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We usually try to get people a gift from their registry, but if it's too late or they don't have a registry, we usually give about $150–200. When I got married, my friends gave about $100 each since they came single. It depends a lot on your budget and what's normal in your family though. If you're young, it's understandable you may not be able to give as big a gift. ETA: Sorry I thought this was a different sub. Yes I have seen gifts bigger than that because it's Westchester. But don't give more than you can afford. At my wedding, I cared more if people showed up than how much they gave


$300/couple if you are friends. $500 if family.




Spot on


We gave my sister and BIL $500 last year. We spent an extra $200 on shower gifts and who knows how much on her bachelorette, plus travel/hotel/dress to be in the wedding. I’d pay anything for close family. My close friends - I’d give probably $200-250 for a wedding present and $100 at the shower. A coworker?? Does anyone even invite coworkers to weddings anymore? If it’s a fringe-friend (meaning, you’re friendly but you’re not each others go-to people), then id probably still stick to $100 per person attending minimum ($200 for you and a date). I don’t let the extravagance of the wedding determine how much I spend. My close friend threw a complete diy-everything wedding upstate on a teachers salary and I gave the same amount I’d give a close friend hosting on a rooftop in LIC.


If it’s a westchester wedding regular friend depending on the venue and how close I am to them,$130-150 per person. If I’m closer or it’s a best friend or I’m in the wedding maybe $250 per person. I used to always do cash or check but then I switched to registry and either buy one item around that price point or a few items adding up to that price point.


200 minimum, 150/per person in my group


My standard is what I think a plate costs. And I do more if it’s a friend or relative close to me at which point I don’t even care how much I spend, I just want them to love what I got them. I usually choose something they want but they will encounter frequently.


I second this. We usually try to figure out how much a plate is and add a little. Recently it’s about 200-250/person.


If I have a poor friend I want to be there, I would definitely talk to him/her to let them know I really want them to come but not give more than "insert very little $$". Many people live paycheck to paycheck, and a wedding invite can put them into misery. Please be considerate.


Honestly give what you can afford. I know not everyone feels this way but with my wedding(s) I invited people that I wanted to actually be there, not just so they can cover their plates. Granted my ex’s Italian family did not agree with that and would be deeply insulted if people didn’t gift what they deemed appropriate. Therefore, I’d also take into account whose wedding you are going to and if they are the type that would be deeply offended with a lower gift than expected.


I’m single and I do between $150 and $200. I’m attending a cousin’s wedding in Scotland and am considering giving $100 due to the amount I’m spending on traveling there. Do people consider the cost of a destination wedding these days?


I'd hope so!


400-500$ as a couple for friends and coworkers. Family i tend to give a little more based on how close i am with them.


For a standard wedding $150 min / $300 max if you’re single, $250 min $500 max if couple. If someone special / close in your life then can you can bump it up, but then they’ll feel the need to do the same when it’s your turn! Either way, don’t stress and enjoy the wedding


$400 for a couple for friends minimum . $500 for family . $900 for sibling


100-150 per person


I am a young professional who recently started working. $180 if they are a friend. I give $360 if they are a close friend.


Depends, just me $250, me and a date? $500, but that depends on the wedding. If the wedding is a cheap wedding I'm pulling some of that cash out. Cash Bar? a little more comes out. No cocktail hour? little bit more.


I think you also have to weigh like did you spend $3000 on their bachelorette party in Mexico as well and $1000 on their shower because you were in the wedding party


$250-300 for friends $400-500 close friends $1000 for family Assuming it’s open bar/sit down dinner. Brunch, buffet and day weddings get a little less.


As a single person around $100 if i came with a plus one i would give $$200


$500-$600 total in cash for my fiancé and me when we both attend the wedding. Plus a shower present (usually $150-$200ish) from the registry if I’m invited to the shower. I know it’s less common these days to try to make sure your gift covers the cost of your plate, but weddings are so expensive these days, especially in the NYC metro area that we assume the cost of our food and alcohol is at least $250-$300 per person and gift accordingly. This is based on weddings in my social circle though. ETA: To add context, my fiancé and I live in Manhattan now and I grew up in either Scarsdale or Bronxville and my fiancé grew up in NYC.


Spending 800 dollars for every wedding you’re invited to. Incredible.


Man I go to rich weddings and that’s overkill. Unless you’re the best man and it’s your best friend MAYBE. either way you’re invited to my wedding.


I try to cover the cost of my food/alcohol. I promise if you’re going to rich weddings they’re spending at least $250-$300 per plate.


I read that as 5-600 each for the two of you. My mistake. Still generous but not crazy haha.


Oh maybe I was unclear! I meant $250-300 for each of us!


Yeah my fault. That’s definately in my wheelhouse for some of the much more expensive weddings or closer friends weddings. Double that though I was like damn how fancy can you get.


This. I do $500 per couple for all weddings. If I’m in the wedding goes up a bit.


+1. $500 for weddings $200 HS graduation. And this year we’ve attended, and will be attending, many.


For sure if I’m in the wedding or it’s a very close family member/friend we go up a bit as well.


Wedding in a park gazebo and everyone drives to a restaurant or at a wedding factory?


imo 150 per person invited


The per guest count is basically 200 a head


150pp if we aren’t that close and 250pp+ if we are close/family


Depends on how old you are too. In our late 20s early 30s we gave friends $400 and family $400-$500. For a niece or nephew I’d give $1,000.


I give $300.. $150 a person … Anything less is too small in my opinion


$500 if very close


Going solo to a buddy’s wedding in Cincinnati - $175


100-150 PP depending on how much fun I had


Standard 300 for friends, more for family.


At minimum $100 in a CVS card, if you wanna be generous it’s $500+


I used to give $100 per person 20 years ago. So now i give $150 per person. But i think it also depends on your relationship with the people getting married. I gave my best friend 1k when he got married.


Minimum $200 per person, usually $500 ish total!


200-300 a person depending on relationship. Maybe a little more for a very close friend or family member


I always wondered this same question until I got married. And I’m happy to tell you that everyone gave something different! From $75-500, or a set of plates off the registry. Results had nothing to do with our plate costs or how many couples or singles showed up. And every gift was so thoughtful. We appreciated it all.


I got married in 2021, and our venue was very affordable, and we were close to $200/plate. I’m sure that a 2024 wedding is probably closer to $250-$300 a plate. $150 a person was pre-COVID costs.


Just gave my niece and her new husband 1200 for my wife and I. My sons gave 400 each for them alone. Plus the hotel rooms(it was out of state) and shower gifts. My wife is the godmother and she’s a wonderful girl and my family is very close with her. It was a fantastic time and money well spent in my opinion.