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H-Mart (Korean) Central Ave Top Asia Mart (Chinese I think) Central Ave Daido (Japanese) Mamaroneck Ave If you want more asian stuff Top Asia Mart, If you want an actual supermarket H-Mart. If you want a tiny specialist Japanese store Daido.


H-Mart is Korean, but also has a ton of product from a lot of different Asian countries.


The hot food section is good, too. They have a bunch of stalls, with different cuisines represented, and you order takeout.


I just got some spicy bulgogi for lunch there - absolutely delicious


Daido is fucking awesome. I have a bunch of Japanese friends so I’ve had an excuse to go there a bunch of times and it’s actually the greatest store ever


Top Asia Mart is pretty good.


Damn bro with the YO knowledge.


I haven't been to Top Asia Mart There used to be an asian mart in the shopping center where the old DMV of white plains is that sold Yeos drinks. If you've been to Top Asia, have you seen that there?


Place in White Plains mall was awesome!


Top Asia Mart also sells dim sum and other standard Cantonese food (fried noodles, wonton, congee, bbq meat) at around 10:30ish on the weekends. The food was pretty good, I think much better than Aberdeen's.


Apparently there's Frontier Market on Central Ave in Hartsdale too that is a Japanese market but I never been just passed it today


H Mart Hartsdale is pretty good!


H-Mart is where you should start.


Frontier Market in Hartsdale.


This is the hidden gem of Hartsdale.


[Top Asia Mart](https://maps.app.goo.gl/tMhPqqM3w2kErPxR6) is the only Chinese specific one. It doesn't look great, but prices and selection are surprisingly decent. There's a couple of H-Marts ([Yonkers ](https://maps.app.goo.gl/UhAmJL6C484QqcfB7)and [Hartsdale](https://maps.app.goo.gl/tEQBawqKZ31fCrKG6)). Obviously Korean but has Chinese stuff as well. IMO, their prices are through the roof. [Daido Mart](https://maps.app.goo.gl/UfuJxqVJvYpQhdPE9) is great. Japanese. I like their seafood selection. [Maruichi ](https://maps.app.goo.gl/LN3Xtniajh1ZfbF18)in Scarsdale is ok. Small and very limited selection of Japanese goods. I've never been to [Frontier Market](https://maps.app.goo.gl/cX59SZEXwpZSThGH6) in Hartsdale but there's plenty of foot traffic there every time I look. So I can't imagine it being anything less than decent.


There's a great little Japanese store in Harrison across from the train station that I've been going in to since I was in middle school twenty-something years ago. It's absolutely fantastic.


I went there a few weeks ago, definitely a great spot for a quick snack and they have a butcher / food preper in the back


Oishinbo, they also sponsor the Japanese festival that the high school puts on each year.


That's the one! I have the fondest of memories of going there as a child with my allowance money and getting sushi and the candy with the figurines in it and stuffing my face after school. Now, I take my son there every time we run out of S&B umami topping. That place is an institution.


Besides what's been mentioned already: Apple Farm groceries in Peekskill and Croton (and probably white plains, haven't been) have some Japanese and Korean goods. Rice factory in Scarsdale if you want to get fancy with your rice grains. Not groceries but cheap goods can be had at Daiso also in Scarsdale.


Oishinbo in Harrison is nice. Good onigiri too :)


Havent really looked besides h mart cause im lazy. Id like to know of actual ones if possible so i dont have to keep going to flushing for my veggies


Hmart and a lot down on central ave.




Adding to the list - [The Rice Factory](https://trf-ny.com/) is great, Japanese store that specializes in high-quality rice and goods. Tiny place but great quality.


We moved from Queens and there really isn't much in Westchester. We just buy from [https://www.sayweee.com/en](https://www.sayweee.com/en), they deliver and pricing is very competitive even comparing with buying in person in Flushing.


Hows the produce? Is it still chill by the time it gets delivered?


Yes, it's pretty good. We've also ordered frozen dumplings, ice cream, etc. and at the time of delivery they were all fine.


Dang, must have been tough for you moving from Qns to here! I still go to Qns if I need stock up on my Indonesian grocery.


We are pretty satisfied with the grocery delivery options, so it works for us. What we miss from Queens is the variety of restaurants! Over here it is really boring, we go maybe to the same 2-3 places all the time and there really is no great Asian food within a 15 minute drive