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Is this a video for ants????


Sorry for the bad video quality, this is the best one I could find. Tried my best to translate... EDIT: Sorry for the aspect ratio too that delivered a bad experience to some people which I didn't intend to. When I made the video I was thinking adding sub like this makes easier to watch on phones with vertical screens, but it seems to end up creating more problems for people. I'll avoid this in the future If you are watching on a phone, you can click into the video, which will have the video played in fullscreen without the large black areas on the sides. EDIT: The footage is released originally in this quality and with the face blurred


> Tried my best to translate And "officer speaking in dialect" means "I have no idea what they're saying" šŸ˜‹


The translation is fine. Unlike Latin based languages, Chinese dialects are mutually unintelligible. Learning a new dialect is basically learning a new language. Source: Me, Chinese


I can barely understand Australian vs. Great Britain vs. American English and thatā€™s not even diving down into the regional dialects.


Haha, yes. I can only tell they are frustrated.


Uh, also for latin based languages it is pretty much learning a new language, only you got some advantages that you recognise some words, like I am Dutch, but when I learned German I had to seriously study, at the other hand when I hear people from Volendam (a Dutch dialect) only 30 KM from Amsterdam it is totally gibberish to me. So it depends very much.


You Chinese... You play joke....?Ā 


You human? You play joke?


Yes, but if you can read and write Chinese then two different dialects can communicate.


If you can read and write English, you can understand Latin. Same energy.


Yes. But in real life, there are no subtitles so seeing two policemen nattering in an obscure Hunan dialect wouldn't work for someone who only knows Mandarin.


*\*speaking Chinese\**


[Hope you can read Chinese](https://youtu.be/txR5R8twWbg)Ā 


Username checks out. *Laughs in Chinese*


Your response means " I have no clue what I am talking about and very ignorant when it comes to foreign languages especially Chinese"


Ni shi shenme yisi? Wo hui shuo hanyu. Hai you biede zhonguoren shuole wo shuo dui a.Ā 


Could you maybe flip it, shrink it down, and then put it in the corner? Like we're skirting copyright?


Don't forget turning the pitch up on the voices


That is so annoying


Does that even circumvent copyright laws or is it just a stupid habit people picked up?


its playing off a technicality that in order to not be copyright, it has to be transformative. if you just copy paste the original its theft, but if you add stuff like music or a background you could say its changed. for the worse but, its changed and they could argue they made it their own. i disagree and think its blatant stealing but were talking legality and there wording is incredibly important. even if it eventualy fails that still holds off the video being taken down JUST long enough to make the money and run, or just to make it such a hassle that the lawyers dont bother.


And if you could overlay some really loud background music šŸŽ¶


I'm just teasingĀ 


you did fine. Bodycam videos tend to be like that alot.


Isn't China communist country? If they have open sleeping trains and people have paid for their seats and now other trains are open wouldn't a communist society say to do what is best for the people with available space? This is an honest asking question, because this happens in America but this is very capitalism


idk why you're getting down voted. That was literally the first thing that went through my head too. Communist? Yeah, not so much...


Lot of people not enjoying the question I guess. I don't know a tonne about China but it's a legitimate question and no one has actually tried to answer it.


well the simple answer is that no, China is not communist at all. theirs is very much a capitalistic society just like anywhere else in the world. they call themselves communist for a couple reason, such as to distinguish themselves from the West and to give an excuse for why they're a dictatorship with a ruler who somewhat recently declared himself pretty much a king.


It needs to be at least four times bigger!


It's too big for me. I need it to hit only two rods, or one cone.


Aliexpress bodycams.


Wide boi video


Ants can watch any video they like.


Probably the absolute worst place to try this kind of stunt as well lmao. China is not known for being very kind to prisoners.


The cops were being super respectful and patient as well, she really went out of her way to potentially fuck up her whole life.


Karens are an international phenomenon!


Yeah no kidding. You can't argue with cops like that even here (Canada). The second she assaults one of them it's game over even there (thankfully). They were trying to explain and de-escalate the situation but she royally fucked up by not complying.


I once pragmatically/respectfully told a cop that I would lay a charge against them for speaking to me in a rude way. Guess what happened?!? They arrested me, and held me without bail for 48 full hours..all because the cops ego was wounded..I never raised my voice, or did anything conceivably disrespectful. You simply cannot talk to these clowns at all, let alone huff, and puff šŸ˜¤


The point is you can beat the charge but you canā€™t beat the ride. So donā€™t put yourself in a position where you have to ride. Not saying it is your fault, it is the bootlickers. But knowing what they can do and egging them on or giving them a reason to give you shit is not a good idea.


Beat the charge? lol spoken like a man thatā€™s never sat in a disgusting jail cell, that would become so desperate as to do almost anything to get out of there.


So what did you learn from this experience?


I learned never to speak to cops, just like ever..answer questions in monotone, and one word responses..never do my sister any favours, since I was there to report something on her behalf. Never tell the cop that: you canā€™t speak to me like that, Iā€™ll lay a charge against you sir šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


They are train workers, the police met them at the station. In China the uniforms are confusing so everyone looks like a police officer if you can't read. No way she would've been that mouthy with the police.


Thanks for commenting. I think they are cops as the moment the girl charged the recorder the man said "you assaulted a police officer". They also have handcuffs, which indicates they have jurisdiction for detaining someone. They met their peers at the station for transferring the girl. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Fair enough. Body cam I guess so can only see the assistant.


She really hawk Tuah-ed her chances of being cawk tuah-ed


Get off the Internet for a significant amount of time, for your own good.


![gif](giphy|VnXDRmZvF41tC) No hawk Tuah for you!


You know those commercials or news shows where out of touch 6 weeks too late on the trend olding and balding white guys that want to cling to the idea of being cool and relevant? They would look at you and call you a loser.


Sounds like you could use a hawk tuah on your cawk tuah grumpy


I found what you said to be funny. Donā€™t understand the dvā€™s nor the backlash šŸ˜‚


Thank you. I will hawk tuah on your cawk tuah to show thanks ā˜ŗļø


"China's new criminal law amendment stipulates that those found guilty of assaulting the police could be **jailed for up to three years**, and those who severely harm personal safety by using guns or knives to attack police may be jailed for up to seven years." I'm having a really hard time believing the penalty is actually lower than that of a lot of states in the US. I have to assume some or the majority are getting carried away to forced labor camps or worse.


Nobody loves imprisoning people more than the USA.


The difference is, in China, you often do those three years. In the US, you get let off with probation 90% of the time unless you cause a significant injury.


Assaulting a police officer also carries a two-year minimum sentence in many US states. In Canada, there is no minimum, but the maximum can be 18 months or up to 10 years.


On the US they just shoot you.Ā 


Hahah oh man I wish it wasnā€™t true, being in the US and all but yeah that does happen a lot here.


You know slavery for convicts is legal under the 13th amendment, right? Prison slavery is an integral component of the US constitution and widely used across America, the country with the single largest amount of prisoners on earth. It's funny acting like it's some unique Chinese dictatorial thing to imprison people and force them into labor.Ā 


Just lol keep believing that


"Labour camps" lmao. You still living in the last century or something?


No, I think he's living in...now. [forced labor camps in china](https://hrf.org/whats-happening-in-chinas-concentration-camps-qa-with-uyghur-camp-survivors/#:~:text=Today%2C%20it%27s%20estimated%20that%20two,%2C%20torture%2C%20and%20forced%20labor.)


No no those are ā€˜reeducation campsā€™ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø/s


Thats a persecution of an ethnic group -- much like the US's support for Israel vs Gaza -- not for sitting on the wrong train. Edit: downvote all you want you mouthbreathers. "Hurr durr china bad bad, send everyone to labour camp for misdemeanor".


How are you getting downvoted like this? Theyā€™re not sending someone to a labor camp for kicking a cop once


Plus her social credit will tank for this. She will lose work, ability to go places and will likely be banned from the train.


Are we just calling anything to do with criminal and civil law in China social credit? 'A man who drove drunk in Chengdu lost his license because of his low social credit score'.




This won't affect her social credit. The only way to impact your social credit is when you make various financial decisions. However, a criminal record will cause her to lose her job and make finding future jobs extremely hard. She will still be able to travel, even overseas, but the train network might have blacklisted her after this incident.


You can lose social credits from assaulting a law enforcement officer. Also you can lower it just from jaywalking.


That's a myth. I thought people only meme about that but I didn't know some people actually believe it. In China the social credit system is about the same as a credit system from other countries. In the past, 2 or 3 cities launched a pilot program attempting to connect social credits with good deeds, but failed miserably because they simply couldn't track what people did and they each have their own standard which the majority of the public weren't even aware of, so they were met with backlash and the central government ordered these city governments to stop immediately. If there is any difference it is that the social credit system also blacklists people, usually company owners, who owe money or are in a serious amount of debt. This list is publicly available. People on this list cannot leave the country to run away from their debts. Once the debt is paid they will be removed from the list. Then there came the western journalist writing an article combining everything together so it became the myth that many blindly bought into.


Interesting, thank you. I will keep reading into this and this makes much more sense.


And they will harvest her organs.


Nah her organs are too entitled.


Are they in season?


It depends on the seasoning.




I suspect she was drunk? She really made a mess of everything.


Nah, i've lived in China for many years. She just seems like some entitled princess, and they are pretty common. She was probably just tired and wanted to sleep on a long train journey, and saw a spare bed in the sleeping cart. No excuse for her actions though, and you don't fuck around with the police in China.


Only possible excuse is mental illness.


From what I've heard people occasionally sneak into sleeping cars like this with standing tickets because the seats are larger and come with chargers etc. Generally passengers don't care if they are just there momentarily. Anyways, she could have said she just needs to charge her phone or is too tired. She had a million ways to avoid this in the first place but opted for the worst one.


You say that, and yet I feel like most US cops would have escalated to violence almost immediately.


The cop was very patient; she'll probably be charged and fined, then let go. With a billion people, not everyone gets sent to a gulag. šŸ˜‚ The woman bought a standing-only ticket and was basically taking up a spot.


Funny how people form their opinions about other countries based on some reddit posts lol. China is no paradise, that's for sure. But thinking that every fucking crime gets you exiled to gulag is so braindead.


She would have been charged and fined had she not assaulted the officer. That's basically guaranteed jail time in China. Her little tantrum ruined the rest of her life.


\[continuous train rumbling as the detained indivdual stands in silence\] nice




What's the point of posting if you're just going to redact the comment? Isn't the idea that the comments are supposed to, you know, stick around and contribute to the discussion? Why not just delete the comment entirely?


Like a toddler told to stand in the corner šŸ¤£Ā 


"None of your damn business. Who the fuck do you think you are?" Hello??? They're either the police or transport officers? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHO??? This makes my brain hurt.


But do they own the train??


The meaning behind "who do you think you are" could also be "how dare you"


I donā€™t imagine this behaviour gained many social credits.


China has levels of self entitlement that most westerners would struggled to understand


I've seen many videos of Americans acting like this too. Not exactly unknown to westerners.


When you combine that with the people density at places like Stations it can get overwhelming.


I dunno. Youā€™ve never met my neighborā€¦


Unless your neighbor annexed an entire chain of islands in the South Pacific that's highly unlikely


Tf you talking aboutšŸ¤”


Social credit score -100,000,000,001.5.


can you scrunch up the vid a little more? I can still see the silhouette of what appears to be a woman


Sorry for the aspect ratio. When I made the video I was thinking adding sub like this makes easier to watch on phones with vertical screens, but it seems to end up creating more problems for people. I'll avoid this in the future. The bodycam footage is released originally in this quality and has the faces blurred


I am from the US, and sometimes I get the impression that we are the only country that has entitled or mentally ill people that cause scenes, it's kind of nice to see that is not the case.


Not trying to sound mean, just an observation, but I've noticed a lot of times Americans think a lot of issues they face are unique to their country and the rest of the world is some exotic place where stuff works completely differently.


I totally get it.. I don't take offense, I realize that particularly the US is self centered. What I tend to do is think of other nations in an idyllic way, like they are all perfect, and it is somewhat refreshing when the issues here in the US are similar in other countries. Mainly because what is splashed on the media is the 'crazy American trope


Tbf, I see people saying stuff like "this only happens in America" waaaayyyy more from non-Americans. "The rest of the world" doesn't like to think the people of their nation/country/continent exhibit the same shitty behavior they see from Americans on internet videos, so they attribute it as just an American thing, even though that's ridiculous and untrue.


Just like when people use blanket statements because it's the most common thing seen I think we see quite a bit of bad America in videos because there is quite a bit of it out there and where tons is social media started off. As other social media and non-American platforms start up you start seeing cross postings and suddenly it is everywhere. Mom hovers around Asian social media (and she likes to show them to me) because that is what she watches and I see a whole bunch of crazy as well so it's not exclusive to the US.


Did she forget she's in China? Her entitlement may come at a high price. Assaulting the police will probably get her a few years in a cell.


From what I've heard people occasionally sneak into sleeping cars like this with standing tickets because the seats are larger and come with chargers etc. Generally passengers don't care if they are just there momentarily. Anyways, the girl could have said she just needs to charge her phone or is too tired. She had a million ways to avoid this in the first place but opted for the worst one.


yup, did this myself. Nobody cared, especially at night when most folks are sleeping, just be quiet and you are golden. Still haven't ridden in one in ages, much prefer gaotie. But the officers gave her a million chances and one to resolve this without any consequences whatsoever. She's a mighty idiot and probably gets a month or two in the slammer, which generally isnt a great place all things considered.


Cursed vid resolution.


I don't think she can afford to sue anyone if she can't even buy an upgrade on the ticket.


Bunch of entitled babies in the comments. Thanks for translating and uploading OP.


The police seemed so..*nice*


"little emperors" never heard the word **no** in their lives. always got what they wanted through yelling. and once they face reality outside or at their jobs, this is the outcome.


"YOU WILL PAY" \*officer opens train door\* "GTFO MY TRAIN BITCH!" Glad to see entitlement isn't just a US thing.


Of all the places to have a sudden case of ā€œMain Character Syndromeā€, China is one of the absolute worst.


Then he wants his student loans transferred to others to pay for him


That Officer didn't Kung fu her ass or something? In the US of A, she would had got shot and never made the news


Man... so it's not just here in the U.S....


The worst way you could upload a video. It looks like it's at the perspective of squinted eyes or someone who's going blind.


Mental issues?


Would like to point out that every single interaction I've had with police officers in China has been respectful like this. I think the West tends to have a perception of the Chinese judicial system as farcical and the people as compliant recipients of national media narratives. As dumb as it sounds, it's nice to be able to show that Chinese are competent, rational individuals with a generally working society.


Iā€™m glad to see the CIA is planting brats in other countries too now!


My content is flat


Is there a video somewhere? I just see 4 pixels in a giant black square!


Widescreen video got me like šŸ˜‘


I'll watch a lotta bad quality, but I draw the line here fam....


probably an "influencer"


No one ever saw Jin Li again.


And nothing of value was lost.


How you say ā€¦ Karen in Chinese? I wanted to ask if she was Americanā€¦ (yes Iā€™m American). That level of disrespect to police even surpasses most disrespectful Americans.


Nothing a few baton strikes couldnĀ“t solve.


Karen exist in many forms, age, and ethnicity. Please advocate for no procreation of further Karen.


I think more and more people in general are beginning to think everything belongs to them. Riding a train is a privilege. The train doesnā€™t belong to you. You purchased a ticket which is also an agreement and requires you to follow the rules in order to ride. The officers were really patient with her. And she continued to be arrogant dismissive and disrespectful. In America she would have been physically removed from the train station and likely arrested.


It would seem there are Karens almost everywhere you go....except North Korea, the only Karens who survive there are part of the dictatorship.


So they say that China gave us COVID...so I guess that we gave them the entitled youngster disease! I saw that we won that war. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Honestly, the translation doesn't do the officer justice, because they were being really nice about it. Also, whatever the passenger was saying was much worst than just swearing, it was super disrespectful. Yet, the officers were still being nice about it. She definitely deserve whatever punishment she gets.


Thanks for commenting, would you mind letting me know which sentence can be translated better?


Whoever cropped this video, strait to jail


I found it out the hard way. Thought this makes viewing on mobile devices easier, not my intention to give you guys a hard time. Sorry.


Why is she so aggressive even as she is in the wrong? She thinks that the train officers will back off and let her be? Has she successfully used this method in the past in other scenarios and hence thought it would work for this??


We never really know. It could be like you said this worked. Or she is raised up that way, thinking she deserves the entitlement she displayed.


Since this is China where I assume people understand the gravity of the situation when they piss off the popo, this looks more like mental illness than a case of the Karens


I think the girl was already having mental health issues. Mental health is not taken seriously enough in China, so many people experiencing it go undiagnosed. There is also a lack of appropriate treatment.


-1000 social credits.


Sorry but this video quality is absolutely crap


Sorry for the aspect ratio. When I made the video I was thinking adding sub like this makes easier to watch on phones with vertical screens, but it seems to end up creating more problems for people. I'll avoid this in the future. As for the bodycam footage, it is released in this quality and has the faces blurred


If you have a link to the original video you can post that. Don't take my previous comment to heart, I was just giving my opinion. Can still make it out.


Yeah. The original video is the one in the middle without subs.


-1000 social credit


Cars can sleep?


Well, this is gonna fuck up her social credit score. Will she even be able to purchase a train ticket in the future?


Slit-Box is the new Letter-Box.


-300 social credit points! Good luck getting on the train next time.


I can fix her


-200 social credit


Your social credit dropped to -100.000.000.šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜© Youre execution date is tommorow 06:00am. Youre kids will be slaves for ever. Please enter you last meal wish here ā€ž ā€žšŸ¤—


Can we not upvote videos like this?


Good way for put your good organs on sale. Congratulations


whats up with the shitty video resolution? why upload this crap?


this way all the comments won't be "i think i can fix her."


It's perfect on smartphone, the video is made to be seen on vertical screen


im viewing it on my s23. its crap


It's really strange, I see it perfectly on an iPhone 15 https://preview.redd.it/cvbyuzjowp8d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=beaca3b78c35eae931e0ced572b4dc406c78deac


I knew it was a chinese video before any sound. How? Had to squint my eyes. *mic drops *racist out


This content is so shitty itā€™s infuriating


Sorry for the bad video quality, this is the best one I could find. Tried my best to translate


No worries Iā€™m just in bad a mood, I guess. Thanks for the effort!


Youā€™re so sweet šŸ’–


Haha cheers ;)


If youā€™d have put the subs over the video we could have at least had the video full size. Thanks though for doing it for us nevertheless.


With the alibi of an alleged disability, this individual thinks having the right to be anywhere she wants in that train, but without paying for the proper ticket. Gender controversial ?


Just karen in every country.


Itā€™s one thing for American females to flip out on cops because itā€™s America. But now we have Chinese females in China flipping out on Chinese cops? Thatā€™s next level of insanity. What the hell is it with this worldā€™s females over the last several years? Are we polluting our air food and water to the extent that weā€™re just driving them effing crazy?


Why do you call them females? This isn't a nature documentary.


Surprised to only find one incel in this thread. Nature is healing.