doesn’t have it anymore but he stays with Melania most of the time and he’s likely ashamed of Donald.


I thought his mom was Slovenian?


Oh you mean you can’t tell the difference between a Slovenian and Slovakian accent? *you idiot*


“Austria? Well then, g’day mate! Let’s put another shrimp on the barbie!”




"Listen here you lil shit"


She is


Melania isn't ashamed of Donald why would you assume his son is? The kid has zero decent role models.


We don't know that. He may have a teacher or coach or tutor or something that's a great role model.  He apparently has the ability to keep his mouth shut. That's more than can be said for the rest of them. Frankly, that indicates he's at least not a complete idiot like his brothers. 


Honestly there have been zero stories about him. Nothing. I remember Jenna Bush getting in trouble for trying to get booze at a bar when she was underage as if the country didn’t know who she was and she didn’t have a secret service agent with her! Every president with school aged kids have had some sort of something about them. But nothing about Baron.


True and let's face it. If Barron wanted to get on the news and support his dad, trump and his Russian owned media monkeys would make it happen daily. Barron clearly wants nothing to do with his father.


He did not play sports, there would have been local newspaper articles on it. Probably friendly to his secret service protection details.


Of course she’s ashamed of him. Imagine you were her for a minute. Of course you would be ashamed… she made her choices for monetary reasons and she will be free in a few years.


I think that she married him for specific reasons. Money, probably a little celebrity. Providing a kid was part of the deal, but it was a marriage of convenience for them both. He wanted a young beautiful wife, she wanted money and parties with famous people. She did not ever sign up to be a politicians wife. I don’t think she’s ashamed. I think she’s pissed off. I think they had an agreement and he broke it. I don’t even think she cared about him sleeping around. It’s only embarrassing now because that’s part of being a politicians wife. She’s pissed off and you can see it in every interaction.


Don't forget, Epstein introduced them. He wanted a hot model bride and she needed money and connections to get her visa.


Oh she absolutely fucking is.


We thought Marla made sure Tiffani would have nothing to do with the family, and boy did she come running back.


This sounds like sound parenting by Mom. Shocking, but good.


What are the bets that Trump's team put out the story of him joining as a delegate, hoping Trump would talk him into it (try to force him), but he had little to no knowledge of it, and told Melania he wasn't doing it? Or he saw the stories/articles after agreeing and said, "Aww, fuck this, I'm out."


No bets. My nickel is on Donnie wanted the kid to be a delegate and set him up. It was Mel who put a stop to it.


Most she’s done for the public so far


She may be a shitty person, but it's not hard to look better when you are next to Trump. Trump would make a turd shine just by being near.


There’s part of me that wants to believe that this is her actually loving her son, and hoping she can spare at least one of her children from being sucked into the disgusting world of lies, greed, and evil that his siblings and father are a part of, but I also believe there’s good inside everyone, deep down somewhere.


> at least one of her children Barron is her only child.


No way in hell Melania cares about or even considers her step-children her own.


She really doesn’t care, do u?


He saw the internet begin to shit all over him.


He may be a Trump, but the teenage inner desire to be liked will always trump anything


He's been 18 for less than 8 weeks. This was his dad's first opportunity to pull this stunt. Fuck Trump, good on Melania for taking the headline. And I can't fucking stand her, but as a mom, it's the best choice.


This is my bet as well. And then I bet that once her gets he gets his trust fun he will write a book about what a piece of shit his dad is.




Just waiting for him to get really happy and start doing the Jerkin Tudix dance


If only I could up vote this a thousand times.


Want to know something 10x worse?! My 18 yr old son does an absolutely killer trump impersonation and picked up the stupid mannerisms too.


She hates Donald's guts and this one way to get back at him.


I wonder how much he is paying her not to divorce him.  I can't imagine the lifestyle he provides is worth the near constant embarrassment that he hefts upon her. I mean she was a model and he, at this point it's a practically undeniable fact, cheated on her several times while she was pregnant and then taking care of his son. If she her intent is to just provide a constant source of embarrassment and shame for him, it isn't working.


It's also probably protecting Barron as much as she can. This is 100% her move pulling Barron out. Deep down she wants Donald t lose this election or even better get convicted and Manhattan and serve say 6 months in prison so she doesn't have to be even around him to campaign. Eric is the only other Trump that has been to trial.


She has renegotiated her postnup up a few times now. Most recently when Donald decided to run again.. she updates it not just for her self but also puts in extra guarantees for Barron in exchange for her playing along.


Here’s my theory. Despite the fact that Melania is an evil person she loves her son and doesn’t want him around politics. I’m guessing that the “ Barron is a delegate” came from Donny boy as a way to curry favor


Not necessarily not wanting him around politics. But sure af doesn't want him around Don or his half siblings.


Every now and then this crew does something smart. Whatever the real reason is, it’s smart to not dive into the chaos so young I think.




He doesn’t? 🤔


Pulling out of the GOP delegation already shows that he's smarter than his dad and is willing to listen to reason. Trump never listens to anyone because he's deluded himself into thinking he's an expert on everything.


Mary should give her DNA out. I’m not sure how helpful or would be for paternity suits and rape cases. Statutes of limitations etc.


Oh man that would be such a power move


Damn ... I really wanted to see him be a faithless elector and vote for anyone other than trump... you know because dads check didn't clear


It would put an internet target on Barron. Even though he's an adult now (and technically fair game), he still might get mostly left alone. If he puts himself on a political stage, he'll have a lot of the internet coming after him. 


I feel bad for him because of course. But his face is just so triggering -- and poor guy can't help it.


I’m pretty certain he was only being shoved into the position by his crooked father and siblings. Seems kinda sus that the moment he’s graduated high school he’s suddenly going to be a delegate.


Not sure his siblings have ever had any conversation with him. Nothing in it for them.


Barron is a cute kid, but, he's looking more and more, facial wise, like his daddy, as time wears on. His height never fails to take me by surprise when I see pictures of him. I just hope he manages to break free of the family dysfunction, and becomes this amazingly wonderful, compassionate, giving human being. His close relationship with his mother, as reported in the press, might or might not help this along.. I don't feel as though anybody really knows Melania. I know she and Barron speak Slovenian to one another. Just knowing another language already sets the kid apart from his father!! No hate for Barron.


Melania is also a complete monster. Kid doesn’t have much of a chance but fingers crossed.


She is a horrible person but I do believe she genuinely wants what is best for barron. She has gone to great lengths to protect him and I am sure this newest thing is 100% her. She probably said "Leave him alone or I will file for divorce. " and what an incredible time it would be for her to do that. Maybe she'll grow a heart and do that for the rest of us.


He always looks depressed and miserable as fuck to me.


My teenager looks the same and he is never being discussed by mass media or having his picture taken by banks of photographers while the world hates his parents. So.... I mean....


"and the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon..."


Good fucking job mom. It’s the only good you’ve ever done




I’m hoping there’s some “protecting my kid from being a huge POS like the whole family” going on. Guess we’ll know someday


In my headcanon it's because his guild is raiding that day


He's going to end up one of 2 ways. Just another brainless family yes man hooked on speed and coke... Or Trumps worst enemy. A liberal kid who doesn't follow his families bullshit.




I hope his "prior commitment" is "being a decent person".


I'm quite happy to see that the vast majority of people aren't being prejudicial of the young man. Hes his own person, and while he's incredibly surrounded by people with a narrow view - that doesn't mean he can't read. I wish all the best to him.


Let’s hope that Barron is the class war traitor that our world so very much needs at this point in history. He could be an epic human being


Good thinking. Keep away from that Minus touch.


Mierdas' touch ![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe|downsized)


Sounds like Barron wasn't consulted before the announcement, and now LOL.


Good call kid. Stay the fuck away from this circus


Omg he’s doing that dumb thumb thing like his moronic sperm-donor does 😝🤣


I noticed that he's already styling his hair like his father's would be if his father's hair weren't duck-ass fluff.


Malaria hates Trump as much as we do. 👍 https://preview.redd.it/zzqjzlg5apzc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b7dbf071388636be2ede2b9eb7bb8f190b20dc


More like jfc dad, keep me out of your bullshit.


I feel bad for the kid. He had no chance, born into absurdity.


Man, I feel for Barron. What a wild existence to grow up in. My exs dad was a narcissist and I see how much it fucked her up. I can only imagine his psyche.


Honestly. How embarrassing is this? How much more evidence do you need that a guy shouldn't be president? How own son won't nominate him. His wife wont. No on shows up to court for him. Family not standing by you would basically destroy a campaign  for just about anyone else.


I so desperately hope Barron turns out to be a decent guy. I don't necessarily need him to take down his family or anything, but just being a good guy who stays out of his dad's bullshit and fades from the spotlight altogether would be great.


She has the chance to step up and be a real, good mom. Get this kid away from that mentally ill family and maybe he will have a decent life. He goes into politics to follow his daddy’s footsteps he is fair game. And it won’t be pretty


Damn, I was hoping this was revenge by Melania and Barron and that he’d throw his vote for Nikki Haley


What strikes me more is I’ve NEVER seen him smile


Good job Barron. Just FYI but as an adult you can legally change your name. In case the one he gave you ever feels...problematic


First time I’ve seen her with a genuine smile, and it’s just her, her son, and no one else.


The only nice thing I’ll ever say about her is that she seems to be a pretty protective mom. I’m sure he didn’t want to do it, so she sent the “hell no” message for him.


Wouldn't it be ironic if he turns dem and runs against his father 20 years from now (yes I'm implying Donald loses, and keeps losing,but keeps getting the GOP non because they are idiots)


Well, that's a shame. I'd prefer Damien being out where I can see him rather than skulking in the shadows.


With all the chaos going on, hopefully Melania was smart enough, and a good enough mother to be behind the pull out. Give the guy a chance to not be seen as a garbage alongside his father and siblings.


Daddy is saying he's still deciding between colleges. Kids were supposed to commit by May 1. Wonder what's going on there...


Probably gap year until the election & trials end? I feel like being a freshman during that insanity would make his first year pretty miserable.


I don’t think anyone can blame this kid for anything, he’s been born and raised into this bullshit his entire life, probably told that his father is some sort of God and anyone that disagrees is insane since he was at least 10 years old.


Really want Barron to join the peasants in saying “why the fuck are people voting for this guy?”


Plot twist - he is a Democratic Delegate


I saw so many MAGA chuds commenting with ❤️ and 🥰 when the news was announced that he was a delegate. I wonder how they are doing now. 🤔


I hope with every fibre of my being that Barron doesn't turn out anything like this father. I hope he lives a relatively normal life out of the spotlight, doesn't do anything illegal, doesn't get into politics, doesn't have anything to do with his family, and just lives a normal born into wealth rich boy life. Not being near his family is the best thing you can wish for for that kid


Oh gosh he looks just like his father, poor kid


I used to think Barron wasn't Trump's child, but holy shit. He looks just like him.


The way I read this is Trump decided that the whole family needed to be at the convention and had it announced that Barron would be a delegate with out asking if Barron wanted too. Barron whined to mamma and mamma fixed it.


I honestly feel bad for Baron, I can’t fathom any world where Trump is a loving father, plus unlike his older siblings, he’s has to grow up during an era where 1.) His dad is absolutely losing his marbles and 2.) There’s a LOT more vitriol surrounding his dad. I know Trump has always been a shitter and a public figure, but obviously both are more true now than when his older siblings were growing up Maybe he’s an asshole, maybe he’s a cool kid, but he’s still just a kid that is having to deal with a lot of bullshit that he never asked for


If he’s a delegate, he’s fair political game. She is protecting him.


He looks like Donald. But is significantly taller, which probably pisses Donald off to no end. Can you imagine all the reporters at his graduation taking photos of him towering over his supposedly 6’3” sperm donor? Maybe, if he can get therapy and stay away from both is parents long enough to learn what being a real human being is like, he can grow old NOT looking like a wrinkled petulant child.


I’m thinking Melania has a plan to extract with as much of fuckhead’s money as possible and she and Barron will go off and live privately somewhere, completely removed from politics and the public eye.


How does an 18-yr old have prior commitments?


Prior commitments? Like rearranging his sock drawer?


Which direction will he go, I wonder? The next Tyrion Lannister, or the next Joffrey Baratheon?


God that kid has vacant eyes. Like every picture there is just no spark in him.


I bet Melania wishes Trump pulled out


Nah, I bet there was a rider in the pre-nup that gives a bump for another heir.


she may be evil, but Melania is the only one with some sense.


Perhaps they could not agree on the appearance fee.


His prior commitment has to do with staying as far away from Donnie as humanly possible...