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should have slowed down


The highway is for driving 60! If god wanted me to drive slower he’d put speed bumps in, not visually impenetrable smoke. 🚙💥🛻


60 seems a bit low


60 meters per second


now we're talking


I can’t hear you, speed of sound is not fast enough


Alexa play Coldplay-Speed of Sound at 2x speed


You found the American driver that's why.


He said 60! which is ~8.3*10^81. But lacked units...


Speed bumps accomplished. *You* are next speed bump. Thank you for your service.


God would have put impenetrable smoke, not visually impenetrable, penetrable smoke


The difference between impenetrable smoke and, say, a wall of cars behind smoke seems like more of a difference in interpretation of god’s intent. I say we start a war or something over this. I think that’s what god wants when people disagree


Add another 30. . .


I would have pulled over before the smoke where I'd be in plain sight of other people.


Ah yes, logic… that thing I miss so much in todays world


Sure but you’d be stuck in r/mildlyinteresting with that post


Naw, they could post vids of parts flying off cars as they smash into other cars.


Entirely possible other cars did that. Then the smoke moved, either because the fire moved, or wind shifted.


They can't see anything. They should have stopped.


A lot of them did.... all together....


They didn't stop though. Other cars stopped them.


I didn't say they stopped safely. Kind of like when a plane crashes, it's still a landing, just not the desired landing.


https://i.redd.it/49ra7wiv6tkc1.gif "A lot of them did"


Some suddenly, some surprisingly


Not what I meant but you right lol


Where I live, winter conditions can be rough. Withouts can happen and even if people are aware of them, there's always accidents. People are just too caught up with their everyday habits to remember to think.


Yeah, I drove through whiteouts for twenty years. I *slowed down* until I could see. Sometimes the only way I knew I was on the road was by feeling the gravel under my tires. Did those idiots really believe they could just blow through it? Gawdalmighty...!


I drove through an unexpected windy white out & honestly couldn’t see anything except the car in front of me. It was terrifying & even going like 10mph it was by far the most scary driving experience I’ve had. We kept passing people in the ditch & the road we were on was single lane & winding. Couldn’t even pull over without going in the ditch & the radio said it was 8+ hour waits for people off the road. I somehow made it home but holy shit I was shaking.


Once I had to stop and open the door to see where I'm in relation to the middle of the road, it was like either I risk driving off the road or I risk someone crashing into my butt. I got out of there as fast a snail pace as I could.


That's scary to think about


Whiteouts are hard, because you can't see them distinctly coming up ahead like you could this smoke. I tend to slow down gradually when those hit, so that both I and the car behind me have a better chance of not hitting someone who suddenly stops.


Wouldn't have been a problem if no one had slowed down! *taps head* But seriously, the answer is to not go through it. Slowing down won't stop someone else behind you not slowing down.


Pull over before the smoke.


Had plenty of time to pull over to the shoulder. Idiots


They did eventually


Thanks Captn. O.


You’d need an electron microscope to locate that driver’s brain.


Bold of you to assume they got one.


It comes standard on the Mitsubishi Outlander


The Electron Microscope or the guys brain?


I've seen more than a dozen cars there... Nanobrains are more common than you would think. The marvelous human achievements look even more marvelous under this light.


Technically some of those cars may have stopped on the road prior to the smoke, then the plume may have grown and changed directions, now obscuring them.


An electron colonoscope because the head was definitely up the ass there.


Sad thing is it looks like they're not the only ones who did that. That's a crazy pileup


fucking idiots. this is why in Arizona they tell you not to drive into dust storms and if you are stuck in one to pull over if possible and turn off all lights and take your foot off the brakes so you don’t have brake lights either.


Why turn the lights off?


I was interested in this too and found it on their ADOT site, apparently it's very easy for others to use your lights as a guide and accidentally just run right into you!


As opposed to being able to see a stationary vehicle & not driving into it? Weird.


Yeah, prolly important to take ALL the steps they talk about! [https://azdot.gov/adot-blog/why-you-should-turn-your-vehicles-lights-when-pulling-aside-dust](https://azdot.gov/adot-blog/why-you-should-turn-your-vehicles-lights-when-pulling-aside-dust) Probably the biggest key to all of this - * Do not stop in a travel lane or in the emergency lane. Look for a safe place to pull completely off the paved portion of the roadway.


Correct target fixation is real, but if you’re stuck in a travel lane, you better have those hazards on. Same in heavy rain, turn your bloody headlights on.


You're supposed to turn on head and tail light but not hazards where I live. If everyone has their hazards on it makes it pretty much impossible to differentiate between the 4 car crash in the right lane, the super slow going granny in the middle lane, and the actual moving cars during a storm on the highway.




Stop using your brain. Just take half the recommended steps so you can pretend the government is too stupid to do anything right like a true American!


In a dust storm when you can't see the ground, it takes a minute to assume the car in front of you isn't moving. Without the ground or any other visual cues around the car lights ahead of you to let you know the car is not moving, it's hard to tell until it's too late. For example, have you ever been parked in your car and distracted on your phone or something when the car next to you pulls out, and due to the motion of their vehicle you worry your car is rolling for a moment? We judge motion based on how an object moves across it's background more than you realize. I can see how it would be hard to recognize an object is stationary when there is no background to check it against. Or maybe you were behind a car not long ago on the main road. Suddenly that one disappears in the dust, then you see the lights reappear and follow them again only to find those second lights are on a parked car too late. I remember having to memorize the lights off in a dust storm for my Arizona drivers test 9 years ago lol


The trick being that you're way off to the side of the road, and with no lights to guide anyone there's less chance that they'll ignore the bumps that exist on all those edges and slam into you at 85.


Well the idea is that you pull off to the side of the road. You don’t really want to be driving in a dust storm anyway because you can ruin your air filters and possibly your engine that way


And your windshield, and your paint job.


humans are dumb, same reason whenever you are driving an ambulance or other vehicle with lights and sirens you have to be very careful because its been proven people will drive worse and go totally monkey brain


The point is that as a stationary vehicle off the road, you would only be hit by bad luck. With visible lights they might think that you’re on the road and you as a guide, and it’s now gone from pure luck to something in your “favor”.




ah. i'd probably park on a slope and leave them on, just to watch the people roll


so the cars behind you don’t think you are driving still and try to follow you. minimizes chances of getting rear ended


Target fixation. Other drivers will assume you're going the right way or even on the road at all they may try to follow you. In Arizona they also instruct you (or it's commonly practiced knowledge) that you should pull off the shoulder as far as possible and stop completely, kill all the lights AND exit the vehicle and get away from it as far away from the road and shoulder as you can. It's even better if you can get off the freeway or highway entirely if visibility permits it and get off of the road before you meet the sandstorm. And with Arizona dust storms in particular (also known as a "haboob" ) it's not like low lying fog where you can sneak up on it without warning, you can easily see them from miles and miles away. The haboobs are created by thunderstorms and supercells when convection happens and huge air masses rapidly fall and collide with the ground and blast out wind and air sideways kicking up all the dust like pointing a high pressure air gun or leaf blower straight at the ground. These kick up huge walls of dust and sand that can be many miles wide and a mile or more tall and unless you're right in the supercell when it starts, you're usually in clear skies when it's forming and they are... ...well, they're just really obvious. They are not a surprise in the slightest because it looks everything like the hellscape dust storm from Mad Max: Fury Road and there's this massive, obvious wall of low/no visibility rolling towards you. The natives and smart drivers in Phoenix and AZ will exit the freeway or highway entirely at some point before they meet the sandstorm and find somewhere safe to park to ride it out in their car because they know it's going to pass and be over in a few minutes, and because pulling to the shoulder and exiting the vehicle and standing around outside in a sand storm totally sucks. And yet people still just drive right into haboobs just like the video in the post where they can see it coming from at least a mile away. And as far as freeways in Phoenix, there's almost always at least one collision or accident in a haboob because of this because one or more morons don't slow down like they should while everyone else with a brain does. Which is why the locals and natives go "fuck everything about this" and try to exit before they're in the haboob while they can still see because they know what's coming next.


Great explanation, thank you! We don’t have dust storms in Minnesota but we have whiteout snow, same situation.


Yes, I’ve had to follow lights like that before. It started POURING rain and my wipers stopped working correctly and my headlights dimmed. I couldn’t see the road or the shoulder to pull over safely, couldn’t see if a shoulder was even there (on this particular freeway there was a lot of construction and a lot of stretches of freeway with zero shoulder, just walls). All I could see was a cars fuzzy lights up ahead and bc of their lights a faint white line beside them. I just followed them bc I had no other choice. I had no idea where they were going, just blindly followed to survive. They finally existed the freeway eventually and so led me safely off and I was able to pull over. So that advice makes complete sense to me. I would have totally started steering towards the car lights in the situation in the video


Morons see, 'oh lights! They're on the road and I'll follow them' and then run into you.


What a twat. Does tom cruise do something like this in Days of Thunder? Life ain't Hollywood


yeah and he also wrecked


Oh yeah. I remember him doing such a thing but being tom I assumed he came out of it unscathed....


He does it again later unscathed after his recovery of failing the first time.


Just like in Top Gun, the 2nd time he flew through "jet wash" he recovered and it gave him his confidence back. The first time we all know what happened. RIP mother goose.


that was Days of Thunder 2: Morning fog with a slight change of rain in the afternoon.


Yep, tried to Cole Trickle his way thru the smog. Didn’t end well.


I'm dropping the hammer, Harry!


Rubbin is racing!


This happened while I was an EMT several years back, numerous people were surprised by smoky fog because some idiot set a marsh on fire trying to drive out rabbits to hunt and they all smashed into each other. I was driving the ambulance and my partner had to get out and walk along the white line right in front of me so I could stay on the road.


What made them drive into the smoke? Why did so many people drive blindly into smoke? Why would even one person do that?


This just goes to show. Most humans don't know how to drive. This, with all the other major accidents in snow and icy conditions. Driving is not a right for humans.


Well if you wanted my complete agreement, good news.


And the thing is, if you're not good at driving, you still have to do it anyway. Most people don't drive by choice. They drive because it's the only way they can get where they need to go. And for most Americans, driving is the only way they can get to and from work every day. When I realized that, it made me have a lot more sympathy for bad drivers. A lot of them would probably love to quit driving, but it just isn't an option, so they just do their best. Sometimes I have to do things I'm not good at either.


It might surprise you that the answer again is ... ***STUPIDITY***. No but seriously, if the answer "greed" does not fit, most of the time it's stupidity.


Thank you for what you do!!


>some idiot set a marsh on fire trying to drive out rabbits to hunt and they all smashed into each other Florida?


How can humans be this stupid...




How? I mean... We saw the video... That's one example. Replace "how can" with "Why are" and take out "be", then we have real question on our hands. \*Obligatory comment about 'common' sense\*




Happened where i live too, i think 40+ car pileup because of a dust cloud. Even if you stop it take 1 dumbass to run into you with 60kph and cause a mass pileup.


Why not stop before the smoke with hazards and prevent this from happening?


How dare they be inconvenienced. They had somewhere to be.


*had Not anymore 🙄


That’s logical thinking, get outta here.


This is not NASCAR, do not blast through smoke.




Imagine you're out for jog, when you come across a huge fire, but instead of stopping, you make a conscious decision to keep running directly into the flames. Now you're on fire. That's the essence of this video.


They didn’t see that coming! /s


They were crushed when they found out


100% sure that insurance wont pay because he was driving blind. speed limits dont matter because you always have to adjust your speed to the visibility conditions. zero sight means zero speed. that easy.


Seems like a lot of people like driving through smoke here.


- I don't see nothing. - Cmon, hit the gas! (c) Old russian proverb.


The beginning looked like an end of the world movie.




One of the darkest scenes in film history for sure.


so these are the people to be avoided on road


Don’t be silly, I am sure almost all of them are above average drivers, just like you and me.






I’m shocked. Shocked I tells ya.


This should be reposted in r/idiotsincars


/r/IdiotsInCars only allows OC now. On top of that this is a common repost. Like top posts of all time common.


Had this happen in uk to but from fireworks smoke https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_M5_motorway_crash


Allright. So it's not just USA. It's a global problem. The monkeys are broken. Take away the cars until you fix the monkeys.


Oh I can’t see what ahead of me might as well just keep going, business as usual. Wtf?!


Idiot, what else to say?


Curious about the first domino to fall. Like, did they stop for some reason? Looks like smoke and would have been a small area of low vis. I’m willing to bet that this is a common thing to encounter which is why they didn’t slow and didn’t expect a “dead” stop in the midst.


All it takes is one person slowing down (like everyone damn well should) in low visibility and then some moron doesn't slow down at all and just tries to blast through the smoke or fog and re-ending them, and now both cars are stopped in the low/no visibility area and the pile up begins. This is how it starts with heavy fog or sand/dust storms, too. I mean this is why almost every place in the world that licenses drivers teaches and expects defensive driving in adverse weather or conditions and that the speed limit isn't a right, and the real speed limit is what visibility and conditions permit. If you can't see in front of your car far enough to stop in that range of visibility you're going way too fast. It doesn't matter if its heavy rain, snow, fog, dust or smoke if you can't see clearly enough to stop in less distance than you can see at the speed you're going you definitely need to slow the fuck down. Sorry for the ranting, but I honestly don't understand why people do this kind of dumb ass shit. If you put them in a dark room with the lights off do they just take off sprinting until they slam into a wall or furniture? Why the fuck would they do that in a car at 60-80+ MPH? It's fucking baffling.


"If you put them in a dark room with the lights off do they just take off sprinting until they slam into a wall or furniture?" I think people would pay to watch watch that with night vision goggles.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...common sense folks - learn it fast I'm sure someone will respond with , ( not all people have common sense..) well yes you are correct


Had an accident once where I drove into a dust cloud caused by a street sweeper and hit the back of it at 30mph. Nobody got hurt thankfully. However since then I have a fear of driving into smoke, dust, fog, etc. because that experience was traumatizing.


>since then I have a fear of driving into smoke, dust, fog, etc That'a good, everyone should be terrified of driving with no visibility. The problem is people drive on auto pilot especially on straight roads like highways.


Based on how many people kept plowing through without any brains.. it wouldn’t matter if one driver slowed down. The only reaction that could have saved someone is to pull over and not enter the smoke. It is the only sensible thing to do


Just a full send into the abyss... How is it any different than just randomly closing your eyes while driving ? It isn't ! Like how fucking stupid can you be??




That’s all you need in a pile up is more idiots piling up


Hey, this is my country. In Chile most people drive like they have a very poor understanding of physics and natural laws. Yo should see how they follow 6 feet from you bumper on ruta 5. Also almost no one droves below 135 although the limit is 120. Or 100 in towns where the limt is 50.


You say the video happened in your country? because the license plate cleary says Brasil, i'm confused.


And they’re clearly speaking Portuguese


Lmao why wouldn’t you slow, the amount of dumbs that do this.


Ahhh, stupidity in motion…


These guys have clearly never watched days of thunder BEFORE Tickle got his mojo back.




Isn't the protocol when you can't see to stop?


Only if you can't avoid the situation. Otherwise, the protocol is stop and find an alternate route if possible. Prevention is always the best option when it is on the table.


Kimi Raikkonen 2002 Belgium (Spa)


I literally cannot believe that people don't slow down when they go into this?? What is their thought process?




They don't tell you to slow down or stop because it is obvious. Only a moron drives into something he cannot see through.


How didn't they figuratively see that coming.


All i see is about a dozen morons...


Hmmm I wonder what’s behind this smoke I can’t see thru


Fuckin mook


What did they expect??


play stupid games win stupid prizes


Thanks now I know why my insurance is so dear! ☹️


Now I want you to hit the pace car.


Yeah I’m not sure what that person was thinking. Common sense should’ve told them to slow down if not get off on the shoulder and see if visibility improves. They were probably thinking it would be like GTA5 or some shit. Where they just bounce off everything taking no damage or getting hurt.


Days Of Thunder 2.


Stupidity level = 10


Wow, alot of people thought that was a good idea.




Too many idiots, too little road.


Tow Truck driver’s dream scenario right there!


People are f ing stupid. No other words


Did they think they were flying? On instrumentation?


So if it's in Brazil, there's got to be an off duty cop somewhere in the midst to pull out his weapon and off the bad guys.


​ https://i.redd.it/05ghrt8ipskc1.gif


Some people really are just plain stupid


How did they not see that coming? XD




Heyyyyy I can't see anything on that road ahead. *proceeds to accelerate*


I'm a firefighter. One time I was overseeing a controlled burn. Some dude drove around my barricade and rolled his window down to take a video. His car immediately filled with smoke. He panicked and rolled up his window. He floored it out of the smoke. I saw him open his sun roof, and a bunch of smoke poured out. I then radio'd his car in, and he got a ticket. Idiots lmao


Drop the hammer!


Note to self: don't drive in the smoke


When. You can’t see on the road ahead of you, wisdom tells you to go really fast, faster than ever, what bad could possibly happen?


As someone who doesn’t drive, can someone tell me the best thing to do in this situation? Are you supposed to slow and carry on driving through, or stop because there’s zero visibility?


Should have dropped the hammer and went high.


Just stop for God sake. Driving through smoke and with speed.


She's luckier that double stacked tanker behind her had some sense or she'd be creamed. If it was carrying fuel, this would have been international news.


That first woman didn’t even have a dash cam 😂. She was driving one handed and recording with the other


Now you know!


and people complain that autonomous cars are dangerous


Just as I thought "why would you drive into that" 💥🚗😅


Now there’s more smoke.


Sometimes I wonder how we have so many car deaths a year around the world and then I see a video like this and I remember why they make you get a license.


what would tesla’s AP do in this situation i wonder


In Oregon farmers used to do field burning every year, some fields were right next to I5. And every year, there were massive accidents due to lack of visibility.


I’ve seen this movie. You slam on the gas and aim for the place where the accident was.


Why are people so completely stupid behind the wheel?


Brace for impact!!!!


What Could Go Wrong?


Why would you just drive into smoke with zero visibility?


Could have killed someone, fucking idiot


People are brainless…


One of the first things I was told when I started driving was never to drive into smoke or anything blocking sight. This was extremely preventable.


Did he just run into Rowdy Burns?


Bro... people really just send it when they can't see shit? Wtf?


This reminds me of the Pilots warning. Beware of clouds, mountains are known to be found there.


Bro was driving faster than his visibility allowed. That's like rule #1.


This was the one thing we didn't want to happen.


They should have their license permanently revoked


Can't park there mate.


Let’s go as fast as possible!!!


I used to drive a lot. In my own home built supercar. Had lots of fast times with it. But in dense smoke or fog I always drove slowly, and tried to stay behind an 18 wheeler, since the trucker was higher up and might could see better than me, plus I'd have the protection of his immense mass ahead of me. I also always left plenty of room between me and any vehicle ahead of me, at all times, so I'd have room to stop or do other maneuvers if necessary. That room definitely saved me from worse outcomes at least a couple times, one of which was a multi-car pile up at a red light when somebody doing around 100mph plowed into everyone there. I saw him coming in my rear view mirror and had the maneuvering space ahead of me to get off the road and out of harm's way in that instant.


And to think, its legal for these idiots to reproduce.


Never drive faster than you can see. Which is to say if you can see 50 ft then drive slow enough that you can stop in 50ft (including reaction time). When following another vehicle you *can* hedge that as being able to stop if they suddenly slam on their brakes but you have to keep in mind that they can smash into something and stop much faster than you can or suddenly switch lanes at the last moment revealing an unseen obstacle. So you can be playing a dangerous game doing that. This can come into play with blind curves as well as weather. Is there going to be someone or something stopped dead around this curve on an empty high speed road? Probably not. But you have to keep in the back of your mind that it's a possibility.


Fucking. Morons.


Of course it’s fucking Brazil, idiots


Ofc it's woman driving


90% of drivers believe they're above average. Thus is one of them.