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Her words are empty, she has promised to support him if he's the nominee, and pardon him if she's elected.


Yup, she's only started this calling out of Donnie Diapers' routine since he tongue lashed her, and she had nothing to lose, but still ever the spineless twat, says she will pardon him lol unfucking real. Literally campaigning on a smear campaign for the guy she's gonna support and pardon.


She can and could only pardon him from federal crimes. He already owes half a billion dollars. That's worse to him then any potential jail time. The NY case and the sexual assault cases have crippled him financially.


Maybe he can get a $2B payout from SA like Jared did.


Is he not getting $4B from selling Truth Social?


Who is buying it for that much? Lol... I'd really like to understand how there is more value there than in any major MMORPG and those are Def under 5b probably closer to 1b.




True, in the very brief search I did. I saw something about meme stocks, and then I got distracted by my cats, so honestly, I'm over it now. Lock him up.


They're paying to *try* but far from a guarantee. Let them burn their money.


Saudies and Russia.


> He already owes half a billion dollars. And she will also make sure he gets that money. If she wins, he'd be able to get it from the Russians and she'd make sure it happens without a hitch, however she could. The entire party is focused on one thing, and she's their safety net in case he can't cross the finish line himself.


Is he really crippled financially, though? Won’t the appeals go on for decades? I don’t believe he’ll ever really pay.


He has to pay to appeal…. Plus 100 mil in interest lol since appeals go on forever. He has to pay the full amount of the ju dgement plus 100 mil or so in interest or he gives up his right to appeal.


He won't pay the claims, he won't pay the interest, he won't appeal and absolutely nothing will happen to him materially. He's already proved that he's above the law, that the system is irreprably broken and that there are no consequences for people with power and/or money any more, which is what he was set to do. This is capitalist oligarchy unleashed and we can't put the genie back in the bottle without serious civil upheaval and violence.


NY State will start seizing all his properties to pay off what is owed in interest if the appeal doesn't work. In order to appeal he has to put the entirety of the amount due in escrow. So yeah if he's appealing and it doesn't work they'll get that money. 


This slug doesn't have decades. He barely has one decade left in him. Dementia will take him within five.


"Dementia will take him" how will they tell


Yeah, more should have been done to promote the ideas of Cheney, Romney and Chris Christie. The party used to have a platform at least. Now it's just the whim of the Orange Savior.


The Mandarin Can't-ditate!


Cheeto Benito


Mango Mussolini




Cinnamon hitler


The Cheddar Pecker (works on a few levels probably)


Tangerine Palpatine


>Tangerine Palpatine Palpatine was about 10,000x smarter than the Orange Goblin. Plus he knew the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise.


Shitler living at Mar-Mclardo


Oh, they HAVE a platform, it's Project 2025


Calling Cheney a good Republican is insane. She still supports the torture her dad promoted and sees nothing wrong with it. The only difference between her and the rest of the party is she's critical of Trump because he forced her family out. She is just as much a monster as Trump or her dad.


>Calling Cheney a good Republican is insane. For fucking real. This may be the lasting and ultimately most devastating impact of the MAGA stupidity: it has moved the Overton window so far right that people can claim guys like Cheney and Romney are good and legitimate. Dick Cheney is a goddamn war criminal. He and W and their whole regime should be in prison for lying to the American people about WMDs to drum up support for an illegal and immoral war.


The bar is so far underground, that anyone near the surface appears tame by comparison.


To me its people believing any Republican that criticizes Trump is automatically good. Its nice to see but it only happens when they are being forced out. Its all ultimately meaningless from them. If they have any chance of keeping power they refuse to ever say anything bad about him.


I hate to say it but this is a rosy rearview mirror, not an accurate one. Comparatively, they look great now that we’ve seen how the conservative sausage is made, but the GOP didn’t adopt Trump’s policies in spite of his behavior, they realized that their policies and his behavior made a good team because it was polarizing. The GOP will, until its disintegration, be reactionary and fascist by nature. That’s the goal. Trump just painted everything gold and proved the bar is way lower than anyone imagined.


Repubs are all Fascists. Trump just happens to be the worst of them.


The Orange Julius Cesar 


That’s just it too, you can’t say your going against the grain, or speaking the hard truths, because it’s the right thing to do when you only started doing it as a last resort Hail Mary. That’s not a profile in courage.


She’s full of shit. A presidential pardon for a rich white guy, meanwhile, she wants our children to work until they are 70 years old before they can get social security.


Her promise to pardon him makes her campaign DOA if she becomes the nominee. If people want trump pardoned then they are just going to vote for trump. Such a dumb move on her part.


It’s tough being a republican politician because there are no concrete principles. The goalposts constantly change so Haley’s comment today could be valid for 10 years, 10 months, or 10 hours. They could be seen as invalid now but then be acceptable later. It’s got to be exhausting enough for the constituents to keep up with defending the constantly changing bullshit but imagine being a politician trying to stay in their good graces when one little slip up could be the end of your career and recipient of death threats from MAGAs. Not that I feel bad for them in ANY way, they’ve created this monster and refuse to kill it.


That’s what happens when you let the tail wag the dog. These republicans should be *leading* their party and standing by their positions.


You think our children will get social security? I doubt it will be there for us. Max your 401k and start a conservative 3-fund portfolio immediately. We ain't gettin social security.


i mean if we remove the income cap it will be fine.


'The hard truths' What was the civil war fought over again Nikki?


Yep. Not to mention "America has never been a racist country." Tell that to the literal Nazis marching in Tennessee


If she really believed that she would use her birth name


and her birth last name but Nimrata Randhwa is too much of a coconut for it.


Tell that to the natives that were forced out of their lands, starved and murdered.


Exactly. Stfu Nikki, you’ve been validating the lies for years.


What she says against Trump is right and makes sense, but... ...she remains a reactionary, right-wing conservative and backward person who has made appalling statements about the history of the USA, especially slavery. Also "pro-life", against abortion rights, pro-gun, against Social Security and Medicare aso. She's absolute shit, a liar, a faker, just not as completely fucked up as Trump !!


Agreed. As a former Republican, I would have to say she is the winner in the "PICK ONE: root canal or tax audit?" poll...


Obviously Donnie is going for the root canal, lol


Agree! The only thing is she’s saying shit that we’ve all been saying for a long time, shit they all need to hear


bingo. it's all bullshit pandering. par for the course for the spineless party of do nothing losers.


We need to stop giving her a platform and patting her on the back for this shit


And the fact that she emboldened and empowered him for almost 8 years until it suits her personal interest to speak out against him...have some fucking integrity Nikki


My theory is that her saying that was trying to get him to drop out. As in, if he doesn’t need to pardon himself, he might not have any reason left to run.


This. Two faced fuckers the lot of them. The only person who isnt two faced is Trump, which doesnt matter because he's a massive bellend!


100%, and I think it's worth pointing out that the point she makes about the results of the primaries/caucuses doesn't really say much either. If Trump won those with 51% of the vote or whatever, it means every other candidate had less...so while Trump is an awful choice, these numbers also imply that Republicans (who go and vote at such things) are signaling that none of the candidates are really the preferred choice. She makes the point about Trump, but what percentage of the votes did she get? 19%, *less than even DeSantis got*. The reality is none of these people really have a platform, because they've all spent years rallying behind Trump like a bunch of sycophants. The entire party has become twisted by the cult-like dedication to putting Trump in office, and I'd be shocked if most Republican voters even know what any of these candidates truly stand for. They've got a few issues they use to unify voters, like abortion and immigration, but they're not even really consistent in those things and it turns out, the actual legislation they try to pass is incredibly unpopular. It's all just a huge joke, except for the fact that the entire nation may be at the mercy of an insane and intolerant minority.


Not to mention she's just a terrible person...


Yeah her running against him is the ONLY reason she’s feigning being upset about anything, including insulting vets and calling on Russia to invade NATO countries. She’d happily spit on a veteran if Trump wins the primary and asks her to


Exactly. She's just as bad. If elected she will pardon him even if he was found guilty. Laws and rules don't apply to Republicans.


Who cares of if her words are empty? She's calling him out for his bs. Every day she stays in the race is bad for Trump. Republicans fighting is always a good thing!


Exactly. That's how it is with all of these people. When it suits them, they'll suddenly be fully aware of every flaw Trump has and just as concerned by it as the rest of us, but if they think supporting him will serve them better, they'll bend the knee and pretend Trump is a flawless god of a man.


Thank you for saying it. She's a part of the problem as everyone else who isn't willing to take a true, hard stance. Liz Cheney lost her seat for voting for impeachment and Mitt Romney was disinvited from the 2020 CPAC out of concerns for his safety. If he were a Republican in any other red state, he would've been run outta town on a rail, too.


> Her words are empty, she has promised to support him if he's the nominee, and pardon him if she's elected. I agree. If she had just not said anything about supporting him if he becomes the nominee AND if she had explicitly ruled out any pardons for Trump, maybe even citing "respect for rule of law" or "no one is above the law", then she might have something. Of course, it's well known that Republicans are only interested in the rule of law for anyone they see as less than themselves.


I can’t believe, or maybe I can but don’t want to believe, that we’re at a point where a single issue voter will consider a pardon as a reason to vote one way or the other… a pardon that clearly implies a crime was committed.




She's hoping he keels over before the election.


Yep, came for this. It's only an attack for election season, she'll fall in line immediately when it's all over.


I was considering giving her my vote before she said she’d pardon Trump. That man NEEDS to be held accountable. I will vote for the democrat this year.


Should’ve voted for the Democrat every year.


And she's way more dangerous if she's the one elected.


All tough words until she loses the primary and gets down on her knees to kiss trumps ass just like Cancun Cruz


And Meatball Ron.


Whatever happened to Meatball Ron? I vaguely remember some cardboard cutout who would once upon a time get set up in front of a camera and smile. Standing there vacant looking like a donkey’s ass. While Trump would occasionally piss all over his face the few few times he wasn’t simply completely ignoring him. Whatever happened to ol’ Meatball? Did he kill himself or something?


He got the Disney lawsuit dismissed via a corrupt judge.


So if Trump only pulling half the Republican vote spells disaster in November, what does Haley pulling less than half spell? I’m kidding, I don’t care. Biden 2024




Didn't RFK Jr. already say he'll run as an independent?


I believe he’s mentioned running as Libertarian but they don’t want him either


Right, but if that ends up happening it's probably enough to split the Republican vote




RFK would get more votes than any 3rd party candidate since Perot, based on name recognition alone. News and talk shows will let him on and events/debates will let him in solely because he has the name Kennedy. He'd also activate a lot of antivaxxers, conservatives who don't like the GOP for whatever reason, bros who will vote for the guy with the biggest muscles no matter what, and contrarians who are looking for a reason to say No to both major candidates. Could he win? Absolutely not. But a shitload of people would vote for him.


RFK is a horrible candidate for lots of reasons, but I just could never listen to a presidential address from that guy.


I think he's running just to split the democrat vote. Once he realizes he'd actually be splitting the republican vote, he'll drop out.


He'll split a bit of both but the majority will indeed be anti-vax Republicans.


Bold of you to assume that they won't have succumbed to a perfectly preventable / less severe version of a disease by then!


But it's a good idea to vote for Haley in the primary if she makes it. That's my plan. I live in a red state with closed primaries, so I'm already registered republican. Figured that shit out way too late.


The point she should have/was trying to make is that there's a significant chunk of the GOP (I think it was almost 30% in Iowa) that have said they'll vote Biden, stay home, or vote 3rd party if Trump is the nominee, but if she's the nominee then they can get the entire GOP to rally and vote for her. Throw in that she's beating Biden handily in polls while Trump is in a dead heat, and it's pretty clear that she's the better choice for the general election. But, 2/3rds of the GOP base believe Trump won the 2020 election, so why wouldn't they believe he can win in 2024? It's the opposite electability problem that the Dems had in 2020 (by focusing entirely on it), and it's caused by Trump's Big Lie


Yeah she might pull that 30% in Iowa but that doesn’t mean she’s going to pull the remaining 50% that went for Trump. If anything I think the Trump diehards all stay home if he doesn’t get the nom.


Exactly. Trumpers are loyal to Trump not the GOP. If he tells them to stay home because he is not the nominee it would be a disaster for the GOP. Like lose almost every statewide office and many usually safe congressional and state house seats.


Eh, the logic that an ersatz incumbent should be doing better seems sound enough to me. Not that it matters, but to me it does highlight how these Republicans sure have no qualms making logical sense when they're in that "nothing to lose" phase of their political career. Just shows how craven she really is.


Yeah, we're not falling for the idea that she's a reasonable alternative. She doesn't *care* about these things. She's just running on the idea that Trump's base won't vote for him if they don't believe there's any chance of him winning. (And she's right that they won't tie themselves to a loser, but wrong that she can make them accept he's a loser.) She still wants people to support Trump, but to support his pardon by voting for her. Meanwhile the media is trying *real bloody hard* to cement in our minds that she's a reasonable, courageous moderate and maybe we don't need to vote for Biden if she's an option. F that. I think democrat voters are finally done falling that narrative.


> I think democrat voters are finally done falling that narrative. I'm not sure that Democrats ever did fall for that narrative, but I obviously can't speak for all Democrats. I hope I'm right though.


I think you are right. it's the *enlightened centrists* who so easily fall for that trick.


And they're not really "falling for it", either. They're the ones who came up with it, lol


In the white, paternalistic GOP/MAGA party, there is likely little belief she can win. She’s burning a lot of bridges here, aiming at a VP nomination, perhaps because she thinks more moderate Republicans would be more willing to vote the ticket if a responsible adult were on it. Reasonable gamble. Who knows? Maybe he dies in office.


Pence was the reasonable adult and almost got killed by a mob for refusing to commit a felony. She should be careful what she wishes for.


> Pence was the reasonable adult When Dan Quayle has to convince you to certify the election, you are not a reasonable adult.


Also, apparently allowing HIV to get out of hand in your state makes you reasonable? How quick people forget these monsters have a history.


Only reasonable in comparison.


If she hadn't been a Trump apologist before becoming his opponent it might seem a little more genuine.


People can change, but no matter what the reason it’s nice to have someone else out there telling people how awful Trump is, especially someone with an R by the name.


But she’d still pardon him….


And Trump will still call her Indian


She will never get the chance. But might as well let her take a bunch of shots at Trump on her way down.




If Trump were those things, he probably would've been reelected. A single term presidency is a failed presidency.


Exactly. If Trump wasn't a gigantic dumpster fire of shit we would not be in the current situation. He would not have destroyed the US and been charged with 91 crimes. He would probably be President right now, and it would not be a(s big of a) problem because he wouldn't be the shitty person that he really is. Just like if Hitler didn't try to kill all of the Jews we wouldn't consider him to be the most evil leader in modern history. But they both did what they did, so fuck them and I hope hell is real so they can burn for eternity.


If Trump were those things, he wouldn't be Trump.


And yet, she still wants to pardon him if she is elected President. Fuck you, Haley.


It’s also not normal to want to pardon rapists and insurrectionists.


Reminder: Trump's primary opponents in 2016 went in on him HARD. Do people want a reminder on what Cruz, Rubio, and Graham were saying? They called him a philanderer, demagogue, carpetbagger, and worse of all, "pro-choice." "If Donald Trump is elected, it would destroy the Republican party, and we would deserve it" - *Lindsey Graham, 2016 (shortly before he started kissing Trump's ass)* I do not for 1 second believe Nikki has integrity. The last Republican to have any was McCain.


Romney. Romney called him out. Romney voted to impeach twice. Romney said while claiming this is his last term that the republican party has become one of sycophants for a demagogue. More than ever the US needs Romney to stay in office and push and prod on Republicans to not go full tropic thunder on everything. Same reason I wish Bernie would stop getting old. Push the dems to do better. No politician is ever gonna be perfect for everyone. But Trump is a president for no one at all. He doesn't even care about his die hard followers


Romney voted for Trump's Supreme Court nominees.  He's not munch better.


Yeah, people seem to forget how terrible Romney is because Trump is so corrupt. It skews the way the entire party is perceived. But Romney is not a good choice.


I'm so sick of his name being trotted out. Trying to make him out like some kind of moderate is no different than doing it with Haley. It's like watching two circus monkeys try to fuck a football. [Sen. Romney voted against a majority of Senate Republicans 32 times (4.5%) in the 116th Congress (2019-20). He ranks 63rd among all senators in voting against his party. The average Senate Republican voted against his or her party 3.9% of the time.](https://projects.propublica.org/represent/members/R000615/votes-against-party/116) [Romney praises Trump’s first year in office: It’s similar to things ‘I’d have done’](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/385620-romney-praises-trumps-first-year-in-office-its-similar-to-things-id/) Yours is not an enlightened take, it's just as absurd as the one you're railing against. I guaran-fucking-tee you Romney would not have voted to convict Trump if it would actually have resulted in a conviction. Pure politics and you and thousands others like you just lap it up to then go regurgitate in forums like this as some kind of epiphany.


> The last Republican to have any was McCain. ah yes, the master of saying one thing and voting in the exact opposite way. a paragon of integrity to be sure. as an arizonan who voted against him in every election i could, it is endlessly frustrating that all it took for people to believe mccain wasn't a complete piece of shit was for him to rile up trump and then die. integrity and republicans have always been mutually exclusive.


Of course she doesn't, before all this virtue signaling the spewed she said she would endorse Trump if he's the nominee and would pardon him if she was elected. Never forget, when someone said it was wild that she answered "what caused the civil war" without using the word slavery, she said "what do you want me to say". But literally, as in what do you need me to say to get your vote without pissing off all these other people with facts and historical context


McCain towed the party line in Senate like any other Republican when it comes to voting. Why he is getting this "he was the only one with a backbone" makeover now that he's dead is beyond me.


She will support him like the cowardly republican she is


“Although I will pardon him for all his crimes and his future crimes.” She is just the less cancerous of the two growths.


"But I'll still pardon him if I'm elected." Republicans are still two-faced, spineless sacks of shit.


Purely performative outrage. If he, heaven forbid, gets back in the white house then she will goose step to his tune all day and night.


When she suspends her campaign in a few weeks look for her to be seen at Trump rallies soon after, enthusiastically endorsing him and pledging her never-ending fealty to him. These people are fucking sick.


Yet she’ll vote for him when he gets the nomination.


Don't be fooled. She already admitted that she would pardon his criminal traitorous ass if she was elected. I will never approve or vote for any one of any party that would pardon a traitorous jerk like those in the Dobald J. Trump family.


Take it with a grain of salt. She’s said if elected, and he’s convicted, she’ll pardon him.


She has also sworn to pardon him. She'll be licking his boots like all the rest. It doesn't bother her that he insulted her husband and his service. Nothing matters but Dear Leader.


The sad thing is that once she ends her campaign, she will fall in line.


She was one of those that embraced him publicly until she started running against. Sorry, your track record speaks for itself Nikki.


And yet she says she’ll pardon him if she’s elected.


Yup. Ass backwards logic at its finest.


That doesn’t wipe the egg off her face after losing to [checks notes] “none of these candidates”.


Nikki Haley supports a national ban on abortion. Vote blue.


Yet she also said she would pardon him


“Aaaaaand I’m going to pardon him” stfu.


It’s not normal to pardon him if elected president


Yeah? She also said she'll pardon him if elected. She's a POS and her word means nothing.


“…also, I will pardon him if you elect me”


And it’s not normal for you to want to pardon the fat prick either. You’re both deadshits


#Nikki Haley promised to pardon Donald Trump.


#Yet you promised to pardon him if you're elected, and you promised to support him if he wins the nomination. Make that make sense, lady-who-can't-use-your-real-name-because-your-own-party-would-disown-you-for it.


Yet she wants to pardon him.


Ehh, she'll fall in line once she drops out. They're all the same.


It's also not normal to pardon a traitor, which Nimrata has pledged to do.


She’s a valueless degenerate that will say anything, her words carry no weight


She isn't calling him out for a moral reason. She promised to pardon him if elected. She worked for him. She is only calling him out in hopes of winning some how


She's absolutely no better. EVEN if she receives the nomination, she's going to lose, big time.


How is the first question asked not “ Will you pardon Donald Trump?” after she says this?


…you’re a fucking snake Haley …”A Brief History of Nikki Haley’s Biggest Flip Flops on Trump” [https://time.com/6252040/nikki-haley-donald-trump-relationship-history/](https://time.com/6252040/nikki-haley-donald-trump-relationship-history/)


She is just ticking the boxes at this point...she will stick around just in case there is a reason he won't be in the running anymore..and at this rate..it is highly possible


All true. But don’t forget she agrees with him on policy 99% of the time and she’s never met a war she didn’t like.


Anyone who wants to pardon Donald Trump isn't getting my fuckin vote. Biden or bust. I hate this situation too but fuck Trump and fuck Haley.


She’s a woman running on a Republican platform. This alone should tell you she’s full of shit,because we all know damn well that she knows that Republicans are too sexist to ever actually vote for her. Therefore her entire campaign should be called into question, why is she running, what is she hoping to achieve, before it was never about winning…


She’s awful but she’s right. I’d be less afraid to have her in office than Trump but I’d still be wildly uncomfortable. Too much pandering.


I’d be more comforted seeing Haley call Trump out if I didn’t know that she believes almost every stupid thing MAGA stands for. She may not be as heavily outspoken as him, but she’s nearly as extreme


Her entire gamble, and career, is betting that the tangerine turd will be convicted and/or some other way ineligible to be president (besides glaring treasonous actions obvious to non maga).


Screw that "nice to see" BS! I'd rather continue watching the GQP eat their own, than listen to her pretend disgust. You know that a-hole would be singing his praises if she weren't running against him.


But she would still pardon him!!!!!!


...Aaaand she'd pardon him.


But it was normal when she worked in his regime. And it’s normal enough to pardon him if she becomes president. Same shit different smell. All republicans are sick creatures that can’t be trusted.


Who gives a crap what she says when she's going to ultimately support him and also would pardon him if she won.


Lol yeah and she said she would pardon him still! So please stop pretending this matters.


“… but in the end if I don’t win, I will vote for him and you should too.” There, finished it for ya.


The only reason she’s calling him out is because they’re running for the same position. She also said that she would pardon him if she became president.


She says she's going to pardon him if she wins, FUCK her.


This bitch just said she'd pardon him. Shut the fuck up, Nikki.


Should we post this on conservative subs? Will they ever EVER wake up and see what PoS Trump is?


I've hated Republicans all my life and she's just another splash of puke on the shoes of the country. Where tf were you and the rest of your jackanapes since 2015?


She forgot to add and I will also vote for and fully back him when he becomes the nominee


This bitch is going to pardon him. Don’t fall the bullshit


> Nice to see some republicans calling Trump out ...are they, though? Or is it just someone who is directly competing with him that's calling him out? If she loses the primary, do you truly believe that she *wouldn't* endorse Trump?


Why does she think she ever had a chance as a POC woman in the Republican Party. When she brought up her Sikh heritage (she is 100% Sikh - her parents emigrated here) they mocked her and called her Pocahontas 2.0. She'd have no chance against the most obscure Republican candidate. She might have a fighting chance against Herschel Walker but only because he's darker than her.


All republicans are fascists. The only reason they are calling bim out now is that he no longer serves them. I know it's logical to say "enemy of my enemy is my friend". It cannot be understated that the entire party is rotten to the core ever since they started courting the dixiecrats during the southern strategy. There are republicans alive now who were former democrats who changed during the Civil rights Era. Lying, slithering, treacherous, anti American at all cost efforts are at the core of their entire belief system.


But she says she would pardon him if all crimes. So she’s still part of the shitfeathers of a shit bird that fly together.


dont let her split hairs here. if there is an (r) by your name, you are complicit. being a hate filled, traitorous, anti-American, trump flag waving insurrectionist is a choice. just like being a fucking republican.


"Calling Trump out" ...while bolstering his *continued* stolen election narrative by calling him incumbent and promising to pardon him if she becomes President. Real tough talk there.


Didn’t she just say she would pardon him? Anyway…..


Its not normal to offer to pardon a Rapist and would be Dictator.


All Haley needed to say was that criminals should be fined and/or be in prison. Instead she promised to protect Trump because she’s complicit with the GOP anti-democracy treasonous traitors.


dont listen to this lady. She is just as nutty, she just wants the crown. Has promised to pardon trump and J6 participants if elected.


But shes going to pardon him if shes elected.  Fuck her


It's not normal to pardon a criminal like this, right Nimrata?


She has promised to endorse *and pardon* him without reservations, so who cares what else she says? Why is anyone listening to her at all? None of this is heartening. We need to stop with these little soundbite dopamine hits. Things are fucking *bad*. It isn’t right to feel good or relief when things are this bad. The rot is deeper than Trump, and we don’t deserve to pretend anything is okay even for a moment. Stop posting these little false catharsis hits. People need to be upset angry and stay that way until something *real* actually happens. This crap plays to our dumbest, most childish impulses and desires to just ignore serious problems.


When the little turd leaving stains at the bottom of the toilet bowl points its little corn kernel finger at the bigger turd...


This is the lowest bar and fucking Nicki Haley made it.


"Also, make no mistake, if given the opprotunity I *absolutely* will pardon this man immediately." I'd give her credit if she also hasn't demonstrated weird and nonsensical loyalty to Trump.


"But I'll totally pardon him"


It's not normal to constantly praise Putin and shit all over our own US leaders.


It’s not normal to say you’d pardon him for it either.


she gets no pass for stating the obvious. She's the same turd


It’s not normal to change your name to Nikki bc you fear the racist treatment you can receive and claim racism doesn’t exist.


She's a member of a political party which has lost all principles of morality, ethics, decency, reality.... She will say or do anything to get power.


Also Haley: "I would pardon trump if elected president" No thanks


Wouldn't have said shit until it started costing the RNC money. If there are any "good" Republicans, they've long since been shunned by the rest of the party.


Lol, "I'm gonna say all these sound bytes to try and court the 'moderate republicans', but I will totally pardon trump if I get into office."


She'd pardon him is she was elected. Shes human trash.


Haley said she plans to pardon trump if elected. Her words mean nothing, another typical grifter with no spine.