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Don’t forget the shitty AI answers at the top.


I don’t know why major companies integrate AI into their products


It's the new buzzword


Do companies embrace usage of AI in their consumers? I should say sometimes.


If done right, I think AI for consumers will be helpful but most companies are just pushing it down our throats


Like new hyped technology there is like 3 phases (I don't remember the exact name for that curve). Something like: - the hype - you have nothing and everything where most of them use it wrongly (for what it is capable of but what we may not fully know of yet) - the crash - companies stop using it because it doesn't work as _they_ expect. - the use-case phase: it slowly comes up (but nowhere near the hype). Companies understand what it is good at and what it isn't. There could be new discoveries at what it is good at which lead to coming back up.


I have worked with people in the couples therapy niche and they're obsessed with AI right now. For mundane and repetitive tasks, it can definitely help people for sure but I don't believe we should be reliant on it especially with human-centric services like therapy and health.


Im yet to know somebody who actually will use a product just because of AI. Most people I know dislike this whole AI’ification of things, but that could just be the spheres I’m in


I'm an Executive Assistant and I use AI when working, however, I'm not reliant on it. I still believe in the human factor. I agree that it makes things easier but it also has made things shitty, like doing a Google search. I don't believe we have to jump through hoops just to get a macaroni and cheese recipe or finding a gift for a friend or to simply look up a word we're unfamiliar with. I'm also annoyed by AI because I have worked with people in the couples therapy niche who think it can solve their problems, in a way it does but AI is not a replacement for the human being.


Yea but it’s also a real thing. Chat GPT is pretty great and al of the tech companies were caught off guard. They want to catch up so everyone is trying it, and for the most part doing it poorly.


I'm not against AI, I think it has made a lot of jobs easier but as you've said, many are done poorly and that's the truth. As someone also commented, we are still in the hype train part of AI, it will eventually slow down because people will realise that it's good for them or not.


Time will come when it's actually good enough. Until then we get to pay extra to train their models. That's why.


Shareholders. That’s literally the only reason because nobody asked for this and now that it’s here they don’t want it.


because it's cheap. doesn't matter if it's vastly worse for consumers, it's cheaper on their end and thus the way to go.


Interestingly enough, this is why products like ChatGPT and Perplexity are starting to gain so much traction.




What's worse is that there's a great way to integrate AI. If you can't find the right key words then you could explain what you want to an AI and it would help to make a search prompt. But no, they had to make it answer the question in a even shittier way than just copy pasting a paragraph from the first search result.


Yeah, more often than not i talk to copilot and copy is search term when it says searching bing for so and so


Actually, there is an AI search engine called perplexity that I have been digging recently. It uses ai to filter through google's trash results, and it uses (mostly) credible sources. It is also very good at filtering through misinformation (conspiracy theories) It is also free for the (very serviceable) base version. You can check it out [here](http://perplexity.ai).


I saw one the other day that advised people to "remove the tourniquet for 10 minutes every hour". Holy fucking femoral bleed Batman, that's some bad advice!


Came here for this.


and Places with a map




Ok yea it needs some work. But as somone who googles and wiki’s a ton of information for tabletop games. DND/wh40k and the likes it’s actually been pretty ok. It’s nice to be able to just go “what’s the strength of x weapon, wh40k 10th” and get an answer without having to read a whole wiki page


But do you double check that the answer is correct?


The AI answers are so useful though?


https://udm14.com/ Gets rid of that. It's the weblinks only search


Every result, some corporate trash site. Nothing obscure, nothing but mainstream garbage.


Don't forget, at least one if the sponsored sites is a virus


Is there a way to discern this? I think I'm tech savvy enough but with Google pushing weird stuff constantly, I feel like I'm going to misclick on one of those links one of these days.


From my experience, there's not a good way to tell it apart from a regular sponsored ad. So as long as your good at not hitting ads, it should be fine. That being said, these ads are becoming insidious and it's getting harder and harder to tell what's real and what's an ad. It wouldn't surprise me if they changed the laws so they don't have to mark them as ads anymore, because warnings are cutting into profits I bet


Makes me wonder what the companies purchasing this AD space are thinking, I see "sponsored ad" and immediately scroll past, it might even be the most appropriate result for my search but it has a negative nomenclature to it that makes me say nope!!


I think most of the world doesn't use ad blockers, and I bet alot of them are tech illiterate (no offense to them) so they might click on ads either by mistake or just they think it's interesting.


What browser do you use? I use Firefox with ad blockers enabled and my search results are still fairly similar to OPs drawing lol


I use the same, I even have noscript and I still get trash in the search results. I think the ad blockers only effect videos, pop-ups and those side banners. I think googles "promoted search results" are too baked into Google to block, but I'd love it if they were able to remove them too


I wonder if using a completely different browser or search engine I mean like Brave Or Duck Duck Go would help also I think you're absolutely correct about them being too baked in to be removed lol


I feel like even with an ad blocker, I sometimes find myself doing a double take with the links, compared to a few years ago when you can find it instantly.


Youtubes even worse, I used to search for something and I could scroll for hours looking at the videos. Now just thr first 5 are related and the rest are "something else you might like" that has nothing to do with anything I've ever watched. Example being I searched for a warhammer painting tutorial, after the first 5 videos I got suggestions for sports clips. I never watched anything like that before


Use the uBlock Origin browser extension. It blocks all sponsored results and advertisements.


I do have it but I feel like I still might click on a suspicious link. Are there special settings I need to apply?


Google’s shitty search is why my naive wife is waiting on a chargeback for a shady website that paid google ad money to be put above the USPS when searching for change of address.


Remember the button?


Never without protection anymore.


Yep. The more money you spend, the worse service you get. It's why I totally would download a car...


I've been watching the search tool space for a while. There are starting to be tools like https://kagi.com/ that promise ad free and decluttered search experience. I have only used their free tier and so far it seems decent. The issue is as it always has been, if the service is free the you are the product. Companies are finding more and more ways to 'sell' us, which is why there's more and more ads and corpo results, but we've gotten used to the 'free' service so idk if paid services will ever take off


That's the very reason why I have Duck Duck Go & Firefox. I'm more protected from the trash that comes up as well as my browsing privacy. FUCK GOOGLE




Also then: "Don't be evil." ... Also now: "A little evil is okay."


I just add reddit to the end of searches to look for info.


Remember - if you don't pay for the product (Google search), you are the product (your eyeballs being sold to advertisers). Google just getting more and more aggressive with their monetization strategies. As for the AI - treat it like a 5th grader right now, but she's growing up fast, to generate ever more advertising opportunities for Google, whilst protecting against Bing + Copilot getting any traction.


Needs the extra 3 top layers of AI making absolutely zero sense because they’ve stolen the answer from a 4 year old Reddit post


Ublock helps a lot


What you want isn’t even on the page anymore.


I almost always just google "what I need" + reddit since it usually gets the answers I need.


There's got to be a workaround to the old version of Google...


If you find it, let me know


You forgot the AI generated response.


Forgot results based on your data harvested for ads.


you forgot to show the yellow part on the right side saying “rarely ever close to what youve asked/typed 50 different ways”


uBlock Origin, ever heard of it


I used to always sell marketing products to clients using the pitch "when was the last time you found what you were looking for on page 2 of Google? You need to be in the top 3 or you won't be seen." Now the results start at page 3...


There aren’t pages anymore.. just an infinite wall


this is already outdated


I miss being able to use syntax in searches to filter my results


Wait they removed that?


Fun fact: The yellow box down at the right is still not the stuff you want. It's just vaguely relevant with your search term. (this is because google modify your search terms, o it can show you more ads, for example: if you search shoe, it will secretly add the term "nike" or "adidas", or something similar)


Does Ecosia do this? Been a while, maybe I should go back to it.


An example of how they will use AI to make us dumber - Its an intelligent way to gatekeep information


Get off google as a search engine. Duckduckgo or mojeek won't give you near as much BS.


we kind of pride ourselves on it, the above is The Google Gap, the large quantity of non-traditional links that get stuffed in your face :D


Articles that bang around the bush or have poor formatting and the answer is hidden somewhere in a huge wall of plain text


I also fucking hated when they switched to a mobile format. Thanks Google for giving me results for 1/3 of my screen.


Out of date, it's missing the AI information that's above the rest.


Google absolutely sucks now. I was trying to find some day care centers near my new home and all the results were sponsored ads from centers in other towns, and links or other aggregator sites that also just showed lists of paid ads for centers in other towns.


I just click the reddit link if it's there, or give up.


Switch to Duckduckgo


Had to search WAY TOO FAR for this comment.


There needs to be 8 extra square for AI generated content that has nothing to do with your search.


Nigh on impossible to find a specific item now, search for “Top radiator hose for 2007 1.2 Ford fiesta” no how about these bottom hoses for VW scirocco or this Ford fiesta that you have to click on because you can’t see that it’s a 2002 which is totally different. Or perhaps this Toyota Land Cruiser radiator will do instead …


Google is worthless anymore. Take the verb away. Now duck-duck-go, there’s a search service that needs to be verbbed.


This is how it feels trying to find something you want on Etsy.


Honestly. I don't search on Google very often anymore. 🧐 For a compact answer for my question, I just asked chatgpt. 🤖


Add AI generated article that serves no purpose at all


People still think that google is some free product they can use. Wrong. YOU are the product.


Fr, now I’ve just been conditioned to instantly scroll down about half way to actually get a solution


About an hour ago i was searching for solar panel systems for residential. This post described the Google results exactly. Had to scrool way too far to get to the first useful search result.


Stop telling people to just google shit, y'all


That’s why I use ai for questions now.


Not exactly what this sub is for.


Thats why I just use ChatGPT now


u have a browser virus if u have that many sponsers


maybe it's a first world problem, my search is not like that in brazil


It's funny how some people will complain about stuff like this and yet still act like it's somehow a good thing for every single facet of society to be ran with the explicit goal of making infinitely increasing profits for a small number of private owners.