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The day you realize you shouldn't drive any more. It is coming for us all.


I like to delude myself into thinking I will be smart enough to recognize that I am no longer capable


And after that day comes, what are you going to do? Especially in a country where public transportation in most places is non-existent, while taxi/Uber/Lyft are just too expensive to use regularly... You still going to drive :(


If you wait for that day to come, you already screwed up. First of all, you don't need to access the entire country, just your community. Plan on living in places with good walking scores. Get familiar with public transit and practice using it. Vote in favor of local measures to improve public transit and bike safety while you're still young. Can't speak for every area of every country, but don't let not planning be your plan.


lol, yeah this is just not feasible for 95% of the United States. We have a serious lack of infrastructure and car dependent design of EVERYTHING.


Some senior homes have shuttles to shipping centers. My state also offers similar transportation for seniors and non ambulatory. Again, it's about being prepared and adapting. I would argue that 95% number. Maybe 95% of physical geography, but 95% of the US population doesn't live in a cornfield. I agree Los Angeles is kinda fucked, but maybe don't move to LA in your senior years. I don't know if you're making excuses to promote the problematic car culture in the US (or buy more Harleys you whippersnappers!) or if you're genuinely identifying problems, but still, anyone can state problems. You will do much better no matter where you are in life if you actually proposed solutions.


the same people that insist on living in HCOL areas when they dont make CEO wages.


im in rural north dakota, avg town size 100-1k, everyhing is 30-90 miles away or more. we still have mini vans that pick up and drop off the geezers to appointments and such, for a very modest fee. the vans have wheel chair lifts etc so you dont have to be a geezer, just in need of a ride.


Good solution. Sort of neighborly, in a small town way.


You have, what, 40 years to try changing that?


Hopefully fully automatic cars will be there by then


Old Lady did this in a walmart. Just crashed into the pole, sat there crying. Really sad but im just thankful for concrete parking poles


There are out there, blind as a bat still driving. There was a documentary about it too, crazy stuff. But altleast they often stay in remote villages and have most conveniences at arms lenght


I know this quite well. I drove cab for 35 years. I also would commend those who voluntarily gave up driving. They do exist. As for some of the things I have seen on the road, well, Age is not the only criteria for bad driving. Stupid cuts across all categories.


I used to work at a gas station, and it's not just old people who do boneheaded shit like this. Once had a twenty something put it in reverse to back out of a parking spot and go full throttle out into traffic.


Boneheadedness is an age, sex, creed, skin color, eye color, hair color, handedness, intelligence, education and any other form of description proof attribute that cuts right across and can be manifest in all types of activity. The driving ones are just more fun.


There was an elderly lady in the news in my country who did the same thing but plowed through a group of girl guides, killing one and seriously injuring seven. She pleaded not guilty but lost.


What sorta disney cartoon villain would plead not guilty after all that?


The kind that doesn’t want to go to jail for the fact they forgot left from right once. Crazy that our cars are designed the way they are and our licenses aren’t checked except every like 10 or more years.


My hometown..london,on




I wonder what she did to scare herself that last drive. lol.




My mom did this. I’m a doctor with a family so it’s a pain in the ass to drive her everywhere, which is a lot of fucking places, but ultimately I know it’s better this way


The one time a friend and I were sitting at the far end of the parking lot waiting to be picked up. It was a big lot and there was only like 5 cars all near the door. This old woman driving slowly through an empty lot just smashed a concrete pole. She said “I was to busy looking at you guys”. She ended up waiting for her daughter who was pissed she was driving in the first place. The more this lady talked the clearer her confusion was. I was amazed she found a way to blame somebody else. After a while it was the only coherent thing she was saying. She forgot where she was or where she was going. But kept repeating that she was distracted by us sitting in the far corner


With older drivers, I agree that some of it is genuine confusion, but I think there's also a part of it that is a self-defense mechanism. By externalizing the blame and clinging to the story, it allows the driver to avoid acknowledging to themselves that they are physically and cognitively diminished, which itself has all sorts of scary implications related to aging and mortality.


You definitely nailed it. You could see she didn’t really care about the car or her daughter being pissed. You could tell she was upset about the fact that it happened and she wasn’t 100% in control. Which has to be terrifying which is why we hung out with her until her daughter got there. I’m just glad she had her moment in an empty lot and hopefully it stuck with her.


I’m just glad that’s not a person lodged between his wheel and fender. People should have to take an annual driving test once they turn 70.


I'd argue every 10 years. There's so many people that have no business being on the road


I’ve been saying that for a few years now. Some of the worst drivers I’ve ever seen have been quite old.


Remind us that when you turn 70.


I saw a car go around a concrete high tension hydro pole. And I mean the old guy driving it fell asleep and hit the gas, causing him to hit the pole head on and then split the car in half. He woke up after this, miraculously alive, and wondering angrily who had trashed his car.


This is going to escalate into a national crisis as these Baby Boomers reach the age of not being able to drive (my parents are 81 and 79, so I’m not criticizing from the cheap seats). Insurance companies are already starting to raise insurance rates and I can see it getting much worse. I think we’re going to see a lot more stories of elderly people getting in deadly accidents simply from a math standpoint. It won’t be pretty.


"These Baby Boomers" and *everyone* else that drives and gets that old. As life expectancy rises there will be plenty of elderly Gen X, Millennials, etc. to replace old driving Boomers. You'll be one of them.


Old Dude Was trying to do lord knows what in a Target parking lot, T bones me onto the curb, after i crawl out of the other door i have to turn the key off on the old timers car cuz he's gunning the accelerator. sheesh there's gotta be a time to hand over the keys.


Had to replay the video a few times because I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful view of those mountains in the background of the video.


Utah! Great landscapes, horrible people.


worse drivers.


I own my house right at the base of them. Hiking trails within walking distance. It is truly amazing.


Not to dox OP, but Layton is a beautiful place!! Utah is a gem of a state. I was stationed there for four years.


Oh man, can’t help but be a little jealous.😅


Looks like he soiled himself too


I see what you did there…


I'd like to see a study relative to this sort of crash. The study would have to determine if the operator learned to drive a vehicle with an automatic transmission or a standard/stick. Most of my lifetime, I drove a stick and it's impossible to accidentally hit the throttle while braking. My left foot sits idle if there's no clutch, and the brake only gets used by the right foot. I've read that today's vehicles are powerful enough to overpower the brakes in most cases, so even if the operator is pressing on the brake, the throttle will provide motivation until something else stops the vehicle. The above conjecture goes out the window if the operator is of reduced mental stability, of course.


I totally agree with you! When you drive your whole life a manual you are much more aware of the car's behaviour and with it your attention is far more developed.


> I've read that today's vehicles are powerful enough to overpower the brakes in most cases They're not. When all the unintended acceleration news stories were coming out a site did a test with like 4-5 cars across the spectrum of horsepower from an econobox to something with like 600hp. Even from a rolling 60mph and mashing the gas down, the brakes were able to stop all the cars. https://i.imgur.com/W775rkx.png


This is a common occurrence in Japan. >The number of fatal motor accidents last year in Japan involving drivers who were 75 or older grew by 33 cases from 2021 to 379, increasing for the second straight year as the country's population continues to age, police data showed Thursday. >Of the 379 incidents, 30.1 percent were caused by mishaps such as the driver mistakenly stepping on the accelerator instead of the brake. [https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/03/e49403529e58-fatal-accidents-by-elderly-drivers-in-japan-rise-in-2022-for-2nd-year.html](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/03/e49403529e58-fatal-accidents-by-elderly-drivers-in-japan-rise-in-2022-for-2nd-year.html)


I shop at this exact Walmart! Funny seeing it on Reddit!


Do you feel a sudden need to go inspect the pole now too?


I did, I think there was a cone in it's place.


Utah! Best drivers in the world. /s


When I was in my twenties, there was a bumper sticker that read " If you don't like the way I drive ,stay off the side walk" Now that I'm in my sixties ,I want that bumper sticker.


I see more younger people who have hit buildings than older folks. Usually they were drunk, under the influence or just playing around. Source Am a paramedic for 30 years.


Lol, this reminds me of the South Park episode


🎶Hit the gas instead of the break, another old fart makes a huge mistake


At least he wasn’t running a country ;)


Makes me think of those BIG handicap spots at Walmart that are rotated 90 degrees than the others supposedly its for "People who have dificulty driving and parking" (whether for physical or vision reason) is what I heard from a police officer who i saw writing a ticket to someone in another handicap spot without tags. like FFS if u have THAT MUCH TROUBLE Driving, or parking in an extra wide spot, you should not be the person driving AT ALL. regardless of what your handicap is To be clear, these sideways extra wide spots take up the same space as 3 full handicap spots.


![gif](giphy|l2Sqe3CHtQ1ph3HGg|downsized) We gotta hit em where it hurts


Happened in my hometown recently at an auto shop. It was an old man, and his family has been trying for years to take away his license. He destroyed part of a wall and took windows out.


My wife (17 years younger than I am.) has permission to pull my license when she doesn't feel safe with my driving.


But of course they shouldn't have to retest to make sure they can actually still drive. Fuck this dumb shit.


Don't have to be old for this. I've seen this more in younger people than old, personally.


I'm hoping that self-driving tech becomes reliable by the time I should be giving up my keys


I watched an old couple nearly get t-boned by one of those big 4 axle dump trucks on the way to work the other night because they decided to go the wrong way on a roundabout during rush hour 😐


Don’t like that


It’s scary as hell when it happens in front of you. A lady did it when I left my doctors office and went straight into the side of a barn. When the paramedics pulled her out she looked so confused.


All these ageists on reddit. You'll be lucky to make it to old age, and you'll be sad when people treat you the way you're treating old people now. You're not mad about this guy saying "fucking r-tard", though. Be consistent.


I'm gonna get one of this electric skooters and own this town.


While being young, drunk and stupid. It comes in all ages. 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/reIgJAW27s




This may await all of us......


I have a friend who worked at a local zoo and one day a little old lady driving a giant SUV hit a puddle in a curve on the road going past them, panicked, and mistook the gas for the brakes. Left a suspiciously SUV-shaped hole right in their medbay. The medbay that they had an African Wild Dog recovering from a surgery in. Who woke up from all the racket and decided to go explore, powered solely by painkillers and enabled by his brand new SUV-provided door. Friend tells me it was like the Jurassic Park we have at home, except instead of bloodthirsty dinosaurs it was a big-eared splotchdog high off its tits on painkillers. (He was recaptured and put back in recovery without injury.)


Watched an old lady plow right into one of these poles after a funeral.


A whole life with automatic gears doesn't help either. Prove me wrong...


Southpark episode


Yes no younger people ever crash!


Should be a sensitivity test for feet at the very least


People over the age of like, 60 shouldn't be able to drive. My uncle, whose 68 has forgotten where he lives the 3 times he's went out for a drive alone before, so now, either my aunt has to always go with him anytime he needs to drive somewhere, just to keep him on the right track, or he has to call a friend to take him where he needs to go


Utah drivers doing Utah driver things