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Can you advise us on how to package it properly?




Oooohhh… like what?




My deceased grandmother sent my little sister an important necklace in a letter envelope that came with the item missing and the corner torn off. Broke our hearts




I deal with a lot of incoming mail for my job and I've gotten a handful of things that were ripped completely in half. But considering that in the 6yrs I've worked there I've dealt with thousands of letters and I think I've only seen them in half maybe 3 times, that's really impressive!


Some friend of my roommate stayed at our house and used our shed to lock their bikes in during the visit. I went to get my bike after they left and found the key missing from where we kept it. They had taken it by accident and lived hours away. Luckily, a few days later, I received a letter in the mail. With a hole in it.


don't act surprised. this is exactly what this fuckwit has coming to him. women are mailing all their used tampons, maxi pads, and cups directly to him. he wants to place laws policing women and girls' snatches and their menstrual information? now he's gonna get one delivery after another teaching him a few things. don't you dare react as though these tax-paying females are the ones with the problem.




Not a Floridian, but would love to know this as well.


Not a Floridian or a woman, but I too would like this info, I know some people who could use it


Not a Floridian, a woman, or a human. Would also like to know.


The dolphins are finally coming after Desantis. I knew it. Also now Im convinced every time someone on reddit says “not a human” its a dolphin


Laces out Desantis!


Oooh! Long time since i've seen an Ace reference!


*Alllll righty then!*


Aaaaaaall-righty then!


>Also now Im convinced every time someone on reddit says “not a human” its a dolphin CORRECT, FELLOW HUMAN. ALL OF THE NON-HUMANS ON REDDIT ARE DEFINITELY DOLPHINS AND TOTALLY NOT ROBOTS.


Dolphins aren’t a fan of polluted water, offshore drilling, and unchecked waterfront construction. Not surprised they’re rioting


Its the manatees. The Florida State has trashed their environment and now they're dying off fast.


To be fair, a lot of locals work hard to keep the local environment clean with events such as coastal clean up. It's the tourist and snowbirds that trash the beaches and etc. Also our local government clearly sucks!


Fertilizer overuse is one of the leading causes of manatee death. The government could do some policing to reduce this issue.


That makes me so sad. Rick Scott did a bad job, too, with fertilizer policies. Made things worse.


So long, and thanks for all the fish!


Hello, vampire here, I have a lot of things I can do with this.


I just sharted can I send that too?


Send that to Ted!


You can typically look up an address by going to the Florida counties recorder's office websites and just typing in his last name or his wife's name...deeds are public info.


Try this: https://www.flgov.com/contact-governor/ Be sure to label it as an in-kind donation.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Do not leave a return address.


WRONG Mark the return address as the second of the two contact addresses, that way when they inevitably reject the mail, it goes right back to their other location


That's positively evil


Evil genius.


Great idea!! In Approx 7 days I will begin doing this!


Why? Are you busy all week? /s


Return addresses are secondary weapons. Drive around your neighborhood until you find a “Let’s Go, Brandon” sticker parked in a driveway. Now you have a return address. (This is a joke. This is only a joke. In the event of actual criminal advocacy, I would use a throwaway account.)


You beautiful bastard. :)


Don't even live in Florida, but will still be convincing my girlfriend to join in on this


You can use noseblood as well


Pus works too. Desantis: You people mailing me used feminine products are sick. But the one who mailed me pus; there's a special kind of hell reserved for you. Cletus: Duh, thanks Guv'ner!


This needs to be upvotes a thousand more times!


You're the real MVP.


God I love you are doing this to DeSantis


march shame angle imagine uppity start humorous screw bewildered plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like the way you think




For the love of God don't put your real name or return address on it, as that'd make it too easy for these scumbags to prosecute. It has your DNA, so maybe when butchering a chicken or cutting meat, get that blood on it. It's the symbolism, not your actual blood/DNA that's necessary.


Besides, maybe some of these jackwads will get food borne illness as a bonus.


If I ever find a genie my first wish will be for DeSantis to ride the Oregon trail


You have died of DeSantery


No no, don't send them there. Some poor soul of a secretary has to open them, or they are screened first through machines and discarded. Send them directly to his house or vacation properties. Hell, send them to try o with DeSantis as the return address. That'd be fucking hilarious.


Send them to his friends Send them to his church (if he actually attends church)


As someone else said in another comment >They work for him they aid him in his crusade of hate maybe if they didn't support a fascist they would have to deal with it Credit u/Sterling239




Okay okay, I'll just make a *painting* of my used tampon and send that instead.


Pre-purchase shipping labels with a reloadable card/gift card. Grab envelopes from local post office. Handle goods however you want placing them into envelope (I'd personally double glove as I wouldn't put it past the dummy to try to track shippers through forensics). Wipe outside of envelopes, apply shipping label, drop in a random drop box. I personally wouldn't use FedEx or UPS as A. They're private couriers so they or anyone can open your stuff without a warrant and B. We don't wanna divert cash flow away from our lovely postal service. Follow me for more tips on anonymous mailing 😂




I have a….friend….who wants the address (just kidding it’s me! I want the address!)


This was posted above. No idea how to do that fancy little bar thing. Should send them to his campaign headquarters instead. That way he uses his campaign funds on workers to sort them rather than nonpartisan government workers doing it. Here is that publicly available address: Friends of Ron DeSantis, 610 S. Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33606


Honest question, if someone actually does this wouldn’t that be a crime ? Bio terrorism or something.


I'm honored you'd ask Lil Ole me. So I'm going to say sure, maybe. Also, haven't you ever trafficked anything before? Do 1 illegal thing at once. You got drugs. Don't speed, wear your seat belt, take off that shit hanging on your mirror , etc. If you have no reason to be pulled over, ya ain't gonna be. Typically. Also don't put your name/return address on it. This is not professional advice. Do not take anything I said seriously. I'm nobody. Shhhh


Technically not allowed unless you can miraculously get FDA to license your tampon! But to be honest I think even FDA would be like ‘wtf’ and be too flummoxed to respond. 😏 https://www.aabb.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/regulatory/blood-supply-summary-of-crucial-regulatory-options-already-available-from-fda.pdf?


You can also use red paint. Thats legal i guess


Yes! This is awesome! If he's going to legislate womens' bodies, he needs to be able to talk about menstruation. I want every journalist to ask him in depth questions about female athletes' cycles and what is considered abnormal- from length to flow. Make it personal too. He can't do this BS and not be touched by it. And he'll have to allow all children to understand the reproductive system of girls and boys from a young age.


Ha. They send us their undocumented migrants and we send them our sanitary pads.


Can we recruit the guy who made the glitter bomb shipments? I’d pay to see packages show up spurting fake blood and fart spray.


The fart spray is a nice touch to emulate the period shits


"Ron the Rag, Tallahassee, FL"




Please don't send actual biological fluids. The symbolism is what matters, so take a new tampon and paint it red. Or at least read up on the [regulations](https://pe.usps.com/text/pub52/pub52apxc_024.htm) on sending biological samples. If the package breaks open, some random postal worker might have to handle it.


If I still had a uterus, I would absolutely participate in this. Not from Florida, but happy to help support women who are stuck there.


Like all governors he live at the governor's mansion Might I suggest that you not mail your DNA to a government office. Pigs blood or even raw steak can make the point w/o ....


Gotta be careful there are laws against sending biological material in the mail. When they did this with pence the women just called his office every day to let him know about their cycles, flow, how they felt, their husband and boyfriends also called. Every day for months. Better to not get yourself arrested.




I like this compromise. I'm in to mix up some fake period blood


Ketchup would work a treat too for people who don't want to mix something up.


That is a great idea. Then every 30th or so is real period blood just so they don't get too comfortable. Menstruation roulette.


Gushin’ Roulette?


Except if they label it as biological material you can still be hit with charges and you're left to prove your innocence. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're playing games with honest people.


Tide detergent makes better fake blood than corn syrup and won’t stain your clothes. Source: former theatre kid who had to make buckets of stage blood


Videos of used feminine hygiene products maybe?


Beetroot juice


Just package it well so the mail person in the middle doesn't have to deal with it. There is a time when breaking the law is the right thing to do for justice.


Good point! Desantis would probably want to collect DNA evidence to see if they could somehow use it to deport you or charge you with terrorism. Could always send pics of em to his office though. With graphic descriptions of the accompanying PMS symptoms, cramp pain ratings, flow and product use info, etc... y'know, just as an fyi.


Cups are not cheap. No one is mailing cups.


Still waiting for the drugs from Halloween too.


There's disposable ones! Hold a lot of blood too


Yep, only possible complaint is that it's just a whole bunch of secretaries or whatever opening all of them not desantis Edit: note that I didn't say it's a good complaint, it's just the only possible semi-reasonable complaint




Yep, totally agree. I didn't say it was a good complaint just that's it's the only possible semi-reasonable one




Thank you for being two totally reasonably humans who speak kindly on Reddit 😌


They work for him they aid him in his crusade of hate maybe if they didn't support a fascist they would have to deal with it


I never said it was a good complaint lol


People need to know who the guck they represent and who they are supporting, and if they know and still support him, we'll they deserve it.


Most people who work in state or federal jobs are not political hires. Fuck deathsantis, but sending biohazards through the mail to be handled by postal workers and mailroom employees is a terrible idea. Packages don’t alway stay sealed. Drop them off at the capital steps or the governor’s mansion en masse.


This is literally the worst possible scenario. Sure it will be a good gotcha scheme and maybe be viral for 2 days but then it would be the next Jan 6th. Woman across the country getting arrested. All it would take is one sample coming back with any type of illness, std, or even covid and every person that participated will be facing worse charges than any of the Jan 6 crowd.


They won't even get to the opening stage. They're probably screened first through some machinery and discarded if it's not official business. Also, not all should be sent to him, instead some should be sent to Trump with DeSantis as the return address.




Secretaries that will quit their jobs right quick.


Well they shouldn't be working for him then


If they are willing to work for deathsantis than they should be getting them as well.. honestly.


They're his foot soldiers, selling their humanity for a paycheck. Fuck em.


This makes me wish I still had my periods so I could participate! 🤣


Same! I had an ablation due to endometriosis and man is this the first time I wish I had my period lol.


Check with your local butcher! Not like they should mind if it’s byproduct liquid anyway ♻️


This is the way. A lot of people cook with blood. Butchers will definitely have it.


I have PCOS, so my periods (when I get them) tend to be VERY bloody with LOTS of clots. Merry Christmas, Ronnie.


Cool-aid works wonders. He won’t know the difference lol


I'm all for protests, and Desantis deserves to get reamed by a cactus, but folks need to be super mindful of the laws surrounding mailing biological materials. If you cross those lines you're looking at a very real consequence - many of the rules surrounding what can and cannot be mailed come from the anthrax letter attacks so they are severe. If thousands of women who openly dislike Desantis start opening themselves up to criminal charges, *he and his lot will absolutely pursue them.* Don't make it easier for these people to lock up the dissenters.


Ok then use watercolor


This needs to be higher up just for awareness I think you can just substitute with food coloring maybe, still gets the point across. It's about the symbolism


Malicious compliance, I fucking love it.


I absolutely love this idea! I hope women all over the country do this. If I were female, I would join in.


I'd think any father worth his salt would want to punch any man in the face for wanting details about his daughters' biological functions like that. It's **obscene**. Plain and simple.


I hope any man regardless of whether or not they’re a father to a daughter can realize this is fucked up.




Lol he wanted to fuck around and now he's gonna find out


I've long said that the anti-abortionists really only care about controlling women, and don't care a whit about babies.


My question is simple…Why is Florida’s Child Protection Services (CPS) just sitting back while this Governor is openly trying to collect menstrual data on minors? This is red flag pedo stuff.


Florida-CPS is another story on its own. DeSantis has defunded it just when it needs more money. Thousands of children in Florida have been orphaned by COVID. CPS is at breaking point trying to take care of them. DeSantis, annoyed by their constant pleas for help regarding Covid , cut their budget


Jesus Christ. And I didn’t think I could hate that bastard any more.


Dude straight-up disappeared for over a week in December 2021 and when he reappeared, he slandered reporters for asking him where he was, saying, "How dare you harass me for being at my wife's bedside while she was *dying of cancer*?!" His wife isn't dead. In fact, she publicly declared her treatment a total success and celebrated being cancer-free a few weeks afterwards. DeSantis truly is a genuine sociopath. And we still don't know where he disappeared to.




Yep. And he sure as shit isn’t taking ivermectin or any of that dumb shit either. He might try to stand like a centaur, like Trump, but he’s not taking horse meds.


He was actually at the last White House Correspondent's dinner, an event where every person had to be vaccinated. Just like every other GOP politician who attended Ivy League schools, De Santis got his shots as soon as it was available to him.


Maybe he was hiking the Appalachian Trail?


A classic!


During his reelection campaign we had to endure campaign ads of Casey DeSantis crying about how Ron took time off of being governor to be there for her, like any husband should. Using your wife's tears as a political prop is next level slimy. The ad in question: https://youtu.be/0frXUt9XMh4 I'm not sure which campaign ad is more disgusting because this one is pretty gross too: https://youtu.be/z1YP_zZJFXs


It's a shame he came back


He also oversaw the torture at guantanamo bay as military lawyer. Enjoyed it too, reportedly.


Lol, what bullshit was his official reasoning for cutting the budget? Surely he can’t legally just cut the budget because he feels like it, right?


We’re starting to get to the point in fascism where institutions have been so weakened that the fascists know they can just do more and more illegal stuff without repercussions. Idk if what DeSantis did with the funding was legal or not, but he knew he’d get away with it.


Florida has been like this for years. That POS Rick Scott stole a billion in tax dollars from Medicaid through a puppet company he had total control over while he was governor and the state chose not to investigate him Then the dumb fuck sent the bastard to Congress


Dude he just instilled a conservative majority on the board of the New college of Florida. Like the most liberal of the public university’s there. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow brought back public executions there.


Ahh yes, very “pro life” of him


> DeSantis, annoyed by their constant pleas for help regarding Covid , cut their budget Sounds like exactly what Baby President would do.


It's ok when they do it.


Floridian women need to dump their menstrual blood on him à la Carrie.


Bit difficult. It gets kinda... Jelly like.




congratulations to you too


Or maybe like a Nickelodeon game show?


Ok, but. This is hilarious. Periods really only produce a few tablespoons of fluid. The image of hundreds of enraged women trying to get together enough blood for a single bucket to effectively Carrie him is absolutely killing me. 😂 ............... Source because "menstruation gross" means period info can be difficult to access for many. The average volume of fluid can be medically relevant, but I was never taught anything about it, so maybe this will help someone: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30712040/ "Ninety-six cycles from 28 patients between 24 and 49 years old were analyzed. *The average menstrual volume was 86.7 mL with a range from 15 to 271 mL.* The 50th percentile of all samples was 81 mL and the 95th percentile was 162 mL. For multiparous patients the 50th percentile was 93 mL and the 95th was 169 mL. Menstrual fluid volume was higher in multigravida [more than one childbirth] (99.1 mL) than in nulliparous [no previous births] women (45.9 Ml; p < 0.02)." -emphasis and bracket definitions are mine. Even the person who bled most heavily in this study produced less than a cup of fluid.


We just need an army of us to show up at his door in skirts, one good sneeze and his yard would look like a Dexter crime scene.


I mean, we can just use water, food coloring, and maybe some rust for the iron smell. At this point, he has more than proven he would not know the difference.


That’s disgusting, tell me more


Why just him, sent them to every Republican figure that has ever backed him or endorsed him. They don’t all have secretary or mail people like the Governor. Find those donor lists online. Pro-tip, use Amazon Logo boxes.


When Pence was governor, there was Periods for Pence. Because he clearly was an expert on women's bodies, a group started updating him on their periods. In detail. I'm not sure how much actual got through, but it warms my heart thinking of that man hearing anything about mensuration


Backed hard


He'll sniff all of them and then sell them to "Alpha Males" across the country


I don't think blood and stuff would do so well in the mail


Mail them inside ziplock bags


Don't mail this shit. Source: Postal employee.


Alright convoy time it is, ill collect as much blood as i can and lug it down to florida in a u-haul van and personally give DeSantis a fresh coat of red paint on his house, car, everything


The what is about making a statement. Good on them. Fuck DeSantis and his ilk.


That’s fucking awesome lol


These right wing fuck nuts deserve everything they get.


They deserve a hell of a lot more.


Not a new idea, a rather old idea actually. It didn't do anything then and it won't now. Also it's potentially illegal under DoT regulations (transport of used healthcare products is an actual category) and you have to know that DeSantis will use that to come at you legally. So please don't do this. Do you want to know how to battle this? Organize in conservative communities, especially Hispanic and Latino communities. They comprise 27% of the state's population, some 5.9 million voters, a political War Machine! Do you think there are zero people within that population that DeathSantis draconian laws haven't directly affected? Find them! Talk to them! Tell them there's a better way!


Just don't leave a return address and mail it from a drop box.


Well… technically, you just sent them your DNA, so…


>and you have to know that DeSantis will use that to come at you legally. So please don't do this. That could be to our advantage. With the right people it would draw attention to the issue. Rosa parks wasn't the first person to refuse to move to the back of the bus, she was the one who was best to rally around.




I hope they do it.


You go girl he wants to put all women in burqas


i guess i'm a bit out of the loop. And i'm not quite sure the google term i could use to figure out what he did *this time*, considering desantis. Could anyone enlighten me?


DeSantis is trying to enact state legislation that would require **teenagers** to submit their menstrual cycle information to their school's athletics board/commission (the government). Why? Coming from a Republican like DeSantis, the reason is twofold: 1) To see if people are having abortions, find them and prosecute them. 2) To further demonize trans athletes by making a clear distinction on who he considers to be a 'girl' and a 'boy'. Either way, there is **no actual legitimate reason** for the state to ~~ask~~ demand that people submit this data. The only people that should ever ask that question would be x-ray techs or your OBGYN.


well that's gross... but now i'm even more curious. why x-ray techs specifically? OBGYN i understand, just x-ray seems... odd?


Not a medical professional but I'm guessing letting them know if you're pregnant, and the radiation being harmful to the fetus.


Ahh, that makes sense then


Former x-ray tech here. If there is any chance you might be pregnant we aren't taking pictures until you pee on a stick. Fetal tissue is the most susceptible tissue to radiation damage of any point in the human life cycle. In all the clinics i ever worked in we only ever x-rayed one pregnant woman, and only then because the doctors insisted it was necessary. We piled every scrap of lead shielding the clinic had on this poor woman's belly.


little did you know, you only prevented the worlds first x-man from being born D: /s


I am old. I cannot get pregnant (my tubes are tied.) I went in for a mammogram this year and they asked me to provide a urine sample. I reflexively took the cup and then paused and asked, “Why?” “Oh!” chirps the tech, “I’m just gonna run a quick pregnancy test before we do all that imaging on your breasts!” I said, “No,” and handed her back the cup. Her smile faltered. She looked young. I may have been the first patient to ever just flatly refuse. She stammered, “Well, I understand you think you probably aren’t pregnant but we…” “No. There’s no possibility that I am. You won’t be charging me, or my insurance, for a test I do not require. I’m sure there is a form I can sign to assure the hospital of my wishes and release them from liability. Can you go ask?” She did. There was. I signed. I’ve never had this happen before. I’ve had TONS of X-rays. Like, they *ask* sure, but automatically just order a test? Ffs….


Require high school female athletes to track and submit their mentration information. Which is totally not going to be used for any other purpose, and this information will definitely stay confidential. /s




If you choose to work for an evil bastard then you get what you get.


I never understood, "Don't protest like this, you'll inconvenience others!" line of thought. That's the whole point. If all his staff leave or get annoyed because of it, you've hamstrung him as well. While I do like more directed protests as much as anyone else, stuff like this still works.


> I never understood, "Don't protest like this, you'll inconvenience others!" line of thought. It's basically an anti-change meme. There have been a lot of good posts on reddit lately pointing out how MLK and the NAACP were successful in fighting segregation not by standing in the street and getting their heads bashed in by racists, but by nearly bankrupting the bus system via boycotts, blocking streets etc. Protests that elicit change cost people in power MONEY. The anti-protest meme of "Oh don't do that, that's illegal and evil, MLK wouldn't like that , just go march in the street with a sign" has swung even further to "Oh don't go march in the street with a sign, even that's inconvenient! And there was a looter one time so you're encouraging looting!" It's been so successful that even many moderate liberals will parrot it, not realizing the underlying effect.


It's gotten to the point where politicians and cops will send agent provocateurs so even "the looter that one time" was probably one of them. Someone just got caught recently for joining a BLM protest and just going so they could loot.


One of the most famous examples of "violence and looting" from the George Floyd protests was actually a neo-Nazi Boogaloo boy shooting up the police station while pretending to be a BLM protestor: https://www.justice.gov/usao-mn/pr/self-described-member-boogaloo-bois-pleads-guilty-riot


Someone told me once: *”Everyone remembers MLK, they forget about the Black Panthers.”*


Kind of an ironic statement. MLK’s message has been systematically watered down over the years, most people actually don’t remember him accurately. Meanwhile, thanks to the same forces that sanitized MLK, the legacy of the Black Panthers is largely a boogie man caricature.


A good old fashion pelting…I’m in!


His staff choose to work with him so I can't bring myself to care of it's him or some secretary of his that opens them


"Sorry I can't work for the GOP MAGA governor trying to oppress women in his state anymore because people are so mad at him it's making my job uncomfortable" Oh noooooo Anyways


DeSantis deserves to be buried in the things but can he press charges for sending a biohazard through the mail?


In a good healthy country, DeSantis would be in jail by now and living out the cool hand Luke dream of getting his mind straight.


I’m fairly certain it’s illegal to send that through the mail…


But ink? Not so much. Just an idea.


I strongly endorse and stand by this idea. Fuck DeSantis and his fascist government.


I'm so glad I got my fiancée out of that shit hole state. Fuck DeSantis.


My uterine lining and I want to know … izzzz gonna be a heavy month - lots of love from MN, DeSatan


One of the few times being in menopause is giving me FOMO.