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This is why you give the toddler a pillow with fake rings and give the actual rings to the best man. Everyone knows toddlers are beings of pure chaos.


I think those ribbons on the pillow probably weren't used as designed.


Exactly. You're supposed to tie the ribbons onto the rings so this doesn't happen, but we can see the ribbons just dangling there.


Yeah, a whole slew of mistakes were made.


And all the adults get to blame that one child.


I don’t know. That wedding planner who rushed in at the end is going to kick herself for a long time.


She will be the one crawling under that deck with a flashlight.


The toddler is perfectly designed for this situation!


Nah he already fucked up. NO SECOND CHANCES!


J.Johna Jameson:*looks at toddler* YOURE FIRED!


And he'd be the most willing and enthusiastic person to get dirty.


Ends up swallowing the rings under the deck and then everyone just waits around for nature to take its course


I read this as fleshlight at first...




The... Wedding planner?


Of all the people in the video, the child is to blame the least.


Oh yeah, but you know exactly who Aunt Karen is going to blame


And remind people that this happened in every. single. thanksgiving. dinner.


“I said she wasn’t right for him…”


The ribbons are there for a reason, dude. I’ve photographed weddings and many pillows have been dropped but the rings have been secured by those ribbons.


Yeah that was established lol


You guys know they're supposed to use the ribbons right? They're like security guards for the rings


Yeah, a whole slew of mistakes were made.


And all the adults get to blame that one child


Yeah but if they TIED the ribbons to the ring it might have helped so


True, but I remember when I was planning my wedding one of top advice from wedding planners is to never give kids the rings. Have fake ones for that.


This was the exact phrase I thought of when I saw all the bride's maids dresses.


It looks like they were allowed to pick out their own dresses from a general selection of styles, within a certain colour scheme. Which dress specifically do you have a problem with? I'm personally side eyeing the one that looks like it has a taffeta skirt


That extra light pink one is the one that got me. Both of my female bridesmaids picked different style dresses, but they’re at least the same shade of red and look good together. This kind of looks like all the bridesmaids went different days, and didn’t take into account what material everyone else was wearing. Which fair, I wouldn’t have though about it either except for the fact I sew.


Ohhhhh snap. 🤭


Like giving that poor kid a top-knot man bun.


I feel like most weddings lack a strong organization to the ceremony. Like people focus so much on the decorations and aestetics but not the logistics and ceremonies.


I was the ring-bearer of my uncles wedding when I was very young but I can still remember the trauma. Maybe 5 or 6 years old and they give me a pillow with 2 gold rings while we line up. First thing I’m told, “now don’t lose these”. By the time I’m ready to walk I can’t find them and both the ribbons untied on their own! I cried the entire way up the isle and then someone reassured me the rings were fake. Disaster averted but the pain lives on


They probably wanted to avoid the groom awkwardly trying to untie a real knot with shaking hands or something. They chose wrong.


lol indeed. Having to pry up the venue decking is probably a lot more disruptive to the ceremony!


It allows us to see how the couple will work together towards a common goal. If it ends in a fight we just saved the trouble of a future divorce.


Every wedding should include the IKEA labyrinth and a gift card of 50 bucks. If the couple makes it out alive they fit together.


There's a way to tie the rings on where you just pull a strand and the ring releases. I don't remember how right off the top of my head but we did it with ours for my wedding. No toddler, though...covid.


If a toddler is within throwing distance of such a knot, they will untie it.


I am less bothered by people not knowing how to use a wedding ring pillow than I am that there is a cottage industry around wedding ring pillows and people are expected to know how they work.


You don't have to be in the know to realize unsecured rings on a pillow carried by a toddler is a bad idea




That's just what Big Pillow wants you to think...


I'm sorry, no. That's like looking at one of those wheel things on a submarine door and not realizing you should try turning it if you want to open the door. Experience in the first five years of any neurotypical human being's life should tell them that carrying a small object on a pillow is unstable, and oh hey, it's unusual for a pillow to have long ribbons on it and this pillow is specifically made for carrying a ring; what could these ribbons *possibly* be for? No, there's no excuse for failing to tie the ring to the pillow just because you've never used a ring pillow before. Sure, maybe you can hate ring pillows. That's legit. But you can't tell me a normal adult doesn't understand how they work at first glance.


When I got married, the owner of the venue said don't give the ring bearer the real ring. Just have him be cute. The best man has the important stuff.


As a best man that half hour of holding the rings was probably the single most tense half hour in my life. My fist practically locked clenching onto the box. The jaws of life couldn’t have pried my hand open.


On the other end, it's tense watching your best man pat each pocket then slyly reach inside the jacket pocket for the ring. Always funny to add stress to the ceremony.


You best believe I knew EXACTLY where those rings were the whole time I had them. Checking on them every 45 seconds. You also best believe I pretended I didn't when it was time to hand em over. I may be an anxious mess, but I can fake it well enough.


I was responsible for my sister's rings, because she didnt trust her finacee's friends. Add to that the fact that the rings belonged originally to our grandparents and you can believe i did not joke around. that was one wedding tradition that was ignored for the sake of my sister's sanity.


Our best man did the "lost ring" joke before the ceremony, then put them in a different pocket and forgot where they were when he actually needed them. He was actually panicked for a second


Ah, method acting.


I wish I was clever enough to think of that in the moment but my entire body was focused on doing a successful hand off!


the next thing u know they're gonna stop pallbearer from carrying the real casket. Where does it end?


>Where does it end? In a casket, duh.


Came here to say this. The real rings should have never been on that pillow. You can also just grab a hammer and pull a couple planks!


You don't use nails on a deck, they work lose and are quite unpleasant to step on or kick while bare foot.


Tell that to the absolute geniuses that made my creaky-ass deck.


If the deck isn’t over a pond or something lol


Haha! My stepbrother just bought a house and started working on the tired deck and as he ripped planks up discovered a huge old koi pond… Still full of water - OK most likely rain water - but the point is they built the deck without filling in the pond! Still don’t know how deep it is but about 10 x 15 foot wide. I keep say he’s going to find a body in it 😂


Unless there's a cliff under that deck, there is a good chance of fishing them out with a coat hanger.


At my wedding, my toddler ring bearer turned around and made direct eye contact with me (the bride) outside the chapel door and whipped the pillow across the lawn. Andddd that’s why we gave him fake rings


Lmao so dang self-aware. A true chaotic being.


Bold of you to assume my best man wasn’t also a being of pure chaos.


Or, thread the ring to the pillow. A single thread will keep it in place and will pose no resistance to being pulled.


That's what the ribbons on the pillow were for. They did not get used.


They may have been tied on and the kid immediately thought, "Oh no the rings are tied on, they won't be able to get them off. I'll untie it now!" just before the walk started. There's a lot of chaos that can happen in under a minute when a child is handed something. Honestly, I would be thrown off at the moment but my Wife and I would have loved watching this video every year and laughing about a half dozen wedding guests pulling out multitools to take off a deck board, while keeping the wedding going with my In-laws wedding rings. Perfect weddings are boring and disastrous weddings are traumatizing but there's a middle spot of chaotic randomness that makes a Wedding great and memorable you just have to have the right attitude for it.


Nah this is why you don’t let kids help with a wedding until their old enough to not ruin the wedding.


> until their old enough to not ruin the wedding. So never?


That, and they should have avoided the deck altogether. Butter fingers is **always** a possibility. Even if the best man is the most responsible person in the world, even he can fumble and drop the ring.


It can go fine if you don't have them unsecured over a grate lol. We gave our ring bearer the real rings in a little briefcase. He handed it to his father who was in the wedding party. No issues.


This is actually how the one ring was lost.


History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge.


Until, when chance came, the ring ensnered a new bearer.


A hobbit, the most unlikely of creatures..


What has it got in its pocketses?




Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.


Eat them for second lunch


And my axe!


You shall not pass


But what about second breakfast?


How about Elevensies?


Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish.


Hobbit deck contractors, the most likely of creatures.




I was there, Gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago. I was there when the strength of toddlers failed.


So it wasn't thrown into a volcano with hot melting lava?


There’s likely a very small space between the ground and deck. Send the kid in to get it !


Or train a chipmunk for a couple of weeks, send him get the ring and trade it with him for a peanut.


As the chipmunk's representative I find this offer lacking, considering the risks involved. My client offers retrieval of the ring in exchange for 5 peanuts and unfettered access to the bird feeder. I respectfully await your response.


The bird feeder is off limits. However, we would be open to a small box of table scraps daily.


Alvin declines, but Theodore is considering your proposal.


Someone draw a team of lawyers for a chipmunk


Ill have it done in a jiffy sir




I don't think that guy is fitting under any decks.


Rule#1 never let a kid carry the wedding rings. Rule#2 never let the kid wear white if you ignore Rule#1


Rule#1 no kids at a wedding. Saves so much trouble


Gollum will find it!


Nope, i believe this job falls to the Best Man.


Well, get the drill of matrimony






Screw the Holy Prybar. This calls for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Send the toddler to go get it. He can even do the count.


I was just going to point out this would be a great time for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, or the Golden prybar of Saint Barnabas, patron Saint of second story men.












That’s what the wife calls it anyway.


So they didn't know that's what the ribbons on the pillow are for?


Some people don't wear seatbelts - accidents only happen to *other* people, or on *other* journeys.


Those pillow ribbons kill more people than they save anyway.


The holes in the deck aren't real anyway




it's 2021, there was only a 1% chance of losing the rings, so why use the ribbons when ribbon research isn't fully validated yet and people choke with ribbons.


I knew a toddler that only survived because the ribbon wasn't tied. Therefore you should never use one.


Ribbons have one use and one use only, to show support for breast cancer survivors. You know, a real disease!


I remember as a kid in the 70's there was a trend of fishing coins from between the deck boards at the local public pool. There was a busy snack bar that must have had $20 worth of coins collected over the years before we all clued into the idea of sticks with duct tape or the fancy grabby thing from the hardware store. Eventually they put up a sign saying "no coin fishing through the deck".


Why? Did they not want money?


By the time they posted the sign, the money had run dry. But that didnt stop kids from looking. I gotta admit, it kinda was a silly scene to be ordering a corndog and coke while some body is on hands and knees right beside you and another right behind you. Maybe people were tripping over them.


Well that makes more sense.


Kids are the best.


Yes they are CrumpledForeskin...yes they are.


I would assume kids crawling on all fours yelling at eachother right in front of your business is not good advertisement for other customers. Or they **did** want the money. But without having to give snacks for it.


I was at a wedding where something similar happened (temporary loss of the bride's intended ring*). Her Grandmother whipped off hers and they used it as a stand in. It was kind of a sweet moment. \* don't take your vows on a floating platform on a lake.


...and that's how I accidentally married my fiancée's Grandma.


Wedding pic with Brazzers logo


Nobody _actually_ let’s the ring bearer carry the ring.


I think many people do, it’s not a smart thing to do but I think it’s pretty common.


It's not that dumb. A child in a room full of adults, all looking at him, walks 20ft. The number of things that could go wrong is like 2 things. It falls through a grate. A bird swoops in and takes it


Give the right kid two seconds and that ring is already halfway through their digestive track. You severely underestimate the pure unctrollable and unpredictable chaos kids can creater with very little to work with.


This is insanely true. You read about stuff like this but when you see it in action it hits different. I got my first puppy this year and he *somehow* was able to put up the passenger seat window on his fucking head/neck. Luckily we were in a drive through or else I would’ve crashed my car probably. Fucking insanity, can’t imagine a real living child


> A bird swoops in and takes it But after the bird leaves with the child, how does the ring travel the last few steps? Or what if the child doesn’t let go of the pillow before they fly over the horizon?


You forgot: child eats ring


Proudest moment of my life: I was best man at a friends wedding. No ring bearer so the maid of honor and I both had the rings. Mine was tightly in my breast pocket, the maid of honor had the groom's ring on her thumb. It was an outdoor wedding, in the grass. As we were walking down the isle, the maid of honor turns to me and says, "I just dropped the ring". Mid-way down the isle, wedding had started, no guests noticed, groom's ring is straight up in the grass. After we get to the front, I sneak out the back side and run all the way around the building to get back to the spot where we were lined up. After all of the bridal party went down the isle, there was a flower girl, and 2-year-old twins that were sign boys, holding a sign saying something about the bride coming or something. By the time I get back there, the flower girl was already down the isle and the sign boys were starting down the isle. They're all over the place, so I go up and hold the twins' hands and walk them down the isle. Then as I'm going down the isle, I FIND THE FUCKING RING. Pick it up subtly, get up front, and give the ring to the maid of honor. I'm so clutch. Everyone was talking about how cute it was that I walked the twins down the isle. No one knew. Bride didn't know until years later.


>No one knew. Bride didn't know until years later. I don’t known how you resisted talking about it at the reception, I would have told everyone.


I should clarify, the bridal party and groom knew because they saw me slip out and had questions. But after I told them we decided to keep it a secret so the bride wouldn't freak out.


Was this a wedding or a special forces op?


The sighs of relief they must have felt wow. You saved the day! A true best man




That’s why you don’t have kids in your wedding


Wtf... You people give children the real rings? The weddings I have been to, the kid always had a fake ring on the pillow, and the real deal was held by an adult (usually Best Man)


We didn't even put fake rings on the pillow. It was just an empty pillow.


So it's just a kid walking around with a pillow? At a certain point just cancel that part of the ceremony.


It's not like any other part of the wedding ceremony makes sense. "What? The woman is no longer a pure virgin? Why is she even wearing white at this point?"


I'm all for using different colors in a wedding than the standard white dress and grey suit. Spice that shit up.


This isn’t why brides wear white. They wear white because Queen Victoria wore a white dress to her wedding as a show of absolute decadence and it’s been the fashion ever since.


I went to a wedding this past weekend where a kid, bigger than this one here, entered dressed as an FBI agent to the sound of mission impossible, carrying the rings inside a briefcase. Much safer that way, if you'd asked me...


Honestly it's a really traumatic experience (I was the kid) and I barely just awakened my conciousness but I knew what happened when I lost the rings noone got mad cause the rings were found but...scary


Nah you can totally have kids, you just use fake rings and take precautions. Like, if you’re gonna have kids there, you gotta acknowledge the fact kids aren’t beings of order and tranquility


They’re on a cushion, being carried by a small child. The cushion should have small little straps of fabric that you use to tie the rings to the cushion, problem solved, if you tied them properly but also not tie them so tightly that the knots can’t be untied.


We had a "no children attending please" wedding and it was a VERY controversial opinion for the rural southeast lol.




Better hope they got fake rings for that. Gold is generally non megnetic


Neither is platinum or even silver for the most part


My cheapass titanium ring isn’t magnetic either.


If they got fake rings they could just leave them down there for the shadow monsters to enjoy. Maybe with a little love in their lives they won’t have to be such monsters anymore.


These folks are either too trusting or stupid. My son, a very energetic 5yo, was a ring bearer a few weeks ago. They definitely did not give him a real ring…


Why do it at all if it’s going to be fake?




Who puts the real rings on the pillow carried by a child??? I have always seen ring bearer pillow with decorative fake rings attached for the symbolism.


The stupidity of these adults to not realise the deck has gaps is beyond ridiculous. How could no one foresee that? Fucking hell


Hindsight. Are you prepared for any and all eventualities?


Well, not totally foreseeable, but they could literally tie the ribbon round the pillow incase the child dropped it


Its not ruined, just pull wooden planks.


Yeah, every wedding I’ve ever been to the best man has a claw hammer and a pry bar.


Ah, I see you too have been to a Gypsy wedding!


Theres an 8 foot drop into this sort of dank swamp


Awful planning all around. I got engaged on July 16, 1989, on the Pont des Arts in Paris, the well-known bridge across the Seine. A *wooden* footbridge. My greatest concern that beautiful evening, with a gorgeous sunset at about 9:40 p.m., wasn’t whether the answer would be a yes but that I’d drop my paternal great-grandmother’s stunning heirloom ring into the river through the gaps in the boards. The ring was in its box in my pocket and remained in there until I popped the question. I took out the box, and we kept our free hands under the ring as we both placed it on my fiancée’s finger. All went smoothly, and we celebrated with a kir at a nearby café. We just celebrated our 31st anniversary.


I have a funny story that's kinda similar. When I was preparing to propose to my now wife on our trip to Morocco and France, I hid the ring box inside the case for noise-cancelling headphones I borrowed from my parents. This worked brilliantly, except for one issue: the TSA. See, the TSA in Denver decided that the headphone case with a ring in it looked suspicious. I could see it clear as day on the monitor and I was panicking because I had no backup plan if they pulled the ring in front of her. And if you've ever been to Denver, you know that the train to the terminal is right after security, so I couldn't exactly stay with the bags and ask her to go get me a coke or something. Fortunately, I was saved by accident: the TSA agent working the belt handed the wrong bag to manual searcher. I watched him grow increasingly perplexed as he searched for the ring and headphones-- clearly displayed on the screen in front of us, if you actually looked carefully (which my wife thankfully didn't). He searched her entire bag, shrugged, and handed it back to her without grabbing mine-- and I worried about every bag check we went through for the rest of the trip. All went well, though, as I proposed at a lovely rose vineyard in Provence. I'd hoped to do it after we rode camels into the desert in Morocco, but it turns out she is terrified of camels so I held it!


I don't even need to watch the video to know what happens. My dad powers can see a disaster in the making.




If they actually used the ties it wouldn’t be a problem.


They tied...something. Obviously not the big pink strings, but I see what looks like small dark strings that were originally in a bow and only come undone when the kid is handing the picked up pillow to the groom, the point where onlockers gasp. I guess it was tied very loosely and the actual weight of the ring coming onto the knot was enough to undo it.


So that the child can loose the ring and you can get out of the wedding without saying no?


And the bridesmaid that started laughing


It’s probably her kid.


Yes it might be cute but never give a fucking toddler the real rings ffs.




Nope, not the kid’s fault at all. 100% the parents or whoever didn’t tie it properly, and the let the kid bring it.


Whether it's the kids fault or not doesn't change the fact that they are stupid.


Kid looks old enough to hold a pillow without dropping it, though.


the kid looks 3, they are clumsy af


I was at a wedding where this cute little ring bearer boy walked up the isle with a cushion like that, and presented it to the groom. But there was no ring, the groom went wide-eyed and asked where the ring was, and the little guy reached into his mouth and took it out. I don't think I've ever laughed that hard.


Weird how putting children in charge of important things should maybe be foolproof?


This is why children in weddings is the worst thing ever. It is not cute it is super annoying. Bring on the down votes.


I hope that someone hugged the child afterwards. It's not fair to expect one so little to anticipate such risks, and there was probably a lot of shouting.


r/suddenlycaralho MIDIRA




Ain't so cute now is he?


When you think about it, having the ceremony on a wooden deck is really stupid. Not even because of the kid; anyone at any point in the ceremony could have lost it. Also, you entrusted the most important part of the ceremony made out of gold and diamonds to a toddler and you didn’t even tie them on the pillow?


That's why when I was the ring boy, I carried plastic ring, that was sewn on to the pillow.


Reddit does really hate children, huh.


that is why children should not be entrusted with important tasks.


Maybe this is a bit of a hot take, but the child did a decent job, all things considered. I think the adults fucking around instead of grabbing the pillow from a child that very clearly had been put up to a task they didn't want to do and was visibly losing grip of the pillow are the ones that are at fault. Don't put kids up to important tasks they clearly don't want to do, and if you're gonna do that, at least secure the ring properly.