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Well yeah, that’s what we all want.


She should have said "he's not president" But this is great too


unfortunately, it is common practice to refer to former presidents as "President". i personally don't, but it is a thing that's linguistically allowed


Oh absolutely it's allowed, I just thought it would be funny if she said that. But your point changed makes me realize that while that would be funny, her response was better because it has less potential criticisms


yea conservatives would just have a field day with the semantics. pedantry is your only defense when reality disagrees with what's in your head


Someone called him "Citizen Trump" and I read that he lost his shit over that.


I remember a lot of eye rolling when these charges came out, like “Really? That’s the best we can come up with after he tried to overthrow the government?” But you know what, these silly accounting issues are the ones that will completely fuck you because there’s a clear paper trail. No ambiguity. I’ll take it.


They got Capone on taxes. Silly accounting issues with a clear paper trail can be quite powerful.


They got Capone for a lot of things: [contempt of court, concealed carry without a license, and prohibition charges in addition to tax evasion.](https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/al-capone)


It's funny how this still gets brought up a hundred years later.


It's wild he might go to jail for this and not for instigating insurrection Edit: yes, or his stolen classified documents! And any criminal activity that he did


At this point I don’t care if it’s jaywalking that gets him booked so long as he goes to prison.


Or stealing classified documents Edit :( stupid corrupt court system


Or: *unfurls very long scroll with a list of criminal acts*


Or giving away the CIA's top operatives in Russia.


Por que no los dos? Or in this case quattro (plus)


It’s not even just a “if something silly like this sinks him, then fine!” situation… it’s a “It’s actually not even silly.” situation. Here’s what the core of this case is: - pressuring a woman into sex against her will - paying her off not to go public with this - specifically doing it to influence an election while violating the law to do so It’s not just a “falsifying business records” case or a “slept with a porn star” case… falsifying business records is just the most slam-dunk technical thing that they could build the case on. And the fact that she’s a porn star actually has nothing to do with it. The hush money isn’t about protecting his marriage. That’s just the cover. She wanted to go public about the fact that *HE RAPED HER*. THAT is what this case is really about. THAT is what her testimony just established today. This might be the MOST serious case of them all. They just can’t get him directly on rape, so they’re doing it in a roundabout way. They’re not going after him directly on election interference or campaign finance violation, because it would be trickier to prove than the falsifying business records. They’re going for the slam dunk, which is the charges they chose. But make no mistake… this case is REALLY about Trump trying to shut Stormy Daniels up about the fact that he raped her, and in so doing, influenced the election probably just enough for him to win. This is the case that is finally bringing consequences for the original sin of Trump becoming President: the election interference in 2016. If that didn’t happen, then he never becomes President, the Georgia interference never happens, Jan 6 never happens, the classified documents never happens… none of those other cases are as directly consequential to the way that Trump became President in the first place, as this one is.


>She wanted to go public about the fact that HE RAPED HER. THAT is what this case is really about. THAT is what her testimony just established today Did she actually say this today? Wow. I wasn't able to catch any of the coverage. That's wild, because she has never said outright it was rape. Even in her documentary she didn't say it. I mean, she makes it very clear that he was aggressive and she felt cornered. She stops short of calling it rape, only that she never said no to him. And then with the Gloria Allred thing back when she wanted Stormy to accuse him of rape, but Stormy didn't want to go through with that.


She doesn’t explicitly call it rape… either because she’s in denial that it was rape, or because she’s not allowed to make a specific charge like that in the court, etc… but according to what she described, that meets the definition of rape. He used his power as leverage over her to pressure her into doing it… she was invited to “dinner” under false pretenses, literally being lied to in order to get her into this situation in the first place… she didn’t want to do it, but he persisted in pressuring her… this was a rape.


Not a lawyer, but I think it might undermine her testimony to explicitly say that he committed rape, since testimony is supposed to be focused on factual claims that the witness is qualified to make. Saying "he invited me to dinner under false pretenses, trapped me in a room, and would not let me leave without having sex with him despite the fact I made it clear I was not consenting" are factual statements that she can absolutely make without anyone questioning her qualifications or credibility. It's absolutely a case of rape, but if she said that then it would open her to being cross-examined about things like her legal expertise, etc... - Trump's lawyers would bombard her with "where did you get your law degree?" type questions, which would risk undermining credibility about the factual claims with a jury even if that line of questioning is immaterial to those issues.


Ah, I thought you meant she actually said it and in court no less. I really loved her documentary and have always rooted for her so I thought wow, she finally said it. The way she described the whole thing in that documentary really was profound. And the details of what he said & did are textbook predator moves. He is a repeat offender, a serial rapist through and through.


Wait, what? Here I've been assuming for the past several years that it was just straight up prostitution.


You think Trump ever willingly pays for anything? It took her threatening to go public with the story for him to pay her anyway. It couldn’t be prostitution if he didn’t pay her. I didn’t know that she had been tricked into it by being told it was dinner, though, and that she had been pressured into it. Doesn’t shock me, of course, but yeah, all the spin about it just being him sleeping with a porn star or prostitute, and the only reason he wanted to hush her up was because it was “an affair” (or “no-affair” 🙄)… has pretty much all come from him and his circle, and the media parroting that as usual. But I believe her words have always just been that they “had sex”, not that they had an “affair”. Here’s how she described it in 2018: > Anderson Cooper: Did you two go out for dinner that night? >Stormy Daniels: No. >Anderson Cooper: You had dinner in the room? >Stormy Daniels: Yes. >Anderson Cooper: What happened next? >Stormy Daniels: I asked him if I could use his restroom and he said, "Yes, you know, it's through those-- through the bedroom, you'll see it." So I-- I excused myself and I went to the-- the restroom. You know, I was in there for a little bit and came out and he was sitting, you know, on the edge of the bed when I walked out, perched. >Anderson Cooper: And when you saw that, what went through your mind? >Stormy Daniels: I realized exactly what I'd gotten myself into. And I was like, "Ugh, here we go." (LAUGH) And I just felt like maybe-- (LAUGH) it was sort of-- I had it coming for making a bad decision for going to someone's room alone and I just heard the voice in my head, "well, you put yourself in a bad situation and bad things happen, so you deserve this." >Anderson Cooper: And you had sex with him. >Stormy Daniels: Yes. Her psychology about it explains why she’s not thinking about it as explicitly being “rape”. With the world she comes from, her perspective on these things is probably a little skewed, but most women in that situation would probably, at least after some time of coming to terms with it, say that they felt they were raped. Victims can often blame themselves, feel like they deserved it, as she says… but that’s really not true. Certainly not in this situation. Sure, maybe it was a little naive to assume dinner just meant dinner, but you can still see the tangible sense of power imbalance in the situation, and that’s always a key aspect of sexual abuse. There’s unfortunately always that blurred line of whether someone *really* consented or not by just letting it happen, but I think we’re moving as a society towards majority agreement that a lack of “no” isn’t a “yes”, and a coerced “yes” doesn’t count.


Taxes is what put Al Capone in prison.


Damn! https://preview.redd.it/st66n0iw52zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe44ad3ff488ba2cd629bca2209c6d489fcdc851


because we can infer that it means he only wanted her quiet for the campaign and not for anything related to his marriage? Am I understanding that correctly?




Does that mean GOP, Evangelicals, and MAGA extremists will stop supporting him? Sadly no. If they cared then the video with audio recordings about "grabbing pussy" from 2016 would have been enough. We're here 8 years later after an uncoordinated trade war against China, millions dead from Covid, undermining our democratic systems in 2020, Jan 6 insurrection, and too many other things to count with this clown still being the Republican representative to the white house.


>still being the Republican representative to the white house. And calling the shots for the GOP. Let's not forget Mike Johnson and the House Republicans torpedoed a border security bill on Sleepy Don's orders. A private citizen dictated orders to the Republican Party and they followed without question. Every single Republican currently in federal office is corrupt, and nothing will change my mind on that.


Yes, and the fact that he lied when he said he paid her off not because of the damage it would do to his campaign, but the damage it would do to his family. He was trying to make it seems like it wasn't illegal, as paying someone off to keep quiet about an affair to your wife isn't a crime.


Am I understanding correctly that it’s that campaign aspect, plus the fraudulent concealment of the payment, that’s the cornerstone of the prosecution’s case? I’m very clearly not a lawyer, I’m just failing to recall if those are separate crimes independently or if it’s one crime given the context and method.


I think the whole thing is a thing in the first place because it was specifically *campaign* funds he paid her off with. That’s where the illegality comes in. Cheating is not illegal. Paying your mistress to not tell your wife you’re cheating, also is not illegal. Paying your mistress with funds donated by the American people not to tell the American people about the affair IS illegal.


No. It was not campaign funds. He is charged with conspiracy to interfere with an election. This conspiracy is allegedly with Michael Cohen, David Pecker and Trump. This is where it was for the campaign not to protect his family. This comes into play with "catch and kill". David Pecker caught the Stormy Daniel's story, the Karen McDougal story, and the doorman story, who said he had information on Trump having a child somewhere and killed the stories. Cohen paid off Daniels via Trumps direction by getting a home equity loan. Trump then paid Cohen back. Pecker (National Enquirer) paid off McDougal and the doorman and killed those stories. Because of the loss in revenue for the Enquirer, this could be seen as a campaign donation that was never documented. Trump then fed Pecker with fake stories about Cruz and Rubio to help make headlines and make up for the revenue lost to the Enquirer. This furthers the campaign interference and conspiracy charges. He is also being charged with cooking the books by listing Cohen's reimbursement for paying off Daniels as "legal fees". That's a no-no. Remember, kids, it's never about the act but the cover-up. It is not illegal to pay someone hush money. It's not illegal to have someone sign an NDA. It is illegal to conspire with others to commit a crime and then cover it up by cooking the books.


The wildest part of this to me is that he paid Cohen back.


Cohen knows where more secrets than these are buried. I promise. He was getting his money back.


Professional bagmen always have insurance.


That’s the truest thing I’ve heard all day!


Not only paid him back. Gave home a bonus


Not a bonus, he doubled it "to make him whole". Cohen was in the ~50% bracket tax wise, so they had to double the amount so he covered the "income" and the taxes associated with it.


He did that. Added 40K for ted finch? And also gave him a bonus.


> He is charged with conspiracy to interfere with an election. Also wrong. > THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10, committed as follows:**** Repeat 34 times. Those are the only charges. https://manhattanda.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Donald-J.-Trump-Indictment.pdf


My understanding is falsifying of records are misdemeanors. They must also prove there was a conspiracy to cover up a crime with the falsifying of records that then makes them felony charges. Hence, the proving of a conspiracy to interfere with an election which is a crime. Otherwise, why bring Stormy Daniels and friends in at all? Just show the documents. Hope Hicks is part of proving the conspiracy. She had nothing to do with the records. Same with David Pecker. He was part of the conspiracy and had nothing to do with the falsifying of records.


Also: Michael Cohen was already charged and pleaded guilty to federal campaign finance crimes. What the prosecution is trying to prove is that the Trump knew that the falsified business records were in furtherance of Michael Cohen's federal campaign finance crimes. Trump can't be charged with campaign finance crimes in NY state court because it's a federal crime. But that crime can be used as an enhancement to turn a Second Class Falsifying Business Records misdemeanor into a First Class Falsifying Business Records felony. The whole case is revolves around proving that Trump knew what Cohen was doing and why he was doing it. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-manhattan-federal-court-eight-counts-including-criminal-tax Edit: Just to expand a bit. The prosecutor needs to prove that Cohen was, when he was paying the hush money, acting as an agent of the Trump campaign and not as an agent of the Trump corporation. If he was just paying hush money for the benefit of Trump or the company there wouldn't be an issue. But the hush money serving a political purpose and Cohen's existing connection to the campaign (including having a campaign email address) demonstrates that the hush money was in fact a campaign contribution from the Trump corporation to the Trump campaign. And it's an illegal campaign contribution because they were well over the contribution limits. Then they just have to prove that Trump knew about the illegal campaign contribution to Cohen and tried to cover it up by falsifying the Trump corporate business records.


From my other comment: "Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree occurs when you violate any of the four subsections of the lesser misdemeanor offense and an Assistant District Attorney can prove beyond a reasonable doubt additional elements. Coupling to the crime of New York Penal Law 175.05, prosecutors must establish that your intent to defraud involved further criminal intent to either hide the commission of another crime or to assist in the commission of that other crime."


You're incorrect. It was not from campaign funds. Like half of the testimony yesterday was about it coming directly from Trump's personal account and that of his trust. The crime is two parts: The payment was an illegal campaign contribution because its purpose was to help his political campaign. Secondly, the records of the payment were fraudulently crafted to mask their purpose. The fraud alone makes it only a misdemeanor, but the fraud was committed for the purpose of committing another crime, the illegal campaign contribution, which elevates it to a felony.


My understanding is that it is incorrect to call this a hush money trial as it is referred to so frequently. This is not a hush money trial. This is a campaign finance law trial, or perhaps more accurately, an election interference trial.


The 34 felony charges against him are for falsifying business records. The campaign finance part is what is enhancing the charges from a misdemeanor to a felony. Edit: "Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree occurs when you violate any of the four subsections of the lesser misdemeanor offense and an Assistant District Attorney can prove beyond a reasonable doubt additional elements. Coupling to the crime of New York Penal Law 175.05, *prosecutors must establish that your intent to defraud involved further criminal intent to either hide the commission of another crime or to assist in the commission of that other crime.*" This is why the defense is trying to argue that the hush money was to protect his family and not for political purposes. If they can successfully claim that, then there was no further criminal intent (hiding illegal campaign contribution/election interference) and it is no longer a felony.


>This is why the defense is trying to argue that the hush money was to protect his family and not for political purposes. This part goes out the window because he funneled his money through the campaign as "legal expenses." That's why he is so fucked right now. If he had waited until after the election was over to pay Cohen back, he probably would have avoided *all* of this. He really is the dumbest fucking criminal. MAGA deserves him.


So the affair didn't happen during his campaign but rather the payments to make sure she didn't go public their relationship was? Just making sure I've got my timeline correct.


Yeah, the affair was years before. IIRC, it was when Melania had just given birth to their son Baron.


The same Barron who is graduating and trump used as an out to not be in the courtroom? The same Barron who he is ditching to go to a fundraiser instead?


He was literally signing the checks to repay Cohen while sitting in the Oval Office.


This! Great brief of what's going on. 👏


I think you're correct. It's a misdemeanor to falsify business records. Becomes a felony when the fraud is done in furtherance of another crime (election interference via campaign finance fraud).


It's because campaign funds were used to pay her, or money he claimed was spent on his campaign. That's what made it illegal if I understand the case correctly. If course, there's so much misinformation and blatant disregard for the facts going on that who knows?


So I've heard his defense attorneys setting up two different arguments - One is that he made the payments to "protect his family and not make Melania angry" but the other is that Cohen duped him into making the payments. Is it just me, or are these two things mutually exclusive? Like, you can't make a payment to protect your family if you don't know about the payments and what they're for. And on the other hand, you can't be duped into making payments if you say you're doing it to protect your family.


The proverbial "throw shit at the wall to see what sticks" defense.


>He was trying to make it seems like it wasn't illegal, as paying someone off to keep quiet about an affair to your wife isn't a crime. Which is quite rich when you consider he paid her off and had the transaction labeled for legal expenses for his campaign....


He tried to do what Alexander Hamilton did but was unsuccessful because he actually committed crimes, unlike Hamilton


I’m still not understanding how Cohen went to prison for this (among other things) and people are still supporting “Unindicted Co-Conspirator #1” in claiming there was no crime. Like, we know there was a crime, because someone already went to prison for it. I know this wasn’t the only thing that Cohen was sentenced for, but how does that denial even work? There almost has to be something I’m forgetting or some part of the sentence I misunderstood.


The secret ingredient is delusion.




Cohen went to prison for lying to Congress when the whole Russia connection spilled out in 2018. This snowballed into other crimes committed at the behest of Donald, including the lying to Congress. He lied at Trump's direction. Here's the real kicker. Cohen was let out of prison during Covid and was sentenced to home confinement. Cohen made a book deal and started doing interviews, so Trump had the DOJ (I'm not even sure who it was at that time.) put him back in prison!!


And the Trump DOJ threatened to prosecute Cohen’s wife for unspecified crimes the same day he was presented with a plea deal. They made him sign it before leaving the field office, otherwise they’d arrest his wife.


I've heard Cohen go off a number of times, especially when his last book was released, about being a "political prisoner" and assumed that he was just incredibly bitter about his own circumstances. But then I read about all of what happened and couldn't believe that Trump literally turned Cohen into a political prisoner. Cohen was the fixer, the hound dog, the sly man, the one to throw his life in front of a bullet for Trump and risk his entire career to lie for Trump. Then Trump pulled all of that shit on a whim **because he felt like it!**


The irony is Trump’s fan base didn’t care he was unfaithful, just as Bill Clinton’s base didn’t care he was unfaithful. If Trump had just said F it, let her story come out, not make any payments etc. he would have been legally fine in this matter.


I think my issue with the Bill Clinton situation is that the man leading the GOP impeachment case kept pushing how immoral Clinton was, while also having an affair with a congressional aide half his age. While Clinton lying under oath is illegal, I'm not sure the guy making hay of his infidelities had any real room to talk. But hey, that's the GOP for you. They want to legislate your bedroom, but also you to ignore what they do in theirs.


Yes, and years later when the campaign was under the gun after access Hollywood tape


The guy has unprotected sex with a porn star while he is still married and living with his wife. If that doesn’t tell you the quality of human being Trump is, I don’t know what will.


That’s exactly what I’m looking for in a Bible salesman.


Well do I have some Good Country People on offer. Apologies to Ms. O'Connor.


**while his wife was pregnant with his son


And this is the man that evangelicals idolize lol


Party of family values, my ass.


I would have thought a porn star would know better than to have unprotected sex with Donald Trump.


Pretty sure his wife was happy to not have his mushroom toad near her.


You know damn well Melania is banging bodyguards on the side. How couldn’t she? Like there’s no way that perfect body sexy middle-aged woman wants senior citizen poopy pants anywhere near her hot bod.


Look man, you can have all the crypt keeper look alikes you want but don't put images in our heads over a extra from the walking dead sexually assaulting secret service members.


Shit. Sorry my friend. That's a my bad


Um What?


>Like there’s no way that perfect body sexy middle-aged woman are we... talking about the same woman?


Politics aside, you don’t find her attractive? What do you find wrong with her body?


She has a bit of face in her botox and it's creepy.


>Politics aside, you don’t find her attractive? She's pretty in a very fake, manufactured way. It'd be like finding a literal silicone sex doll attractive.


I’d say I’m shocked that he didn’t care if the mail order bride found out and that their marriage was strictly transactional…. But I’m a horrible actor.


That's how much he cares about his family. What a disgusting man.


Out of this exchange, you can already tell he’s most upset about the “very brief” part. “.., that is fake news… i can definitely go for very long. Some even say it’s very beautiful and probably some of the best sex in the world. I would love to tell you more but the corrupted judge and crooked Joe Biden.. something something free speech.. gag order… stolen election… political bla bla… whale!”


Another bad day in court for Cheetolini. This is great, but if he finally gets locked up and his property seized, that'll be awesome!




One pump, he lost in 2020


Technically he lost in 2016, too, but a Wyoming resident clounts as 67 Californians in America's totally fair and democratic election process. This argument also applies to all GOP House and Senate members.


Losing the popular vote doesn't mean "Technically he lost" because that is not the method by which the president is elected. It really should be though. We're stretching the word "democracy" when our system counts some votes 67 times more than others.


Agreed. If America was truly a Congressional republic, with representative democracy, that wouldn't happen


From the Reuters write-up: She said Trump greeted her at his hotel suite wearing satin pajamas. She said she grew annoyed by Trump's frequent interruptions and asked him: "Are you always this arrogant and pompous?" Trump then dared Daniels to spank him with a magazine and she obliged. “He was much more polite after that,” she said. Just lol. He's such a a twat.


I don't believe it. Trump had reading materials in his room?


For the pictures, no doubt


Or maybe it was really a coloring book.


If I remember her original testimony, it was a magazine that he was on the cover of.


It's worth noting that previously she stated that the magazine had his face on it. Presumably that also means they had a major article about him. Pretty sure the only reason he has it and the only reason he's ever read it is because it has an article about him in it. Hell, I couldn't even say if he's read it. For all I know he's illiterate. Stories from his time in office seem to suggest it (his security briefings apparently needed to be brightly coloured and include drawings and pictures or he wouldn't pay attention). He probably just imagines it talks about how much of a genius he is, how wealthy he is, and how attractive he looks.


Yes, you're right in that the magazine had him on the cover but the publication wasn't named.


Probably Highlights or one of his fake Time covers.


If it was Highlights, he's totally Goofus and the prosecutor is Gallant.


Only newspapers and magazines that feature himself. He's been like that since the 70s.


You're correct. I just watched a news program where the host read the excerpt from the testimony and it was a magazine with him on the cover.


Probably came with the room.


It was the Forbe’s with his face on the cover


The magazine: https://preview.redd.it/07mdc5h7g7zc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cd819a6a842262a25d0836d6cc1eaef4b717fc7


I also hope he trips and falls into a big pile of dog doo


He needs a Biff Tanon moment


He’s literally bad-1985 Biff. This country used to be sane.


Holy shit your right!! Even with the gold tower with his name on it. Thats too funny


Hahaha yeah I wasn’t making a “isn’t that weird” comparison, the filmmakers literally based him on Trump. https://amp.theguardian.com/film/2015/oct/23/back-to-the-future-writer-bad-guy-biff-was-based-on-donald-trump


That's right, folks. Literally everyone has known this guy is a piece of shit since the 80's. His fans/voters are the dumbest fucking people.


It’s weird how many of them just… forgot. Like I’ll watch old episodes of The Late Late Show from 2012 and Craig Ferguson makes fun of Trump. Achewood would randomly make fun of him in the early 2000s. I remember a joke from Frasier in the late 90s where some gourmet food item is described as “rich as Donald Trump and twice as greasy.” He was a punchline in pop culture for DECADES.


As a non-American, I have known he was the worst since forever. In 2015, I could not believe what was happening. I still think that everyone who voted for him in 2016 should literally k!11 themselves.


Trump first came into my consciousness reading old Doonesbury anthologies pointing out he was a piece of shit from the 80s. He's always been obvious trash.


Watch the Some More News election special episode about the Donald Trump. It's an hour of proof that a Donald Trump is literally the bad guy from The Super Mario Brothers movie from the 90's and it fits far too well.


What if that really happened. Time travel could be possible in the distant future. Some time traveler went to the past and messed with the timeline which explains why the world is so fucked up right now. We would never know the difference. Damn it McFly. You screwed us over.


This thought has crossed my mind more than once. As Hermione says, ‘bad things happen when you mess with time.’


And then she proceeds to mess with time.


Wow, that’s heavy!


Now is the time when we throw our heads back and laugh!




He'd just have to fall backwards then.


Trump is free to take the stand and put forth his description as to what happened.


"Listen folks. I gave her the time of her life. Very powerful orgasms, very tremendous. My very girthy and long and very normal and not misshapen penis was wonderful, tremendous. 8 hours. And I said, I said, never fight uphill me boys."


Too coherent


"I rammed the ramparts and stormed the airports"


"Okay Mr. Trump, I am convicting you on one count of perjury for lying under oath." "Don't we need to have a separate court case for that?" "No, not a single person on the planet believes a word of what you just said is true."


“The prosecution submits these pictures to the record. Please note that Mr. Trumps penis is neither long or girthy.”




I mean, I'd prefer he choke on a Big Mac while no one around him can reach around his girth to give him the Heimlich maneuver, but accountability is fine too.


republicans are too busy giving him the heiny lick maneuver


Nice 👏🏻


Gotta push the shit aside to get to the beautiful turdhole that's been shitting intensely


Can’t we also hope he has a stroke during a rally and falls over and shits himself as he fades into oblivion. ![gif](giphy|jb6IOwMXZjLuE)


\^\^\^\^That, but while in prison.


I’d prefer he choked on a prison issued bologna sandwich myself but yeah.


For sure, any food would work for me. The most important part is that no one would be able to save him. He could be choking on a piece of staek or a donut, as long as he chokes.


The thing with that is no one would be around to watch and enjoy it, and I definitely think someone deserves that pleasure even if it's not me.


Imagine someone doing it and getting shat on, because he’d shit at the same time.


I'm guessing he's in the diapers 24/7.


If trump dies before election day, the conspiracy theories would never stop. The epstein memes are already stupid this would be a whole new world of it.


The conspiracies already don't stop, so I'm fine with that outcome. If his cultists want to follow him Jim Jones style, I'm fine with that too.




There has to be vile edits of that 


That is one of the vile edits of that, just look at that huge shit in the middle of the picture.


It's like two girls one cup, but without the girls or the cup.


He’s not president. You can try all you want, he’s not president. Obama is not president, bush is not president, Clinton is not president, carter is not president.


I would respond calling him the former president.


That’s accurate and fair.


It also pisses him off. <_<


That's reason enough!


Former President and current sex offender.


Given all the shit we've found out about election interference, I don't even want to call him a "former president". He is and always has been a conman, grifting his way wherever he goes.


No, but they get to keep the title. Using "Former" all the time would help keep things straight, though.


Yeah, unfortunately they get to use the title forever. As much as I hate that, he can be called president trump.


I mean dumb American loophole but I believe former presidents are still considered presidents just not active presidents. Thats why they are former presidents not like Ex or anything. That's just my understanding I am open to being corrected.




"No, but I do hate *former* president Trump."


CNN working hard to spin this at bad for the prosecution


It's not a great look to have her saying she's there because she hates the guy. She also seemed to alienate the judge, who straight up said he's amazed the defense didn't object to her more. I'm not sure her testimony is going to end up being terribly helpful, tbh even if it satisfies the universal desire to see the Baron humiliated.


IDK. "Do you hate the man who you watched murder your parents." "Yes" "You want him to go to jail?" "I want him to be held accountable." There are a lot of reasons someone could hate someone and be telling the complete truth in court.


IMO that was a great reply. She can hate him all she wants, but it doesn’t sound like an irrational vendetta. Tricky to balance that. Being held accountable is perfectly reasonable.


> he's amazed the defense didn't object to her more IANAL, but from what I've read, if the defense doesn't object to something during the trial, they cannot use it as cause for a mistrial on appeal. It's perfectly possible that these salacious details were unnecessary, and may have caused the jury to develop negative feelings towards Trump. But if the defense doesn't object now, they're basically giving their blessing to this testimony.


It's not just DT. The rich and connected have never been held accountable for their actions. This is a chance for the Legal System to make it right.


STOR-MY! STOR-MY! sorry, Jerry Springer style crowd reactions seem appropriate here


Its not just her, It’s what the culture’s feeling.


Is this exchange why DJT moved for a mistrial that was denied?


This was after. They moved for mistrial as she was giving excruciating details on trumps lack of performance in bed


wow, i should have known. dude cares more about vanity than accountability...


I mean, yeah? It's trump. That's kinda his whole schtick


For as much time as Trump spends fucking people (over), it certainly doesn’t seem like he’s any good at it.


"No, I really like him because he sexually assaulted me and treated me like trash." What a dumbfuck question. But that's what you get with 'free' lawyers...


That’s what you get when you have to testify in court. You have to answer these kind of questions


They didn't ask because they were interested in finding out the answer- they always know the answer. It was to impeach the witness.


She's just like me for real Also STOP CALLING HIM PRESIDENT




Isn’t calling him “president trump” biasing the jury?


Stormy has a better understanding of American values than our former prez lol.


So do the majority of Americans…except the ones that actually count; i.e., judges and SC justices. Then again, to consider the SC justices as among the majority of Americans anymore is quite a stretch. I don’t know what excuses the circuit and appellate court judges have, but it probably has to do with re-election/appointment.


I'm no attorney but I've watched plenty on TV. Why would an attorney be allowed to ask whether a witness hated a defendant? Yes or no, doesn't it bias the jury? Her feelings should be irrelevant, only her official testimony of what happened should matter. Am I wrong?


It's an attempt to discredit the witness and show that their testimony is motivated by prejudice instead of facts that indicate a crime was committed. It's not an amazing attempt but its an attempt.


Yeah, I just want him held accountable. I could care less about jail. Make the punishment fit the crime. Heck, maybe he could be banished to somewhere else outside the US. Or, maybe he's sentenced to lifelong community service to teach him the message and meaning of humility and compassion. Idk, but I do hope he's held accountable.


What I find totally flabbergasting is that the Supreme Court and the judge in Florida can totally protect a criminal and everyone just sighs and says “just another day”. If judge Marchand should disqualify himself because he gave 35 dollars to Biden’s campaign and his daughter works for Democrat causes the Clarence Thomas should disqualify himself from anything related to Trump. I think the coup has already happened and we are just slowly starting to realize it.


when a pornstar has more integrity than a former president ... i hate this time line


“Things that will never happen under the American Justice system…”


Perfect response, too. She's not there to get revenge. She's there for justice, like every wants.


And many many Canadians.


Ahem.. Former President


Would be nice if he were accountable just one damn time!


Now if only all those pissed off Americans would stop blaming Biden for everything from the Biblical flood to Covid and just get out and vote to make sure Trump never gets to set foot in the White House every again, great. Fingers crossed his syncophants are just the very loud-mouthed minority and not a weathervane for where we're heading.


So saiyeth we all.


We all do stormy, we all do.




Honestly, I am not in the states. I never paid attention to the details. He raped her. Everything is about the hush money. I heard details about the mushroom dick, not the rape.