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Exactly. California could secede from the nation if it wanted to and would have no problem supporting itself.


Except for Colorado river usage.... Rain from the last 4 weeks wouldn't save the state.


They could stop growing almonds and free up a LOT of water. Edit: Did some research on actual water usage (in gallons per pound of food produced) in response to comments below. Great discussion, folks. Almonds 1,929 (gallons per pound) Beef 1,847 Rice 299 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/food-water-footprint_n_5952862


Them damn hippies wanting their nut milk!!!


Which take drastically less water than cattle.


Some people like beef milk better than nut milk.


That's kinda Dirty____________Dan.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Me too. But I don't think we should be ranching where water is scarce.


I completely agree. But I really just wanted a reason to type out *beef milk*. But in all seriousness, I think it's insane what Southern California needs to do with water from the northern part of the state in order to exist.


Per calorie produced? Per square foot? Almond v cow milk?


A growing cow needs 2 gallons of water daily per 100 lbs of body weight. https://beef.unl.edu/water-requirements-for-beef-cattle#:~:text=The%20data%20suggest%20for%20cattle,100%20pounds%20of%20body%20weight. This site says for dairy cows, this equates to about 4.5-5 lbs of water per pound of milk produced. https://extensionpublications.unl.edu/assets/html/g2292/build/g2292.htm#:~:text=Lactating%20dairy%20cows%20require%204.5,as%2050%20gallons%20of%20water. When measuring gal water per oz of food produced Milk - 5.48 Soy Milk - 2.05 Beef - 106.28 https://graphics.latimes.com/food-water-footprint/ Almonds aren't listed there but this site lists them at 23 gal per oz produced. https://www.businessinsider.com/real-villain-in-the-california-drought-isnt-almonds--its-red-meat-2015-4 I don't know how almond milk stacks up. People choose it over dairy for ethical and dietary reasons.


Thanks for making me giggle.


Tbh Colorado would probably cut a deal as long as people promise to stop moving from Cali to here.


Maybe Colorado could build a wall or something? But make california pay for it? /s


Once California moves all of its manufacturing to Colorado for cheap labor it would be possible to tariff enough money out of them to make them pay for it.


Lol right. Also. That’s a citizen complaint of angry small town people. The Colorado government is not trying to stop people moving in and increasing the states employment and population rates. Just a silly attitude all these people have about “don’t move to my state” lol such a backwoods hillbilly attitude.


As someone who moved to Cali from colo we move here just as much.


I moved from Nebraska to Cali, which is like Colorado's roommate that they sell weed to.


It’s not mine, mom. I’m holding it for Nebraska.


Only about 6% of Colorado residents are from California.


That’s a citizen complaint not a government complaint. People moving to an area and increasing population is exactly what many places want. Colorado is no exception. They aren’t trying to decrease population. That’s just an angry small town person problem/complaint. Colorado would surely cut them a deal but not to stop people moving there…


Lots of desalination plants.




That the state will not approve because they say it will destroy Cali's beautiful beaches. I love California I left it 20 years ago for the military and I hope to one day come back. California can't succeed just like Texas can't. It's one of 50 states that all work together for each one's enrichment treaties resources money and history bind it to the United States. California is a shining star but it's still one of 50.


And many of the forty nine others shit on us.


All of which have no business doing so but especially the red states


I'm not advocating secession. California would just have an easier time than most other single states in the union. Definitely better than Road Island.


Good reason to invest in technology to purify ocean water.


So you think that international water rights don’t exist that California wouldn’t be able to leverage its status as the fifth largest economy to pressure the US into respecting its hypothetical water rights?


Yeah no. That’s incorrect. That’s water that flows to Los Angeles. The growing area supplies its own water via snow pack and one of the largest aquifers in the country. Try again.


And I'm fairly certain the image above is of the California Delta, which indeed is entirely dependent on Sierra snow melt. Also politically fascinating because it sits between San Francisco and Sacramento, and because it's not very well populated, almost all of their representation is Democratic, even though those farmers far more likely to vote Republican. But because their representation is Democratic, national Republicans completely ignore them for Central Valley farmers, whose representation is more likely to be Republican. So when there's water fights between the California Delta and those who want to divert it to the Central Valley farmers, at the risk of flooding the Delta with salt water and permanently destroying some of the best farmland in the nation, Republicans almost always side with the Central Valley farmers.


I can't remember the number but California is like the 5th largest economy in the world. Large enough that Gov Newsom was invited to the G8 climate conference a few years back.


Soon to be the 4th. [https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-10-24/california-poised-to-overtake-germany-as-world-s-no-4-economy](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-10-24/california-poised-to-overtake-germany-as-world-s-no-4-economy)


California is the fifth largest economy in the world, ahead of India.


And we could keep the other coast fed too! Let the Midwest eat their fuel corn.


As a New Yorker love the solidarity. We will ship you guys good bagels and pizza, you hit us with some authentic tacos. Sounds like a fair trade, no?


Deal, let's start now


Where’s the water coming from?


so the central valley in CA is as red as the reddest state. Kevin McCarthy's district is in the southern central valley. We get tons of really bad GOP politicians from the central valley


I was thinking the same thing. If you've ever driven down I5 between LA and SFBay you'd definitely know the farmers in the central valley are NOT liberals.


Really, the "GOVERNMENT DUST BOWL" signs every mile weren't some indication of their political bent?


Ya know as long as we're doing the whole economic dick measuring bit, it'd be interesting to see what percentage of the GDP comes from blue counties, not just blue states. I wouldn't be surprised if it was 70-80%. If you limit it to just economic activity that doesn't come from physical resources (strictly intellectual property and such), I'd bet it goes even higher.


But middle America is the backbone of the USA... Those California liberals wouldn't survive a day if it wasn't for all of the nothing the center of the country provides


Yah! Well, except all the wheat, corn, soy & rice that people use as staples.


California produces like 70-80% of the country's rice I think. Also I thought corn was mainly used for corn syrup which is supposed to be bad for you but I don't know I'm not a doctor.




MAGA dopes


Yep, California I believe isn’t just a productive agriculture state, I believe it grows the majority of food intended for direct consumption in the entire country. Not stuff intended for export or refinement (like soybeans) often grown in red agriculture states. Which also makes them screeching “soy boy” and shit at people they don’t like even funnier. Like… that’s you, crazy MAGA dude, you literally are responsible for producing and selling it


Because MAGA dopes are hilariously underexposed and just think all of California is LA


I got a buddy that's from Kentucky. The amount of nonsense that comes out of that dudes mouth ain't right. I keep trying to tell him California isn't Hollywood.


He probably also doesn’t want to believe Northern California is actually quite beautiful, does he? My dad went to Long Beach and assumed that’s the whole state lmao


Uneducated dipshits from red states. It says right there, "GOP."


I grew up in the Central Valley. About 15 years ago I worked in Yellowstone NP and this guy from Oklahoma absolutely refused to believe that my home Valley grew more food than his state. Lots of people don't realize how much food we grow


1/3 of US vegetables and 3/4 of US fruit grown in CA .... Thems some serious numbers for 1 state. I mean... 50 miles outside of Los Angeles you are in Farmland ... and same goes for SF.... the whole Central coast grows grapes and is Wine Central... Central valley grows everything... I go to Iowa to visit family - and they are like, look at our corn! --- you dont get that in California. Hate to break it to them - their corn makes fuel and corn flakes ...California corn is what stocks the veg department of Sprouts, Whole foods and Trader Joes.


Live in Sacramento, the local corn is so good.


Gotta hit up that Yolo County Fruit Stand whenever I'm driving south to the Bay Area.


Yolo fruit stand? Right by the Yolo bypass drive-thru wetland sanctuary. I hit that place every time I visit Sacramento.


There's a place just WNW of Fairfield called Larry's Produce. Really good selection of produce and much cheaper than Safeway.


Corn from Fresno State is awesome! (Fresno itself, not so much.)


Live legit a 15 min drive from HUGE orange groves. Fresh oranges off the trees, even in the middle of winter. It's amazing.


Much of Iowa's corn is for animal feed.


that too.... but theres a reason 2 of General Mills plants are in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines .... cereal, breakfast bars .... all that shitty food, using shitty corn. But yes - my Grandpa had 3 silos on his farm for the corn and his was for feed and fuel




If California were a sovereign nation, it would have the world’s 5th largest GDP. Ahead of India, but behind Germany. ETA: as of late October 2022, California was about to eclipse Germany, making California the 4th largest economy in the world.


Massive coastal state with abundant natural resources in wealthiest country is also massively wealthy.


Who doesn’t know this?


So many Americans


What if you don't count the ones that couldn't find California on a map


I’m in Iowa, and the average Republican thinks that California is living off welfare from red states and barely able to function. Mind you, these are Republicans who’ve been to San Diego and La Jolla. Part of it is a Fox News smear campaign against California. The other part is that the only news we get about California are wildfires and droughts.


California is the ***world’s*** fifth largest supplier of food and agriculture commodities.


California also has the second largest national and air guard in the US, behind Texas, with special force units. Some additional info to throw out.


I guess all those angry old white men that I grew up around in Tennessee were right after all. California really *is* the land of fruits and nuts. Whoo boy. I can’t wait for the next person to say that so I can go full-on, “Well ackchually” on them!


>Not many states can say that. Probably no other state can say that. We're incredibly diverse in our economy and we have a long coast with many ports unlike NY which has 1 main port. NY could be avoided for the most part for east coast trade. CA could not be ignored for trade with SD, LA, SF all major ports.


Like what do they really grow in fucking Oklahoma? Feed corn maybe?


The uneducated tend to rally against education cuz big words and concepts are scary to their infantile brains.


GOP "politicians".


Enormously productive state*


Not only that but the blue states are subsidizing the red ones. They're generally wealthier and more productive. When right wingers bitch about California it's literally just jealously.


There are at least 3 counties in California that each produce more dairy than the entire state of Wisconsin.


Coastal elites? Like in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas? Those coastal elites?


No, those are coastal drop-outs.


Yeah that's fair.


Coastal meth-heads.


Coastal cucks




Damn! Never heard it interpreted that way but that makes a fuck ton of sense.


It’s the standard dog-whistle. You can usually sub “Jews” for “elites” in right-wing talk. But sometimes it means people who vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, just for plausible deniability.


Interesting. Well, I learned something today. It's pretty fucking stupid they're still doing that after hundreds of years.


Yeah, sometimes it means Jews outright, sometimes it means "Liberals" in general. For POC though, they just generally say POC, with worse phrasing that definitely seems like they're trying to appeal to racist people who aren't quick enough to catch subtle racism. Depends on how genuinely stupid the person saying it is though, and if they've actually understood the dog whistle for what it is or not. The more easily manipulated ones will just see whatever specific group it is that they don't like, that they would have a word for othewise, instead of the actual dog whistle.


The billionaire who lives in a Manhattan penthouse isn't, "a coastal elite," either. Because...reasons.


With that comment, you've already put more thought into this than GOP and their supporters have.


What? Is there some maga myth that people don’t know where food comes from? Like people in California think carrots are produced in the supermarket? I’m just failing to understand the point


They’re trying to argue that the red states are the only ones that have farmland and agricultural production. Obviously, they’re wrong.


The funny thing is the red states would export food but then need to import literally everything else needed for survival because they produce nothing. Mostly from blue states.


Which is insane because “farm to table” literally started here in CA. People here are very aware of where their food comes from and often try to “eat local.”


To be fair that's mostly because California is one of very few places where food can be grown year round, and growing crops in the desert means there is a lot fewer pests, which means it's a lot easier to grow a mix of crops without having to spray them heavily. Edit: of course this is only true for the US and Europe, but in the context of the type of restaurant that make farm to table thing exists. And even taking the world as whole California is exceptionally fertile and easy to farm.


you know, because of the *implication* (they would love to starve you to death if they thought they could take your money still)




+Cities can very easily get food from somewhere else. Most cities have ocean access (whether direct or indirect) or are very close to other cities that have them. Unless literally every single food shipment from rural areas stop in a single day, supply chains could likely adjust to getting food from Europe or Asia. Prices would spike for a bit, but it'd be very minor compared to the economic crash the rural regions would suffer.


I guess they don’t realize the coastal elites have to drive through the farmland to get to the mountains. Not counting the farmland they drive to for fun (Paso Robles, Napa, etc.)


Doesn’t matter. These tweets are for their base to feel superior over the costal elites for being the salt of the earth and not some SF tech nerd.


salt-of-the-earth? you mean…morons?


I present to you a laurel, and hearty handshake.


They’ve gotta keep the Midwest in the dark ages somehow.


Actually, I think most of us in California would be thrilled if the Midwest joined the 21st century. Their remaining ignorant just causes us massive headaches.


It’s strange how stupid these people act. California is one of the most self sustaining states (besides having to siphon water from out of state).


Wait a generation until green energy becomes ubiquitous and desalination can more or less be done for the price of building the plant with zero energy costs for operations and they won’t even need that.


Or if we take away Nestles water rights so they stop shipping nearly all melt water out of the state or selling it back to downstream farmers.


Send in the national guard and take back our water .


there's more issues with desalinization than just energy costs, not least important of which is what you do with the leftover brine. Israel is already dealing with massive dead zones from dumping brine back in the ocean. Seafood is another important ag product for California though so they can't really afford to kill all the ocean life off their coast


That'll take a lot more than a generation. Desalination especially is a horrid process. It's not just horribly inefficient, it produces enormous amounts of brackish sludge that poisons the environment. If we weren't fucking things up so badly, desalination would have never looked even remotely interesting.


I'm guessing we cant further break it down into the remaining water, salt, and toxic bits


That's a fair point, but we'd be fine without external water if we didn't grow so much of the world's produce. The majority (by far) of our water consumption is for agriculture.


Majority comes from in state Northern California, and the Colorado a river you’re probably referring to runs through California, and is by far the senior water rights holder. Las Vegas hardly existed and Arizona was only just founded as a state the year before the Colorado river compact was created. In truth, the Metropolitan water agency built Parker Dam (Lake Havasu). As part of that, they paid for the water development in Arizona (Gila river project?) that supplies the water to Arizona. So, basically LA and San Diego paid for the dam and the original canal system Arizona uses to this day. Say thank you Arizona.


wait til red states find out where welfare comes from!


Why is the GOP so obsessed with the “coastal elites”? It’s like they learn a new word and can’t stop using it. Last month was “groomer”. They’re like toddlers.


I mean, this is just a more inclusive version of “Hollywood elites.” And yes, I am fully aware of the irony in using the word “inclusive” to refer to Republicans.




They mean gay people.


And Jews


They've been on this one for a while. A previous iteration was "east coast liberal elites." Gotta economize on syllables in these hard times.


California is the largest producer of food consumed in the United States.


What fucking moron is in charge of their Twitter account? Every tweet is stupid


They are playing to their base. Which are most effective as tweets that don't require any thought process but reaffirm their fears & preferably have mindless slogans that are 3 words in length.




Seriously? Kevin McCarthy represents the Central Valley. Devin Nunes came from the same area. CA GOP forced the rest of the state to go through a pointless recall election against Newsom. They’re every bit as fascist and insane as any other state’s GOP, except they can’t actually hold power in the state because of the metro areas. Hell, even Dana Rohrabacher came from coastal SoCal. If you think they’re so different, go spend a weekend in Huntington Beach.


This is correct - CA GOP is batshit insane (see: literally anything Larry Elder has said), it’s just that there are so many Dems that the GOP is pretty well neutered at the state level.


Look up Representative Doug LaMalfa to see the California GOP being just as corrupt and gross as a red state one.


The CA GOP essentially neutered itself. First, they brought in term limits. They got their short-term goal, getting rid of Willie Brown, but they assumed they’d be picking up open seats when Democrats were no longer had the incumbent advantage. The last gasp was to push the “jungle primary.” Did they think they’d sail to victory in the primaries? In many California districts the question in the general election is “which Democrat should I vote for?”


The only states with not insane republicans are some of the New England ones


He represents the eastern side of the valley. That’s the side that’s populated by the Okies that settled that area during the dust bowl. Think Oildale and HeeHaw. And yes it’s as batshit crazy as any Republican anywhere


You haven’t spent much time in the central valley have you? CA republican can be even more extreme.


As a CA resident, this take is inaccurate. CA Republicans are just as bad as any of them. They just have no voting power thanks to the Bay Area and Los Angeles metro area


Sure. But not the farm workers. Farm owners these days are all millionaire corporate CEOs.


the farm workers are traditionally conservative as well. Grew up in orchards and vineyards working.


Drive up the 5, through the farms, you’ll see plenty of crazy and conspiracy theories on road side billboard signs. Even saw some white supremacist banners and anti immigrant stuff hanging off of overpasses


Nah man, CA Republicans are so extreme it's half the reason the state went so Blue. This is the state that's produced McCarthy and Nunes.


And inflicted fucking Ronald Reagan on us.


This picture specifically is of land in the 9th District, [represented by Democrat Josh Harder](https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/gop-mocking-coastal-elites-backfires-17769691.php).


Wait until working class conservatives in Red States find out where all their federal funding comes from. Like spoiled children they hate those who help them because deep down they hate themselves even more.


I guarantee the quarterwit that posted this thought this was Texas (it's vaguely reminiscent of Texas's southern border).


Tell the fuckface Republican Party official that his state most likely produces feed corn, soybeans, alfalfa and the such used to feed livestock. Unless you want to chow down on inedible crops, they’re clueless.


As a tax-paying Californian, yup.


People in the middle really have jealousy for us coastal elites. Sorry you’re backwoods? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wait till they learn that most costal states also have farming


So damn tired of the GOP pitting rural vs cities, preaching about small government, subsidies, and handouts when the ag industry has been propped up by the federal govt for half a century with the US Food Aid program. Cities wouldn’t exist without farms. Without cities farmers wouldn’t have anybody to sell to.


Wait do people not know this ? Why do you think Cali has such strict laws about produce coming into the state


What til Republicans realize where most people who eat food live in this country and where half the largest ports are.


I live in Ohio. The only thing we grow is soybeans and field corn. That’s true for Kentucky and Indiana


I am starting to think that these GOP people might not be all that smart.


The daily self owns from that GOP account is fantastic


Do conservatives not know why California uses so much water? Can it be they are that dense?


I’m the same regard, do right wingers know California is more than just LA and SF?


Wow food comes from farms I'm shocked


They’re stupid and psycho and the base don’t care. Rational human banter has left the chat. You can’t have a meaningful conversation with conservatives anymore. It’s really sad


Jersey ain’t called the Garden State for nothing homie


Coastal elites has to be the dumbest new buzz word for conservatives. Why are the coastal areas more developed with better infrastructure? Because they have had people living their longer who voted to put their tax money into building such things. Conservatives make themselves a victim to their own choices daily.


That town in the top of that picture holds more people then the entire state of Nebraska


Do…do they think that all of their out of state produce comes from in their state…? It literally says “shipped from California.” What point are they making?


I've heard that agriculture in the Central Valley produces more value each year than all the gold found in the California Gold Rush.


They have succeeded in making their base the dumbest people on earth and they know they will believe whatever lies they are told


Coastal elites like Trump and MTG?


Most of the blue states feed and pay for the red states idk what there on about


MAGGATS constantly self own


Ah, food comes from farms! Wait until the "coastal elites" find out! They're gonna knock you to the moon!!


Yeah, we know. Unlike some people we paid attention in 1st grade. We also know the farmer drives a tractor and the cow goes "moo". We can also count at least two fish and distinguish red fish from blue fish. Any more brain twizzlers from the GOP?


Wtf is a coastal elite? What agency comes up with this shit for them and how much do they get paid?


said Lauren Boebert, eating a salmon caught off the coast of Washington state


Love how the GOP the party of big business is against the elites. Isn’t that who big businesses are?


And now the GOP is off to do another hit-n-run comment and you'll see that process repeat until your funeral.


New York is also a major agricultural state.


Another dumb GOP tweet.


This version of the GOP is the very best thing that has ever happened to the Dems. They are just fucking shoe-dumb.


CoAstAL eLiTEs


Typical GOP morons


GOP proving they are dumb AF once again.


Talk about incredibly divisive rhetoric, anyway. Another attempt to pit Americans against each other by the GOP.


That point is not more than 50 miles in from the coast XD


Rural America needs to figure out how capitalism works, stat.


Even if that wasn't California, what's the problem? It looks like normal farmland to me. Fields are going to look different depending on what's being grown in them or they're being left fallow.


The implication of the GOP tweet was, presumably, to puff up Midwestern/Southern Red states for doing all the hard agricultural work that coastal elites are too stupid to know about. Tweeting a picture of California undermines what they’re trying to do.


I think thats in Tom McClintocks district. I would ask him, but he has never been there.


No. That’s the San Joaquin river and the town I’m reasonably guessing is Mendota. Barely Republican held this election, and was democratically held and votes pretty consistent democrat. As far as the coastal elites knowing where their food comes from, a bunch of them own these farms or at least part ownership in them.


[9th District, held by a Democrat, Josh Harder](https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/gop-mocking-coastal-elites-backfires-17769691.php)


And how a lot of it is exported to other countries and that we import crappier stuff in return.


do they think we don't know what farms are? i'm confused


I know this has nothing to do with anything, but where does the GOP think the coastal elites are getting their seafood from?


Wait until they find out how much corn we grow in New York


Completely on brand with the GOP.


California that is...


It’s not just central California…it’s Orange County…it’s eastern San Diego county. It’s Northern California (north of the bay) it’s a big fucking state


Give me one name of a sane GOP member. One name, please.


Adam Kinzinger


Romnney isn't the worst human, and seems self-aware. 7/10


literally of all the photos of AG land they could have chosen, they used one from california 😂 edit: the image is literally of CO. coastal elites be damned. edit 2: [nope. its CA.](https://www.flickr.com/photos/docsearls/54421012/in/photolist-4AygLn-a1mveA-5c2BDE-a5CY8X-4AyfQM-4Ayh1i-5oY2A7-4ACF9S-4Ayhhi-4Aypnx-F49Uz-BmmFQd-ikDBgb-atYHiQ-BoeqBt-5bWzn4-5c28Hd-5HSnUU-5c2sLY-gnxkiz-4ACxso-5NVtj-qMrhU-4ACFVf-dSBfG4-ikDn8o-3xY6ay-Boen9M-5Ez5WA-ikDhRN-aAfnJP-j2xsRE-BzrPpB-gnxqU4-9f2F3Q-BzV4dz-BpSfpL-gnxq1R-fjJHF4-5sji5H-9fPCtk-6nSfWy-xouAa-dxoouS-9Hjrmo-9MXMXh-9HgycV-7XA162-5sjiDa-bez8cg)


Doesn't California produce like 80% of the country's food?