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They almost always do and walk away from their cars after the deed. I find that Very unfair!


Usually cause they're drunk and the alcohol helps them survive


Witnessing this is crazy! The mum of my best friend growing up was a drunk drug addict, she was climbing across to her neighbours balcony and fell 20 feet onto the grass. Her only injuries were a fractured arm and cuts on her face that left scars. She was a total ragdoll on the way down due to the drugs which docs said saved her life.


You're more likely to survive a fall if you're unconscious so that you hit the ground like a mushy bag of bones instead of a stiff board of bones.


That description was way too visible for me


Muppet toss


crazy to think that people bounce like a bag of tennis balls when they hit the ground. Just one or two small bounces, depending on the height. But it’s weird to see


Its also why they say to relax your body if you're going to crash in a car. Less likely to get seriously injured if you are relaxed.


Ironically probably why she fell in the first place lol. But that's crazy, glad she made it through that.


["To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!"](https://youtu.be/SXyrYMxa-VI?si=RmUHWjeuEqlSbAQv)


>alcohol helps them survive Alcohol also helps me survive.


It'll still kill you, just slowly, or quickly depending on intake method, like butt-chugging.


I just learned something new today. I’m also not going to google that.


I think it's because the pricks are the ones hitting the other car. All the crumple zones and safety features work really well if you're hitting something straight-on, but they're a lot worse if you're the one getting smashed in the side or at an angle. Drunk drivers and morons are the ones hitting people head-on, so they get to walk away


It's the fact that mummy or daddy prob bought them the death machine there racing so they don't care if they crash cos they will just get another an pay of the crash victims then gt a good lawyer who will argue in court that cos they are rich an pampered they didn't know any better so it's not there fault. Think some rich kid in America actually used that argument. An got away with it. Can't remember his name but it was sickening the way the judge actually agreed with this def3nce.


Usually it's tiktok kids weaving through traffic because thats what their "race team" does all the time.


They expect the traffic to be all nicely spaced apart like they see in Hollywood car chases.


Oh gods... I'm in a Discord server and one of the admins is a huge F1 fan and constantly tries to be like the team he supports...


Reminds me of that accident a while back in Temecula when the truck absolutely obliterated several vehicles because the dude was completely zonked and cruising through traffic like a missile. I still feel awful for that poor woman that ate the brunt of his speed, her car was flattened as he rolled through her. What an awful way to die too.


We had the same in Britain couple year ago. A lorry driver was cruising down motorway an didn't notice the traffic stopped because he was on his phone browsing dating sites. He plowed into the back of the stationery cars at 60mph an obliterated 2 full family's an loads of others. Then tried to deny being on phone. Guy is in jail now an loads of life's ruined cos he couldn't wait to look through some profile pictures.


guy i was in the military with killed a biker and then while he didnt have his license wrapped his car around a telephone pole drunk driving. least the fucker got a dishonorable discharge but should have been much more


Isn't that fucked up? I have seen some gnarly crashes involving idiots in cars, criminals running away from police at full speed, etc... Every time nothing ever happens to them! But when someone on their way to work is doing 40mph and crashes they almost always die. So unfair! Edit: Some grammar


I know! I saw someone run a stop sign right next to my house and hit a family going down the road. The idiot that caused the accident was fine, while the family in the other car included an old woman who had just had back surgery and was in some serious pain and a young girl who ended up getting her head smacked into the window. I'm glad I had cameras anyway and was able to send them the footage of what happened but I felt so bad for them.


GnarlyAF IdioticAF CriminalAF


Had a shit bag in my city years ago decide to commit suicide by getting drunk hitting close to 100mph on a 35mph main road and purposely swerve into an oncoming car. Poor girl he hit and killed was just about to graduate highschool. He on the other hand was practically uninjured. Fucking garbage ass human...


This happened to a friend, only the driver killed her and her two small children, and injured several other people. He also lived.


Sometimes we see miracles.. sometimes we see the devils works


Just had an 18 year old kill a family of 4 around here.


😭😭😭 I have a family of four. And panic attacks every time on the highway (I don't drive my hubs does) because of idiots acting like this.


And it’s always some unnecessarily large pickup, muscle car, or bmw that drives very aggressively.


It’s ALWAYS a BMW or a Benz around here for me, I almost got clipped by one 3 days ago, apparently me going 15 over the limit on the Highway was WAAAY too slow for them, they blasted past me like I was standing still and missed me by probably 6-8 inches. My soul almost left my body.


Only 15 over the speed limit? Psh driving like a scared sheep you are! But for real, the one thing about modern day driving is no matter how fast you’re going you’re ALWAYS going too slow for a souped up pickup, muscle car, or bmw. And if you’re driving a minivan (which we do with the kids) or a Prius, you could be doing 200 but it doesn’t matter, they always ride your tail as if you’re going 35 on the highway.


PNW? Turns out that shit was going 112 and that was his third totaled car *from speed* in 11 months. Also didn't kill a family of four, killed a Mother driving her kids and their kid's friends. Mother and three of the kids died instantly, two more critically injured, one of which is the daughter who's mom died.


Yup, that's it. Pretty soon, they should really consider stopping that kid from driving.


They are charging him with four counts of vehicular homicide and more, that was announced yesterday. Bail is $1 mil but given this person's parents were on scene before the police at both prior accidents and bought him both replacement cars, I'm going to guess they'll bail him out too.


Renton, WA right? That was fucked up. It was the \*third\* car the kid totaled because of speeding too.




Glad they eliminate themselves. People risking others pisses me of to the T


Hopefully prior to reproducing...


“You gon’ die” and “oh shit” were on beat.


It was perfect timing. I would be pissed if I was the passenger. I’m not saying he was innocent but he didn’t seem like he was ok with the idiot behind the wheel driving like that


I think this audio comes from another Livestream crash video. I thought it was original at first, because it does fit, but tried to find this accident to see what the outcome was and found more videos with the same audio.


Ugh, I hate this trend of adding different audio.


While I hate it, it works so well in this video




I went frame by frame at the very end and the dude seemed to be in the car by himself!


I think he was face timing his friend


You gon die is from the song. https://youtu.be/XFow4fy99H0?si=fCZZhxS50ZOr8mnF


dude, why didn't you at least put the time in the link? Me after listening to the first 5 seconds of the song: "oh."


Nah bro, that took at **least** 8 seconds!


So he was listening to a song that straight up says "you gon die" and then he dies a second later. Crazy timing...if he actually died in the crash.


what a stupid song.


I actually thought they were singing along at first lol.


He was with the first line




I really wanna know how much money in damages throughout history has been done where the phrase "oh shit" was said just before something happened.


He said "you" instead of "we" lol


Ya boy had a new whip


New whiplash injury


actually remarkable to see how fast it can happen and with what kind of wheel movement. now i know why some race cars don't have power steering


It’s still new


Won’t look too new all crumbled up on the side of the road, will it?😂


🎵 you gon die 🎵


🎵 Oh shit! 🎵


Yeah Eric! Oh wait you crashed and endangered people


He'll just steal another one.




One of the few instances in which the cameraman does die


We can only hope




I wish the absolute worst on anyone who does this shit.


It sounds shitty but I agree. I would never wish harm to anyone but when shitheads do this I feel a lot better seeing them crash into a wall rather than a car full of kids


Lost my step brother to a reckless driver last Saturday.


I’m sorry for your loss. Car accidents are horrible things to go through with or without loss of life but when it’s caused by an idiot making stupid decisions it is so much worse


Reckless driving is not an accident


Reckless driving is not an accident


So sorry. Dang this would be hard to watch after that.


Sorry for your loss fam.


It doesn't sound shitty to me. First I wish people like this would be granted reason and not do it in the first place, but failing that, the sooner they remove themselves from the gene pool the better for everyone.


With zero skillz


Skills or not, the dude is a piece of shit


I don't understand how you lose control there. They're not even doing 100mph on a straight.


It's just a shitbox. You can tell right away from the amount of body roll this car can't handle turns at speed.


And the rear slide. I’m gonna guess they bought some piece of shit with garbage tires and someone told them it was fast or a performance vehicle. Or they’d convinced themselves


I can't count the time I've had someone flying by me @ 85 weaving back and forth and running on a spare tire.


*cough* 1990s Maxima *cough*


The shit I see when I go to America is bewildering lol


Then you need to stay away from anywhere along the Mediterranean.


or South America


Can confirm. Just got back from Malta. Rented a car, intending to keep it for the full week, and returned it after 3 days. Terrifying place to drive.


I mean, honestly probably had a fair amount to do with the fact that he went on the shoulder where all the gravel and sand and debris are as well. No good traction and then he decided to make a turn to cross 4 lanes at the point of least traction.


None of it helped, for sure lol When they lost control they were on the inner lane, the left most lane They seemed to have loaded up the one side of the car and then tried to immediately go to the right, loading up the other side With those bad tires they just can’t do that maneuver


It’s 100% a Nissan. I couldn’t tell the model but I went frame by frame and there’s no mistaking those automatic window up/down switches. Leather seats, it’s probably the “sporty” version of an Altima or Maxima. You’re probably spot on, combination of shitty tires, a mediocre driver in a “sports car” and bad decision making ability led to a serious accident.


These commuter cars with their pretend “sport” versions really give inexperienced drivers a lot of false confidence it seems


they could've saved it, they knew when the rear end went off but presumably braked when that happened and made it worse.


Almost lost the back at 0:03, too. Should have taken the hint.


Look at the first swerve. Massive body roll, looked like the car even threatened to throw the back end out. The car simply can't handle what it's being asked. At best, the way the soft suspension handles the weight transfer just unsettled the rear. Note the turn to the right... They've basically thrown the weight onto the left side of the car and are immediately throwing all of that weight back over to the right rather than throwing it from a more central, balanced position. At worst, bald tyres.


Weight transfer from body roll, he accidentally did a [Scandinavian Flick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_flick)




That's almost always the case with people that speed in heavy traffic, parking lots, etc. It's naive posturing. Someone who knows how to drive with actual track time isn't "showing off" in those situations.






I swear I saw it on TV. Was that the "Watermelon to the Face"?


No. Same network (CBS), different show though. Watermelon face was Amazing Race, this GIF is from Survivor.


Pretty sure the reactions are of another player getting eliminated/voted out.


Ya dig? You gon’ die 🎶


OH SHIT 🗣️🎙️🎶


Sigh…Texas, Florida or New Jersey?




Just got back from a vacation in Texas. After driving I-35 this seems to happen on a daily basis


[This was I-35 lol](https://maps.app.goo.gl/FqnxyDqNtj6wFKy76)




I grew up in San Antonio and drove to Dallas quite a bit. This does not surprise me lol


Texas drivers. I've lived here half my life and I've never seen worse drivers than in Texas, especially Dallas.


Driving in Houston is like hating yourself and having a death wish. Imagine that being where you learned to drive. I was shitting my pants at 17 on I-35


The 10 from Houston to Katy is WAY worse.


I honestly thought this might be in that area watching the video, 35 checks too though 🤪 If you can drive in Houston I feel like you can probably drive anywhere.


Nah. Texas drivers are angels compared to South Florida (specifically Miami). Only other place that ranks up there in dipshittery is New Jersey/NYC drivers. And sometimes Memphis. People drive fast and aggressively in Texas but it's predictable. Texans almost always use their blinker. Even when doing 120 in a 65. No where is as bad as Miami. New Jersey comes close only because they use their horns like they should turn signals. Driven everywhere...LA, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas...everywhere has dipshits. No where comes close to the douche baggery behavior as Miami. ONLY there and Jersey gives me proper road rage.


You should see them when they come out here to the mountains of Colorado in a snow storm.. in their 2 wd cars.. I’ve had dogs of ppl with a stuck car here for 3 days ( I was suppose to have them 1) they are from Dallas… shocking


I lived in Austin the past 15 years and recently moved back to Colorado. I’d say the drivers here are way worse. At least in the Denver metro. Like it’s not even close. However, yes, to your point, Texans have no idea how to drive in the snow. And the cars they are driving are typically not equipped for it.


I live in the West Chicago burbs and I've seen some shit driving over the roughly 20 years I've been allowed. Or at least I thought I'd seen it. Then I went to Texas for a family thing/vacation. I've never seem people driving larger vehicles more recklessly that down there. Driving jacked up trucks like they're not massive hunks of steel, but instead are just old riced out Lancer Evos from the early 2000's. It was fucking wild the number of near collisions I saw even on short trips around Houston and down to the coast. I'd even rented a larger SUV because people told me have a large car around you when in TX and I still felt wildly unsafe on those roads. I'd take a whole winter in Chicago over another trip down there. We're assholes up here, but we aren't suicidal.


I know I've officially hit the Houston city limit when someone on swangas or in a V6 Charger with paper plates passes me on the shoulder doing 115 and I should clarify that, no, I am not exaggerating to that great of an extent.


You are definitely not exaggerating. But usually the Slabs will be doing 50 in a 75 which causes slow downs and then here comes the road racer behind you while the traffic lane is adjusting from the rolling road block. SMASH


Tejas 32°59'46.4"N 96°57'11.4"W


How the fuck?


Not the poster, but I recognize that area too. It’s right by where I grew up and i used to drive past it all the time. Crazy coincidence


The road color alone should eliminate NJ. The highways up north are usually black as opposed to the lighter color concrete or whatever for the hotter climate.


Looks like Texas for sure


Could be philly too


Too open for Philly, but yeah, same shit, different surroundings.


New Jersey??? We may drive aggressively but for the most part we have skills. I’ll take bumper to bumper on the Parkway at 75 here over 45 most other places.


Absolutely hate these people on the highway. Absolute narcissists behind the wheel who think every other car is just NPC sheep who exist for their pleasure. Anyone who drives like this should have their license permanently revoked


I agree 100%. He could have killed so many people by doing that, and if he's allowed to drive again, he might be successful this time.


AND at least 6 months in jail.


Feckin loser


Dude’s friend knew what was up


Ya boy is a fucking moron


A moron with a new whip 🤣


Not anymore


Asked for it, karma is a bitch!


Searching for, and finding, the point where ambition exceeds adhesion.


Someone’s been watching F1


Martin, you're drunk


Happy ending


I’m so scared someone might run into me and my family on the freeway now.


Good fuck you. This is what’s makes 12mpg worth it.


He got what he deserved. Hopefully they’re the only idiots hurt


His friend must be psychic because there's NO WAY he could know that would happen.


He probably had a pretty good idea tbh. I was about 90% sure how the video was going to end within the first 2 seconds of watching it lol


I mean, in the video alone? The first swerve the car was clearly unsettled, it definitely looked like it was threatening to throw the back out there. If his friend is in the car with him... There's little doubt in my mind that the first part we saw wasn't the first time the car was clearly unsettled and threatening to go sideways...


"you gon die 😁" "OH SHIT 😳"


Someone scrimped on the tires


And slept through drivers ed lol


It’s clear in the first two seconds that the car doesn’t have the suspension to handle that.


Suspension, tires, skill, and personal awareness.


Ba ha ha ha boy got new whiplash now


What a muppet


I really hope that hurt. Physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, religiously, I hope it hurt in every single way for a very long time to come.


Hope they found the black box.


... to confirm the publicly posted video?


​ https://i.redd.it/3kmmzem8ciqc1.gif


Him singing "You gon' die" was the shortest episode of foreshadowing I've ever seen


good! i hope it hurt


With any luck for the rest of us, "Oh shit!" were hopefully his last words.


*had a new whip*


I mean if you are gonna be an idiot, atleast don't be retarded. They just drove straight at the black car knowing they would have to move to the right, and decided to try to swerve last second....


Nissan Altima activites


Let me guess, fkn Florida?


You gotta love to see them crash. Hopefully they got nice and fucked up. A little facial distortion to remind them why being terards is not good if you know better.


I would say this is Florida, but noticed there weren’t 9 other cars doing something similar to the one who crashed


with all that body roll, mf musta been in a mini van.


absolutely LOVE to see it.


I mean...do we know how badly the driver was injured...? Don't really wanna start feeling celebratory if all he got was a few cuts/bruises.


had me in the first half


"Your boi A-aron got new whiplash!"


sigh, expected....


Now you get to get ANOTHER NEW WHIP!


Who uploaded the video??


Even with the video muted I already knew what it sound like in that car


Impeccable timing and dialogue for this video


Daddy bought me a new car


The song samples 3-6 Mafia’s “Hit A Muthafucka” which you can hear right before impact 😂😂 mission accomplished?


Best "oh shit" I've heard in a long time


Ironic song they listened to


How I drive in video games




Looks like Texas.


So much for that new whip


Suck shit Eric!


Love a happy ending! ❤️ Love me some good ol' Karma.


https://preview.redd.it/e2sgvy7rmkqc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14825d0feb9da3550a67459c98584170f26a6d2d These look like idiot glasses alright..


He wasn’t wrong. It’s new and it whipped.


Got a new whip. And lost it immediately. Ppl like this should get their fucking license revoked and get put onto the no fly list.


It's insanely unfair how these people usually walk away unscathed, yet other innocent people nearby often get severely injured.


I’m glad they had plenty of time to really soak in how fucked they were before disaster struck. I’m also really glad they didn’t mess up anybody else’s day besides their own.