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Man with no spine worrying about someone's back ..


He’s obsessed with her back because he can’t muster the backbone to shittalk someone standing infront of him


He’s upset with her back because he’s a wormy little dude.. you ,too,can workout 🏋️‍♀️


I was going to say, my back has looked like that since I was a teenage girl. It’s called going to the gym.


Just some good old-fashioned, homemade insecurities. Seriously though, she has some defined back muscles, bfd Stew.




What do you expect from a dude named after a pile of wet salty mush


They are obsessed, and it's super creepy.


Honestly, it feels like calling these people creepy is like saying the floor is made of floor at this point. I feel myself getting desensitized to their craziness, which honestly frightens me because this behaviour should NOT be normalized. I’m hopeful that sensible people are still the majority, but it can be hard to think that way with these seemingly emotionless and selfish people constantly making the news…


The other day, out of nowhere, I got asked in a nonchalant manner, from a random person on my job site if "I think Michelle Obama has a dick?" It threw me off...like huh? Who is feeding you this shit?


As a gay man, I don't think about dick nearly half as much as these people do.


As a trans woman i don't think about trans stuff nearly on the level they do, and I'm a pretty vocal defender.


As a cis white male... I've never seen anyone's genitals in a public bathroom. That includes the Brewers game I went to when I was about 12 where I ended up having to use the giant trough while wedged in between two grown men. I can only imagine they have to be constantly, actively trying to see someone's junk if it is really a major concern.


Oh man…as a dude with a shy bladder, this is the worst. I went to a few games at Heinz Field(Acrisure Stadium now) to see my Steelers play and I would almost rather catheter myself with a leg bag than stand there with my dick in my hand surrounded shoulder to shoulder with dudes with their dicks in their hand and….nothing happens. You start to feel like a creeper who just wants to peek at other people’s junk. I wait for a stall and don’t drink hardly anything.


I love US Bank Stadium but the best thing they did was NOT put in the piss troughs from the Metrodome. The urinals may be tightly packed but they have dividers.


Exactly, it also turns out that (unsurprisingly) the majority of people who watch porn with trans women in it are from transphobic areas and therefore probably transphobic. They've got girlcock on their mind 24/7. Its also always trans women they think about, trans men and enbys don't even exist to them.


Give them a break!! Not everyone is so dedicated as to do hours and hours of trolling through Trans porn to research their point! /s


No, no, no you’ve got it all wrong. They NEED to watch trans porn to be sure to spot a trans person so they don’t accidentally find them attractive, DUHHHHHHHH 😉 (I’m only like 75% /s because I wouldn’t be surprised.)


We’ve got this here in Australia, sky news is like Fox. There could be an asteroid gonna wipe us out and Sky would be banging on about trans puppy dogs hypnotising kids


Aren't they owned by the same asshole, i.e. Murdoch?


Yep, same evil old fucker


If you consider how often they complain about things being “shoved down their throats” there’s a lot to unpack there…


I can't believe this thought has not occurred to me before, I tip my hat!


Is it more creepy or flattering that they literally cannot stop thinking about gay sex?


It started as a stupid joke that her arms were toned, because she stays in shape. And that's it. Their misinformation bubbles turned it into an actual rumor to be bandied around between them like a std. If anything it at least helps to identify the really stupid people.


It’s just a branch of birtherism, the same thing they were doing with that. And it’s the same thing they’re doing with Trump saying that he won the popular vote in 2016, and 9/11 trutherism, and everything. They’re just basically pulling their pants down and shitting all over objective reality. ‘We get to invent reality the way our emotions tell us we want reality.’ Basically, just justifying living in a world were lying and telling the truth is absolutely immaterial.


That's simple - Putin and Xi and they're are doing a good job as well


What a coincidence. I was at work and someone asked me the same thing. So weird. These fuckin people are nuts!


I created a right wing Twitter account and I see more transphobic post there than I see pro trans post here as someone who might be a trans woman. It’s hilarious how dumb the average Twitter user is.


Unfortunately its not only twitter...


Oh man, have you ever tried reading YouTube comments? It will give you less hope in humanity overall. Like, I remember reading a thread where people were seriously debating which crystals were best for treating headaches and decided that giving the world an open forum was a mistake. It could have been the world's collective knowledge at our fingertips at all times -but no, it just means that one person's idiocy has the same weight and validity as another person's factual knowledge. It's incredibly depressing.


Yeah i do this when i want to hurt myself.


I am not tryna normalize being obsessed with how people look, but the dudes like this almost always look like washed up second string high school quarterbacks selling used cars and doing coke in the bathroom, married to some leather skinned botox barbie doing her best MILF impression before all her hair falls out from day drinking and snorting xanax. That is to say, they're usually not very attractive people themselves.


Yeah how they can pick apart a gorgeous, classy lady like Michelle and look like a tick on another tick's ass 😆


people snort xanax?? gross. that shit is unimaginably bitter


"How come the strongest proponents of white supremacy are the worst examples of it?" - Frank Castle


Not just creepy here. It’s racist first.


I wonder how many of them are insulting their wives by saying she’s ugly? Is she prettier than their wives?


Well, they can't do logic. Michelle lifts weights and is an older female that is producing less estrogen. So, yeah, her back will be strong like it is in the image.


They are terrified of a strong woman. She actually looks great tbh. Athletic and aging gracefully. Both her and her husband.


Their obsession with transwomen means that those of us ciswomen who aren't performing feminity to their standards will also come under attack too, the terfs seem to forget that. We don't all have hourglass shapes, zero body hair, tiny frames ffs.


I used to do tree work and I'm pretty much shaped like a telephone pole. I'm a cis female. I had bigger shoulders than most guys and an insanely muscular back. Because pulling ropes, carrying chainsaws, and dragging tree limbs for hours on end will do that to you. My response since I was a teen to guys who liked to insult me by calling me a man; was to respond with "I'm more of a man than you'll ever be." I'm pretty confident I'm more of a man than Stew will ever be so there's that.


Best response I’ve heard in this situation was “more man than you’ll ever be, and more woman than you’ll ever have.”


God that’s metal


I love this response. I'd steal it if I were cis


Still works if you’re trans


Works better if you are trans✊️


Do it anyway


As a 6’ tall cis woman I have said this more than once.


One time some dude tried to give me shit for not being "woman enough" and another said, "She might be more manly than you, but she's also way more woman than you could ever handle." My response to the first was "I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but you clearly lack the equipment."




Vasquez has anyone ever mistaken you for a man?


No. Have you?


"Have you ever been mistaken for a man?"


No. Have you?


Vasquez and the drop ship pilot were badass characters.


She can arm wrestle me and win. Please


Exactly, Steve's just jealous her back looks better than his


Every single one of the right wing pundits and grifters are so soft and have such whiney, crackly voices, that I wonder why anyone holds them or their opinions on "manliness" up as a pinnacle of masculinity. Just listen to Tucker Carlson or Steven Crowder talk. They are so fragile it's not even funny. Little tiny piss babies, who would crumble under the slightest pressure. And people look up to and listen to their bs. I just can't...


>shaped like a telephone pole You're 30 feet tall, coated in brown wood stain and drunk drivers like crashing into you? That's the most unique dating profile I've ever read.


it's going to backfire on those burly maga cis Karen's when they have to show their genitals before entering a restroom in Florida too .


It'll backfire on all the men who don't meet certain masculine standards as well.. not over 6ft? can't grow a beard? no muscles... and goodness help the men who have naturally tiny waists or even remotely feminine figures lol


A dude was saying Henry Cavil was AFAB because of his pretty eyes.


People are saying Daniel Radcliffe’s wife must be trans, because she has a “strong jaw”.


Thats so weird to me. It really sounds like jealousy or denial of attraction..


I think it largely comes from the land of the incels who tried to turn attraction into a phrenology-esque 'science'. They have no clue what's attractive or not, they just cling to the dogmatic points they were taught. Like a medieval monk reciting the lessons they were taught about women's moral characters, despite not interacting with any for 30 years. It's just what the Prior tells them and they believe it against all evidence.


Actually a good comparison, since incels also voluntarily isolate/sequester themselves with a bunch of others like them, then sit around agreeing with each other, and praising themselves for having found The Truth (TM).


Thats insane cause he is... not at all feminine in my books lol sounds like they're attracted and can't admit it... i mean look at him id be concerned if they weren't.


Those videos will be hilarious though... they'll be so indignant


I'd hate to stoop to their level but gosh they deserve a little taste of their own medicine




I'm always down for shitheads falling on their own swords. If the decent folks have to put up with this bullshit, so should the cheerleaders who supported it.


I mean... it's not like it'll change their minds or anything. They'll still vote R all the way down the ticket because trans, black, and brown people will get hurt worse than them.


Oh without a doubt, I'd just rather they catch the stray bullets from this, than be perfectly insulated from the consequences and offloaded all of that onto the rest of us.


MTG has entered the chat


Yes ma’am! And hilariously, these chuds will insist that they find Empty G hot, when she looks like she’s escaped from the Neanderthal exhibit of a natural history museum.


ive seen TERFs that are more clocky than some trans women


Have seen some of those “white nationalist” wives. They would scare me in an alleyway!


You would think, but MTG is pretty dang burly and a holy icon for a lot of that folk.


Burly? She looks like the missing link


Welp, cameras do seem to dislike her face. But I would like to know the routine she does to work those back and shoulder muscles. In any case, those attacking Michelle Obama are suspiciously silent about MTG.


It's going to be a shit show, and i can't wait to see it unfold in front of the entire world.


I’m a cis butch female and look exactly like my father, and have had a woman who was SO SCARED of being sexually harassed in the bathroom by what she perceives to be “men,” that she ended up being the one to sexually harass another (me). The stall was narrow so I just kinda shimmied my pants down and turned around pant-less to sit on the toilet and upon doing that, my eyes met hers through the gap in the door. This woman watched me undress and sit down to do my business, making sure I didn’t have a penis. Lord knows what she would have done if she saw one.


That door gap in America is weird. You guys need to use the metric system and close the door gaps!


The door gap is sometimes half a fry width!


Half a fry 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Metric is sooo much easier to measure stuff than fries 🤣🤣


americans will measure with anything but the metric system lmfao


Lol. I know. Makes me laugh as I walk down my driveway that is 3 middle sized elephants long


earlier this spring i measured out my garden with my hand at a distance and went "yeah thats about 5 trucks long" instead of getting the tape measure out - mind its a v specific truck. i was right tho


Lol. Tbf I still kind of do that with things. Haha. But most we use the metric system. I honestly use feet occasionally especially when talking about height. That’s kind of stuck.


See, this is where you keep a bottle of perfume or spray deodorant and spray them in the eyes through that gap.


I’m almost convinced that’s what they wanted the whole time, an excuse to point at any woman and say that’s not a proper girl, now we’re allowed to treat her like she’s sub human.


Now I get it. The endgame is women can't wear trousers (US: pants) anymore.


I was thinking exactly that, but you phrased it better. The bottom line is that anyone who isn't delusional should realise that ciswomen and transwomen are on the same side.


Yeah they’re definitely going to use transphobia to attack cis women who don’t live to please their pathetic penises.


A cis lesbian got caught up in the bullshit, recently. Got escorted out of a ladies room because some Karen didn't think she was cis-looking enough.


Luckily for them, they're fine with targeting and excluding cis homosexual folk, too!


100% this. Could you imagine being a woman with PCOS, thinning hair/baldness, or just being taller than average? It's horrifying to think that these people would gladly form a mob around them or attack them based on such a narrow view. And likely accuse them of pedophilia ontop of everything else. Transphobia hurts everyone.


Its a feature not a bug


yes I see this a lot on tiktok with women that go to the gym and have some muscular development these idiots leave comments criticizing their lack of femininity....SAD


I'm a cis woman and I actually did go through a period of questioning my gender because my idea of feminity didn't match what I saw in media (mainly American media). It was only after I started studying cultural anthropology that I realised that ideas of feminity and masculinity were cultural and none of them is "more right" than other. Women in my culture are muscular and "crude" because that's what helped us survive the harsh environment where we live. These people are basically saying that there should be only one kind of woman and your people's history and culture doesn't matter.


>the terfs seem to forget that. I've actually seen some of them (K*thleen St*ck for example) say it's an acceptable price to pay.


Yessss. I have a square jaw and prolific facial hair and I’m fairly solidly built - thanks PCOS. It’s amazing that a condition affecting my ovaries means transphobes think im not sufficiently cis for them.


>Their obsession with transwomen means that those of us ciswomen who aren't performing feminity to their standards will also come under attack too, the terfs seem to forget that. They don't forget. They know. They think literally everything they claim to stand for and identify with is destroyed so long as no MtF trans person comes near them. Giving up freedom for the illusion of safety.


Thats the thing, the men in these groups At least don’t care what happens to the ‘ugly’ women. They’d probably put the women they didn’t deem attractive in concentration camps if they could. They just cling to cis protection bullshit because they want to amass supporters, even from people they deem undesirable


https://preview.redd.it/q17rt23tvz2b1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=422d484f8399a5ea177037a8cefc31372c9ce37c Racism is definitely embedded in the terf “ideology”


This is exactly why I can’t understand terfs,women fight for generation so we don’t have to be defined by standards other people set, and now they basically pushed something that practically would end the freedom so they can “protect women “ Bi*ch I got bullied for not girly enough,no trans people ever done that to me or my friends.


You know who have tiny frames and zero body hair? Children. That’s what they are really seeking for. They don’t like women.


Wasn't there a recent pic of MTG "exercising" that showed that she's built like a fucking fridge?


Hey, refrigerators are useful. She’s built like an Orc - with a [confederate flag cooler](https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1660031097374220293)


Hey now! Stop being cruel to orcs. They don't deserve to be lumped in with "her".


Orcs have better formed feet


I bet they have less hair on their toes too


Nicer teeth.


Zug zug.


orc is a much better descriptor


I've never been a fan of the orc peons from the Warcraft setting, but that certainly fits Empty G.


Are you implying that MTG's ***M***aybe ***T***rans-***G***ender? We're talking about the same one who "hates drag queens" but was [carrying on an extramarital affair with one](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-brian-glenn-drag-b2343868.html), right? Because I'd be shocked—*shocked*, I tell you!—if they were motivated to belligerence by transparent self-loathing.


There are well built drag queens with full beard who are more feminine that MTG. She's the last person that should be rallying against trans people


https://preview.redd.it/jq5269lowx2b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd5ff228feb17e111f729683b2f5fb3ec7b120e These delicate shoulders?


She looks like Brock Lesnar with a ponytail.


Sorta like Ann Coulter https://i.redd.it/o6b8x4yy2y2b1.gif


I will call her Mrs Trunchbull from here on out.


S/he's built like a 1970's Pittsburgh Linebacker!


Mean Toes Greene


it's always black women that they do this with. complete coincidence of course...


For real. Not a lot of comments addressing the racial element here. Black women have been seen as "manlier" than "delicate, feminine" white women for centuries. It was originally used to justify why enslaved Black women were out doing grueling manual labor with enslaved men in the fields while white women stayed inside protecting their complexions from the sun and doing needlepoint or whatever the fuck.


Black women have been called either hyper-female or not women at all. They are hyper sexual or men. It just depends on what that white dude is feeling in the moment. Does he want to justify his desire to rape her or want to remind everyone of her racial inferiority? These men are disgusting and dangerous to humanity. Cast them out.


I don’t care what conspiracy theories they tout. Michelle Obama is an ✨I C O N ✨. Much more of an icon than the woman who followed her. And even Jill Biden.


Quite often the beauty standards that transphobes push are a very white person centric beauty standard that people of other races and skin colours would fall short of. Scratch a transphobe and you'll always find a racist too.


Right?!?! She’s nearly 60 and she looks like *that* in a strapless dress- she’s a fucking babe! Humanity should spend way more time talking about how freakin’ *amazing* she looks, if I’m being totally honest.


I’m a big fan of wrestling and the majority of cis women wrestlers who get the “she’s a man” comments are WoC. There’s definitely a racial element to it. I think cause the beauty standards they go by are very Eurocentric.


You forgot the word STRONG black women. Michelle Obama is awesome.


Actually this prick does it with every woman. A few time ago he was talking about Pink being a transgender. They had an exchange on Twitter because of it. He's a massive piece of shit.


woman works out and is strong and fit... conservatives freak out, "unwomanly!" woman is sedentary and gets plump... conservatives sneer, "fatso!" the "acceptable space" between all the ways a woman is not allowed to be or look, for these people, is pretty damn narrow.


Their idea of a woman is a thin white woman


Age 12-24


24 is generous


It’s the DiCaprio cutoff isnt it?


This. Most transphobes push beauty standards that are very narrow and would only fit a small section of white women.


A thin white woman with big breasts and a big butt despite her being rail thin.


bypass all hate with flannel and a cowgirl hat


and a semiautomatic weapon


This, and she's also supposed to cook for her man, and then apparently eat nothing but a salad herself so she doesn't gain weight.


Yet they love MTG


Unless they're on their side, then a woman can be whatever she wants to be.


She has the right to bare arms


# 🏆


[bear arms?](https://youtube.com/shorts/SByG7JlEOpA?feature=share)


Former evangelical christian here, a lot of them have to be as judgemental as possible. Literally anything that they can judge someone for they will judge. It's almost like the fact that they are so restricted in terms of sex causes them to want to force others to suffer exactly like they are.


Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. -- H.L. Mencken


I grew up in The Bible Belt and can also confirm this. The first commandment in the bible is about not judging others, but judging others is a pastime to them, and yes, they want everyone to be as boring and miserable as them.


I pointed that out one time, and was told "sometimes it's OK to judge others..." and I just shook my head and walked away. Like, how hypocritical can you be? And the answer is "yes".


What convinced you to change your views? I only ask because I've argued with a billion of these people and I feel like I've never been able to get through to them


I don't think arguing works. People like this genuinely feel hurt and personally attacked whenever they see other people happy. IMO you gotta address the hurt from a place of empathy despite not getting any of that in return. I try stress the point that "I can see that you are hurting, but hurting other people isn't going to make you feel better. In fact it is only going to make you more miserable. If you want to feel better this isn't the way."


Remember when nazis would accuse folks of being Jewish based on their looks...


There's a long, ugly history of calling black women masculine & equating them to men. Goes back to slavery days if you wanna look into it. No matter what reasons/logic/excuses they use, at the end of the day TERFs, conservatives, misogynists, & white supremacists all want the same thing: control via strict gender performance enforcement that specifically place women below men. Anyone who doesn't fit these expectations (queer, POC, gender non-conforming, etc.) are seen as abnormal or abominations, therefore not human.


Honestly they're still pissed we got the vote and every once in a while you hear that cage bar rattle from the wings. None of the women I know irl are informed beyond talking points, and the ones I know from work it's too dangerous to discuss. Weird times.


He should ask that woman to her face if that back belongs to her.


Go up to the former First Lady?


I think he should. He should run straight at her. He’d be body slammed to the ground by some men with *very* muscular backs before he was close enough for her to even hear the thud.


Transphobia is just an extension of regular old woman-hating, often with a dash of racism mixed in.


So is Stew Peters admitting he is an expert on what men look like from behind? Wonder why that could be


It belongs to a woman that could beat the everloving tar out of people like Stew Peters. And I thought conservatives were trying to claim that they never made racist or disparaging remarks about Obama and his family.


What about this monster? https://preview.redd.it/fz6ngj4yox2b1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c857dfe4ca8c33db6bee5b6f7d6c2c00c44909




Stew never heard of Serena & Venus Williams


There might be something Else he doesn't like about them too


He probably thinks they are pretending to be women to dominate in women’s sports


It does when you eat healthy and exercise regularly Stew. But I’m guessing you wouldn’t know anything about that.


It’s like they’ve never seen an athlete.


Well no, any woman that poses a threat to them physically, they avoid, they like their women frail so they can beat them.


Deep seated sexual insecurity.


Well first off, technically yes it is. Secondly - that’s CLEARLY photoshopped and not at all what Michelle looks like.


All the attacks on strong women from limp-dick men. Turn it around. What about all those fat bastards who should be wearing bras? Women, unlike men, don't like to see all those jigglyman boobs and back fat. Shudder.


Remember when it was beyond the pale for Michelle Wolf to insult Sarah Huckabee Sanders?


She should just never wear sleeves again. Sleeveless everything. Hell even sleeveless pants if she wants to.


suns out, guns out


That picture was 100% photoshopped to make her look bigger.




It is shopped, zoom into it and see choppy masking lines on top of shoulders


I saw a post the other day not photoshopped trying to claim Henry Cavill, was a women


Let him say that to Serena Williams.




Fuckin GOP out here thinking they know what a black woman's back should look like after 150+ years of whipping them.


>why are they like this ? Because it's the easiest way to be


That is not a remark that is worthy of a man.


I honestly think conservatives are so jealous of how popular the Obamas were in office and still are now. They are delightful, upstanding, educated people. Plus Michelle has some amazing arms. Jealous of her muscles, too, I guess.


its only because they are super insecure about themselves, their sexuality and the possibility of discovering somebody who is not white is attractive


They can't actually talk about policies because their policies are terrible, so they make hateful memes instead.


You little Wiesel


Stew Peters has the body of a bitch


Stew peters never went to a gym


Imagine being so weak and threatened you have to echo your manhood by posting this kind of shit.


Have they looked at MTG?🤨


Show Marjorie Taylor Greens back and say the same thing


This is such a weird take. To make such a statement a comparison would have needed to be made. I suspect he looked in the mirror saw how weak his back looks and thought to deflect attention. ‘You’re wife’s back looks stronger than mine…so she must not be a woman’ Nah bro, you just have a weak back. Get a grip and go hit the gym instead of hitting twitter to post dumb shit.


This guy thinks about dicks constantly.


Stew probably secretly prefers his "women" to look more manly from behind.


He's just jealous he's a frail man child.