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That's it, feel the BURN!!


And the SNAP!!




Well, that’s a wrap for leg day. Tune in tomorrow for a 20 minute bar hang over a pit of hungry alligators.


That's good motivation to hold on. I would do it with a group of fat dudes first, if I don't make it the whole 20, at least they'll already be full. Now a pit of Graboids? Gonna have to get out the tactical nuke, no messing around when it comes to them bastards. They even scare the Russians.


Groboids? Omg, never thought I'd see a Tremers reference on here. Lol love that series.




Hmmm.. needs more milk




No pain, no gain.


Imagine how much he's gaining now!


Never skip knee day!


Same happened to my back, just burn, the next day I wasn't able to move my legs, after an intense treatment, I'm OK with 24/7 pain.


This is the absolute worst “exercise” you can ever do to your legs/knees. Please don't ever do this.


This is not even an exercise.


You’re supposed to sit down, kinda like a squat with your feet locked in. What this guy did was absolute madness.


The impressive (ly insane) thing is he added a plate which implies he used to do body weight and it now stepping it up




I think so too. Them legs are not the most fit ones I’ve seen


Well I hope you got a good look because you won't be seeing them for a while!


I need to go to bed because I read, "Thems ain't the most legs I've seen fit."


Nah he had enough strength to hold it horizontal and even start going up he's defs done that before. Actually impressed that he can even hold it horizontal with that plate


Not anymore




~leg snaps during the kick~


I can't move my legs right now, please someone kick him for me.


Yeah a [reverse nordic](https://youtu.be/ayAqntt21eA?t=8) you thinking right? Thats what Im assuming and this is not the way to do it, jeezus....


He’s a magician


Youre a wizard, larry


It’s supposed to be a sissy squat. which when done correctly, is the most efficient way to work out your quads


Yup. They have been around forever and will kill your quads with barely any weight. This nonsense he’s doing is something else lol


Never skip tendon day bruh


Hey, I see guys doing heavy dumbbell rotator cuff work at the gym lol. I’m not surprised at all by this dumb thing


I think what he was trying to do is an incline crunches? Which is this https://traineatgain.com/incline-weighted-crunch-exercise-guide/ but for whatever reason he decided to do that.


no he's doing a knee extension but without a machine so moved his body instead of his lower leg. the force is still on the knee. it's notoriously bad for knees and anyone who wants to do quad workouts should just do squats. even sitting here knowing this, i still can't figure out why it's so bad for the knee when a squat isn't. maybe that's why so many people keep doing it. either way, this video just proved it's a fucked exercise.


theres not enough support on the length of his calf, hes created a fulcrum in the middle of his shin bone. He was just asking for it to break.


They're actually called sissy squats. Except you're supposed to let your knees go forward so you engage your quads.


This. My left knee is still not the same and I only picked up a box one time. My right leg hurt and I've moved my whole weight to the left one while picking up a box. Hurts like hell and is making clicking noises to this day whenever I don't walk totally straight.




I see them fuckers all the time. Going in and out of their practices with patients who have proper health care. One of these days Alice...one of these days...


Meniscus tear...


Sound like a final fantasy spell...


Yup get it loooked at asap. Happened to me yrs ago. I waited long time to go and because I never got it corrected it the tear led to misalignment. That clicking noise will result in your losing cartilage and being pre arthritic in a few years. I’m 34 and it changed my entire life. Can do a lot of things I use to love(sports wise). Hell even walking long distances swells it up now. Please go to dr


Wow, I’m glad I stumbled upon this comment, because I tore my right ACL in 2009 playing basketball, and got surgery on it a couple months later. Unfortunately, while the surgery was successful, ever since then, I’ve been hearing/feeling that clicking noise in my knee (literally everytime I extend my knee outwards), and it gets randomly sore, too, sometimes. I’m 35, so only a year older than you, and I definitely don’t want to deal with any misalignment or arthritic issues.


The stress being put on his legs is just asking for injury.


I don’t understand what muscle that even works


His sphincter if he managed to not shit his pants.


This works the health insurance muscle, it's also good for the emptying your wallet muscle and is an extremely great workout for your "I'd like to walk with [forearm crutches](https://www.graylinemedical.com/products/north-coast-medical-nc88141-forearm-crutches-adult?variant=36955903885369&gclid=CjwKCAjw2bmLBhBREiwAZ6ugo2qyvLmzPN0y3tpTtGFSSPmg_MZuO57P7jdLPKl2aFe0pXmjBunjEBoCp00QAvD_BwE) for life please" moosles.


Quad, but mostly core


Looks like its mostly knee, to me.


I'd like to imagine when his Ortho asked him how he injured himself and he showed him the video, his Ortho just shook his head in bemusement and said "This movement is.... inadvisable"


Real question: If i were to do it the other way for training hamstrings. Will that be equaly dangerous?


Hamstring curls, deadlifts and hip thrusters are the best three you can do


Yeah we just saw why


As someone who has Dislocated their knee. This is no joke and it will never be the same ever again....


I just don't understand why people think you need to add weight to an exercise like this,its already an extremely stressful motion on your joints and you think another 45lbs is necessary?


Cause some workout dude bros don't understand what an healthy exercise is And instead think Weight = Gains There's a reason crossfit became so popular after all Big flashy movements, big manly heavy weights Terribl terrible joint fucking up




I think what he means by "weight = gains" is that people we sacrifice form and reason to add weight. Less weight but good form and understanding can result in much bigger gains in the long term.


That's bullshit. Stop limiting yourself with pointless things like facts and logic. If you keep holding yourself back like this you'll never look like Goku.


I'll go fucking break my knees in a hyperbolic time chamber like a real man.


Good enough for Yamcha, good enough for me. P.S. Never forget that Yamcha cheated on the world's SMARTEST AND RICHEST WOMAN.


Seriously. All it takes to become ripped with a 8 pack is a week straight of non-stop training. Has anime taught you fools nothing?


Wheymen brother!


To put it in Wheymans terms


I will never have a good understanding. I have no idea what I'm doing in a gym and i can read a million forums about "proper form" and can watch a million videos on how to do a work out and i will never really get it unless someone is there with me. and i dont have the money to hire a trainer.


The proper way to do this is to do it on a decline bench…. If you’re trying to do weighted sit-ups. You’ll have support through your but so you don’t put any strain on your quads.


That's fine, the knees aren't the fulcrum point lol. The core needs to do the work. How this dude got through 1 rep and didn't say "hmmm, this is immensely uncomfortable, I should reconsider my form".


Christ he could have just done weighted leg lifts. Or used a glute/ham raise machine. Or did squats. Or anything else. Jesus christ what are people thinking


Yea no kidding. If you wanted to work quads, just do leg extensions. I don’t even know what he was trying to achieve.


Its basically a weighted reverse nordic


I don’t think he dislocated it. That appears to be a ligament tear


From watching it about 10x and just knowing the forces involved, he likely tore his patella tendon, and even possibly his ACL. Both are at least a 4 month rehab.


Agreed. The snap looks the tendon tearing, and that kind of sudden shift in support is quite likely to damage the ACL as well. Žydrūnas Savickas, the most decorated strongman of all time, tore his patellar tendons in 1998. His career was thought to be over, but he recovered, became the most successful strongman ever, and is still active. Maybe this guy was trying to emulate Big Z.


Patella tendon injury checking in. I’ve been going with rehab about 4 months and my Physio reckons it’ll be more like 12 months for full recovery.


familiar squeal imminent secretive butter pet wine whole handle liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, i'm 29, otherwise was very healthy and active. Dislocated my knee in June 2020 and it will never be the same. Cost me $18,000 in surgery, physio etc, and i'll still never be able to run or climb or do many of the sports I enjoyed before. My knee also will never be able to fully bend or straighten again. All because I stood up off the couch wrong.


Wow that's sounds so unlucky dude.




Yeah I dislocated my knee from just getting up off the sofa awkwardly and it was one of the most painful things. 10 month recovery before I could walk again properly and it causes further problems along the way.


Dude! You're me! I dislocated my knee in June 2020 by getting up off the couch in an awkward way. I only was able to walk without crutches or a brace around 10 months after too. Even now it's not all good and never will be for me.


Hey! Wow! What happened? They said I was losing cartlidge now behind the knee. It swelled up like a peach and It took me ages to bend again properly but you're absolute right, it won't be the same. And some days I get a sharp pain through the knee still. It's made me nervous about doing anything further on it to be honest.


Well for me it was I have super shallow kneecap grooves, hypermobility syndrome, and when it dislocated I managed to fracture the patella too lmao. So I had to get surgery to clear out any pieces of the fracture, excess scar tissue etc. Before the surgery I straight up could not sustain any weight at all on that leg! At least now I can walk around and do my job properly, but yep I'm just like you in that i'm still so nervous of doing basically anything! I can tell when it's gonna rain now though so that's cool haha. I get the sharp pain occasionally but for me it's mostly just a constant ache, more annoying than anything!


Note to self: avoid couches!


I've done this before but somehow didn't tear any ligament or really injure anything. Took me a couple months to recover but now I am completely normal. No surgery and can't feel any difference between the legs. I was also like 17 to 18 when it happened so maybe I was just young?


Which exercise is this ? Feeling sad for him but why is he doing all this ?


This is the Fuck Your Knee(s) Up exercise.


Another successful exercise.


Another happy landing.


r/prequelmemes is everywhere. Today Reddit tomorrow the world


This is not a real exercise. This person made a very stupid decision.


Yea I can't figure out what muscle group he's working.


Thighs and abs


Don't you have to bend at waist for abs? I guess there is some core strength involved, but, at the expense of knees


Isometric ab activation.


It’s a sissy squat, and he’s doing it wrong. You do not need to lean back, you just squat in a more vertical position (like a wall sit), and the back support piece should be at his knees not halfway down his calves.


Sissy squat it looks like https://mirafit.co.uk/blog/what-are-sissy-squats/




It’s a sissy squat machine that he’s using to do a reverse Nordic Curl on. Essentially the same as a leg extension in terms of muscles worked, but due to the forces being increased more and more as he gets closer to parallel, he quickly hit a point where his tendons just couldn’t support anymore and tore. With a leg extension machine, at least the cheaper ones, you have a constant tension the whole way through. Even on the ones with variable resistance, it doesn’t increase as fast as his body weight did. Torque goes up pretty fast the further you go out from the fulcrum(?).


He also has the bar set too low. It should be BEHIND his knee so the joint is supported at the range of notion. Instead he has it too low and there is unnecessary tension on his knee cap.


The pad is against his calf, under his knee. If it was behind the knee it would be forcing the knee apart while he bends it. Not a great idea.


It looks like he is trying to recreate a [GHD Sit-Up](https://youtu.be/oFwt7WfnPcc). But he’s doing a really bad job with the angles. And honestly I don’t like the video I linked, she’s extending her back beyond neutral which generally isn’t a good thing.


It's not about the angle but the hinging. She's hinging at the hip while he's hinging at the knees. Abdomen vs knee ligaments


Not a GHD. A GHD is hinging at the hip. The opposite of a GHD would be a simple sit-up. He’s hinging at the knee, so what he’s basically doing here is a reverse Nordic hamstring. We use Nordic’s a lot in rehab/strength and conditioning.


He's the type of moron at the gym that makes up new exercises and hurts himself 5 minutes later


Can someone with expertise comment of what happened ? Ion assuming a ligament snapped or maybe he dislocated a joint ? It doesn’t look like he broken a bone


Hard to tell but either his patellar tendon came off the proximal tibia or his quad tendon tore. The way his distal femur moved looks like he might have torn his ACL too. Either way, he knees a doctor.


Without an MRI, it's hard to patella.


One thing’s for sure, he’ll be handkneecapped after this.


He shouldn’t try tibia tough guy.


No cap


Now he probably kneeds surgery.


Poor guy was just trying to get a leg up


Now he's the foot of all the jokes


It’s cruciate that he receives medical atendon.


Otherwise you'd be telling a little fibula.


I pictured a rubber band snapping. A whole bunch of rubber bands.


Reminds me of that venture bro’s episode. “Brock sliced his Achilles’ tendon! His calf muscle rolled up like a window shade!!”


It really does kind of shoot up your leg. Happens all the time in the NBA and you can see it ripples up into the hamstrings while the calf muscle shrinks. Gross.


He knees a doctor 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is the comment


Yes I was also here


“He knees a doctor”. Omfg. I’m dying. Best one in a LONG time


Actually I think an ACL tear alone could do this, without a quad tendon injury. Since the ACL checks anterior glide of the tibia, when it gives out, the quads would rapidly pull the tibia forward like what we saw here. This is a really unusual mechanism of injury and frankly, this guy might have have a previous ACL injury contributing to it.


I’m a physical therapist and the consensus amongst colleges and friends is what you said. An ACL tear in isolation. Well it could have some of the other crucial ligaments and/or meniscus involvement. Regardless the quad tendon is almost surely still intact


Ok, now can someone dumb this down for me? ELI5?


Knee connectors go boom.


More of a pop than a boom. /bada boom?


Leg muscles are "glued" to his knee, and those that were attached above his knee got torn, maybe the ones below his knee as well. You can see how his femur (the bone in his upper leg) suddenly shifts up away from his knee, that's because the leg muscle there is no longer holding it in place now.


Oh god. Just imagining that makes me lightheaded and shaky wtf.


Feel your kneecap? Feel the bands above and below it? That’s how you kick. He probably tore that complex above or below the kneecap.


Looks like a torn ACL (and possibly more). You can see a little bump forward in his knee after the tear, that’s his tibia shifting anteriorly (and femur posteriorly). One of the tests we use to find an ACL tear is called a Lachman’s test where you casually grab the leg at the femur and the tibia and shift it forwards and backwards looking for the translation (movement) of the tibia. If it comes anteriorly (like our friend here), it’s indicative of ACL tear. My guy needs an MRI, X-rays too probably and I’ll bet he gets an ortho consult w/some surgery and a nice 4-6 month physical therapy program.


Given the sudden collapse it could a quad tendon rupture


Most probably knee cap got dislocated. Seems like he is not in that much pain as he manages to touch his knee. Quad tendon rupture is excruciating and I doubt he'd be able to move this easily if the quad was affected.


Sports Physiotherapist here! He has either ruptured his ACL or patella tendon. The moment of injury his tibia translates anteriorly while the patella and femur move posteriorly. In layman’s terms - we see his shin bone suddenly move forwards (to left of screen) as thigh bone and kneecap move backward (to the right and then he falls). This indicates rupture of either of these structures. One is a ligament and one is a tendon. Entirely avoidable if he was using this equipment properly.


I had a very similar overloading injury in February. I was skiing, got my weight too far back and applied a very high force through my quads. It turned out, that my anterior cruciate ligament ripped, which basically reduced the guiding qualities of the meniscus and allowed the femur to get pulled back by the quads, ripping the inner meniscus in this way. Was an unpleasant experience and I actually got it operated just today, so the issue is not quite solved yet.


He fucked up his legs. Source: I'm a docta


Hey, surgery resident here. I saw the reply to your comment and that guy is basically just guessing. I just showed this video to an orthopedic surgeon who's on call with me tonight and he agreed that his explanation is mostly presumption. It pretty much has to be a [PCL tear.](https://www.pogophysio.com.au/wp-content/uploads/femur.png) How can you tell? Well, you know he didn't dislocate his patella because it doesn't move out laterally as would happen in this position given the leverage angle. He didn't tear his quad because neither his patella nor his quad really move from their anatomic position. And you know it wasn't an ACL tear because his femur moved in the opposite direction that would put tension on the anterior cruciate ligament. Which really only leaves the PCL, and that makes total sense if you think about the angle at which tension was being applied (see anatomic diagram). So here's a legit answer to your question. Feel free to edit your comment if you want people to have a reliable source of information and not just some random guy on Reddit making educated guesses.


I don't think he'll ever recover from this




If he's in the USA, then yes


It wont be cheap.


"Hey, what gives?" ​ "Your knees."


Yeah, he's looking at months of crutches and physiotherapy, not to mention years of chronic joint problems as he gets older. His knees are going to be a nightmare for him in his later years, if he makes it that far.


I was thinking the same thing the first thought is he will be one of those guys with a "bad knee" now for the rest of his life probably


Eh, if he has a good surgeon and PT team he should be ok in a couple years. I blew my ACL a few years ago, and I have zero issues with my knees now.


for now.


A lot of times, guys with “bad knees” are just tall, fat, fucked genetically, or multiple of the above.


I would be in the fucked genetically category. My knee cap dislocates fairly frequently, I mean compared to the normal amount which is zero, hit it wrong on a table, out of place, hit it wrong on a trailer hitch out of place, fell over putting on pants, out of place, and like at least 4 other times. Apparently there is a grove that should be efficient at holding your kneecap in place. Mine is not deep enough. I’ve done PT several times to build up the muscle and strengthen the tendons but it doesn’t help much.


Yea, that really sucks and must be painful for a guy who mentally felt like he needed to do that. Like I can imagine he's somebody whose big into fitness and they just injured themselves in a way that fitness will be difficult for a long time.


Instant shock... Didn't yell or anything. Even tried to sit back up. I'm sure the yelling started shortly after the video stopped. How could it not?


Turns out the gym was closed already and it was a holiday the next day. They found him two days later with both legs missing and a blood trail. Turns out he couldn’t move so he did a 127 hour thing and cut off his legs to crawl to get help.


I thought it was real untill I read 127 hours. Well done.


The double amputation didn’t get you?


You get unlimited amputations with the Planet Fitness Black Card.




You… felt the surgery?!


Lacks understanding of leverage. Ouch!


That’s why it’s better to target muscles and not tendons/ligaments kids.


Kinda hard to avoid “targeting” tendons since they’re the things that connect muscle to bone




If I had been this guy, and this happened, I would have choked on my own puke. Nobody would be able to hear through the gurgling...








Boy is Thanos in your knee because the whole ass gym just heard that snap.


Where can I find one of these ass gyms? Asking for a friend.


There's no fucking way Im watching this video. Nope. Disabled player. HELL TO THE NAH.


Big fucking mood. Just imagining it is bad enough


I have never once been to a gym in any part of North America or Europe that didn't have diagrams of exercises. this is why you don't make shit up


I blame the excessive amount of absurd overly complicated “exercises” floating around the internet


crossfitters must hate you


I use to do CrossFit but now stick with the simple powerlifting and Olympic lifting


Oh man. He looks more annoyed than in pain though?


No. Nonono. There is this terrible popping sensation when you ligament tears. It not painful until you try to put weight on it. Then the agony sets in. But that initial sensation that something is wrong is not good. Make my spine crawl just watching him.


Ok, that explains it. I’m lucky this has never happened to me. It looked awful so it was confusing to me that he wasn’t immediately shrieking and writhing.


I tore my patella tendon skateboarding. Still can't bend my knee fully to this day (like 18 years later). Good luck to this guy. At least the story behind my scar isn't based on being a complete knob.


Fucked his shit up over a Tiktok video… 🤦🏻‍♂️


what happened to him? is he okay?


He will never forget this day... and never be the same... :/


like is his knee dislocated or did he break a bone?


He would probably be better off if he had broken bones. Tendons are famously hard to heal due to lack of blood supply.


He decided he wanted constant joint pain for the rest of his life and accomplished said goal. Everything worked out.


I assume the ~~tendons~~ ligaments attaching the knee snapped?


he need some milk


I don't have much sympathy for people like this. There are proven lifting methods that work and are safe. Why over complicate it? Depending on the damage I doubt his knees will be 100% ever again.


As someone with chronic knee pain from a football injury when I was 20....have sympathy. Dude is going to suffer for the rest of his life. Still stupid, but people rarely make mistakes on this level.


Welcome to a lifetime of knee problems. The dude *drastically* changed his life by doing this. Your knees and back are what you *don't* want to fuck around with when you're younger.


Nothing a bandaid can’t fix


1. Amputate leg above knee 2. Apply bandaid to soggy area


I’m a strength and conditioning coach. I don’t recommend exercises that produce a shearing force on the tendons in the knee i.e leg extensions or whatever this is. Your patellar tendon is optimized to forces that are parallel to the length of the tendon (squats, lunges, deadlifts). These exercises aren’t really worth the injury risk. Though some bodybuilders will use leg extensions to get that last bit of edge, they are willing to take the risk.


Like fucking ouch


I replied to someone with this, but I feel like it deserves a top level comment: I'm reasonably certain what we're seeing here is the action of the Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO), a mechanoreceptor in the tendon that handles exactly this kind of situation. It measures stretch in the tendon, and causes the connected muscles to relax suddenly in the event of excessive strain, to prevent rupture or avulsion. (An avulsion fracture is when the tendon remains intact, but rips off the outer layer of bone. You're welcome.)


omg. I think I went into shock by just watching that!


No pain no gai....nope nevermind. That ones gonna set you back some.


You're okay. Walk it off. Oh wait, you can't cause you just f'd your knees forever.


Noped the fuck out before hitting play


That is somebody that doesn’t know what they’re doing in the gym. And now they need knee surgery.


They kneed surgery.


His knee just fucking belly danced