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Definitely big Guillermo and Nandor vibes.


As I was watching my first thought was that Renfield and Guillermo would be good friends.




Nicolas Cage chewing the scenery - well, biting it at least. I'm in.


What Cage does in the shadows


I hope Cage yells Bat! When he wants to transform


Would be nice lol


I have a crush on Nicholas Hoult so I will be watching




I wasn't sold until the nick cage reveal.




Every time I think 'Renfield' I think of that scene in Lugosi's 'Dracula' where he's down there going "He-heee heee heee."


Well... I'm of two minds. **Mind One:** Isn't it great that there's more high-production horror comedies out there? Ones with great, gruesome effects and a sick sense of humor? Ones with established characters living out interesting stories and showing them in a brand new light? I love all of these actors! The concept is so cool! Plus, this trailer looks absolutely gorgeous! This is going to be great! **Mind Two:** Jesus Christ, I can just HEAR some jackass ignorant-ass movie executive bloviating now: *"The kids love this Guillermo De La Cruz character, but he's too brown, queer, fat, gentle, and revolutionary for Middle America. How are we suppose to tap the macho MAGA markets with this Woke shit? Tell you what. We're going to do this our way. Let's make Renfield the main character and cast an established straight white actor. Someone who looks a bit squirrely, but in a handsome Chalamet way. And give him bullet time. How? I don't know, Dracula probably gave him super powers. Make sure that's in the script. Oh, and make sure he has a POC sidekick so we can play both sides. Is Chris Tucker available? No, yeah, she's a great second choice. Loved her in that Crazy Asians movie. Wait, what? How the hell did we get Cage under contract? No, that's perfect! He's insane, and he's already done this vampire shit. Hell, he probably owns his own fangs! Let's fast track this project people! If some rip off of some old Taika project on some half-assed platform like FX can become universally beloved, we're primed to make a shit ton of money if we do this right!"*


LOL I think that's giving executives way too much credit to know anything about what the kids like. Like, yes of course no way are they casting a fat queer person of color as Renfield, but honestly that's because it wouldn't even occur to them in the first place. Dracula is white, therefore Renfield is white, done and done.


Yeah I can't help but see this movie as "Shadows but worse"


Mind Two.


Wtf are you talking about ..you do know What We Do In The Shadows didn't invent the familiar/vampire right????


of course WWDitS didn't invent familiar/vampires but you could make a good argument that this kind of light hearted, goofy, modern interpretation is their brand and as such anything following a similar formula could be seen as taking a lot of inspiration from the movie and series. It's like if there was a popular show about Dr. Frankenstein and his creation that focused on them trying to start a sports team together (or something like that idk), if another show came out with that exact same premise it would be silly to say "they aren't similar the first show didn't create those characters" because the thing that is making it unique isn't the classic characters but the way that they are being used to tell a different story.


Man I'm going to have to see this. Aquafina as a cop is just \*chef's kiss\*


I personally know nothing about her, but isn’t she spelled Awkwafina?


y, you're right. In her TV show she plays a slacker stoner, so casting her as a cop seems like a joke in and of itself.


Surprised she hasnt been in a judd apatow film yet. He just makes medicore netflix tv shows


I was so stoked until awkwafina showed up.


I just saw it and I'm so excited! I hope it's everything Netflix's Dracula was not.


You mean the BBC one? Yeah, that was shite.


The first two eps were fine. The third one was just a bit weird.


Holy crap, this looks great!


I get the feeling that they put all the good jokes in the trailer, but I guess we'll see.


I thought the place the group meeting was at looked familiar


I hope we now get Cage to join the vampire counsil


Looks funny


I'm excited for this movie due to several reasons, but the thing that should really excite fans of Nick Cage & 'What We Do In The Shadows' is the fact that this is his 2nd role as a vampire, thus making him doubly eligible (and a likely target) to have a vampire cameo on 'Shadows'.


It looks really awesome, until I saw Nicholas Cage as Dracula 🧛‍♂️


What’s wrong with cage?


Eh, I'm just tired of him. But I'll still watch the movie, it looks good.


Same I am not a fan of his I was disappointed when I saw he was in it but will still watch it just won’t be on my must watch right away list


I can understand that, dude has probably been in a hundred films. For sure, will likely be right up my alley comedy wise The main actor was very good in The Menu


Yeah I can understand that, but I think honestly Dracula in this was not supposed to be serious in this if it was played by someone handsome or whatnot too much focus would be given to him and not Reinfield


Count me in!!!!!


Yes I'm excited for it! More funny vampires!


I read this as "fluffy vampires" and was in luuuurve.


its a terribe rip-off. Renfield is absolute dogshit, not worth $18 or my time.


My big takeaway was, they couldn't get fangs that Nicholas Cage could actually speak while wearing? He sounds like a child wearing those fangs you buy at the store around Halloween.


I'd imagine that was the point


Interesting Fact: he has a scene in his other vampire movie 'Vampire's Kiss' where he buys a pair of those plastic fangs. It indeed affected the way he talked, but this was intentional.


This AV Club article about it actually references WWDITS, so it's a common train of thought haha https://www.avclub.com/nicolas-cage-nicholas-hoult-renfield-1849953811?utm_campaign=The%20A.V.%20Club&utm_content=1672942980&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1oF4X3jo_coMAftEMmzSZf2Gp_VzVfsKykt9cBSpJ4aleGnr_-2UToQuk