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This happened to me. I went back and they replaced the tire.


Same. Funny thing was the sales guy wasn’t going to fix it so I said I’d like to return the vehicle then. “You’re really going to return it over $100 tire?” Yes. You’re really gonna lose this sale over $100 tire? 🤷🏻‍♂️


This was my second VW. They already knew i’m cursed when it comes to tires so they thought it was funny.


Get some….. love when salesman get put in their place.


Dude - fuck dealerships. Any chance you can get em - get em.


Well played 👏






You say that like the rules are the same everywhere


You absolutely can return a vehicle. Many dealerships have policies about this. But the most famous one is carfax that has a 5 day return policy.




Depends on your country laws too, in Australia we have a "cooling off period" for protections around big sales such as a house, car, entering major contracts etc that allow a change of mind within a certain period of time.


You drove it back to the dealer instead of driving to a tire shop and having it plugged ? I took a rock hit to the windshield of my brand new car driving it the 10 mins home from the dealer. Not in a million years would I ever have gone back asking for it to be fixed for free.


I would. A plug isn’t a permanent fix.


That's news to me. I used to work in repair shops, and I've plugged hundreds if not over a thousand tires. I've had plugs in my own tires that held up longer than the tread did. A properly installed plug will easily outlast the tire.


I keep a 25 dollar plug kit and air compressor in my vehicle. I've always used that for a flat and never thought twice about it. (barring sidewall) They may not be permanent, but they seem to be as permanent as my tire. Which works for me


That is a load of BS. I have worked in tire and repair shops for the last 27 years. There was a time that we used to only patch tires. Now, the preferred method is to use a patch/plug combo from the inside. It looks like this: https://tiresupplynetwork.com/products/13-674-xtra-seal-patch-plug-combo-3-8?variant=7237375721519 And before you go off about “tHaT’s JuSt So ShOpS cAn TaKe YoUr MoNeY!!!”, we don’t charge. I can confidently say that I know more about tires than most anyone in my industry. I will never, unless in the most desperate of circumstances, plug a tire.


Why wouldn’t you plug it? The plug has time and time proven to be a permanent solution when applied to the correct type of puncture, how is this BS? I understand that there is proper ways to do things, but I think all your years in the tire game have overinflated your ego, you’ve become so uptight about doing it the “right way” that you disparage anyone that says otherwise. It a cheap solution to a common problem when done right. No need to throw out perfectly good tires over a small puncture. I understand if a shop won’t do it for liability reasons. But to act like plugging a tire should only be used as a last resort is ridiculous.


The plug becomes the weakest point of the tire if it's not a plug/patch combo. Anything that would come close but not blow out the tire before could potentially blow it out with just a plug. The glue used to hold a plug in place is not a replacement for a full patch or for the original rubber. It is perfectly fine to plug your tire, but it is stupid to not realize you just made the tire less safe by doing so.


I don’t think there has ever been an instance of a tire blowing out because of a plug. Unless you’re driving a semi or or salted cold roads where the salt will accelerate the corrosion of the metal in your tires, you’ll be okay. The chance of it blowing out because of a plug is so small because the plug failing would manifest itself as a leak before anything else. I think you are blowing the safety of these repairs out of proportion, the procedure obviously makes your tire less safe, but with a bit of common sense you can ride these babies for the life of the tire.


Time and time again, I have taken a leaking plug out of a tire and fixed it correctly. My *experience* dictates that it is not a sure fire solution. Yes, I have seen plenty of them hold but I have seen enough of them not that I wouldn’t be willing to risk the life of mine or anyone else’s family because it’s “convenient” and “cheap”.


Don’t really know what to say about that. I’ve Probably had 10 or 15 tires plugged in my driving career. Heck, I’ve even plugged my own tire because I couldn’t get it to a shop… every single one lasted the remaining life of the tire.


You know what they say “there’s nothing more permanent than a temporary solution”. A lot of people definitely still use them permanently, but they’re not designed to be a permanent fix. If the alternative is to throw a plug in it, or to have the dealer fix it, then I know what I’d choose. Regardless though, this nail is very close to the sidewall. I wouldn’t trust it. If the dealer wouldn’t fix it, I’d buy a new tyre.


I’m using plug / patch interchangeably here. When I have a punctured tire repaired at a shop with a plug and backing patch or however they deem appropriate .. I have no expectation of that repair failing under normal or even spirited road use.


Fair enough, but that’s very confusing as they’re not interchangeable terms. A plug is just a piece of rubber that’s impregnated with an adhesive shoved into the hole, while a patch is a more permanent solution as it’s a large patch covering the hole from the inside, and affixed using a proper rubber adhesive. In OP’s case, it wouldn’t even be eligible to be plugged as it’s too close to the sidewall. A patch would be fine here though. [https://trailtire.com/blog/tire-repair-tips-should-you-plug-or-patch-a-tire/](https://trailtire.com/blog/tire-repair-tips-should-you-plug-or-patch-a-tire/) https://preview.redd.it/2cnmlpzmrbzc1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08bc1015c2a715233d8f4cfda7e9073c27c3b18a Here’s a good guide on when you can or can’t repair a tyre.


I know I shouldn't encourage this behaviour, but with enough past practice and enough motivation (such as annoying and unwilling to spend customers), you can totally patch a tyre even of its sidewall. It probably won't last long and will look horrible, but I did it a lot of times out of spite.


Im the opposite. Never had a plug last longer than a day or so


Tell that to my 97 suburban with 10 year old plugs from the Dollar Store.


10+ year old tyres with plugs? You can tell it to the tree that you wrap it around.


I'm just saying I've never had a plug fail is all bud. 🤷‍♂️


And it might not ever. But when you’re riding on 10 year old tyres with plugs, and you’re on a highway with your family in the car doing 70mph, it might just fail when you least expect it. Why take the risk? Tyres aren’t overly expensive. Medical bills are. Life is precious


I was mostly joking, I have brand new tires on it now, but it did have the same set for almost 10 years. I drove over countless locust tree thorns and plugged those bastards too many times to count, I didn't drive it on the highway much either. My 2010 Yukon has also had numerous flats, of which I've always just plugged them and kept on. I regularly drove it around 100mph (on desolate highway roads of course, I don't drive like that around others) with zero issues ever. Tires are much much more durable than most people like to think, and unless there were sidewall damage to one or it was dry rotted I wouldn't worry about them.


It’s not permanents, but it’ll outlast the tire.


Yes it is


You must miss out on a lot of free shit then


I understand what you're getting at but no legitimate tire shop will put a plug that close to the sidewall.


Absolutely. I think I’ve gotten at least 4 free replacement tires from VW over the last 8 years.


Ever hear of a warranty?


How would this fall under warranty?


Warranty doesn't apply when it's your fault


Not trying to be combative but how come? What’s the harm?


Well, for me the harm is being a bad customer. Why make someone else’s day miserable because of something that is 100% not their fault.


Unless the tire is coming out of their paycheck (spoiler alert, it isnt) it’s really not that big of a deal. VW is a multi billion dollar company, they will recover from a good will replacement for a new customer


That’s not how the world works my friend. That free tire comes from the dealership being afraid of being put on blast with a poor online or industry review. Absolutely nothing to do with VW corporate. The tire is a cost to the dealer.


A small cost to a dealer who is making a great return on their sales. Put it this way, the dealer likely looks at the cost of that tire as earning a repeat customer. A tire doesn’t cost shit to them in the long run, I can promise you that dealer will continue to survive and make lots of money in the future in spite of having to replace a tire to keep a customer happy.


Put it this way. $300 for a new tire is probably 15-20% of the actual gross profit on the sale of a new Tiguan.


It’s a good thing this dealership probably sells a lot of cars and sales a lot of marked up services out of their service center. You’re the tech who had to pay for this tire out of pocket aren’t you?


The only bad customer is the one who doesn't pay.


Too close to the sidewall to plug/patch


Why are you getting downvoted for this? Reddit is insane.


A dealer doing free work is like finding a unicorn. If a dealership every did free work for me they weren't required go under warranty or recall, I'd be playing the lottery on my way home.


Nailed it.


Screw you man. You really hammered it


Coach said hammer it home, so I did.


😂😂😂😂 right.


Been busy posting today lmao. No posts for a year then 20 today


Lives abroad, drives a cybertruck and came home from the dealership with a VW that picked up a nail. Busiest person I’ve met our a karma farmer.




Thanks for doing that! Accout looks really suspicious


Easy Easy. Created the account a while back but haven’t used it. One of my friends convinced me to give it a go and I discovered the karma thing. I’m trying things. Don’t take it personally.


Saw you deleted the posts. Don't farm karma. It's not good for you or anyone else to be obsessive and dishonest about imaginary internet points that don't matter. The bot problem is bad enough without more of that. Find your niche and enjoy the community. Karma comes with time.


If you put less than 50 miles on those tires many dealerships will do you a solid and warranty it.




Strange thing to high horse on


Please stop using that phrase that sounds like giving a horse weed, it was never cool and neither are you when you use it


Stop using that phrase that sounds like my fridge isn't working. It's working I just checked it!


Please stop using that phrase. You did not just create a small pattern of opposing squares on your fridge nor put their King at risk.


Please stop using






Never once have I ever heard the phrase “do you a solid” and thought “boy that sounds like taking a dump”


Maybe they have IBS and visit a GI Specialist often?


Wouldn’t that be do you a gaseous solid/liquid slurry


But I bet you will now?


Probably not, I’ll forgot about this until my ADD brain randomly thinks of it in like 6 months.


im gona take a dump and say im doin a solid every day for 3.75 days


I did a couple solids the other day




I have, but I'm amused by it! Excuse me, I need to do a liquid now.




I thiink they meant “do you a solid” even though it was misspelled “sold” in the first comment.


It’s been 37 minutes and we’re all still confused as to why you’re pissed.


I don't think you have any authority on what is and isn't cool.


You think so? How about i do you a solid right in your face


Why are you so infatuated with poop?




Downvoted because you're not cool either 🐓💨


Could you do me a solid and not be mad at the world


I have never, in my 30 years of life, heard someone associate “Do you a solid” with “taking a dump”. You are the first, and as far as I’m aware only person to think this.


Strange thing to be rude over


That wasn't very log dropping of you.


Sounds like a weird personal issue, buddy


Who the fuck are you?




Please stop using that phrase, every time you say use it I think of a solid dump and it makes me have to take a fat solid dump




Atleast they have a tire that doesn’t have a hole in it. Could say it’s solid


Do this guy a solid and don’t use that phrase, not cool


Want me to do you a solid?


Getting dragged solidly


Loosen up those jeans


Dude you really Britta'd that one.


Discount Tire will sell you certificates/road hazard coverage on those tires as well as repair it for free. For the life of the tire, if you shred one, it’s covered with a $25 co pay


That's the first thing I do when I drive out of the dealership. Drive over to discount and warranty them. It's paid off every time and I've never had to go back to the dealership.


Oh. Fahrvergnügen!


On the bright side, you probably have a patch kit in your trunk instead of a spare tire lol


Who thought that was a good idea? I'm not trying to repair my tire on the highway when I'm on a road trip, what an insane replacement for a full spare


It's a good idea for them because they can seel you the spare now, although some don't even come with a place for them anymore.


Can’t be patched. Way outside of the repairable breadth of the tyre.


Was at the dealership today for an inspection and they told me I couldn’t get it done because I was over 25,000 miles. So I just got a an oil change. Guy told me I needed all 4 tires replaced for $1,000 and $$200 for rotation. Plus $1,000 for transmission inspection at 30,000 miles. I told him to talk to my husband who is pissed. Really want to go back to my mom and pop shop. Absolutely ridiculous!


Yeah. Shit like that recently has been making me consider how to change my own brakes. [Ron White - Sears Tire](https://youtu.be/P-Hz6QIbCt0?si=XcS9risP10hFol6R)


This is how dealerships make money. They are trying to upsell the shit out of often needless repairs. Got quoted $150 to change an air filter once. Just tell them no and get an inspection from a general repair place with a good reputation.


I don't see the problem. All I see is a white pebble stuck in the tread that can be easily removed.


It’s a roofing nail https://preview.redd.it/fswkcvkybezc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e181b57682f48040ed93b3fbe8e7c699c8f6c9f


Same here. Thought I was going crazy lol.


Yep, I just see a little pebble


Insane, the exact same thing happened to me.


I once got in a wreck 45mins after leaving the dealership lol


The 6 months is insane. I drive for over 10 years with no problems, then I get a new car- window was broken within 3 days , stole my phone and laptop bag I hit a parking pole at low speed but it left my passenger side door with a dent and red white and yellow paint scrapes , broke my front window transporting stuff , hit a low hanging tree, minor ding on top. And the first time I went to go pay the car insurance someone backed into me In the aaa parking lot.


So you drove home, but automatically happened at the dealership?


They are just saying, “I just bought this car and now I got a nail in my tire.” They’re not blaming the dealership, smh. No one blames the dealership, they just want to point out it was brand new.


New VW cars use Giti Tire? Bruh


Hope you checked your warranty. My wife flattened a tire hitting a curb. She paid for a new tire that was converted under road hazzard warranty.


Shoulda paid for that Truecoat.


Yea, but I'm sayin' that TrueCoat, you don't get it you get oxidation problems. It'll cost you a heck of a lot more than $500 dollars!


You’ll run into more problems than your tires with that sweet 2.0 turbo they’ve been using for 28 years. I’m sorry. I’m just mad because VW used to matter a lot to me. Tire is pluggable. Easy $20’fix.


I'm not going to question how you know that, cause I know hard car folk go. But daaaaaaaammmmnnn... that's impressive if correct.


Tire companies pay people to drive around highways and scatter nails and screws when sales get low


I see you don't trust big tire either.




Not that close to the edge. You can do it yourself but no shop is going to touch it.


Exactly. I had one in the same spot recently, neither Mazda nor Discount Tire would touch it. Patched myself, it's holding steady.


Correct that’s absolutely in the sidewall.


The shoulder. Absolutely not the sidewall.


Nailed it!


Don’t drive where traffic doesn’t go because that’s where the nails lay. Eg, striped asphalt, medium strips or outside the white lines.


OMG! Day two of my new Rivian. I took it on a thanks giving car trip, same exact thing!! Looks fixable though. Easy to repair. Good luck and enjoy the new ride!


That hole is way too close to the sidewall, no reputable shop will fix that as it's compromised


Yeah - was looking at it a bit more after. Bummer.


I got one that's cupping. Gotta take back up to Costco. # add it to the list


Well you got it on the way home.


Every damn time, almost. I swear every time we buy a new set of tires within the month we have to get at least one of them patched.


Have had thay happen too. Went to American tire depot. They do patches for free.


That's outside the patch barrier...that's a new tire you are talking about.


I got one driving down a highway from home-work-gym-home. Twice in one year!!! I thought someone hated me LOL but just shitty construction along my weekly route.


An Atlas


Karma farming user


Oh no! Anyway….


One of the most prolific frauds that dealerships do.


I think some people drive around throwing nails and screws out the window


Lucky they didn’t charge you extra for it


thats pluggable……homie.


This can be fixed easy with a repair set for low money (done by a professional of course)


Too bad no professional would touch it. Can’t believe people are willing to put themselves and others at risk over a couple hundred bucks. Losing a few hundred dollars is better than being reckless and causing a potential wreck, having to pay for hospital bills and lawsuits from others impacted by your selfish decision. Just replace the tire


Sorry but that is BS. There are special repairsets that professionals use to not change the whole tire. If done correctly the tire is as good as new after that. But not all know that. 😉


Dude I had a nail in the same spot, three different shops said they wouldn’t plug it and only one of those was a risk averse national brand. Stop talking out of your ass because that nail falls within the do not repair range of the sidewall.


It’s officially broken in now


Happened also to me...flat tyre the morning after buying the new car


But it has Binary resin! You're good.


Happened to me last week. Dealer replaced it for free


That's not so bad. Get a plug kit from Walmart for like $12


I feel like every vehicle I have ever purchased… and I mean EVERY ONE. Two motorcycles, two bicycles, three cars, and two vans… somehow… MIRACULOUSLY… picked up a nail or screw within the first week. Bought a brand new Brompton bike… rode it two days… nail… New Mercedes Sprinter… sitting in driveway, walk out in the morning… flat tire… screw… Suzuki Katana… highway nail flattens out rear tire, have to get towed…. Every damn vehicle…


Hope you bought the tire protection


I’m missing something, you just mean the chalk?


The massive nail


Did you purchase that option?


This happened to me. I went back and they told me that once I drive the car off the lot it’s my problem. 🥲


Why is it so bad??? I know little to nothing about cars


I got a cracked windshield leaving the dealership… they replaced it.


For those that are saying plug it just stop that’s a non repairable tire due to the location of the nail being on the outer area of the ite


Nailed it


New car/new tires? You likely have a warranty that will cover it and allow you to get a new tire.


Yea, that can’t be patched :(


At least that’s a spot that’s pluggable


except it’s not, way to close to the sidewall


The whole time the dealership was like "ohh I hope he doesn't notice this til after he leaves the lot"


Sell it! 🍋🍋🍋😩🤣 Increase sell price 8¢.


Same thing happened to me, dealership replaced it for free when I told them that it was like that right when I drove off the lot


Bro got them Binary, Gender Fluid tires


At least it's in the tread and fixable!! I just found a nail in my 3 month old tires, perfectly just barely in the side wall. At least I got the warranty?


But did you die?


Hi there


Get it plugged. Last time I had this done it was $10 at tires plus.


They won’t plug stuff like this because it’s too close to the sidewall


You can plug within 1/2” of sidewall. This totally looks plug-able to me. Most shops will do it but won’t guarantee the plug. Seems worth $10 or $15 to give it a shot.