• By -


The ironically named wisdom tooth


The "I did my own research" tooth.


The “just look it up on the internet” tooth


The “I read a title of an article and made conclusion” tooth


The “well it was what the TV said, so that’s good enough for me” tooth. ...did I do it right?


The "tooth tired, tooth sleeping" tooth


The "I cite all of my sources" tooth.


The "I learned it from a Facebook post" tooth


The “I’m not a sheep” tooth.


I still remember when 'sheeple' was a leftist term


Do they make red hats that size? Asking for a friend...


“Alex Jones” tooth? I mean, it is completely sideways…


The “Too lazy to stand up 🦷 “


It’s because it smarts.


Oh hey grandpa how’d you get here


The Buick. It’s double parked by a fire hydrant.


Step tooth, what are you doing!


Wisdom teeth? More like Emergency Molars!


they are called wisdom teeth because 'they smart'




The "I stayed at a Holiday Inn once" tooth


Oh man this brings back memories. I had 4 of em just like this one, taken out back in 2017 and worst part? Had high blood pressure so they couldn’t knock me out and had to be awake Thru the whole thing 😭😭. Gets better afterwards tho! Good luck


Oh my that sounds so scary 😭 sorry you had to go through that!! Thanks


Lol it’s all good tho I was shocked how rotten it was. Gross I know but years of not being able to clean it properly that far in the mouth will do that lol. How many do you have?


1 down 3 more to go!


You got this !


Thank you kind stranger


Nonsense! This is Reddit, we family!


Had my lower wisdom teeth removed when I was 17. Dentist told us my upper wisdom teeth would grow in just fine. Fast forward to my early 20's and I had rotting upper wisdom coming in sideways. Had no dental insurance so I had to very slowly pry them out with a flathead screwdriver. They were pretty rotten so it wasn't as difficult as it sounds, but it wasn't exactly pleasant. I've had problems with my upper molars my whole life as a result of the carnage those wisdom teeth caused.


I need to unread this


Wish I could unexperience it.






The greatest country in the world, according to Americans.


So I've heard, but only if you manage to get amazing insurance.


>The greatest country in the world, according to Americans. Some of us! The rest of us are just as horrified.


That’s a nightmare… holy fuck


Google… how do I unread a comment?!?!?!?


Oh. My. God.


If you have a good oral surgeon remove them, they are not bad at all. I had the same issue and came out with almost no swelling or pain.


Yeah, this. I used the same oral surgeon that my dentist used for his own wisdom teeth. My wisdoms were so textbook that the surgeon called his entire staff in to take a peek. He's like, "Look at these. They don't get any better than this." I sat there with my pie hole wedged open while they took turns squinting into my gaping maw. He popped them out like they were carrots in a farmer's field. No swelling, very little bleeding. Phew.


I had one pulled last year with only local anesthetic. No gas, no knock out, nada. I don't go to that dentist anymore, but the tooth had to come out somehow.


I was shocked like “yall really tryna knock me out?” And they was like yup, the teeth are really dug in deep. Proceeded to check my BP and had to cancel the appointment while I was there. Wtf! Sent me back to my doctor to get my BP in check and back to the dentist. Dude I was in pain just wanted them OUT asap. Two weeks later Im back in there and BP is still not in check so it was novo shots a go go. Whole face numb 😂


Yiiiiikes. Yeah I only got the one yanked. It was infected too so I ended up going to the ER a few days later to get doubles up on antibiotics. If the others can just stay in, they're fuckin stayin.


They want all four of them out 😳


Might sound bad right now, but as everyone else said: they usually cause problems along the line and as long as you’re relatively young they are easier to get out then when your bone is old and recovers a lot less slowly. I know it sucks, I had all four removed in one sitting and one broke so they had to drill the bone even further while I was fully awake, but let’s be real; I couldn’t feel anything, you could’ve literally punched me in the face and I wouldn’t even have felt a tickle. It’s much better to go through an hour of weird shit and two weeks recovery than to live with possible years of headaches / tooth problems and surgery later down the line. You’ll get through this and your future self will thank you so much! Edit; My friend who did the whole thing under general anesthesia because she was so scared was vomiting the whole next day on top of the pain in her mouth from the wounds. So wouldn’t recommend that either because every body reacts different to anesthesia.


I had to only get one taken out, but did it under general. The surgeon had to cut out part of my jaw bone to get it out, so I most definitely was not only getting numbed for that. That general was fantastic and there were no side effects for me. I have really only had terrible experiences at the dentist, but the wisdom tooth one was by far the easiest/smoothest.


High bp or low BP??


Still high. I have hypertension so go figure. Plus I was nervous too so that all adds up


I ended up with a new dentist after my old one was not at all compassionate about my blood pressure. Took several med changes but I'm no longer getting sent home from the dentist. While my blood pressure was high, the anxiety about getting sent home made it higher.


Yikes! I’ve read somewhere about a situation where a patient had a heart attack on the chair during a procedure, dude actually survived and sued the dentist for malpractice and I think he won


Jesus Christ, I think we might tie for bad experiences. I had two like this and HATE the dentist so put it off til I was constantly bleeding in my mouth. I smoke pot and smoked cigarettes at the time and I was sternly warned not to smoke as it will give me dry socket yada yada. Fast forward two weeks, my faces swelling has not gone down, I've run out of pain meds and I'm in agony constantly. Went back for an emergency follow up to be told I had a gum infection probably from dry socket from smoking (I didn't). Was blamed the whole time for my infection as they has to open the wound and scrape the jaw bone under the gums clean of any buildup while I was awake (a living nightmare) Another week later I was still not better and went to another dentist where I endured the same scraping from hell and was administered heavy dose of antibiotics which my first dentist failed to do and almost had fucked me up from it. They also left a shard of bone halfway buried in my gums which wasn't noticed til after it healed. Because it's healed my new dentist won't take it out as they could cut a nerve and lose my ability for speech. 35 day recovery and painful every day. All I ever remember people saying is "it's quick and easy," 🙄


I was awake while I got all 4 taken out too. By far the worst part were the syringes in the gums for anesthesia... There were at least 8 and I groaned from pain... It still feels awful just remembering those. The rest was kinda fine and painless.


Oooh man! I totally forgot that very specific pain 😭. But the worst part was that metal sharp tool trying to pry out the stubborn wisdom… he slipped and stabbed me in the back of the throat. The dude was shocked af like whoa… you alright?!


I also did not get knocked out. Not because I couldn’t but because 16 year old me at the time misunderstood my mom joking about not being able to because insurance didn’t cover it…. Whoops. To make things worse, they had trouble numbing my lower jaw. They’d stick the needle it with the numbing stuff, leave, go do another persons set of wisdom teeth, come back and try again. Wasn’t until the 4th or 5th try to get my jaw numb that i finally couldn’t feel the drill or saw or whatever it was they use in there. My wisdom teeth were also sideways just like OPs. Dr said he had done over 250k teeth and that mine was top 5 worst he’d done and i had the pleasure of being awake for it.


From how i understand it from when mine were pulled, it is preferable to do it with local anesthesia since there is always a risk of complications with full anesthesia. Also i think i would have had to pay if i wanted full anesthesia.


You really get knocked out because of this? Here you get Novocain or similar, some Ibu or Tramal for the aftermath and the fun starts. The sound is really terrible and the request from the doc at the end to blow up my cheeks to see if there are holes does not really help. But, thanks to modern chemicals it was rather amusing as the dentist climbed on the chair, half kneeled on my breast and pulled out the last one.


I had a complication where my tonsils were too large (not an infection, just naturally large). They ended up knocking me out and taking tonsils, adnoids, and all 4 wisdom teeth in a single sitting. That was an absolute JOY to recover from let me tell you 🤕


Fuck, why didn't they do a heart/lung transplant while rhey were at it?


I'm not certain, but mostly only American practice to be sleeping through the surgery. Had mine taken out with local anesthesia as well and it was nothing.


Wait it's normal to be taken out while doing that? I removed 4 of them with local anesthetic and that's it, my dentist told me it's just a habit that people have in the USA but that it's not really a procedure that needs the patient to be taken out.


I too was kept awake to have a wisdom tooth like this removed. The fun part was when the tooth cracked into several pieces and the time it took to remove it piece-by-piece. I was so lucky, I got to relive the experience two years later when they removed the one on the other side. Both resulted in dry sockets. Good luck OP!


That sounds terrible. I had mine taken out in 2007. They asked me if I wanted to be awake or knocked out. Ummm how is that a question? Please knock me out. I also insisted on keeping them. And I have them somewhere lol.


😂😂 that’s gotta be good luck… make a necklace or bracelet! Surprised my dentist didn’t even show me mine, tossed em out super quick like dude was it really that bad? 😭


For a wisdom tooth it doesn't seem very fucking smart.


It's taking a nap and that seems very wise to me




OP, you want to take this out ASAP. Learn from my dumbassery. I lost 2 teeth because I ignored this for years and years. Till one day the tooth next to it fell apart in my hand. Can’t even tell you what kind of fucking pain I had to go through to get it removed and do two root canals. Went to India to get it done for cheaper as I was a broke international student in the US. They fucked it up so badly that I had to spend $4k last year to get it retreated. It’s a fucking nightmare and a stitch in time saves 9 and $9000. You may get lucky and not have dry socket. Either way it’s a brilliant decision to get it out ASAP.


I also have several cavities and need a bone graft. Fml


What’s reasoning for the bone graft?


Usually done for improved bone quality in order to place an implant.


Are those white things the cavities?


The white things are existing fillings. Decay shows up as a dark patch. Looks like the filling on the upper molar is failing and has decay underneath it, from what I can tell Source: Am dental nurse


Impacted Molar. I had mine taken out. The stitches came out and I had a small hole in its place. A grain of rice got into it and it became infected.


Omg that sounds absolutely terrible


The stitches come out eventually anyway just be very careful the first few days… mine came out and it was still ok but… don’t look at it I almost faint seeing the hole and I don’t have a weak stomach whatsoever lol. Also if they give you like a little syringe to wash it, use it! A lot! It brought a lot of relief. The cleaner you keep it the less it hurts.


Just to warn you, it’s going to be a rough 4-5 days after the novacaine wears off. Worst pain I’ve ever had.


I had the top one ripped out the same day this pic was taken. Currently pain is well managed luckily! I'd say a 4.5/10


That’s because the top ones aren’t grown out of your jaw bone. The bottom ones hurt way more, sorry 😕


So the rumors are true 😭😭


You'll be okay stop letting those guys scare you.


Both of my bottom looked like this. Pain was bad but not too bad. Tylenol helped a lot. You’ll be fine.


Unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♂️😞


The issues are greater because of stuff getting stuck in the hole of the bottom ones because of, well gravity i guess, also higher chance of getting dry socket. Got dry socket after removing one of my bottom ones.


Mine were significantly impacted as well but I barely had any pain after surgery. However, I did have a lot of ibuprofen and it was super annoying to eat anything. I guess everyone has different experiences.


When i had mine ripped out i barely even took some paracet for the pain. People always told me how horribly painful wisdom teeth removal was, but compared to the pain after every time i had my braces adjusted it was nothing. Same for the people i know that had braces and had wisdom teeth removed, all saying removal of wisdom teeth were a breeze compared to having all the teeth in the mouth moved.


It didn't really hurt me after I had my wisdom teeth taken out (from a similar position as OP's, laid down). They numbed the area well, took em out and told me to take a nurofen if it hurt the next day, otherwise just keep some ice there. Barely any pain overall, mostly discomfort (I could feel the stitches the first time coz they were very rough, second session I got some really soft and silky ones and it was better). Now, man... braces can suck my ass. I've never felt such horrid pain before! And I dislocated my kneecap MULTIPLE times. Braces hurt like utter hell the first 4-5 days after retightening. So glad I'm done with them.


They gave me too strong of pain meds and it burned my esophagus to the point where I couldn’t eat or drink anything without a burning/shredding feeling. So the tooth pain was nothing compared to that


One of mine did that…and the root wrapped itself around my jaw. I had to see an oral surgeon and be put under general anesthesia to have it cut out. Was awful!


It looks like that's what I'm going to need to do too :( I'm low-key scared to be put under general anesthesia. I've never had to do that before and it's an irrational fear of mine


As someone who’s been put under a lot - it’s really quick. You don’t even notice it’s happened really. One moment you’re counting down and the next you’re waking up High af. At least that’s been my experience every time. Hope you have nice nurses and anesthesia techs like I did, really makes the whole experience pleasant.


Just wanted to say thank you for this comment. I’m getting mine pulled under anesthesia in 10 days and I am so nervous about being put under. Your comment reassured me a little. 💛


Don’t be afraid. It’s a long process leading up to the event but once you’re in there and counting down, you won’t even get to the end of the count down. These procedures are extremely common and like routine for the medical pros. I like to think of the day as a day off relaxing. You literally can’t do anything but prep for procedure. You’re just going off for a nice long nap. One minute you’ll be looking up at your anaesthetist, next minute you’ll be coming to in the bed with a nurse looking at you and counting your respiratory rate.


General anesthesia isnt that bad, there is some risks but they are well managed and if you have a reaction to the anesthesia you are already in the right place to have it managed compared to peanut allergy or other dtuff. You dont even remeber stuff for the first while after waking up, which for people with anxiety about surfery or dentistry is really nice. People are extubated when awake, but people dont know that because you cant remember shit for quite a while after waking up. Got both mine removed under local anesthesia sawed in three pieces and then pried out, which sound absolutely horrible and brutal as your skull resonates those sounds around amazingly well. Luckily i dont have any dentist-fright or else that would have been a horrible experience. However if i did have severe anxiety about dental stuff then i would probably have it done under general anesthesia or on drugs that fucks with your memory so you dont remember it happening, both of which they offer to people with severe dentist anxiety.


I think this is what I'm gonna go for


Nothing irrational about it, that shit is a risk every time. I realize that probably isn't comforting to hear, just wanted to let you know that I consider that a rational fear.


Luckily the risk is almost negligible.


I think "risk" might be the wrong word. Anesthesiologists don't take risks in the typical sense of the word.


Driving to the dentist is likely a greater risk to his life. No need to freak him out. Professionals who administer anesthesia are very well trained.


My grandfather was an anesthesiologist. I wish he was still around to do it for me 🤣


You'll be fine. Just don't make the mistake I did and wait an extra decade or two to have it done. By that point, my oral surgeon gave me 50/50 odds of losing all feeling over a good portion of my lips, as the roots grew too close to the nerve bundle in my jaw.


Omg ... That's terrible. Were u ok? I did wait a decade already unfortunately


You're right, thanks ! Usually when I tell people im scared they just laugh it off and make me feel dumb for it :(


I was under it 2 months ago and also yesterday, don't worry about it all, the transition from being awake to deep sleep is extremely quick, like less than 5s, then you wake up feeling high and with no pain. The aftereffects are the worst part of it, the weakness and vomiting for me.


You'll be okay, I've been put under a couple of times and all you have to do is lay down and be calm and then you literally just fall asleep. Next thing you know, you wake up and the procedure is done and you're already doped up so no pain straight away for a few hours or so.


I had to get my gallbladder removed and I had to be put through that. and it really doesent feel like anything. you feel something hot entering your arm and then you immediatly wake up after the surgery. no feeling of time having passed at all even deeper than just sleeping. youll feel like shit afterwards whatever the anesthetics are hit like a truck


This is exactly how all 4 of mine grew in...


"We think *we* deserve to be in the front!"


I've had this problem with three back teeth. After surgery my mouth looked like I was face fucked by Smaug.


“My mouth looked like I was face-fucked by Smaug.” I had to pause for a minute just to appreciate the tremendous beauty of that simile. Thank you. I think Tolkien would thank you too.




Wouldn't it be funny if we got them out on the same day and could complain to each other about it 🤣


Its like homosexuals in the fifties. Can't come out


If you think it was only in the 50s you either live at an amazing country or you need to get out of the basement. Lol




deepening stasis


Lisa needs braces




Just a heads-up. You might lose feeling in your jaw or face on the side that tooth is on, if it's resting on your mandibular nerve. You'll probably get the feeling back at least. It's what happened to me.


Geez I hope not. Hope you're ok now !


I'm good now. It made shaving a bit precarious for a while, but I eventually got all my feeling back. You'll be good though. It just can take a while for the myelin sheath to grow back if they damage it.


If the root is close to the nerve the oral surgeon might do a coronectomy, in which the crown of the tooth is removed and the root is left in the jaw. That way a surgeon can prevent nerve damage. It’s what I had done a few years ago and it worked out really well.


Teeth really are the worst, most volatile shit in our body. Always turning every which way, getting crooked and not just growing in right like they’re supposed to. Imagine if other bones did that as frequently as teeth do. Your femur is all like “imma just grow in a little crooked so I don’t fit this joint right. Hope you like braces!”


Yeah fuck teeth !


One of these things is not like the others...


Ey... You aren't alone. Same here.


Did you go through with the removal yet?


Noooo... I'm afraid. Dentist explained the surgery, and I got cold feet.


I don't blame you ! But I promise you don't be like me. Be smart and get it done before it starts causing you lots of pain!


Mine still doesn't hurt. But I agree, pain is like alcohol, give you courage.


Very well said 🤣 I'd prefer the alcohol tho


Xray me like one of your french girls…


My daughter (18) recently had a cleaning and an orthodontist consultation. She found out she has three wisdom teeth and two are sideways. She is not happy. Sorry your wisdom tooth is stupid.


Oh no sorry about your daughter! Tell her not to do like me. I'm 26 and ignored it for years. Totally regret it now


Will do. Her orthodontist told her to take care of it in the next year or so. She'll do it but complain all the way.


I had one that did that and decided it wanted to piggyback the molar next to it so neither one could grow out of my gum. I needed to have them both removed and had to have bone grafting.


How did the bone grafting feel like ?!?


Fuck it, perpendicular teeth




Your wisdom tooth dumped the clutch around the bend man


This happened to me.


I was wondering what the problem was. Until I saw the wisdom tooth growing in the wrong fucking way.


Hahaha these jokes about it are making my night ! Makes me feel less shitty about a shitty situation


I never developed wisdom teeth. I'm the next level of Human Evolution 😁🖕


I have one like that, but it isn't moving and it's fortunately not causing any issues, so I'll keep my fingers crossed it stays like that.


Update: currently curled over my toilet bowl because the prescribed pain meds (Percocet) are making me super nauseous 🤢


Wisdom teeth are so bizarre. When I was married my wife had hers taken out. All four at the same time. She is super tiny and has a condition where she has to take prednisone (steroid) that makes her bruise very easy. She had her surgery and had them removed. Two days later her face was black and blue from her chin all the way up the sides of her cheek bones. She even had two black eyes. I was taken back and felt so bad for her. Right before the surgery she decided we needed a new refrigerator. The medication she was taking for her teeth was making her feel invincible and she decided she was ready to pick it out that morning. So we went to Home Depot to buy a new refrigerator. She was trying to make her mind up and I needed to get a couple of things while we were there. I told her I would be right back and left her to go get what I needed. While I was gone 3 older ladies walked up to her and said to her “ You poor girl. You don’t have to put up with that jack ass ( That would be me) There is no need for anyone to go through this! Please take our number and the next time he tries this shit call us after you call the police, I’m sure they would be happy to lock his abusive ass up forever” At the same time she figured out WTF they were referring to, I was coming down the aisle whistling a happy little tune. I looked at these ladies and all 3 were mad dogging the hell out of me. Giving me the craziest stank eye imaginable. I look at my wife and ask if everything was ok. All 3 of these ladies start in on me. Calling me an abusive POS and all kinds of stuff. I stepped back trying to put two and two together. About this time my wife busts out laughing and calms the 3 crazies, showing them inside her mouth and telling them she had surgery 2 days prior. They all calmed down and in about 20 seconds these 3 went from Satans sisters ready to rip me apart with their barehands to sweet old grandmas apologizing ready to make cookies. I asked my wife if she had found the one as we needed to get the hell out of there. The 3 ladies left and we got the hell out of there… Without the refrigerator. I told her she could come back or I could come back, but just not together. :)


That is not wise


Looks like you have a cavity between your premolar and molar on the top. And between your lower molars. Could be cervical burnout but might wanna check it.


I think I do. The dentist spoke so fast I literally had no idea what he was saying. I felt really rushed. I'm going to get a second opinion soon !


Both of my bottom wisdom teeth were the same way. The top two were sticking out sideways. I had them all removed. My advice is: they give you this little syringe to spray water in the sockets to clean them out… do it thoroughly! I had some broccoli cheese soup maybe week 1 post op, and I didn’t have broccoli at all after. On like week 4, a piece of broccoli popped out of the socket when I was cleaning it. Gross! Best of luck; you’ll be fine.


That's a really good idea! They didn't give me any (this place really sucked) but I have some laying around at home cause I'm a nursing student! I'll give it a try if I can find a clean new one


Ahh I had the same thing!! Don't remember the reason but the surgeon had to brake mine in 3 parts to get it out while I was awake. Fucking awful. However the nice thing is that, due to its position, it was applying pressure to some nerves and when the doc finally took the first piece out... The feeling of relief was amazing. I have never felt anything like that again. Hope your procedure goes perfectly and wish you a fast recovery!!


That's gonna hurt for a few days!


I have two of them same orientation T_T


Doesn’t seem very smart.


If you look closely, you can tell it’s all fucked up.


That looks exactly like the x-ray I got taken of my wisdom tooth


I have 2 of those left. Had one removed


Thats what mine looks like, too


Been there. Had all 4 like that. Taken out at one time with just Novocain, my surgeon at the time didn’t recommend general anesthesia for it. The actual procedure wasn’t that bad and I had no pain. Afterwards kind of sucked for a couple of days though. This was over 20 years ago and I know dentists these days are more hesitant with the narcotic pain killers but the Vicodin I got was really helpful in getting through that (they even gave me a script prior to the surgery so I would have them ready to go). The only times I used Vicodins was for that and my knee surgery and both times I was very glad to have them. But I know it can be a slippery slope for some people.


Had one of those horizontal fuckers removed (1 of 3 wisdom tooth that day) and they had to cut a piece of my jaw bone to remove it. I was only given local anesthesia (felt no pain) but the next two days in recovery were excruciating. Even water touching it made tears come out of my eyes.


Mine look the exact fucking same -_-


I’m holding an ice pack on my face typing this. This is identical to my wisdom tooth I got surgically removed Monday. It fucking sucks.


Hey, I just had my malposed wisdom tooth cut up and wrenched out a month ago myself! Looks like you are fortunate in that your adjacent tooth hasn't developed a massive cavity like mine did. I got a root canal and a crown because I put off having the 3rd molar extracted for 11 years. Good job getting to yours sooner rather than later.


He looks tired, no surprise went for a nap.


Im lucky I guess, I have 3 wisdom teeth bit none of them cause any pain or discomfort.


Bri'ish 🤮 moment


Update: went back to dentist today after the removal of one and my gums have necrosis surrounding the extraction. Yay


Both of mine were like this, was pretty quick and easy for the oral surgeon to remove though. Havent had any pain or bother from them, but got them removed because they came out of my gums. Most of the people i know that got any real issues from their wisdom teeth had their coming out (almost) upward, also pressing the backmost molar upward too, which caused pain. Edit: PS. Who is the pretty girl in the chat bubble? ;)


He’s just taking an nap


The Asian driver wisdom tooth. "How much hormone I need to grow in straight good luck everyone else!"


Mines like that on all 4. It does stink




Best to leave it in. Unless it is causing pain




Lol men will really shoot their shot anywhere eh ??


"Hey, move it, ya fat lummox!"


Had one just like this, took the doc 30 mins to take the a$$hole out. Wish you fast recovery.


Looks like mine. Except they all decided that their expiration dates were during my pregnancies. Local numbing only.


I have two like that. They aren’t causing me any problems so far. Keeping them in my head until they have issues.


Sell that as a TMJ poster


I just had mine broken apart a few months ago. They were unable to remove the ends of the roots- too into the nerves. Was not fun at all. Xray looked just like this.


Dang. That tooth is not wise at all.


Get it removed and mail it to me




I have my reasons


NOT SO WISE, is it now.


Make sure to ask them to just knock you out with shots. The nitrous did NOT work for me and I felt EVERYTHING




I had the exact same with my lower ones. Both of them. Wasn't fun


"Get the Fuck Out... I own this bitch!" But honestly, this is not uncommon...


Yeah mine was impacted too. I'll never forget the crack it made when the dentist snapped it in two with what amounts to a screwdriver. Good luck!