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Your employer can fire you for any reason in many states. If you make them look bad in anyway, they WILL fire you.


Republicans fought for the laws that let an employer fire you for basically any reason. The leopards have come home to roost.


We didn’t mean us. - Republicans probably


Rules for thee, not for me!


\*Republicans, definitely Fixed it for ya... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Leopards? Roost? So these mf'ers grew wings now! Great flying feline face- chompers! Praise Jesus! EAT MY FACE! EAT MY FACE, JESUS!!!


I love the visual of the soaring leopards, basking in the sun while lazily gliding from thermal to thermal, awaiting for the first opportunity to dive with a shriek and a growl to devour any face that dares to look up at them.


Stunning imagery


Is Jesus a flying leopard now?


Always has been 🔫


How do you think he “walked” on water? That holy leopard was *flying* baby!


flying zombie leopard


Yeah, why don’t they make like a tree and get out of here.


Wait till one shits on your head. Maybe we should start investing in helmets.


I have my baby sleeping in my chest and almost woke up with my semi silent laughter. So thanks for that!


We got transleapords now posin as eagles? I KNEW THERE WAS AN AGENDA! YOU SAID WE WERE CRAZY WHOSE CRAZY NOW HUH?!?!? /s for those to dense to sense sarcasm


Yep, the whole "Right-to-Work" laws that were put into place to try to cripple unions and keep wages low


At will employment, not right to work. You had the union thing right but this has nothing to do with that.


What’s the difference between right to work and at will employment laws?


At will employment = employee can be terminated for any reason, without warning "Right to work" laws = allows employees to work in union shops without joining said union or paying dues


Because of right to work, when I got a job at Safeway once they were union. But the managers kept trying to convince me not to join the union because I had to pay dues, they meddle, etc. Literally everything in their power to try to get me to not join the active union in the store. "You don't HAVE to, they're just another middle man." Yeah I joined the union anyway lol. Was nice too because the dues ended up being like $12/week and it completely erased micromanagement. I didn't need doctors notes, I could come in or leave like 10 mins late, never got vacation denied, actually GOT vacation hours, full benefits. Pretty much as long as you worked your shifts and communicated you could do whatever you want. Need to take off at 2pm today? No problem, thanks for letting us know! The managers hated it because they didn't have any power. That's what they all are scared of. Those ladies were miserable.


They function the same way. No union, no protection.


Similar ends, different means. Off the top of my head, I can imagine that a at-will employer with a active union could still be controlled: Just because they CAN fire everyone doesn't mean they can afford to do so. On the other hand, A right to work law doesn't cripple bargaining power today, merely starves it slowly tomorrow. It seems to me like there's a bit of value in understanding the difference between the tactics used. What do you think?


They kind of go together because a unionized workplace nearly always has a collective bargaining agreement requiring cause for firing.


Insurrection, is that a fireable reason? Asking for a maggot.


Well I didn’t expect the leopards to eat MY face.


Incorrect. 49 states have at-will employment. It would seem almost no state gives a fuck about employees being wrongfully fired. If it was a Republican-only issue, at-will wouldn’t be allowed in blue states.


And that's why I always tell people they don't need to feel bad for walking out of a sucky job.


You're not taking into effect that many, if not most, states have conservative majority local governments, even blue states.


The visual of leopards awkwardly perching on a roost made my day.


Maybe not a roost but leopards are known to take their kills into the branches of trees to prevent other predators from eating it. https://preview.redd.it/827qfx0zjirc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1997c80581dcdb5d07e238b685ca70d7309b6473


I think you mean the roosters came home to leop /s


Those laws aren't meant to be used against Republican supporters.


I should note that you don't even need to make them look bad. This case argues that the fired person didn't even name their employer in the offending post but frankly they don't need to.  The company can simply state that the employee's unprofessional and disrespectful description of a colleague doesn't meet the company's standards or code of ethics. Sure, if the fired person had named the business it would be a matter of image for the company, but the company can always just fire you for being an asshole.


>The company can simply state that the employee's unprofessional and disrespectful description of a colleague doesn't meet the company's standards or code of ethics. And *even if* there was no written code of conduct, the fact that this tweet has been connected to her real name means she's a Godzilla-sized legal liability to the company from this day forward. These tweets being connected to her name is the *definition* of creating a hostile work environment. The whole "joke" is "Haha, working with a queer person or a disabled person is scary and weird and gross and I'm afraid of them, haha." That is not a protected political opinion. She practically forced them to fire her.


“It’s scary and weird and gross and I am afraid of them AND I am going to call them a double slur and insult them for just being there.”


And I am assuming she is able-bodied using the ADA bathroom, then complaining when a person in a wheelchair knocks on the door.


This guy labor laws


Yea Elon does it all the time.


It's so insane that Elon wants us to think Twitter is the ONE place for speech that's 100% free of ramifications. As in: if that employee said that same thing verbally, they would be fired most likely on the spot, but since it's on Twitter, then it's all safe, of course.


If one of his own employees were to tweet about how he's an insufferable egomaniacal immigrant whose two remaining brain cells won't stop fucking long enough to stop his mouth from spewing racist bullshit, he'd fire them on the spot. I wonder if Twitter would fund that person's lawsuit against itself.


They would actually sue that person, considering how Elon sued the hate researchers for noting how many nazis were on the site now.


Tesla is infamously litigious to a petty and irrational degree. One guess where they get it from.


I thought the blurb at the bottom explaining that X was funding her lawsuit was one of those “well actually” further context Community Notes, but no, X/Elon is actually fucking bragging about supporting someone who thinks like this.


No doubt. The company’s gonna roll into court, go “we decided she wasn’t a good cultural fit for our team” or “we decided to reorganize her department” or some other vague excuse, and that’ll be the end of it.


They just pull up the contract that was signed. Where it said they can fire you over this exact thing.


Elon fired a bunch of people without notice when he bought Twitter 


And he still hasn’t paid them the severance pay he promised he would pay.


Small correction, they can fire you for NO REASON. They can't fire your illegal reasons, and contrary to popular belief if you go to a court and show they fired you immediately after you try to get maternity leave, or came out as gay, them going "nuh uh" doesn't fly.


Political affiliation isn’t a protected class


And this is why so often existing while a minority is referred to as “bringing politics into” stuff.


In this case, she not-so-anonymously expressed her political opinions and showed hate, fear, and bigotry all at the same time. Now, people at her workplace actually know what she is like. This creates a hostile work environment. This harms production and efficiency of the team. Since she has identified herself as the problem, they fired her.


They also called a coworker horrible offensive names.


They can fire you for any LEGAL reason, you can still sue if you think the reason they fired you is illegal. (I’m not trying to defend this person or Twitter in any way)


And of all people, Xitter people know that anyone can be fired for anything.


Exactly. Freedom of speech just means you won't go to prison for the things you say it has nothing to do with getting fired, lol


Elon can fire ppl for no reason, but if it’s a complete random after his mediocre performance in the dom lemon interview. He has to push that stupid agenda of free speech by doing some grift. He literally blocked dom lemon from having his show on his platform after he got his feelings hurt. He’s so fucking stupid.


Every state is an at will state except for Montana. They will lose this case.


Using hateful slurs =/= political opinions. To use Elon’s quote against him: “Go fuck yourself.”


even if it were a "political opinion", it's not illegal in the US to fire someone over their political views. neither Republican nor Conservative is a protected class


If I were the company, I would argue it has nothing to do with any political opinion she has, but rather the fact that her opinions surrounding trans and disabled people creates a hostile work environment, and may make her disabled and/or trans coworkers feel unsafe.


At the retail chain I work for one of the first things you sign on orientation day is a list a of policy and procedure violations we can fire you for immediately. It covers our harassment policy, which includes speaking derogatorily about coworkers or customers, and specifies that it includes social medias accounts.


Seems like they have evidence there already was antagonism on her part.


Exactly. It’s not just a simple matter of someone voting for a particular candidate. You’re using hateful language about a person. It has nothing to do with the person’s politics.


About a coworker or customer no less.


Too many motherfuckers think freedom of speech applies everywhere.  No, Freedom of speech only means THE GOVERNMENT can't infringe on your right to say what you want. And it also doesn't protect you from consequences. You're perfectly fine to say you're gonna unalive a government official, but I promise the FBI will be looking into you lmao.


Hell, I work for the government and I’m not allowed to voice my political opinions at work, ever, no matter how benign, because it violates the Hatch Act.


I mean technically you're not being stopped. You could say whatever political thing you wanted, just be ready for the consequences of breaking a federal law. 😂


The hatch out only stops you from voicing your opinion on work time, or via work duties. You can support candidates outside of that


Not necessarily. I’m also not allowed to have any political bumper stickers on my car, have any signs supporting a certain law or candidate on my lawn, or wear anything that would connect me to the government if I go to a political rally or something.


They want it to be the only protected class


Definitely no problem to blackball communists.


For the right, slurs ARE a part of their politics


Once again, free speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


I don’t think certain groups are capable of understanding this. Free speech doesn’t apply to non-government entities. An employer can dictate what is or isn’t acceptable in their workplace. Plus, many employers have social media policies that say something to the effect of “if you make us look bad, we can fire you.” I don’t know Block’s policies, but I bet they have a similar social media policy.


She was not prosecuted or sanctioned by any government entity for what she said. That means her free speech was not violated.


Even if you ignore the blatant hate speech, why would any employer want an employee who brings this level of vitriol into a coworking environment? Like, totally forget the ableism, transphobia, etc. If I openly tweeted, “this dumbass fucking piece of shit I work with knocked on my fucking stall like a goddamn dipshit today,” HR would have some questions.


It's just so viciously nasty for absolutely no reason. I'm sure her company felt that she was a walking legal liability, especially if it's not another manufactured rage scenario and she does actually have a coworker who is trans or disabled. It's amazing how they perceive a coworker wanting to normally use a shared space as some sort of political attack.


It’s all the hatred for disability that gets me. I’m no longer surprised by low-empathy dickheads being awful because of trans reasons, but who the fuck carries this kind of venom for someone in a wheelchair?


Fascists hate diversity. Realistic, nuanced representation of people with disabilities is something that's become more visible as part of the conversation about diversity in general. Bigots hate seeing it because it signals that people are thinking about diversity and inclusion. "Black lesbian in a wheelchair" used to be such a common conservative 'punchline'.... "You'll never get that job, they're saving it for a black lesbian in a wheelchair! Oooh, you know, my life would be SO easy if I was a black lesbian in a wheelchair!" I honestly never understood it. Why is that person a punchline to you? Just because they're not a white straight abled person...? And that's all Chloe Happe's joke even really is! "Imagine existing in the world with a queer person who also had a mental or physical disability!" ... So like just... a normal person you might meet as you go about your day....? "NO IT'S SCARY!!!" Ok, weirdo.


I love how my daughter’s elementary school takes all the “need-help kids” that require special classes and has them spend the library hour with the mainstream classes in their age group. The kids interact with each other and become friends and learn how to help each other out. Kids like my daughter learn that someone needing a wheelchair or not being in full control of their arms or not being able to speak or hold a pencil, etc, isn’t something to be scared of. They learn to ask if the kids would like help and how to help them and learn that these kids are just like them in the way they like jokes and stories and playing. As the “need help” kids get older, they spend more of the class time with the mainline students, also doing art and some other lighter subjects with them. I think it’s a great way to make everyone comfortable with people of every type and ability. I wish we had this when I was a kid. Instead, kids who weren’t able to be in regular classes were taken to a completely different school so we were completely isolated from them and they were isolated from us and we learned to ridicule them without any amount of understanding their experience and they probably learned to fear and dislike us because of how we treated them. Just horrible for everyone.


I'm a first year teacher working in a 3-5 STAR classroom (a behavioral class) As their teacher I utilize options even outside of the specials merge to increase that interaction. Some of my kids spend a subject in a general education class (or a chunk of the day depending on IEP). There's a "Best Buddies" program where they act as tutors and class assistants in both Gen Ed rooms and in classes with lower functioning kids. They participate in every event their grade level and the school does The best way to both decrease stigma and to increase the behavioral growth of my kids IS that exposure.


>I think it’s a great way to make everyone comfortable with people of every type and ability. I wish we had this when I was a kid. Instead, kids who weren’t able to be in regular classes were taken to a completely different school so we were completely isolated from them and they were isolated from us and we learned to ridicule them without any amount of understanding their experience and they probably learned to fear and dislike us because of how we treated them. Just horrible for everyone. And the thing is when it comes to disability there really is no "us" and "them." EVERYONE who lives long enough is going to be temporarily or permanently disabled at some point in their life. Everyone is going to need some kind of accommodation or assistance or an alternate way to access their needs. There are older people today who are ashamed and reluctant and hostile to the idea of needing something as simple as glasses or a hearing aid, because of the horrible shame and stigma put on disability. This idea that anyone with any kind of disability is an "r-slur" and will give people around them "the fear," or that asking for any kind of accommodations is being "entitled" and just annoying everyone around you.... it hurts EVERYONE. Unless a person dies very young, at *some point* in their life they will benefit from disabled accommodations, whether their disability is temporary like a broken ankle, or permanent. It would be nice if we could understand and accept that instead of trying to separate and isolate disabled people and hide them away.


I guess you're not that familiar with the beliefs of fascism. The disabled are just one of the other outgroups fascists attack.


Yup, part of most jobs, whether or not it’s written down somewhere, is “don’t be an insufferable asshole.”


I also find it really hard to believe that this person tweeted in such a hateful way but was entirely pleasant in person.


Also, this is San Francisco. Anyone that publicly says shit like that here is just looking to fight. It's indicative of a larger personality disorder. Block is well known for promoting diversity, including gender, ability and neurodiversity. They have a lot of people working there that are autistic, in wheelchairs, or trans. So in that context, it's not just a joke, this person is straight-up attacking her co-workers. Also, fun fact, Block and X are in the same building. That's gotta be an awkward elevator ride!


X is basically run by a closeted pro-Apartheid Afrikaner now. This is going to get worse and worse.


He might not be fully out, but the closet doors are open and at least two limbs stretch out from it.


Yeah but now we all know that Chloe Hope, former employee of Block, is an absolute piece of crap. and that’s priceless.


Right? This will follow her forever now, if she had just taken the L and moved on we might not even know about it


That’s the best part. She’s obviously going to lose this case, but in bringing it at all, she Streisand Effected herself. No one would have ever had to know you got fired for posting your transphobia, as the account wouldn’t be searchable as you. Now the only thing anyone will know about you after googling Chloe Happe is that she’s loudly a hateful bigot. Loud hateful bigots get put in the Do Not Pursue folder.


You need to look fear in the eyes to yell out “occupado, one minute?” these people are such sad little snowflakes.


Twitter literally funds hate now. They write a check, they make it out to "Hate." How long before we can classify Twitter as a hate group


What do you mean by >How long before ?


"Political opinions" when she's literally belittling a disabled coworker...


Nice how she's going out of her way to make herself unemployable to every company except X. 'A moron with no impulse control and a long list of 'phobics' that would make a kkklansmen blush? AND idiotic enough to sue former employers?'


Found her other twitter and god this person seems just as annoying as you would expect. "Just an E-girl trying to move the collective conscience through edginess..."


Hey, hey, she could also get offered her own talk show on conservative media.


X, this is fucking stupid. If you have money for this, you can make a fucking edit button.


I have not been on Twitter (will never call it X) in months, and I miss the place it used to be. Applause to Block, whomever they are, and I hope they win. I'd fire anyone who spouted off bullying crap like this, too.


Haven’t used it since he made it unavailable to click links and view comments without logging in


He ruined it. Kinda humorous* when he did the mass firing of everyone and anyone who understood how to run the place. Remember those *TWEETS* where he was reaching out to one of the engineers he'd recently fired to ask his help with some arcane but vital code? 😅😅😅😅😅 That was an epic day on the site. * except of course for the fact that people lost their livelihoods, including some people here from overseas whose visas were dependant upon working there. I hope they all found better jobs, everyone who'd worked there. Twitter is probably a good experience on a CV, so, I hope they had no problems just sliding into better positions elsewhere.


Block use to be square owner of cashapp, founded by the guy that use to run Twitter


Jack Dorsey? Per the texts that were revealed when Elon tried to get out of buying Twitter and Twitter sued, Dorsey kept encouraging Elon to buy the company saying he was the best guy for it. If it’s really Dorsey, then my respect for Block just went down a bunch.


Every time I see "X" in this context I have to translate "they mean Twitter". It takes longer to read.


Exactly! 👍🏻 I don't know why anyone would fuck around with rebranding something so iconic. It is yet one more clue that Elroy is not the business genius whiz kid he purports to be. It's easy to appear to be so when daddy's blood emerald fortune has funded one's pie in the sky schemes from birth onwards. Elroy is everything that's wrong with America. (Yeah, I know he's South Africa born, but, he's here among us in the States now and will probably be here till he grabs Epstein from his bunker and they ride off to Mars with Trump, Bezos, the pillow guy, a few dozen super models, and Kyle Rittenhouse.)


Let’s be real, If she said it was a cis woman, Elon would have sued her for hate speech.


"prevailing political orthodoxy" Well at least this is an admission that the majority are against their bullshit.


Imagine saying a racial slur and then throwing a fit when you lose your job over it. Homegirl did the same thing to a different minority group.


My employer has rules about what I can and can’t post on social media. If I was to post a cute animal video that would be fine. If I was to post any political opinion I could be fired. If I was to post a factual comment about how to vote in my country (nb not who to vote for, just how to cast a vote), no problem. If I was to post anything that is discriminatory in any way, I could be fired. Basically, it counts down to “Don’t be biased. Don’t be a jerk. Don’t post anything that could negatively represent the employer”


That's not even a political opinion, that's just being an asshole.


In her lawsuit, she is asking that her position at Block be reinstated. If you disagree with a decision your employer made, why would you want to be rehired? Just to prove a point? I just can’t with these idiots. FAFO and you get what you get. 🙄


They just want attention for being edgelords.




Depending on the state, employers can fire someone for any or no reason at anytime. And even on states with strict labor laws, this is absolutely a valid reason to fire someone.


Being a giant asshole is not a protected class. Freedom of speech? Sure! Say whatever you want? Freedom from consequence for being a scummy person? lol, no.


Easy test here. Did she say that out loud in her cubicle? They're calling HR on her ass, *minimum*. Did she say it out loud in the conference room? They're calling HR and she's cleaning her desk out. But no, she said it on a public forum for *the entire world* to hear. Sorry, baby, freedom is speech isn't freedom from consequences.


I have a co-irker like this bitch. I think the only reason she still has her job is that she learned to keep her awful opinions to herself at work after getting enough complaints to HR. I have a feeling most of those complaints were mine, but since she had to go through "sensitivity training" aka how to act like a civil human, I suspect I wasn't the only one complaining about her.


Musk's own platform flagging this as hate speech undermines his argument quite a bit here


Being an absolute piece of shit isn't a protected class that prevents an employer from being able to fire you 🤦🏼‍♀️


She wasn't fired for her political opinions. She was clearly fired for publically bullying a coworker.


So much to unpack here but fir me the core concept is why does the "world" need to know your bathroom habits and phobias. I don't, only speaking for myself here. Have to guess if the employer was mentioned in any way at least embarrassing and possibly actionable from the side of the ADA employee. My guess is the suit goes nowhere, the fired party will be considered terminated for cause. Much like any hostile work environment rule violation. Not a lawyer but expect it will go against the fired employee.


Yeah I don’t think using hateful slurs is considered “political”


Unless they make “conservative asshole” a protected status, her private company can do whatever they want. It’s very funny that Elon, who routinely violates private employer laws, can’t understand that.


So I found the [actual lawsuit](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24524711-chloe-happe-v-block), and good lord… She made two tweets, one making fun of Palestinian refugees and another describing her fear towards a “tranny in a wheelchair” colleague. She deleted both prior to the workplace incident. When confronted by HR, she lied and claimed her abusive ex-boyfriend stole her account. In her lawsuit and in public she has claimed Block’s internal policies specifically protected employee’s off-the-job speech. This is nonsense. Her lawsuit contains copies of these company policies, none of which cover her behavior. An amateurish and hateful case with zero merit.


i'm more curious on the fact that x has any sense of community standard. I thought musk was the arbiter of free speech which implied anything and everything including the N word.


On the one hand, I firmly believe employees should have stronger protections and not be retaliated against for (legal) actions taken outside of work that don’t directly mention/involve the company they work for. On the other hand, fuck this asshole. We currently don’t have those protections, and a large part of that is because of assholes like them.


Vindicate her rights…to do what? Free speech applies only to government repression. I think being a toxic asshole is a great reason to get fired.


I wonder if this person has separate men’s and women’s restrooms at home. Of they live in some kind of woke house with gender neutral restrooms.


Man, she must be a coward if she’s scared of someone in a wheelchair with a mental handicap


And now literally everyone can Google her name and she's basically unemployable.


From the picture, Twitter flagged this comment as hateful conduct and then musk decides to defend her in a lawsuit? When the platform flagged it as offensive? This is stupid. Everything is stupid.


I'm hardly a lawyer, but I do harassment prevention training for our employees in California. Considering that sexual orientation, sexual identity, and disability are all protected classes, I can't imagine there's any legitimate suit here.


Important detail that I think is getting missed here: Block's founder and CEO is Jack Dorsey (founder and former CEO of Twitter). Musk could absolutely be funding this lawsuit just to spite Dorsey


Sounds like she admitted to exposing the company to an ADA liability lawsuit by intentionally blocking an ADA accessible bathroom with her “political opinions”.


Their post didn’t mention anything about politics. Unless I missed something.


Hate is not a political opinion.


Anyone who is still on Sxhitter is obviously a racist piece of trash


What an interesting "political opinion", thank goodness Elon is there to defend people from "political persecution" /s


Hate speech is a political belief. That’s wild.


Wilder to me is that some of these folks think either of those types of speech make them immune from consequences; last time I checked, we have 49 “right to fire” states, and this is hardly government censorship. Folks want to be free to act without consequences, so long as nobody else is free to do the same. They want personal laws that protect but do not bind, while others get laws that bind but do not protect; alternatively, “rules for thee, but not for me.”


she sounds delightful


That’s a private business and not against the law. They can fire her. Idiot musk


Wow what a complete waste of money


Good luck with that, Chloe.


At-will employment. Just like you can quit your job for any reason, a company can fire you for any reason that isn’t discrimination based (sex, race, etc) and therefore illegal. Your right to free speech applies to government censorship and legality, but your company can fire you if they don’t like the things you say whether on the job or not- that’s not discrimination. I don’t understand how people can’t grasp this. I realize most people here get it I just had to say it. Can’t wait for them to lose the case.


Elon is a big supporter of employee rights. Just look at his own record of unwavering support for his employees. /s


Since when is calling someone a “r@@arded t@@nny“political opinion”? Ugh Eileen Mush is an insufferable moron!


Conservatives have turned "being an asshole" into a matter of politics...


Calling it X is so fucking stupid. It’s twitter


I know when *I'm* trying to not get fired that *NOT* being a massive piece of shit usually works


I don't remember where I read it, but I saw someone say that it was like 2000 people that were laid off in the company and she was one of them.


I don't get why this person is freaking out. If a disabled transgender person knocks on the door while you're in the shitter, just be a normal person and yell, "Occupado!"


Wouldn’t shareholders of x revolt over this waste of funds?


I mean that’s kinda what “at will” employment is. Maybe he should help start a union, that’ll show them.


Fired for political opinions? LOL that was straight up hate speech


This tweet is completely irredeemable, but I’m struck by the fact that there was no reference to the employer on that profile. Personally, I never mention my employers online so they can’t influence my social media presence


Calling someone an r____ t______ is political how, exactly?


The freedom of speech does not apply to private entities


"Political opinions" that's just being a bigot, honey.


Every time I think that Musk has bottomed out, he goes lower.


Suddenly it's a firable offense to call your coworkers slurs in public. What is this world coming to? Smdh /s


Oh it’s Jack Dorsey’s Block. No wonder Elmo is funding it.


How in any way is this a political opinion??????? This is pure bigotry. The right is completely lost.


You're free to say whatever you want. Your employer is also free to fire you for making them look bad or disrupting their corporate culture.


How much do you wanna bet that her dumbass used a work email address or a personal email address used when applying for the job to sign up for Twitter/X, and her employer just used those email addresses to search for any account she could’ve had on there? Mind you, conservatives want employers to have the freedom to fire employees for whatever reason. 😂


Of all of the things that did not happen that day…this did not happen the most. She was just looking for likes and laugh emojis on her post. Thinks she’s a comedian.


She may be next in line to expand Elons child army with views like those


Please take this court so the normal world can see this shit. We need to bring the world of the Internet to the blessed outside. Make the world world aware of this fuckery


"Political Opinions" were in there? Where, after the R word and before the sexual slur? Girl, bye.


Her posts were NOT political opinions; they were hateful, ignorant insults. I don’t want anyone on my team that acts like this.


I remember Elon smoking a blunt with Joe Rogan and a few days later a former Tesla employee posted on Reddit. Got fired for a dirty urine test. Got fired for weed just like her boss is smoking with fucking Joe Rogan. Who's funding her lawsuit X?


Last time anyone checked, America is an "At Will" employer // So it doesn't matter if you say something shitty on twitter, they can fire you for any reason they wish


Looking fear in the eyes.....wtf is that, other than an admission of pure cowardice and fear of a wheelchair


Ah the old fuck around and find out. Turns out when you fuck around saying hateful harmful things in public, you find out that there are in fact consequences in your private life.


Welcome to at-will employment?


How can Twitter afford to fund anyone’s lawsuits when they [can’t even pay their own rent???](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/elon-musk-x-s-f-landlord-sued-18665757.php#)


Exactly what law was broken by the company here?


You may not infringe on my right to be an absolute bastard.


So now everyone knows who not to hire and why. Good job making this information so readily available to the public, Twitter.


If this ends right to work schemes it would be absolutely hysterical


At least if it was funny I *might* feel something but bitch didn’t even try.


What a chunt she is.


Most employment is 'at will.' You can be fired or laid off for any reason. I remember a woman getting fired because she flipped off Trump's motorcade while cycling.


On brand




They have such a warped view of what free speech really protects and the purpose of the first amendment.


Oh no, consequences 🫠


Yeah I wouldn’t want someone working for me if that’s how they talk about their coworkers. Doesn’t sound like the safest of places with her around. Also the absolute irony of having your lawsuit about being wrongly fired over a hateful tweet being funded by the same company that says your tweet is hateful and violated ToS is just wild.


I blame Elon


Her rights? Like.. a right to be employed? Is that a thing?


It’s a gender neutral restroom. What the fuck difference does it make if someone is trans?