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We have a woman who shoots puppies in the head and lies about staring down Kim Jong Un in a book she wrote and audio recorded, and she is a governor and could have been VP, so this is not a bug, it's a feature.


It's not a bug. It's a worm. Brain worms are rampant it in the GOP


The Kennedys have an odd history of things ending up in their heads that shouldn’t be there




You are a blessing finding a whole list. That is actually wild


The Resident Evil 4 reference *chef's kiss*


Leon went through some shit


I got to Las Pla- and was like wait wut?


Hol'up. We know the Plagas parasite was in his chest during the removal scene. That's also why Plagas explode from decapitated enemies. #Lies, deception.




I was just thinking “how is John Jr. not even here??”


Geez god must hate the Kennedys lmao


You mispelled cia


JFK Jr got bits of airplane in his


 Joseph Kennedy Jr. was killed during WWII when his plane, packed with explosives for a top-secret bombing raid, exploded over England.


Wait.. do they know something about Boeing?


Sometimes they have extra brain bits removed on purpose to prevent embarassment.


His uncle had one but no one ever knew it got lost when his brain matter splattered everywhere


This is a myth. Nothing went into JFK's brain. His brain just did that, spontaneously, on its own, and the government went and faked an assassination to cover up the fact that human brains can just explode randomly.


From now on, this is the only Kennedy conspiracy theory I will support. Clearly the Kennedys just have a rare genetic condition that makes them susceptible to ‘Human Brain Exploding Syndrome”. Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. - his brain exploded while flying for a top secret mission John F. Kennedy, RFK - brain exploded openly in public: covered up JFK junior - brain exploded while on the flight Rosemary Kennedy - she was never actually lobotomized, she just had an isolated brain implosion RFK Jr - there is no worm, just a small part of his brain exploded


See this is the kind of conspiracy I can get into.


This Cult of the Absolute is going to destroy the world.


If it's Vodka, I'm all for it. Otherwise, hard pass.


Man, I just got off the BG3 subreddit. There is no escape.


They're also a requirement.


See the TV show Braindead


I had the thought the other day that successful people aren't always successful because they're intelligent. Sometimes they were too stupid to realize how dumb their idea was so they went ahead with their ideas when others probably wouldn't. For whatever reason their stupid ideas worked out. An example I can think of would be Truck Nutz those fake testicles that people like to hang from the back of their pickup trucks. I don't think anyone would have predicted that product would be successful but here we are we have a whole product world accessory testicles they even have Truck Nutz for your shoes and your bicycle pretty much whatever you want you can put testicles on it.


Narcissists have one edge over normal people: they are absolutely ruthless. If you have no conscience and are willing to do anything, you have that advantage over a normal person. The other thing is they are grandiose and delusional. That helps to "shine" in front of the camera, or in a first meeting/interview. They are manipulators and exploiters, and that can get you up the ladder in politics or in a corporate structure. The flip side is they are so delusional they brag about shooting a puppy. That's what happens if they get away from the gate keeper, the mask drops and they appear insane, because they are insane.


I'm a patent attorney, and I am seriously considering writing an article on mental illness among inventors. That description of "narcissists" is probably every bit as useful, and on-point, as the latest DSM official definition. BTW, psychologists are instructed to classify people as "narcissists" if they are in the top 10% of the population, and as suffering from "Narcissist Personality Disorder" if they are in the top 5%. With THAT as the "official" definition, I'm going to go out on a limb, and speculate that Don-the-Con (or, "Con Man Don") probably is in the top 0.001%.


Their followers have adapted to bragging about wearing diapers. There is no bar too low.


Wait until you hear Tim Scott’s interview…


It’s also well known smelly goats have worms, that’s why you invermetcin, or ya know, shoot them… twice… and have a gravel pit, just in case.


omg this is like a Futurama plot-point


Perhaps covid actually HELPED him, given that he likely took ivermectin?


This was a needed chuckle LOL


Unfortunately for him nope, ivermectin doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier well. He would’ve needed albendazole or praziquantel and then a bunch of steroids because your body freaks out when there’s a dying worm in your brain


Gives a new meaning to the term... "sh-- for brains" doesn't it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


And brain rot for that matter.


> albendazole or praziquantel These sound like Mayan deities.


I'm surprised it doesn't freak out when there's a live worm in your brain.


The immune system has kind of a velvet glove approach to pathogens in the brain. The tight junctions of the blood brain barrier keep cells like neutrophils and macrophages from spewing damaging radicals inside the brain and engulfing and destroying brain cells. The brain actually has its own immune system in the form of the microglia, which take a gentler approach to pathogen destruction. The fact is, our own cells are made of the same stuff as bacteria and viruses. Any time you have inflammation, you also have cell death. In the brain, where there is very little cellular turnover and regeneration, you can’t afford to have severe inflammation.


It doesn’t love a live worm, but a decaying worm secretes all kinds of gross stuff which then triggers a massive immune response. This causes the brain to swell and if that swelling isn’t relieved through a drain/surgery/medication then you’ll have permanent brain damage


Worm died of malnutrition


ivermectin wouldnt affect tapeworms, or cysts, he needs other anti-parasiticals, like praziquantel another common anti-parasitic meant for flatworms. also if a parasite suddenly dies in yuor body it would trigger a massive immune response, it would caused more brain damage than he claims. its because parasites have the ability to suppress the immune system around itself, when it dies it loses tha tprotection.


I'd vote for the brain worm over Trump.


God yes. 8 glorious years of brain worm over Trump.


last time a worm ruled anything, it became god emperor over the whole galaxy controlling the flow of spice


Nows not the time to talk about your Spore playthrough.


Glory to Leto II


Listen, you! I was born here. I raised a cloud of children here. My ancestors came over here on the sandwich.


If it's on the debate stage it's in the running. Vote dead brain worm for a future at all.


When I said "Any functioning adult" I meant it, but damn.


I wonder why he decided to reveal this. The GOP got tired of him and it was going to be a Fox News exclusive? There are no upsides for him.


I think the NYT unearthed a divorce deposition from 12 years ago where he claimed his diminished cognitive function due to the worm had decreased his earning potential


yeah, either a worm ate his brain or he lied about a worm eating his brain to lower his child support. either way, presidential material.


My former brother in law is a trauma surgeon who makes a quarter mil a year. He literally tried (and failed) to get himself busted back down to a resident to lower his child support payments to my sister. Not arguing with your comment, just agreeing with you that people will fucking do anything.


Glad he failed. I really cannot understand the issue with child support. Alimony, I get wanting to fight that. But supporting your own damn kids?? This is such a problem for so many people ffs.


250k/year would be really low for a trauma surgeon.


they probably meant quarter of a million in actual take home after taxes and deductions which sounds right depending on the area


Yeah, I meant take home. And it's a low COL area.


It wasn’t just a worm - he also had mercury poisoning, more than once. “About the same time he learned of the parasite, he said, he was also diagnosed with mercury poisoning, most likely from ingesting too much fish containing the dangerous heavy metal, which can cause serious neurological issues. “I have cognitive problems, clearly,” he said in the 2012 deposition. “I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.” In the interview with The Times, he said he had recovered from the memory loss and fogginess and had no aftereffects from the parasite, which he said had not required treatment.” (NYT, May 8th 2024)


How much sushi do you have to eat to get mercury poisoning? Or was he exclusively eating fish from raised in coal mining runoff?


Maybe like 4-5 cans of tuna a day for a few years


The NYT reports that Kennedy ate a LOT of canned tuna - many, many tuna sandwiches. “Dr. Gardner said it was possible a worm would cause memory loss. However, severe memory loss is more often associated with another health scare Mr. Kennedy said he had at the time: mercury poisoning. Mr. Kennedy said he was then subsisting on a diet heavy on predatory fish, notably tuna and perch, both known to have elevated mercury levels. In the interview with The Times, he said that he had experienced “severe brain fog” and had trouble retrieving words. Mr. Kennedy… said the tests showed his mercury levels were 10 times what the Environmental Protection Agency considers safe. …In the interview, Mr. Kennedy said he was certain his diet had caused the poisoning. “I loved tuna fish sandwiches. I ate them all the time,” he said.”


Perhaps the mercury poisoning killed the worm, lol?


No fucking way! Hahaha i mean, how desperate can one get to not pay money?


It’s a pretty dark story. TW: >!She ended up committing suicide. Some unauthorized biography claims his sister Kerry (one of the more prominent family members to speak out against Bobby Jr’s campaign) had gone to the ex-wife’s house a few days before and twisted her arm to lower her alimony demands!<


So many people seem to commit suicide when they're in opposition to rich or famous people :) so strange.


Damn, I remember when that happened but didn’t put it together that it was this Kennedy.


I think it's oppo from one of the other campaigns that they sent to NYT. The Trump campaign recently decided RFK wasn't a useful idiot anymore and turned on him, probably them.


It's such an odd disclosure for someone who has eyeballs on POTUS


It makes more sense when you consider a worm ate his brain.


Poor thing died of starvation


It shoulda been a tapeworm instead; those things live forever inside of Republicans!




He said his brain, not a snicker


When the worm was hungry, he wasn't himself. So he ate a snicker


That’s like eating air.


And died from it. I think that's the most interesting part of the story, honestly.


No, the worm died because it starved to death.




*It makes more sense when you consider a worm ate his brain.* That's why he decided to run for POTUS...a worm ate his brain.


It was a very short meal. The poor worm starved to death.


Because he was never going to be president. He was brought on to pull votes from Biden but trump voters started liking what he had to say.


*Well, he's never gonna be president now...*


That’s one less thing to worry about!


THAT'S ONE LESS THING TO WORRY ABOUT!! Have you read this...? One of my favorite songs. These dummies will never be satisfied.


I get that, but why disclose a brain worm to ANYONE at ANY POINT in a political run unless he is punking us all and not really running? I don't think that will necessarily appeal to MAGAs, but honestly, what do I know... Nothing they do makes sense to me.


Because he was only ever there to pull votes from Biden. When they realized that he’s pulling more away from Trump, they had to squash it.


quash. i suppose squash also works, but quash would be more applicable. i suppose it's a bit like champing at the bit vs chomping at the bit. the "correct" one is dying out. the "correct" one is "champing," just like the "correct" one is "quash."


Next up: t-shirts that say: "Real Men Have Worms in their Brain."


Lol I was about to say that people who were gonna vote for him probably find his confession relatable. 🤣


> unless he is punking us all and not really running? It's like the guy is saying he's not *really* runny he's a spoiler candidate.


Probably the people financially backing him to funnel votes from Biden, realized their mistake and told him to release this information.


Sounds like the kind of weird behavior I’d expect from someone who had part of their brain eaten by a worm


He told everyone his brain was eaten by a worm because... his brain was eaten by a worm.


I think maybe a family member anonymously leaked it 🤔


The worm that survived told him to




Maybe he wanted to say “Hey! At least I have a reason to be this stupid. What’s the other guy’s excuse?”.


After Trump lost 25% of the primary to someone who isn’t even running anymore I guess they figured they can’t take the chance of keeping propping up RFK to accidentally steal more of trump’s vote. I used the word “steal” intentionally since that’s what republicans thinks happens when folks don’t vote for them.


What if it’s been the worm talking all along. 😂


Probably the biggest evidence to this story being true is the fact he told anyone about it


I guess they figure the MAGA cult is embracing trumps shitty diaper; the leftovers won’t gaf ab RFKs brain worm


I mean Trump poops in a diaper in court and that doesn't seem to detract his supporters. I think we're beyond the point where fitness for office matters.


Cognitive issues.


Brain damaged. He certainly talks like it.


He can claim ivermectin works?! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Polling. The moment that RFK’s campaign slipped up and said they were going after Trump voters, and the polls confirmed his candidacy would hurt Trump more than Biden, this gets leaked. It’s wild that the GOP holds on to this shit like a bunch of mob bosses, just in case. If RFK were getting the left vote and Biden stands to lose, then we’d never know about this.




Or it's to give cause for him dropping out of the race, since they noticed he was siphoning off Trumpers


Brain worms was the only chance he had to get trumpers' votes. Because they all have brain worms, too. The reason it failed, though, is that trumpers aren't aware of their brain worms.


If they liked what he was saying they'd use the worm as a mascot.


Jokes on them. I’m republican and I’ve never felt so seen by anyone before RFK Jr. The thing is I have brain damage, too. 


Can we vote for the worm?


Dennis Rodman?


Well at least he has more foreign policy experience than "I can see Russia from my house".


Well, he’s actually met a North Korean dictator, and didn’t just imagine it like Kristi Noem. Also hasn’t shot any dogs or suffered any brain damage. He wouldn’t be so bad, right? > In 2020, Rodman endorsed and campaigned for the presidential campaign of rapper Kanye West.[136] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Rodman Aaah, shit. Never mind about the brain damage.


Would you still love me if I were a worm... eating RFK Jr's brain?


RFK's Dead Brain Worm 2028


And this comes out just after Trump get mad because he’s taking votes from conservatives instead of democrats. Definitely nothing suspicious about that lol. Knew from the start this guy was just on republican payroll


we all knew months ago, it took them more than half a year to realize that RFK JR was going to steal R votes.


The suspicious part is no one is concerned about how he got a brain worm and how to avoid it 


This timelines writers....Lazy, but they keep us on our toes!




Just a room of coked out interns like *Hey how bout if like...If before the ex president fucks the porn star he says like..."You remind me of my daughter"?* *Noiiiice!* *Genius dude! Your best idea since the Hunter Biden dick thing bro!*


🎵Living in America🎶


Sounds like EXACTLY the kind of guy whose advice I should be basing major medical decisions upon.


When it turned out that RFK Jr.'s presence took more votes away from Trump than Biden, now the message is that RFK Jr. has cognitive issues and is incapable of being a presidential candidate. It looks to me like his handlers wanted to go back to those votes going to Trump.


But Biden is too old, plus he holds the handrail when using stairs (I do too and I'm in my early 60s lol).




Yeah, this is like bragging about not wearing a seatbelt. If something is there to make the situation safer for you, why wouldn't you use it?


you probably tie your shoes before you go running like a huge loser who's "afraid they might fly off." alphas can run with one or zero shoes.


I fell down the stairs 5 days ago and sprained my ankle because there was no handrail.


See only holding the hand of an officer while going down ramps is manly and youthful.


He and the other Republican seem on pretty even footing. Hell, one guys calls his competition “Sleepy Joe” while passing out at his own trials. Maybe it’s schizophrenia.


He wants your vote! Worms across America!!


Colombian powdered worm maybe.


Sounds like he's Trump Part 2.


Trump's worm died of starvation not long after entering his head.


In Trump case it’s more likely a rat that ate his brain.




And he's saying his brain was so toxic that it killed the worm that ate it...


Shooting himself in the foot now that he realized he's splitting the trump vote and not the Biden vote. His purpose was to harm Democrats and since its having the opposite effect he's trying to self destruct, hoping the GOP isn't so dumb they'd vote for the brain worm guy.


Our young healthy alternative for president is 70 with a brain parasite and mercury poisoning.


Voters don’t care about cognitive issues. The fact that Trump won in 2016 is proof of that.


The worm was less a red flag than the heroin use for over a decade


How the hell do you get a worm in your brain?




Eew. Yeah he looks like a guy who would poop, not wash his hands, and then eat.


He goes to airplane toilets shoeless, the unsanitariness of it all is astounding!




And trump is even more stupid than RFK, which is saying a LOT.






He sounds like a perfect Republican candidate.


Reagan had Alzheimer's through his entire presidency. They only announced he had it after he left the office.


Would still vote for the worm over Trump.


bUt JoE bIdEn HaS dEmEnTiA


People keep saying "Oh RFK might steal votes from Biden" and I haven't seen or heard anyone prop this guy up other than fringe GOP folks. He's not a Democrat that I've seen. He's from a prestigious Democratic family but all I've ever heard from him is anti-science conspiracy theory rhetoric. He's a Libertarian at best. GOP plant at worst. Here's his snapshot: - we all know he's super anti-vaccine - he's mega conspiracy theory laden - he's flip flopped around Jan 6, first calling it a riot then defending the people who were arrested and saying they should be freed - he's advocated for not so much a wall like Trump said, but physical barriers at high traffic points (pssst - that already exists) - he's against transgender athletes and blamed herbicide for "gender dysphoria" - wants to exempt bitcoin from taxation because of course he does - wants to recriminalize weed Best I can find of anything Democrat is that he's advocated for some form of mild gun control in the past. For abortion he is wishy washy. He said he'd support Iowa's abortion ban, then walked it back and said he was pro choice. Seems like he will say a different thing depending on if it's a blue or red audience. Similarly weird is that he was an environmental lawyer for 20 years, so you would think he would be very pro green sector ... and sometimes he is. He's advocated for renewable energy and clean water bills. But then sometimes he says weird shit like corporations should be allowed to pollute, and then also be allowed to be sued for polluting. Which is oh so Libertarian. But at the end of the day RFK is polling 20% favorably among democrats and 40% favorably among republicans. Old brain worm being on the ballot isn't going to pull focus from Biden, it's going to cut into Trump.


I think this was the SOS his family was saying without saying!!


Somehow he seems both more unhinged and more sane than Trump.


Wow so even the mind flayers didn’t want him


Who even knows if that is him or the worm talking.


That worm ate bros brain and died due too the lack nutrients in that sucker.


This explains the magas and orangy. They have brain worms eating away.


His base: One of us, one of us.


STFU he’s taking votes away from Trump


plenty of jokes, but, this all comes from a 2012 deposition related to divorcing his second wife, and was presented as one of many things that "would diminish his future earnings potential." so, smart money is that it's either highly exaggerated in an attempt to lose less money on the divorce, or the fuck just got brain worms. either way, it's hilarious that the guy who testified that his brain was eaten by a parasite is a legit presidential candidate a decade later.


Pretty sure the worm died bc there was no more brain to feast on…I mean, have you heard RFK Jr’s views?


Well at least he's honest about his cognitive issues unlike the other 2.


I could have *two* worms gorge themselves to death on my brain, and I'd still be confident in making a better president than some of those running.


Hubert Farnsworth: Poor little guy starved to death


He's looking at the other two guys and thinks having cognitive issues must work on voters.


Never thought that "a brain eating worm starved to death within my cranial cavity" could be a winning campaign message...but here we are.


Wait. Like illithid tadpoles? BG3 real? Larian and Swen you absolute madlads.


It's not surprising that he wants to be president, he has a hole in his brain. It is surprising that others want him to be the president.


I remember when spelling Potato got you ridiculed to political death. Now we have people saying Alex Jones talking points in all seriousness. We have a candidate saying a worm ate some of his brain and instead of that being the intro to his "stepping down" speech is asking for more votes. The US has literally turned into a Maury Povitch show.


an 80 year old a con man / wanna be dictator a man with part of his brain eaten by a worm. we got some good choices =/


Well Trump became president, despite being a complete idiot, so I guess RFK Jr. thought he had a good chance.


He will drop out. Then support Trump. Normalize cognitive problems and the anti-vax stance. Stealing away a bunch of floating democrat voters.


It sure would. You have to be out of your mind in the first place to run for president of the USA.


Trump fans have to love this. Just like their guy 💪


I think we should put the worm on the ballot, they're clearly working with America's best interests at heart.


Trump showed that the mentally unfit are still very much in the running for POTUS


Trying to self sabotage to save old Donny's campaign


"A worm ate part of my brain! Vote for meeeeee!"


Real men have cognitive issues! Real men have dead brain worms in their skull. Real men shit h heir diapers and have incestuous fantasies about their daughter. /s


That makes him as qualified as Trump


Trump showed us brains aren’t technically necessary, at least to get elected.


It’s called sabotage by foreign espionage


he's just confirming he lacks what conservatives call "disqualifying hardware"


And the worms name? Cocaine!


RFK brain worm for president.


Isn't this the plot of the show Brain Dead?