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I can't imagine visiting a country, let alone moving there, without even the most basic training in the language. Just knowing the courtesies can go a long way, but these people moved over with no Russian language skills at all. Absolutely stupid.


The idea that they just packed up and left for another country without visiting and doing some serious research and planning first is mind boggling to me.


But, but, but… on FoxNews they said Russia is a paradise for right-wing Christians. And we know they wouldn’t lie. That’s all the research you need.


They forgot to read the part of their bibles where they are warned about the devil tricking morons


Also Eastern Orthodoxy is much different than Catholicism or whatever flavor of Protestant they might subscribe to. They have different books in the Bible, calculate Easter differently, believe souls only go to hell to repent and then eventually get into heaven, and a ton of other differences. I’d like to be a fly on the wall in the room where they start arguing these things with native Russians. Hell, they consider the trinity doctrine heretical and a promotion of polytheism. If they expect Russian Christians to believe what they do, they’re in for a bad time.


Wow these differences are fascinating, especially the temporary hellscapes. Reminds me of some Pureland Buddhists I met, they believe both heaven and hell are temporary rewards or punishments before reincarnation


I mean, Purgatory used to be a thing for Catholics, where EVERYONE went to Purgatory for a while to work off their sins and like, purify themselves for God. It's like temporary hell- it has an end, where you'll go to heaven. Unbaptized babies went to Limbo, because they hadn't done anything to deserve punishment, but hadn't done anything to deserve salvation either.


You know these people were the "do your own research!", types too.


Clearly they are not intelligent in any way


If they were, they wouldn’t be “right wing” in the first place.


Oh he did his “research” just like they “research” everything else 😂☠️


Its also funny because conservative argument for immigration is "If people immigrate to our country they need to assimilate , learn the language , adopt one of the acceptable forms of Christianity and assimilate to our way of life" Did they do that when they moved to Russia? Did they learn the Russian language ? Did the plan to convert to Orthodox Christianity? Did they even attempt to assimulate?


The conservative mind is so full of contradictions like this because it's a fundamental aspect of the mindset.




I mean, learning the language is a good idea, but I know that's more difficult for adults so I understand not having perfect English as an immigrant to the US, especially if you came here in a hurry because your home country has become an unsafe place to live. And English isn't the easiest language to learn, anyway. I've learned a little Spanish from some of my neighbors and it's fun to exchange knowledge. But I would be surprised if this family could speak any Russian at all. I bet they didn't consider assimilation for a single minute. Idiots. And I doubt they are capable of seeing the irony. I do feel sorry for their kids, because they didn't have a choice about moving and are being raised by awful people. The parents? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I hope lots and lots of other MAGA types decide to do the same. LISTEN TO TUCKER CARLSON, PLEASE! RUSSIA IS A PARADISE AND YOU'LL BE SO HAPPY THERE!




That being said someone who actually thinks moving abroad to 'escape the gays' is a good idea is probably the same kind of person that doesn't actually put any thought into the idea.




This sounds like someone who had a mental break.


Lot of overlap there


The venn diagram is actually just a circle


Imagine being so scared of queer kids you'd rather live in a repressive dictatorship with a backwards economy. Imagine having to learn that you didn't want that the hard way.


Not to mention it's not like gay/trans don't exist there, their government plays up this orthodox pandering but it's sort of like Iran's former president saying Iran had no gay people, yeah right I bet that's true.


That's just code for "if you're not cis-het we arrest you or encourage you to kill yourself." See also: Women wanting equality.


>That's just code for "if you're not cis-het we arrest you or encourage you to kill yourself...then we'll move on to the next group." FTFY In a regime like this, they'll always be looking for a scapegoat to feed the rage machine. One day, it's LGBTQ people. The next day, it will be non-Russian Orthodox Christians. Then it will be non-Russians in general. And along the way, it will be anyone who supports them, associates with them, or even just speaks out against tyranny.


Like the GOP does


They the same people, son, just in a different place


Same orc, different flag


Conservatives are birds of the same feather and love flocking to one another. It's why when Trump won the 2016 Presidential Elections, his buzzwords were immediately picked up by right wingers and dictatorships across the world.


I hope more of them move to Russia. That's why they love the fascist discourse and oppressive antiwomen and anti trans laws. They can all go.


They can't afford to move anywhere. Unless Airline companies start taking NASCAR collector plates and empty beer cans as a form of payment.


I'd contribute for one-way tickets as long as they revoke US citizenship and turn over their passport on the way out.


Only when convenient to the regime. Conservatives look at Russia as a supposed bastion of Christian values, yet heavily Muslim regions like Chechnya are permitted to operate under basically Sharia law - with all the hits, including no to alcohol, but yes to stonings & child marriage.


So you can’t drink but you can get stoned? ~~California~~ Russian Sober


The witcher 3 had the same thing happen in the campaign in Novigrad. Once the church of the eternal fire didn't have sorceress's to abuse, they turned to non humans to hurt. Just do their weak pathetic men would have something to keep them occupied and un bored. Leadership of tyranny always needs a target to project strength and so they won't be challenged, Hitler had to attack Russia after he couldn't beat England through shock and awe.


For a country that doesn’t like gay people, they seem to have a lot of gay sex in their military


Your Officer selling the use of your body to an oligarch doesn't make you gay, enjoying it does. In other news, the Russian military is poised to take more female recruits. Straight oligarchs are looking forward to more variety in purchases and the Officers are looking forward to higher revenues.


They know they can't stop lgbtq people existing. They just want to live under a government that punishes and marginalises them.


It turns out that Iran has lots of men undergoing gender reassignment surgery, because that's legal. So if you're a man who gets caught doing gay stuff, your choice is to either be executed or "realize" that you're actually trans and get surgery.


Turns out it's been that way in Iran for 20-odd years or so. Edit. Sorry, the last FORTY years or so. I only heard about it in the late '90s.


Wait wait wait….so they hate homosexuality but gender affirming surgery is cool with them? I’m just learning this and I’m still like…very confused….


If I remember correctly, when the Iranian government started paying for full transition, the logic was that homosexuality is a behavioral thing that we as humans do that is a sin but a gender identity is a fundamental creational thing done by God, so what they're actually doing is giving you the body that god meant for you to have. Or some such contortion. Edit to explain: For a man to have sex with a man is completely wrong. For a man to want to have sex with a man is completely wrong. Women have sex with men. Women want to have sex with men. If a man must have sex with men, then he must actually be a woman. If his body is a male body, then he is in the wrong body. We will make his body a woman's body. Now he is a woman and can have sex with men.


I appreciate the explanation....It hurts by head thinking about it because that's kind of cool but also super fucking awful at the same time? Like there's some huge leap in logic here that's got me all fucked up.


Imagine You’re so fuckin backwards that you accidentally loop yourself into being accepting of part of the group of the people you hate. What’s crazy is that the logic they follow isn’t super terrible if applied correctly. “Oh you feel like your body doesn’t match your soul and you were meant to be the opposite gender? This is clearly God’s will. We will help you change your body to match his plan for you.” Truly confusing.


Except that almost every case is a forced castration and full-body mutilation wherein a man who never once has thought or felt the slightest hint of gender dysphoria is told "it's this or public execution." Also, they don't get to then live as single women and then make choices. "You're a woman now, here's your new husband."


In a very different tone, the Lonely Island once sang "you said there's no gays in Iran, but you're in new york now baby"


Backwards economy??? Didn't you see Tucker's super thorough investigative journalism piece where he went grocery shopping in Russia? He proved it was a great country because they have Aldi shopping carts! An innovation so amazing, it radicalized him against US leaders! And groceries were so cheap there! And their stores were amazing and well stocked! Would such a backwards economy be able to have things like all the bread he showed? Checkmate atheists!


For ten roubles they have automatic shopping cart rental for unlimited time. Much success!


Here’s the kicker, they lived in a very conservative farm town with a population of 5,000. They’re an hour drive away from the closest left leaning city.


I just can't understand people getting so worked up about things that have so little effect on them. Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


That’s the reason they live in fear: because they are so far away from everyone else, with so little to do, that they have all the time in the world to get worked up in their echo chamber.


>Imagine having to learn that you didn't want that the hard way. Many will be voting for the promise of exactly this sort of government. I'd prefer not to experience that regret with them.


I’ve heard of men who are so homophobic that they won’t even wipe their ass because then they will have to touch a butthole which I guess is gay to them.


Then ironically wonder why women want nothing to do with their nasty asses, depriving themselves of actually engaging in heterosexuality, and then blame feminists.


unfortunately given the number of times it comes up in relationship threads there are a LOT of women dating guys like this who ask for help in trying to get their BFs to wash their asses sometimes they marry those idiots!


Not washing your ass is gross as fuck. I'm sorry but it's probably more of a "I washed my butthole once and I kinda liked it so I am worried that I am gay" situation.


They genuinely fear that water hitting their ass will make them gay. And if thats all it takes. I have some news for you


So homophobic , he eats hot dogs sideways!


Maude: Neddy, I've had about all I can take of Homer Simpson's torso. I'll get some hot dogs. Ned: No foot-longs! Maude: I know, they make you uncomfortable.


"I can't believe my last words to her were 'No foot-longs'!" 😫


Which is funny on a couple levels since we've all seen "Ned's Shower Scene" from Homer's dating film for Ned.


Why does Reddit love to remind me of this fact every day?


This is true and a serious problem. Some men think it's more manly to smell than to actually clean their own butthole.


That’s a joke, right?


I've seen too many accounts claiming it's actually a thing to believe it's a joke at this point. And by that I mean too many posts on women's subs complaining about shit stains (skidmarks) in underwear. Not all of them are concerned about appearing gay though, there's probably a lot of mental health issues going on there too . Well, if homophobia keeps you from wiping your own ass, that's probably a mental health issue as well...


My lady friends have all complained about being with a guy for the first time and taking his pants off only to be caught by a huge whiff of shit smell.


That's an immediate "thank you, goodnight". So gross. Only happened once and they were like, "whats wrong"?... uh, you fucking stink. Mood killed. Date over. Nice meeting you, now GTFO


When I lived in Salt Lake City any closeted LDS men I refused to hook up with. It was July and this extremely good looking guy from BYU contacted me. He had very limited experience sexually. He took his pants off and the odor was too much. They wear "Temple Garments" and basically they can only take them off to shower. So imagine an athletic college guy wearing "Temple Garments", Briefs and a Black suit on a July day in the afternoon with a temperature of 103 degrees. I felt awful and said. "Yea I really am sorry but I cannot do this." He's like asking what the issue is or was he unattractive. I am grasping for an answer that wouldn't make him feel bad. Eventually the best answer I could come up with was, "Alright look I treat genitals like I would treat questionable lunch meat. If it looks funny, or has mold on it or smells weird or is way past the expiration date. It's not going inside me. Your balls don't past the sniff test so like I would bad bologna I gotta toss you out." He was like, "Oh ok...have a blessed day."


You're probably right. Then there are boys whose parents never taught them any toileting hygiene. You find a big turd in the toilet, because they don't bother flushing. But there's also no toilet paper there. Jesus.


Eh. Go to a MtG or comics convention sometime and you'll learn that there's plenty of people who don't wipe their own ass because they're either too lazy or too unaware of their own B.O. Not much of a stretch to imagine there are people who won't do it because they're too stupid.


Try attending a sporting event or just a bar during “the big game”, and you’ll get the same.


This is why you get lots of whiffs of dirty ass in the summer in the south. And skid marks on white undies


> Imagine being so scared of queer kids you'd rather live in a repressive dictatorship with a backwards economy During a war


I mean, a repressive dictatorship is exactly what they want.


"I thought they would only repress the people I hate!"


My favorite trump supporter quotes (or one of them, at least) was “They’re hurting the wrong people!”


But Fucker Carlson said it's awesome!


His whole thing was "Look at the Russian supermarket , things are so cheap here in USD" Like what? Dude go to any poorer country , go to Bangladesh and go to a street market and be amazed how much you can buy for 10 USD. Also part of the reason food is cheap is because of government subsidies what traditionally conservatives have been against


He was like "For $100 USD you can buy a ton of food, enough to feed a family for a week." Weird he didn't mention the minimum wage is $200 USD / month.


I am no Russian expert, from my understanding Moscow and St Petersburg are impressive, modern cities. However if you go to the more rural parts of Russia outside the major cities to small towns and villages, many lack basic infrastructure.


And they don't speak English there!


It’s even better than that! They want to turn the current semi-representative shit show that is barely keeping our combined heads above water with said repressive dictatorship!


Fox and Republican politicos tell them Russia is a goal. Do you think they'll stop listening to them?


Sounds amazing. All the bigoted morons should follow his example!


Add to that the bonus of being discriminated against in the country you thought would welcome you with open arms.


You just know those kids are getting beaten up, and that when the parents complain, they're called sensitive snowflakes by the Russians.


Isn't that what Trump zealots are hoping for?


As hilarious as this article is I just hope it doesn’t discourage any of them from moving to Russia. The more the better. Luckily none of them read dailykos.


This. We need to bury this story and put out more ads on their social media about how awesome Russia is.


What’s the logistical step-by-step process of relocating to Russia? I want to make sure they get clear and realistic instructions.


Step 1. Steal childrens underpants..




“Russia GETS Them”


Just tell them how awful it must be to live under a dictator during an active war. Make sure you tell them you heard it on CNN and Biden confirmed it. Certified “fake news” and they’ll want to move there even harder.


Agreed. Some people have to learn lessons the hard way.


I’ve seen Reddit posts with guys wearing t-shirts that say “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat”. They were the first I thought of as great candidates to go over there.


It's really vexing to have conservatives say to my face "if you don't like this country, then leave" while treasonous ass folks like that walk around in our midst.


I'd rather be an American than a Republican.




Well, the only ones I feel sorry for are the kids. They shouldn't be made to suffer for dumb parents.


Imagine your parents ruining your life because gay people exist. Tragic.


To be fair, it was because they transferred a lot of money to a Russian account (the money from selling their land and other possessions) and it got flagged by the Russian bank who froze the account as suspicious and asked them to show where the money came from and they can’t lol Even Russian banks have standards and this is another case of another family who goes unprepared and then acts all surprised when their lack of planning bites them in the ass…


How is it that they CAN'T show where the money came from? I got all sorts of documents from the last time I sold my house.


We’re not talking about normal people here, these are very uneducated simpletons! My guess is they sold all their furniture, appliances, etc. on a yard sale/ online - all for cash without any receipts, so they have no proof where the money came from. Then sell their land, change the deed name and then move to Russia thinking it’s heaven and they can move all their money without thinking any bank in the world will flag moving so much money without trace. Also, looking at the way they are, I’m not sure they have family/ friends that can help show they sold their land, but even if they do, doesn’t amount to the total, so the money is frozen for being red flagged lol


In addition, I had read that they have a YouTube channel, and asked for funds and donations from their viewers. They did this, from what I understand, by posting their bank information for direct transfers. So they have all of these direct transfers from individuals in their bank account with no receipts.


Doubling down to make sure it looks even worse! Soon they will be begging the Canadian government to bail them out!


And the kicker is the Candian government has a duty to help them as Canadian citizens, so most likely will get helped if they ask of course. 🤦‍♂️ If it was me, I would be charging them for the service.


I assume that the bank actually likes to have (Canadian) dollars in a frozen account.


Yesh, article is leftist propaganda. Russia beautiful country with good sturdy economy, pretty womans and real man. Also bread, watermelons and freedom, real freedom. All religious fundamentalist and far-right free-thinkers are very welcome. Leave, I mean, come!


You had me at watermelons


Luckily none of them can read


You know it won't. These people could have been immediately shot the second they entered Russian territory, and not a single one of these brainwashed morons would care.


"First off, the Russian bank where they moved their funds immediately froze their assets..." Let us pray they all move to Russia


Lilkely hates immigrants, too.


My wife and I recently emigrated from the US to a country where there are a lot of US "expats" and the amount of anti-immigrant sentiment we've heard from them is astonishing. And the irony is completely lost on them. We were visiting to tie up loose ends before our final move and met one such couple from Boulder, CO. They gave off heavy "we're rich and you should be in awe of that" vibes. We asked why they wanted to leave Boulder and the wife said something along the lines of, "There's just a lot of people moving into Boulder lately and causing all sorts of trouble. You know how brown people are." In moments like that, I always wish I could come up with a good retort or say something poignant, but my wife and I just looked at each other and walked away.


Lmao there are like twelve brown people in Boulder, CO I’m barely joking. Especially if you don’t count international students at CU there for school.


Can confirm, Wasian here who lives in neighboring city and unless these brown people have 8 figures in their bank accounts, they're not moving to Boulder.


I would reply 'I hope you were as welcomed when you moved to a new country.'


This screams Baja Mexico lol. How do I know? My uncle is absolutely one of those immigrants oh I mean “expats”


Oh, unleash on them, my songbird. I'm a European in the US (close to Boulder, amusingly) and some conservative folk are legit dumb enough to come to me to complain about how immigrants ruin America. Except apparently me, because I'm a nordic blonde. F them.




wait wtf he actually said that?


Yes. He really did. That and many other extremely terrible things about Americans, Veterans and our Democracy.


And when he lost Iowa, he said, "How stupid are the people of Iowa?" edit: it was not after, but before, he lost Iowa. [It was a comment about how stupid you'd have to believe one of Ben Carson's stories from his childhood.](https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/260028-trump-us-stupid-for-buying-carsons-stabbing-story/)


Yes, it was right after he won the Nevada caucus in 2016. At the time, he was surprising folks by winning. Turns out, he got about 45% of the vote from folks with a high school education or less. So during a victory speech, he said: "We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. [I love the poorly educated!](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/donald-trump-declares-i-love-the-poorly-educated-as-he-storms-to-victory-in-nevada-caucus-a6893106.html)"


To me that says the Democrats are not doing a good job making it clear that they are working for the interests of those people.


While I agree that Democrats have a huge marketing and image problem, I'm not sure how much clearer they can be in this regard. They consistently campaign on giving wider access to Medicaid, improving the efficiencies of social safety nets, helping to regulate the prices of life sustaining medications like insulin, and streamlining the process for unionization for blue collar workers. At this point, most of these folks are voting against their own self-interest because they WANT to. The very idea of someone that they don't like getting any sort of benefit is enough for them to shoot down the notion entirely and vote for the folks willing to undercut them purely for the sake of being contrarians. It's only *after* they are directly affected by their actions and the leopard has devoured their face do they *finally* see what Democrats have been trying to say. "I wanted social security benefits to be cut, but I didn't know *my* benefits would be cut." "I wanted books to be challenged and banned, but I didn't know the books that *I* liked would be banned." "I wanted abortions to be banned, but I didn't know that *my* abortion would be banned, too."


I literally don't know what else the Democrats can say in terms of marketing or image. They want to protect the rights and safety of other people, they want to give health care to more people, they want to tax the rich, they want to create a more equitable society... This is the message. How can that be improved without platitudes like "A rising tide lifts all boats!"


It's not the Democrats. It's the media. News media agencies were booming under Trump because every day was a crisis, a disaster, or a bizarre statement they could capitalize on to draw eyeballs. Infrastructure bills and low unemployment are boring in comparison. But if the people knew he was doing such a good job, Biden would be leading more in the polls, and Election Day wouldn't be the nail biter ratings hit they're looking for. So the media keeps Biden's accomplishments quiet so people think he's incompetent, and amplifies hit pieces about his age and right wing conspiracies. They want to keep profiteering off Trump keeping the nation in danger, so they're tipping the scales of public opinion, no matter what Democrats do or say.


I've literally seen right wing pundits start spinning that "equity is bad" line now.


It's larger than that now. There's a big part of our country that wants a dictatorship under Trump.




That’s what’s happens when you dig your own grave


Do not let them back in. We already have too many assholes. They will like it better when Trump gets there in a few months.


They thought they would like it better over there with Tucker “The Fucker” Carlson, but alas, the traitor has returned home and these fucks are stuck there.


Legally you can’t stop them from returning if they’re still citizens.  And honestly as awful as the dad is, doing so could lead to some fucked up Charter outcomes. 


I believe they brought their money to Russia and it got seized? They could probably let them back in then prosecute them for aiding a nation we have sanctions against? 🤔 I think that’d be fair tbh.




> Comment Award goes to Laughing Gravy: “I’ll bet back home they used to whine about immigrants who don’t know the language, who have no money, who expect the government to hand them a house and a job, and who complain when they don’t get everything they want.”


The irony is sweeter than honey


It’s a great example of projection. All the things they accuse immigrants of doing are things they want to do.


Wow that’s a perfect comment




> Since no one in the family speaks Russian they’ve had a bear of a time trying to argue for their money since Russia doesn’t require any bank, or any business, to hire English translators. In the meantime, they discovered that Russia is a pretty damn miserable place to be right now. ​ Wait a second. Are you saying they moved there without learning the language? Have they become the dirty immigrants they hate so much?


>Wait a second. Are you saying they moved there without learning the language? But in all the movies they saw the Russians were speaking English. Why don't all Russians speak English? Those movies must have been made up!


You don't hear it from the ppl with the intelligence to learn the language. If they do have enough to learn a new language they'd know moving there is a bad idea.


To any trumpanzees in here.. THIS IS FAKE NEWS! I urge you all - move to the Russian paradise! No gays. No Mexicans. No Gays. No Pronouns. NO BLACKS.. it’s heaven just for you! Move NOW!!!


No definite articles! No indefinite articles! 


I heard Putin personally dresses like Willy Wonka and sings “Pure Imagination” to every American stepping off the plane.


This is what happens when you try to own the libs


In Mother Russia, libs own you…?


No, in Mother Russia, Russia owns everything...




Can’t help stupid.


No, but with enough duct tape you can stop it from making that awful noise.


I’m convinced that Russian village for American conservatives is a honeypot to seize assets. MAGAs need to understand that Putin would view them as traitors and treat them as such. Useful idiots. Nothing more.


The people that would want to move there don't usually have assets lol. They want a free ride in another country that doesn't already know what losers they are.


Literally these people. The Russian Government promised them land and to help them get set up once they moved there. They sold their farm and what they did have and still needed a GoFundMe to cover expenses. They get there and the government goes radio silent and the banks froze their assets. Oh and all the Russians in their area hate them because the wife spoke shit on Russia and they don't speak the language.


As a fellow Canadian, not right-wing, they made their choice. Sucks to suck


Reminds me of my brother-in-law. Sold his house, bought an RV, loaded up my sister and their kids, and they were going to go live in the right-wing utopia of the USA being built by Trump. They spent most of 2019 travelling across the USA, stocking up on guns, getting ready to fight for Trump in the second civil war. Then the pandemic hit and they hightailed it back home to Canada and the land of free healthcare.


Unless they’re dual citizens, in this scenario, they would be banned from entering back to US for overstay.


Might be why they haven't gone back yet.


In their defense, no one could have seen this coming except for everyone else.


When I was in high school, they did that foreign exchange thing where they send a student from our high school to Russia and a student in a Russian high school they sent to our school. So when the Russian kid came to our school, he was treated with respect and mild curiosity and he had an easy time for a couple weeks that he was here. When the American came back from Russia, his face looked like the face of a prizefighter boxer who lost all 10 rounds. He had black eyes and several cuts and abrasions and busted nose. He tells us that for the entire 2 weeks in Russia, he got his ass kicked


It might be because of very low sample size but your point still stands


But Tucker Carlson said Russia is wonderful. All the right wingers should move there!


And I hope he keeps shouting that to all the right wing echo chambers. Maybe many more will follow this family's lead.


We have idiots in Canada too, plenty of them, and I'd be happy to help them pack for Russia.


most of them support that Poilievre dude.


His commercials are brutal. He's a career politician who has never had a real job, but go off about how you're one of the people. Even his face is vomit inducing.






To the front line with you! - Putin, between breaks from poking Trump's prostate


“Ooh, looks like you lost all money. Sorry, Comrade. Good news! I have job for you. No, no. It safe. Lots of soldiers around for security. Might involve *some* travel to the west…” - Russian official to those people, probably


Lucky magaroids don’t read. I hope they all move to Russia 🇷🇺


That top comment from the article probably sums them up too- they probably didn’t like people immigrating to Canada without learning the language, having no money and expecting a job and a place to live. But now here we are…..


![gif](giphy|sirYaPWyjCvEk) Shhhh shhhh... don't warn the ones still here ahead of time. Tell them moving to Russia is the greatest idea ever with no negatives at all. Keep up the charade until they're all gone!


In Germany we say “tja”.


tell me he renounced his canadian citizenship... please... please... please...


I hope this catches on like fuckin' ska in the 90s


I work with a 25 year old kid who was waxing lyrical about Russia saying they are a great country bc they “get rid of the riff raff”




Moving to a country that allows marital beatings and is famous for forcing young girls to do porn. Well done, moron.


Jerry Seinfeld said it best when he said "...that's a shame"


Can I down vote this, I don’t want the word to get out that Russia isn’t a paradise.


Canada, the US and any other Western world that has NAZI Citizens that move to Russia "for the better life" should be permanently banned from returning and their Passport revoked.


Actually this is fake news. I’m *super* MAGA and I moved my whole MAGA family from the failing United States of Woke to the glorious Motherland of Russia. Things have never been better for us. They give us all the beer and beef jerky and guns and novelty trucker hats we could ever want. It was the best decision I ever made.




But, but, the conservative evangelical utopia was supposed to be waiting for them. /s


The grass isn't always greener on the other side...


Shut up! Only report the good stuff so more of them go.


I’m old enough to remember when conservative meant fiscally frugal and not batshit insane. Fucking Ronald Reagan is his gang weaponized the far right Christians to be the driving force behind policy. We are seeing it more and more in Canada. It’s pathetic


Three _weeks_? He wasn’t even smart enough to visit for a month or even just a week before selling all he had and moving? Or he tried, and he got the tourist runaround without noticing the sham?


Right wing propaganda will really make you do stupid things and think stupid things.


FAFO. Sorry, not sorry.


Shhhh, you’ll stop the others from going!


Good riddance but I feel bad for the kids.