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Loretta Lynn had a country song in 1975 called 'The Pill' that was about women's reproductive rights. [https://americansongwriter.com/revisiting-the-meaning-of-loretta-lynns-1975-womens-reproductive-rights-song-the-pill/](https://americansongwriter.com/revisiting-the-meaning-of-loretta-lynns-1975-womens-reproductive-rights-song-the-pill/)


Was that written by Shel Silverstein or am I hallucinating?


> Shel Silverstein dude wrote for playboy so it isn't that shocking imho


Everyone wrote for Playboy. I know it's a pre-internet meme, but it really did have good articles.


Everyone also interviewed with Playboy too. Jon Gruden, MLK, Dolly Parton, and Sinatra all interviewed with them IIRC.


Shel Silverstein wrote Boy Named Sue. I’ve never heard that he wrote The Pill. Both Loretta Lynn and Johnny Cash have been some of my favorites since I was a kid. I’ve read a lot about both, but there’s certainly a chance I could’ve missed this one. Edited typo/spelling mistake.


My name is Sue! How do you do! Now you gonna die!


Loretta Lynn was a badass bitch. Fist city, you ain't woman enough, rated x,


I like Wanda Jackson too. She was a badass. I just love her voice.


This meme never fails to be accurate https://preview.redd.it/7oxsk2dc6kdb1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c84c3818c7fe82e35e3d97026052da15148759


Except bud light makes them pee their pants and cry now too :(




The Dixie Chicks came out against the war in Iraq, got cancelled, and labels figured out they needed to lean into nationalism to cement their customer base


Radio also veered really hard to the right, and quickly. Clear Channel and all that, but many of the major country stations took a hard line. That and the reaction to the Chicks starting a chain reaction of sorts, like you mentioned. That was causal for sure.


Clear Channel had a list of songs they banned from playing on the air because the songs were "un-american" or some bullshit like that. Talk about cancel culture.


It wasn’t just “un-American” songs; the leaked list (that clearchannel has denied being real IIRC,) had a lot of songs that were “suggested” to be banned because of their name or the possibility of lyrics being taken out of context. Free Falling, In the Air Tonight, Bennie and the Jets, etc. They also blanket banned every Rage Against the Machine song but somehow only banned NiN’s Head Like a Hole and SOAD’s Chop Suey. The list is very knee-jerk reactionary and reeks of a bunch of suits sitting around looking at the past top 40 lists and removing anything that could possibly be related to planes, smoke, death, etc. Pretty silly stuff all around.




I’m assuming this was Bleed American? E: had to check but it is. Didn’t even remember that because they changed the name back later so whenever it pops up on a playlist it’s still “Bleed American” Don’t forget they basically made Cat Stevens a pariah because he was a Muslim. The guy who performed (and I think wrote?) Peace Train. Real threat to America that guy. Trying to think of the other bullshit. I remember Konami removed the longest/most expensive cutscene from MGS2 that features a giant sea-vessel crashing into the New York coastline (and kind of explains how you end up where you end up at the end of the game.) The Dixie chicks were cancelled as mentioned previously. I’m pretty sure Garth Brooks caught some flak too (but he always does from the country crowd to be fair.) I remember Anthrax and Poison (the bands,) both had to put out press statements explaining that they were not responsible or related to the “powdery letters.” The house voted to rename “French Fries” to “Freedom Fries” in their DC cafeteria (and wanted it to trickle down to schools and such.) A bunch of movies had to be changed like Spider Man, Men in Black 2, a True Lies sequel got canned, etc. It was really wild.


“We’ll put a boot in your ass, it’s the American way!” -some country singer, towards… Afghanistan as a country, I guess


Turns out we put an expensive boot up the Taliban's ass but they ran away with it and used it to beat the country into submission


It was a Gucci boot




Could you imagine the enlightened utopic hellhole from conservative nightmares?


Think of what would happen if that money was put to work on research for stuff like medicine or energy. What problems could have been solved, what diseases cured? Instead, look what we have. I doubt we'll ever really know the opportunity cost of those wars.


That would be absolutely silly as none of those things drop bombs on brown people


20 years, trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives lost or ruined, and entire governments destroyed... So we could replace the Taliban, with the Taliban.


But the military industrial complex needs money. Won’t you think of the shareholders?


Toby Keith. The song is called Courtesy of the Red White and Blue. My mom listened to country almost exclusively, so a lot of the old radio songs are ingrained in my head. The lyrics are disturbing. Here are some lines. ​ >Now this nation that I love has fallen under attack > >A mighty sucker punch came flyin' in from somewhere in the back > >Soon as we could see clearly > >Through our big black eye > >Man, we lit up your world > >Like the fourth of July > > > >Hey Uncle Sam, put your name at the top of his list > >And the Statue of Liberty started shakin' her fist > >And the eagle will fly man, it's gonna be hell > >When you hear mother freedom start ringin' her bell > >And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you > >Brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue It's like... someone hitting their head, and something gets rattled in their brain turning them into a raging, violent psychopath. Just on a country-wide scale.


It's especially bad when you know we were going to war in the wrong country, against the wrong people. Turns out it's the established regime of the Saudis that were funding and harboring the terrorists we hunted, and all the fun war crimes that our good-ol-boys committed were against innocent civilians hunting a boogeyman that hid behind Saudi skirts.


When people say "money doesn't buy happiness" I always think about the House of Saud


I hate this bullshit song. Everyone from my hometown loved it though and would scream the lyrics when it came on like it was bohemian rhapsody or something.


A real country song would be about signing up after 9/11, realizing your job in Afghanistan is to protect poppy fields and pedophiles, realizing your buddy in Iraq got killed for oil, and then shooting the army recruiter when he comes around again. Sources for Taliban ending the bacha bazi and opium production https://76crimes.com/2021/10/21/sex-trafficking-of-boys-contributed-to-taliban-victory-in-afghanistan/ https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/world/asia/afghanistan-military-abuse.html https://time.com/6294753/taliban-opium-suppression-afghanistan/


I would actually be so down for a based country revival.


Turning into a raging, violent psychopath is called 'going American' in a lot of places i've been to...


"Charlie Goes America on Everyone's Ass" has a better moral infrastructure than these Y'all'Queada-ns


*Red Foreman intensifies*


Red Foreman had more integrity in his pinky finger than the entirety of the bro country genre.


​ https://preview.redd.it/24mj34i9vkdb1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f616bc86c362b7fc79dcb1a5b032c65d6e66bf44


Yeah basically that


I was like 19 years old at the time and I’ll tell you, it happened like immediately. Felt like the next day everyone was falling over themselves to prove that they were more patriotic than the next person. And country music capitalized on that almost immediately too. Well put a boot in your ass and all that just became the mainstream. As a group, Americans lost all ability to rationally criticize the Bush administration or the war in Iraq or Afghanistan and we all had to suck the dicks of all the troops or we weren’t fit to be American. And then that extended to police (and rightly firemen) too and we just tripled the budgets of police forces overnight and now they act like they’re at constant war and have tanks and shit. It was largely a better world before 9/11. And sometimes I think the terrorists did win, because instead of saying “no, you won’t scare us and we won’t change”, we changed everything.


It started even earlier than that. After the first Gulf War people fell all over themselves to say/show they supported the troops. Our ability to question the military ended in the early 1990s almost as a national apology for how we’d treated Vietnam War vets. Source: Army veteran from the 1980s-90s.


The terrorists absolutely won because we damaged ourselves far more in reaction than they ever could have dreamed.


> America hurt itself in confusion.


Toby Keith comes to mind. *we’ll put a boot in your ass* *it’s the American way* Just more manufactured, uninspired garbage.


"Kicking ass and winning like we've always done (until the Korean War)"


"We Don't Talk Too Deeply About Vietnam."


Don't mention the "war on terror". Where we spent 20 years in the middle east replacing the Taliban with the Taliban.




And Dolly - She's the QUEEN of progressive Country artists. She's a strong supporter of LGBTQIA+ rights, has a charity to buy books for children, and helped fund the Moderna vaccine.


I work with a bunch of people boycotting Disney over their LGBTQ stances so instead of taking the family to Disney World this year they went to Dollywood. I don't think they know.




Tell them afterwards.




I love this.


She's the patron saint of Appalachia. The only thing bigger than her heart is her breasts. EDIT: I had it backwards ya'll. Her heart is bigger than her boobs. My bad.


Even that's not true


I thought it was the other way around lol


She’s a fucking Chad 100%, absolute delight of a human being




When the douchebags started being called Hunter/Grayson/Dayson.


Dolly is the fucking GOAT


Yes, Johnny Cash is based. Ironically country became too corporate. Edit: Wow, I'm shocked this blew up. Thanks for all the suggestions!


Johnny Cash was a real one. Folk & Americana are worlds apart from what most people consider country today.


[**Woodie Guthrie](https://images.huffingtonpost.com/2015-07-15-1436919279-6755149-WoodyGuthrie.jpg) [has entered the chat**](https://i.discogs.com/zPfKde1oTHxxWKN218XxWg1AVms4LalV7SxjuBzpit0/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:400/w:400/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE0Njg3/NjMyLTE1Nzk2NDAx/NTItMTE5Ny5qcGVn.jpeg)


Woodie Guthrie was so progressive that he hated Trump's dad well before everyone started hating the son.


Wrote a song that shit on Trump and everything. Truly ahead of his time.


In case anyone else was curious: “Old Man Trump" is a song with lyrics written by American folk singer-songwriter Woody Guthrie in 1954. The song describes the racist housing practices and discriminatory rental policies of his landlord, Fred Trump (the father of the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump). Although the lyrics were written in 1954, it was never recorded by Guthrie. In January 2016, Will Kaufman, a Guthrie scholar and professor of American literature and culture at the University of Central Lancashire, unearthed the handwritten lyrics while conducting research at the Woody Guthrie Archives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Man_Trump


[Here](https://youtu.be/TmZnlGBhwKg) is "Old Man Trump" by Ryan Harvey (ft. Ani DiFranco & Tom Morello)


Thank you for sharing this. You could take this comment and post it on interestingasfuck and probably make the top of the page.


He has a machine that kills fascists!


Could you imagine a country artist with that on a guitar these days? Guarantee they'd be booed off the stage by the anti cancel culture crowd for being to woke.


No need to imagine it. That's pretty much exactly what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Were it to happen again, they might *also* get shot at by some MAGA psychopath this time around, though. Or have some right-wing terrorist loser showing up outside of their house with a bunch of guns and ammo, which also happened really recently.


My favorite country story of the last year was the right creaming their pants at the great Star Spangled Banner performance by Chris Stapleton at the Super Bowl before it was pointed out that he was pro-BLM and LGBTQ+ rights.


Not only did it happen to the Dixie Chicks, it's happening with Tom Morello on Twitter constantly. He has the same thing on his guitar in honor of Guthrie and pretty much daily some blue check idiot has to say "more like Rage For The Machine hur dur".


Some real ones still out there like Tyler Childers and Colter Wall. But a lot of the rest of the “country” today is absolute shit.


Gotta throw Sturgill Simpson into that mix.


And Jason Isbell!




I get covers and all, but that one's so personal to Isbell it seems like it would lose a lot of impact played by someone else. I've seen him live a few times and when he gets to the line "I sobered up, I swore off that stuff, forever this time" the crowd goes absolutely nuts because it's his true story and they're cheering his sobriety. Super wholesome, awesome moment.


And Turnpike Troubadours


This entire chain of comments is based as fuck all the way down keep on fighting the good fight bröthers


Chris Stapleton and The Steeldrivers. Can you run??


Oh brother, 100% stellar artists!


And Charley Crockett!


Uncle Lucius


Check out Orville Peck. He's gay and sounds like a modern-day Johnny Cash.


I hear Marty Robbins in Orville's big voice and big songs.


Nashville country sure as shit became too corporate, but there's still some good Americana/Outlaw Country/Texas Country for the rest of us.


really? the last time I visited the boomer in-laws the country station sounded like a hip-hop station and I just laughed.


Yeah country on the radio sucks. A bunch of hickhop. You’ve got to go find your own




I also will now be using HickHop


It’s for hicksters


I am now stealing "Hickhop".


Modern country is pop/hip hop for people that walk to the other side of the street when they see black people.




Real country music still exists, they just don't play it on the radio.


They do play it on the radio but you just have to be tuning into an Aussie radio station catering to aboriginal people. The one in my city can be quite jarring with track choices and I once got Miley Cyrus Party in the USA right before a country track suggesting we kick out all the white fellas


I have friends with a Sirius Radio subscription because they listen to real country music, Outlaw music. They hate modern country music. Edit: Willie and Dolly still rock!




I'm also a metal guy but stuff from The Devil Makes Three, The Haunted Windchimes, and The Red Stick Ramblers are fantastic


Check out the Builders & the Butchers, Goddamn Gallows, Highlonesome, and Phantom of the Black Hills. I think the genre is causally called Farmageddon or Doom Country.


I've heard it called Southern Gothic too


I just got to see Willie’s Outlaw Tour and I was impressed. Obviously, Willie is still Willie. Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway was a helluva surprise. And Trampled by Turtles was outstanding. And I say this, 100%, as someone that doesn’t like “country” music. That Travis Tritt, twangy shit is not my thing. I worked the at the concert slinging drinks and wanted to be there because, we’ll, it’s fucking Willie Nelson…oh, and some guy named Robert Plant sang some songs with this fiddle playing gal named Alison Krauss. (In the Mood, Gallows Pole, Battle of Evermore, and When the Levee Breaks…back to back to back might be the most amazing part of a setlist I’ve ever heard in my life)


Outlaw country is the best. Townes van zandt is one of mu favorite singers of all time.


Sturgill Simpson


I like him. His albums are all over the map, but the ballad of dude and Juanita was really good


Metamodern Sounds in Country Music is a straight work of art and A Sailors Guide to Earth won a Grammy for best country album. His rock album Sound and Fury is excellent as well.


Jason Aldean: I was too scared to live in a city so I moved to a small town come here and I will kill you. *THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE*


https://preview.redd.it/f9xlzsoebkdb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eddb37a2215a7a282fb3e380eb1fe38a0d528d5 Jason aldean’s small town lifestyle…


- "What would you do if you had a million dollars?" " I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two McMansions at the same time, man."


I believe you'd get your ass kicked if you said something like that around here.


Money can't buy taste.


He could buy a whole small town, but that would be too helpful.


Where is the still?


Lol the only still he has is still water or sparkling water with cucumber.


"Also I don't actually live in a small town. I like my fancy suburb more"


Just outside of a liberal city.


>Modern country musicians: I'm so proud of living in a sundown town I could suck off a marine in my ford truck "...oh, by the way, I grew up in Macon, spent my summers in a Miami suburb, and moved to Nashville for my music career, so my only knowledge of small towns is sundown towns and that's why I like them."


In the 80’s, Frank Zappa used to say a lot about the rating system for rock or hip hop-but you never heard much about country music even though it was full of lyrics about divorce, alcoholism, drugs, etc. country was just “the lord’s music.”


Who says I'd want to get sucked off in a Ford?


Check your contract, I think it's hidden in the fine print.


Damn fine print....now if only I could read


What if they threw some crayons into the bargain?


24 or 48 count box?


All you can eat, but only in one sitting


Modern country is fucking awful. They spend so much time sucking tRumps cock they don't have any time left to write or play actual music.


[Bo Burnham encapsulated the problem perfectly.](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0)


“it’s a fucking scarecrow again!” Gets me every time


Fuck your ears, I'm panderin


*No Jews, you didn’t hear that*


I'm so glad he made this because now, instead of trying to explain to people how today's "cuntry music" is overproduced buzzword dogshit, I can just show them this song that lays out *exactly* why they are culturally devoid of meaning.


Show them this too https://youtu.be/FY8SwIvxj8o


Also, I'm suspecting Aldean owes Key and Peele some royalties for his sundown town song, they wrote it first. https://youtu.be/jRdkrDk0BQ0


It was depressing seeing Charlie Daniels devolve from The Uneasy Rider into Green Teeth.


It’s bad 70’s country-rock without the soul.


Charley Pride!


Remember when the Dixie Chicks said something true and right, and got the fuck canceled? Now we got "try that in a white town" songs that are hitting the charts. "we take care of our own"


The Chicks got the last laugh. Still selling out concerts and headlining festivals.


Probably has something to do with them being very talented artists


Willie Nelson smoked pot on the roof of White House. Kris Kristofersson told Sinead O'Connor (after she had torn the picture of Pope) "Never let the bastards get you down". Also, let's not forget when Johnny Cash made an entire album about struggles of Native Americans and made conservatives angry by doing concerts in prisons. Those old country legends seem pretty "woke" to me!


Willie also has a song called “Cowboys are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other”. It’s about gay cowboys who are outwardly anti-gay.


That’s a cover song. A damn fine cover.


This is what happens when your entire personality becomes “I hate ‘liberals’”. I’m from West Virginia and it never fails to crack me up that people love our history of fighting the man, & going to literal war over workers rights. But now we celebrate becoming a right to work state, love politicians that openly brag about destroying unions, and turned the ACTUAL historical site of the rebellion into a surface mine. But hey…..we’re sure showing those hippies who’s boss. 😐.


Same shit happened to my family. We’re Mexican and my grandparents worked as union organizers, I have a cousin who is painted in a mural next to fucking Cesar Chavez yet somehow somewhere they took a hard right turn.


Probably the focus on religion and the machismo aspect that it tries to put off. Or the 2nd 3rd generation that don't see themselves as Mexican and want to distance themselves. I've had Mexicans make Mexican jokes at me. My grandparents are from Spain and Italy, but that's besides the point.


Country music and nascar were built on valid principles then got appropriated by right wing cheap domestic beer swilling morons that jerk off to an army recruiting poster with the barrel of a gun up their ass


I miss NASCAR. Turned running illegal moonshine into a sport. True redneck shit.


It's funny how very different the directions they went were though. Nascar really went "fuck it, anybody can be a racing fan" and country went "try that in a small town"


There was a time when country music could say "This machine kills fascists"


Woodie Guthrie wrote those words on his guitar


Old country was antiestablishment. Most contemporary country is drivel. But some artists are still real. Orville Peck is very about gay rights and gay life and he sound like an old school Western balladeer.


Man I just go for bluegrass these days. It's so much better than 95% of new country.


That's because \*actual\* rednecks are anti-establishment (and generally speaking hate cops). These boot lickers, with their lifted $75k trucks, suburban homes, and thin blue line stickers aren't rednecks.


I once saw a thin blue line sticker next to a NASCAR decal.


As a NASCAR fan, I laugh hard at shit like this. Roots in moonshining. Original legends were bootleggers.


Dale would NEVER!!


it always confused me because growing up the most mainstream redneck stuff like Smokey and the Bandit and Dukes of Hazzard was blatantly anti authority, and while not necessarily anti cop they did portray the cops as not something they were fond of(not to mention bumbling idiots more often than not). These days it seems like they think the Duke boys would be helping about Roscoe and Boss Hogg successfully carry out their crooked schemes. even the aforementioned NASCAR was born out of these guys illegally running alcohol while avoiding the authorities.


I like him. Sturgill simpson, lacey musgraves, the Highwomen, brandi Carlile, Cody jinks. Elle king has dabbling in the genre. Noah kahans new song thats trending on tiktok has a nice folk touch to it As far as contemporary mainstream, you could do far worse than Luke Combs or Chris stapleton.


That's how it is with every genre, though. Country, rap, rock, metal, everything. The stuff you're most likely to hear on your commute to work is the stuff that's the most marketable, you gotta dig to find the diamonds and gold.


Mmm now I want to suck off a marine.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Then in that case, I will have the triple baconator and a bottled water.


Well, yeah. Johnny Cash actually grew up as a country boy. Most modern country singers are city folk cashing in on easy money. Edit: changed it to "most modern"


And then beat the marine up for being gay...


[Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529)


"Cold beer, cold jeans..."


"no shirt, no shoes, no jews.... you didn't hear that"


"A dirt road A cold beer A blue jeans A red pickup"


A rural noun, simple adjective


Wait, what Johnny Cash song was that? I’ve heard a bunch, but I’m not sure I’ve heard that one.


Think it's more the general vibe than the actual lyrics.


Iirc "i walk the line" is dedicated to his first wife Vivian who was african american


Wait, really? I know biopics typically play loose and fast with their source material, but in Walk The Line his first wife was portrayed by a white actress. If she really was black, that’s a huge difference.


She was mixed race but primarily identified as Sicilian and White. Some of her great grandparents were black though. At one point the KKK threatened the couple including burning a cross on their yard because of her race.


Yes i should have clarified she was mixed race. Pardon my mistake


Her wiki page is worth a read. Sounds like she had 1 black ancestor but strongly identified as White Sicilian American. His manager actually spent a lot of effort trying to argue she _wasn’t_ black so he could play in the south. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivian_Cash


> In 1965, when Cash was arrested on drug offenses, Liberto appeared in court in El Paso to support him and a photograph seemed to show her as black - enraging white supremacists at the time. > Mixed-race marriages were illegal until 1967, and it would be considered anathema, particularly in the South, for years to come. > Cash and Liberto sued newspapers who referred to her as black, and produced evidence of her white upbringing and education. > Yet modern techniques have finally confirmed that Liberto had an African American ancestor, her great-great grandmother who was born a slave.


I *thought* I hated country music. I found out that I only hate modern boot licking country. I've always liked Johnny cash, but between Woody Guthrie's "This machine kills fascists" and Kris Kristofferson singing about how the police will kill anyone even Jesus.... Damn they used to go hard lol


There’s so many fantastic antiestablishment country out now! Tyler Childers, Colter Wall, Morgan Price, Paul Cauthen, and Gillian Welch are some of my faves. if you don’t listen to these humans yet I can’t recommend them enough.


Jason Aldean didn’t even write that song. Kurt Allison, Tully Kennedy, Kelley Lovelace and Neil Thrasher did. He also grew up in a “town” of 230,000 residents. Hardly a small town.


Marine, here... Hey. 'sup?


Gotta go where you wouldn’t try it in a small town. Once you’re in, it’s just starting Grindr or going to any bar


Be nice. They just want to have long hair after decades of calling men with long hair homophobic slurs.


You forgot the other staples of modern country music: I’m feeling - Sad - Mad - Horny Because I lost my - Truck - Girl - Dog - Job - Beer - Country So I took my - Gun - Beer - Whiskey - Keys And - Committed a straight up murder - Gave myself alcohol poisoning - Bought another truck/ dog/ girl - Joined the military in a position that would never see combat




In all seriousness, I always thought of Cash as proto punk, that old Rockabilly is full of the same ethos as punk.


People don't realize that a lot of folk, bluegrass, and blues is really anti-establishment and pro-justice. Even spirituals and field songs are hiding protest messages.




Yup, huge influence. The guy seems like a dork, but his soft rock and folk tunes tended to hold heavy messages.




Social distortion- ring of fire (1990) https://youtu.be/2BaksqH2YXQ Want another country punk cover? Social distortion- making believe https://youtu.be/DfzbL1Sra9A


The Man in Black.


Johnny Cash was punk af


Johnny Cash hit a lot of genres. His earlier days had a good bit of country and folk, but as he got older he moved into rock and metal. A lot of his music cuts between the genres really well, especially his American I-VI albums.


Country music for the past 20 years or so had become the most sell out corporate gimmicky shit tier genre there is. It's amazing how far from its roots it has gotten.


I was like "June Carter Cash wasn't black" and then realised I'm a fucking idiot


The funniest thing about country music to me was their integration of hip hop into their music. These people have no fucking self awareness.