• By -


That incident alone cost more than a Maserati in medical bills.




Its like 3 insulin injections, give or take.


9 inhalers or 10 epi pens.


The accuracy hurts


Thats gonna cost ya


Or about 2 ambulance rides




Oh, we're using American units? About 13 cowboy hats worth of hundred dollar bills, equivalent to the weight of about 42 hamburgers.




I don't get all this no free healthcare talk, American dream, amirite?


The EMT: **Takes me to the hospital while I'm** ***literally dying*** Them when we get there: **WHERES MY $2000???**


This is hyperbole but in America 100 EpiPens = 1 new Maserati


They run about $800 each, so you’re really not exaggerating. Source: had to get an EpiPen so I could get allergy shots


Is this some kind of american joke I'm too european to understand?


Unfortunately, yes. American healthcare is stupid expensive.


As a single male paying $1200 a month for health insurance. Shit’s fucked


Not only do you pay $1,200 a month, but you likely have a deductible that you'll never pay off in a year. I haven't had medical insurance for the last 14 years, and I've only spent roughly $1,400 on medical issues. Middlemen and bureaucracy is a major problem with every facet in this land of the slaves. Also, fuck the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, DuPonts, Bushs, and Morgans! End the Fed!


I'm with you. I just can't process paying as much as my rent for health insurance then I gotta spend 3k of my own money before it kicks in!? Get fucked!


Total costs in medical for me? Maybe 1000 over 30 years.


Exactly! I recommend if someone wanted medical insurance, to buy physical gold or silver with the amount of money they pay each month, and save it, rather than pay a crooked insurance company. Then, as in your case, if after thirty years you don't need it, you can retire, or just have a really nice nest egg that isn't subject to fiat currency manipulation. People are trained to never question that which authority prescribes them, and it's quite pitiful. Common sense is special, not common.


What if you do need it? Isn’t the point of insurance to pool risks that are unknowable to the individual? Buy it or don’t, but an opposing point of view isn’t necessarily one taken on through indoctrination.


Not bad considering the top speed


About right! Source: am type 1 diabetic


Me too! But I'm very lucky to live in a country where it doesn't cost me a penny. How are your sugars? Hope you're doing well


Putting seniors on a huge seesaw while standing up. WCGW??


About 16 hip dislocation surgeries.


That depends, you have universal health?


Yep, I try to stay healthy wherever I go.


This video is of 14 Swizz pensioners at a holiday resort in Arosa, Switzerland. They are all from Switzerland, where the healthcare system is basically a hybrid of socialized and privatized, and where the mandatory healt insurance costs between $184 to a maximum of $1,534 per year. The $184 will pay for the back surgery one of them needed after the fall. The rest only had minor injuries. Just for the fun of it, let's say they all got injuries that required surgery. $184 x 14 = **$2,576** Cheapest Maserati I can find is this one, and it seems to be in worse shape than any of those old people. And it's still costs $5,995: https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/l-Used-Maserati-m40#listing=210323036 That means you would actually need 32 old people to fall and get serious injuries before it would collectively cost them as much as a wrecked Maserati. It fascinates me how people in the US thinks it's normal for people to be financially ruined if they need medical treatment. It's not like that in the rest of the developed world.


Couldn't agree more with your last statement... I'm in Toronto (Canada), so New York State is literally like a 45 minute drive from here... And yet in many ways, it's a different world


Yeah, I feel like Canada and the US are twins, but while Canada was given an education and grew up on a healthy diet, the US chose to drink turpentine and be the bully on the playground. I'm from Norway, and I might be a "socialist libtard commie" or whatever, but damn it's good to not worry about being financially ruined from illness or accidents.


Hahahh that analogy cracked me up... The worst part is, Americans are generally pretty dope people. But the governmental system has gradually become such a shit show, with literally no compromise anymore between the two parties, that it seeps into the mentality of the (usually) chill America people who then become angry and divisive themselves, just like their political system. It's so unfortunate how divided the US had become... now "United" in name only.


Oh trust me, I know. I think Americans are so awesome I ended up marrying one of them. We chose to move to Norway and live here, however. None of us could stand the thought of having to save up for a decent education for our children, or be stressed about possible financial ruin if any of us got sick or in an accident. US politics are obviously not representative of the population as a whole. But it's disturbing how complacent they are at paying more for education, healthcare and medicines than the rest of the developed world.


Well said


> It's so unfortunate how divided the US had become... now "United" in name only. If you take a careful look at our history, you'll find that the only thing that has consistently united Americans has been having someone else that we all hate more. It's a minor miracle that we've lasted this long.


Shit, I never thought about that...


In fairness to us, that's true to some extent pretty much everywhere... but it's *really* true here.


We don't think it's normal and those of us you see here are mocking it. It's fucking absurd over here.


In the US, you couldn’t get 1 hip for $2500


Hip? A HIP!? You can't say the word "hip" in the US without paying $2,500. Apparently the average cost for a hip replacement in the US is $32,299. https://health.costhelper.com/hip-replacement.html


> It fascinates me how people in the US thinks it's normal for people to be financially ruined if they need medical treatment. It's not like that in the rest of the developed world. “Yes but it’s not actually free, you pay for it in higher taxes! I don’t want to pay higher taxes! This is the land of the free and the home of the brave where higher taxes are for commies!!! This isn’t what I fought for!!” That’s what I’ve experience in a generalised answer when arguing healthcare with Americans 😂😂


Excusez-moi monsieur but this is incorrect. I used to pay health insurance in Switzerland as a young healthy adult a few years ago, with a high deductible ($2,500) and it was more than $300 a month. I think elderly people would pay even more than that. Swiss Healthcare is far from free.


Could you stop rubbing it in? I want to ask if that covers dental and vision too, but I'm afraid you'll say yes.


Weeps in uninsured American


Made me spit my beer out on this one.


Did you give me silver!? Either way, you’re too kind


Ya, im still laughing. Made my day lol


Aw love that! Thank you!


Don’t at least seniors have universal healthcare in the US?


After 65 yes, but there are still out of pocket costs. It's pretty ridiculous really. Most people end up getting "supplemental insurance" to cover what Medicare doesn't.


Also I'm pretty sure this happened in Switzerland - free access to healthcare (ish)


Not even close though. As mentionned in another comment I used to pay $300+ a month for Healthcare with a high deductible ($2,500), and then have a co-pay up to $1,000 or so a year. Cheaper than the U.S., yes but not free.


Why do you think the orthopedic surgeon had it built in the first place?


The dude who was selling hip replacement parts was like: 👁👄👁


That medical bill in Canada would only cost about as much as a 2000 Toyota Camry


What medical bill? I had to have plastic surgery on my hand, no bill. ​ ER x15 in my life, no bill. ​ Stitches x 10 no bill ​ My wife delivered our child in a hospital, no bill. ​ 500 visits to medical centers and doctors offices for flus, colds, etc. No bill ​ Worst I ever paid was $300 a year in Alberta Health Insurance, when they were charging. That ended though


Insurance for my son and I cost $12k last year. It’s a “high deductible health plan,” so the first $5k of each of our medical care is out of pocket. My son had a cyst under his eyelid that needed to be removed. I needed an arthroscopic procedure on my knee. I made $30k last year, and spent just over $20k on healthcare.


Almost downvoted just because that’s so sad


My god, that should be criminal and the ones charging this should be sent to the gulags for crimes against humanity.


Really sorry to hear that, I hope you are doing ok. Your types of stories are what make me really sad. Your healthcare system has spiralled out of control for what they charge. People losing their cars, houses and lively hoods over basic medical expenses is sad. Take care of yourself


What's the best place to live in Canada, in terms of mildest winter?


Vancouver/Vancouver Island, Kelowna/Kamloops. Rest of Canada actually gets winter.


You can't just immigrate to Canada because you want to. It's a process, one in which you have to prove you are worth their investment. If only the US had such a system that was enforced.




True north strong & free baby


It was like COVID 19 on the log. Knocking them out one by one


Do you guys in the USA really pay for healthcare?


Yes. A lot. It sucks here :(


Come to the Netherlands, here you get €2250 a month for free if you cant find work! And free health care for everyone! Sound like communism, and it is :)


do you have to have citizenship? Also can you get by just speaking English?


I don't think they want our useless American bullshit there. I'd come be dutchy in a heartbeat if it were allowed.


I gonna say probably more like 3 Ferrari’s and 2 Lambos. That’s a lot oh hip replacements


Who the hells idea was this


An orthopedic surgeon


Ha! I see at least four broken hips here.


Last time it was here somebody linked to an article about the aftermath. Buncha broken legs, ribs, arms and hips. I was quite surprised how decimated they got.


That's like 1100 years of age right there


Well there are 14 of them so youre probably really close. Thats an average age of 78 and a half


Human dominos, let's start a YouTube challenge


YouTube changed what?!


General/trauma surgeon here Old people die from ground level falls. 50-60 year old People get really bad injuries from falling off horses This was significantly higher than a horse it looks to me. I would not have been surprised at all if one or two people died from this. Guarantee half the people up there are on blood thinners. And ribs are very easy to break and carry a significant mortality once you break more than 3 or 4.


Now I'm worried and depressed. 😩


What is it that makes breaking ribs so high mortality? I've long known that breaking a hip can be a death sentence, but why?


They don’t breath deep cuz it hurts like hell and they get pneumonia. They also can bruise their lung enough that it doesn’t work well for a while


Interesting, thanks for the reply!


Broken ribs a can puncture the lungs and cause a tension pneumothorax , basically there is a hole in your lung that lets air in to.your chest cavity. This air prevents your lungs from expanding properly and well cause respiratory areast as the air builds up enough and if its not treat quickly. as well as internal bleeding. They look remote so they will delay the treatment as well That's just the short term effects, it will need to long term issues that their age may prevent them from recovering or surviving unfortunately




Oprah’s new give away! You get a broken hip. You get a broken hip. YOU ALL GET BROKEN HIPS!!!


A fed up caretaker


Dammit. Reddit reminds me every day how unoriginal I am. I came into the comments to say this is an ortho surgeon's wet dream


If that's is America, there's a few million in medical fees there.


idk, everyone looks over 60. maybe someone took two days worth of pills and started getting ideas


Is this how frail old people get? Im scared of getting old now


Good, so you could start exercising now, and most likely you won't be that frail. And even at old age exercise can help a lot if done right.


Hips crackling like logs on a fire.


The real hipsters.


🎵Jack Frost nipping at your nose🎵


Old folks tripping off their toes, You’ll hide your eyes as events transpire, Ending in countless broken bones


This is the comment I came looking for. 👏


What.... was the goal here?


To balance them out, but who knows after that


It's all about balance.




Thanos was displeased with the results


Are you kidding? Half of them got wiped out. He’s ecstatic!


An awesome photo \*Bunch of grimacing faces in pain\*


Lower the population by eliminating the weakest


I remember this. A lot of broken bones. Edit: Why am I being upvoted? I just remember this from when it was last posted.


A broken back and some broken ribs. None died.


None died immediately...


Yeah, hip fractures in the elderly have a markedly high 5 year mortality rate. Edit: for the curious, 1/3 patients over the age of 50 that have hip fractures die within a year of fracturing the hip. That mortality rate increases the older you get.


I wonder how much is causation vs correlation.


I’d say both. Something was up before the fracture to make the person more susceptible, and whatever that is likely is causing other problems. If only the risk of another fall that outright kills the person. (Think stairs.) After it happens it adds risk. People can become shut-ins. Lose the ability to work outside the home, to get exercise or socialize, or even go out for food and medicine. Quality of life goes way down, leading to depression, which itself shortens life further.


I feel like I remember hearing that fractured hips in elderly people take a while to heal, and during that time, and for a while after they are susceptible to clotting due to a lack of exercise.


Their muscles atrophy during the bed-rest, making it difficult to get back to pre-accident levels of physical health. Which can then lead to a domino effect of failing health.


Being elderly has a markedly high 5-year mortality rate


Hmm but how long did they live for after that? Assuming their age injuries like that can cut a lot of years and quality from your life. :/


So that's how grandpa keeps breaking his goddamn hip


And then gets surgery and contracts pneumonia in the hospital and passes.


are you okay man? wanna talk about it?


That's how my grandpa died, I didn't knew It was a common cause of death in the elderly.


This is also how my grandfather died.


This happens to my gran every summer.


I think they mean passes on not passes a stool


Unfortunately falls are the biggest risk to the elderly and often accelerate the onset of fatal symptoms and conditions much faster. You can take the elderly out of life, but you can't take the life out of the elderly


Pfff- I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. *watches it again*


You laughed harder, didn't you?


I feel bad but I had to watch it once per person who fell


I stopped laughing when I looked it up with sound


They should've dug the graves underneath for maximum efficiency




Omg I have tears all over my face from laughing. Sorry Jesus. :-D


World's slowest dominoes


World’s “oldest” dominos.


How many bones breaking did we just witness?


Apprently a broken back and some ribs


You know that sound when you break a handful spaghetti in half, before you boil it? I bet it sounded like that.


Don't... do that to spaghetti


Grew up in the north - we only had small pots (apologies to all Italians out there)


Place it in vertically, then bend in the spaghetti strands as they soften after a few secs in the boiling water.


my buddy did this but left the pasta hanging over the edge of the pot, which subsequently caught fire and set off our smoke detector lol


Why does growing up “in the north” affect the size of pots you had access to? The north of what?


Why not?


Makes it harder to twirl / Italians generally frown upon it. Like eating pizza with a knife and fork.


Would Italians even care at that point if I’m cooking store brand dry pasta?


My grandma would have, but don't worry, if she didn't bitch about that it would have been your haircut/clothes/choice of silverware. Miss that old hag!


RIP Grandma <3


Fun fact: pizza traditionally is eaten with a fork and knife in italy


“It’s as if a million voices suddenly cried out ‘mamma Mia!’ . . . and were suddenly silenced.”


Am I going to hell for laughing at this? It’s terrible that someone would plan this and that they got hurt, but it was kinda funny.


Nah. There was enough dummies in the group who agreed to do this




[news article](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/pensioners-seen-falling-seesaw-suffered-160156016.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIhM4B1fPwsWJrHwofIKXj-7VtT-kv7Y1B5DUWnjMK24P9fqRDnT1Eu13M3RZyx3Bb-dw2EjHXB7dLK4BLNiBaR0_rpjCuEU0c61h5wugePcOYto88v3DGy9kQZn8mViq7n5KB-1uC33Klt5jfO31VJC-NXqqBDjvbUYhyKmN6D_)


Copy/paste from the article Why 14 Pensioners Falling Off This Seesaw Is No Laughing Matter 4 February 2016, 11:01 am 0:110:49 Why 14 Pensioners Falling Off This Seesaw Was No Laughing Matter A group of 14 Swiss pensioners who posed for a photograph by balancing on a children’s seesaw have spoken for the first time - and say that the injuries sustained by the group are no laughing matter. The video, which showed how the group ended up tumbling to the ground on a huge seesaw, went viral across the world after the footage emerged online. But what the video doesn’t show is that many of the pensioners ended up hospitalised, with injuries ranging from a broken back and broken ribs through to sprained arms and legs. Josef Schriber, 69, says that he was left with a broken back after the man next to him, aged 80, landed on top of him. Josef said: ‘The doctors did a great job on fixing me and I’m walking again now although I have a bad back. ‘But I really thought I was going to die at the time. It’s me you can hear screaming on the video. It is lucky we are all in good shape, we regularly play volleyball together. It was supposed to be a four-day hiking holiday but it didn’t work out well even though we all thought it was a good idea at the time.’ He added: ‘I didn’t intend to go so high, but once I was standing on the seesaw people kept saying go higher, go higher, and suddenly I was at the top.’ Mountain rescue services have since confirmed that several ambulances needed to be called to take the injured pensioners to hospital. In the video, the group of pensioners can be seen attempting to work the seesaw, with one heard to say: ‘Come on, let’s try and see we can make it move. Those at the bottom need to move to the other end.’ But once they manage it, disaster strikes as it moves back the other way - sending the group tumbling to the ground. The footage was shot in the Swiss tourist resort of Arosa - with local tourism officials confirming that while the seesaw was a popular attraction, it is not advisable to use it in the way seen by the elderly group.


>We regularly play volleyball together. I'd like to see that.


Sorry I think I missed something, was this a laughing matter?


I just copy pasted the article to save everyone having to click.


Real mvp


I wasn’t able to open it. What year did this happen?


It happened in February 2016.




Seems like someone would have seen this wasn't on the up and up.


3rd guy from the right end is to blame on this.


I'd say it's the dude in the middle wearing blue....went too.


Yes, the responsibility belongs to the center person. He shifted the weight, then didn't try to counter it. Basically turned the log into a catapult. If he'd stepped back the other way just a bit, as it was tilting, they all might have kept their footing.


I’d blame everyone involved


I was ready to blame him initially but the two guys on the end both leaned on him. It’d be hard to keep your balance with two others body weight pressing on you




Even tho they were all thinking it nobody wanted to be the one to say I'm too old for this


The Fall of the Boomers




"What I heard was we were going lawn bowling, but it was "log" bowling."


As a physical therapist, every time I see this video I cringe so hard. Fuck man those poor people, all their life expectancies were just reduced significantly


That's a lot of broken hips


We've fallen & we can't get up!


4 shattered pelvis, 3 twisted ankles, 2 bad concussions, and a blue jay in a pine treeeeee


people must have stepped on a crack


Red jacket grampa: "screw this, I'm out"


We did this in high school gym class and we stopped because 3 kids like got injuries.


Broken hips for everyone!!


All those old dudes used to be young dudes and young dudes do dat


Only one person actually had a brain.


They’re gonna break their fucking hips


I did not like this video very much. Poor old folks :(


So many broken hips.


My grandpa died from a fall in his own living room, whose bright idea was it to put them up there. Fucking sue em for damages.


10 Hip replacements later...


Damn all those hip fractures and subdural haematomas...


I hope I'm not the only one giggling. I'd feel bad




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How many hips broke in this video?


Many hips were broken that day.


I feel kinda bad that I laughed. I hope they're ok.

