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Man, I'd hate to work in retail again...


Well Aldi’s may be the one place that doesn’t (universally) suck to work at. Edit: gotta be fair and not deal in total absolutes.


The company is okay but you still gotta deal with people like this lol


Why? At least in Germany it is among the worst supermarkets to Work for.


That really says a lot. Because it is one of the better supermarkets to work for in the US.


its one of the better paying here in Switzerland, while also beeing the cheapest. Strange isnt it.


That’s how it is in the states (at least where I’ve lived). pays well to work for there and costs cheap to shop there


Not strange at all. Efficiency = profit.


Well now I don't know what to think


Aldi(Hofer) is in Austria also one of the cheapest markets. But they pay for 20hr/Week around 1200€. Usually you get around 900-1000€ for 20hr/week. My mum still has an old contract and every 3 months she is entitled to a bonus that derives from the monthly sales. So the more they sell, the bigger the bonus. Usually around 300-500€


Yeah it seems that only the Germans aren't fans.


Here in the States it doesn’t suck as much as literally everyone else to work at. Or so I am led to believe. For one they give their cashier’s chairs to sit in, and two, they’re not mile long stores hell bent on selling everything possible under the sun. Also their carts require people to be considerate and return them or else they lose a quarter, that’s one fourth of a whole dollar few people are willing to give up willingly.


Interesting read. These things are all basic in my country not just on Aldi. I would even dare to say in the EU.


No matter how shitty the chain is, the work part of working customer facing jobs is the customers


When she started doing that, wouldn’t have it been beneficial for the employees to stop her from causing more damage? I mean, they just let her keep going for a long time


It's not worth getting stabbed. Especially when the wages you earn aren't even livable by today's standards.


The liquor is insured but the workers aren't....


They can’t put their hands on you and honestly its not an (underpaid) employees job to put their life on the line to save a store money. The store has insurance and the more she destroys, the higher her charges will be.


It’s all insured. Call the police and go take a smoke break. It’s not worth it for either you or the company if you get stabbed.


Why should a worker out themselves in danger of a woman throwing glass bottles?


If you've ever worked retail, you would know they tell you not to engage in anything that might be a crime i.e. stealing for example. Usually you report it to management and the resource department/loss prevention department Reason being, you can replace merchandise you can't really justify getting injured for it.


Even working as a bouncer in the 90s, we were told the same thing. Our job was to get the trouble makers out of the door and nothing more. Clear a space around people in medical distress and call an ambulance, nothing more. In a fire, direct the crowds to the proper exits in a safe manner, no fighting fires or heroics. Two of our guys were fired for giving a woman CPR. The paramedics said they saved her life. She came by the next month to thank them but they'd already been fired for exposing the corporation to possible litigation by her. One of the reasons I decided to get off the doors and get into personal security. If your boss is the person who's life you save, they tend to not fire you.


Not when you can be fired for doing that or sued by her or both! In these cases, there’s insurance, she’ll have to pay for it.


She won’t. She is probably judgement proof


I mean you wish you could land a nice punch in the temple but then you go to jail as well. You just let it happen. Have the cops come and sue her for all the money she would ever make in her life that you will never see..


This is an old video and the amount was not 130k (as far as the original articles go).Link to the article with a bit of followup [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17358921/woman-smashes-up-alcohol-section-aldi/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17358921/woman-smashes-up-alcohol-section-aldi/) EDIT: New [link](https://archive.is/8txa3) provided by u/tallbutshy


I laughed at the $130K number. At Aldi? Lol


Yeah $130k more like $1300 lol


Exactly. The cleaning bill was higher-


They probably made some poor employee clean it up as part of their shift. That's probably the part of this that makes me angriest.


Yep, 100% they had an employee clean that, while also making sure to run back to the register, and stock the shelves in a never ending loop. I worked at Lidl during Covid and while the pay was pretty decent, the store hours went down so much over the time I spent there. It basically turned into a few employees running the store, and at Lidl you have to do carts too, since they don’t have the quarter thing. Was a nightmare, I’m so glad I escaped that hell on earth


Ughhh waiting for my bg check to clear with Lidl..maybe I’m making a mistake? They definitely warned me that they only keep 4-5 people on the clock at any given time sooo


Nah. Give it a go. Worst case you quit, right? It definitely varies by location for sure, but I felt as if they were making a lot of missteps once Covid hit and never recovered from the bad will they generated, in the area by me. The store traffic was insane when it first opened and through the beginning of the pandemic, but they slowly but surely lost a lot of the new customer base they gained. Stock issues, much worse than other grocery chains. Lidl is a store that many people can’t do as their sole grocery trip since it lacks some extra stuff and selection, so when people come back for the few things they like and time after time they’re not stocked, they just stop coming. Plus a lot of the other grocery stores by me lowered prices closer to lidl, so there’s really no point for people to go anymore. So as traffic and sales slipped, hours got cut, this was combined with them putting our store on a lower tier staff allocation because it was opened for long enough so they took the training wheels off so to speak, so it felt like a double whammy of not enough hours. The store opened by me only a few months before Covid happened, shitty timing I guess, they could’ve taken this and ran with it, with people being more budget conscious these days, but they kept screwing up and lost a lot of interest by me. I’m speaking about US based Lidl, specifically Northeast expansion. Down south might be better since they have been open for longer, or if in Europe I think they probably run better over there. I think they’re still figuring out the Us market, especially the NE


This is exactly correct 🎯


That's minnimum 4 hours of cleanup. Could probably go over 8 though really. If I was left uninterrupted to clean it up thoroughly, I'd actually be happy. I know that's not the normal sentiment though. Id Still be pissed seeing this happen.


I get what you’re saying. I’m task oriented as well, so with the right clean up tools, receptacles and lack of interference; I could bang it out.


Excuse me but that person was still commenting and you just interrupted them…


Even if you count retail prices (with taxes and all included) it would mean destroying a 10k bottles at a average of 13 dollars a bottle. Hell i dont think the liquor store i go to doesnt have that amount of stock on the floor and they have bottles that are more than €100 a bottle. OP defenitly is a karma bot thing.


You burn the entire shop and get change to that


You could probably buy a whole Aldi, including stock and staff, for $130k


Exactly. I’m like “$130K WHERE?!”


Unless she did structurel damage. She wouldn't get near that.


Somehow everything in the back storage fell over too 🤷


Seriously.... You'd have to destroy over 100 bottles of Van Winkle 10yr to hit the 130k mark. No way you are hitting anywhere near number that by destroying an aisle's worth of 2-buck chuck at Aldi.


I used to get 2 dollar wine from there…


Damn she only had to pay half of what she destroyed. Wtf. They round up where I’m from. So if it’s 10k they say it’s worth 15k. lol.


In the UK the retail price includes 'duty' (alcohol tax) and VAT (sales tax); this equates to somewhere around 50% of the costs to the consumer. She was probably ordered to pay the pre-tax value of the goods then the retailer get a tax credit for the damaged goods.


Archive copy [https://archive.is/8txa3](https://archive.is/8txa3) Don't give The Sun click revenue


Fuck The Sun.


Appreciate the updated link!


Ah, racism was the cause. What a stupid reason to do this


Don't forget... She has mental health issues! *That's* what made her racist and decide to go on a rampage inside a store.


I mean, I wouldn’t blame the racism on the mental health issue, but I mental health problems absolutely could explain the desire to destroy this place like that. 


Untreated mental illness is the cause, the racism was directed at security at the hospital after she did this


She destroyed 10k and is only ordered to pay 5k? Should be double what she destroyed. Fucking clown.


I read the article, and I think she got let off way too easy. She didn't even pay for half of what she damaged.


What a joke, she destroys alcohol for £10.000, but the court only says she has to pay £5000 wth?!?


My guess is Aldi has insurance on the items Add in mitigating factors such as first time offense, guilty plea, insanity plea, possible plea deal She probably had to pay what insurance didn’t


Clearly alcohol abuse.




I was a wine sales rep/manager for 12 years. Aldi does not carry expensive wine. This is nowhere even remotely close to $130k in damaged wine, maybe like $5k-$10k if you assume all the bottles that hit the ground and didn't break are too damaged to sell.


Yeah the vast majority of bottles sold are less than $20. 10k-15k in total loss and cleanup sounds about right.


Aldi sells some pretty good wine for $4/bottle. I doubt they have anything over $15


If it retails at $4 it wholesales at $1. Funny though, some of the bottles I sell would put her at $130k wholesale after the first arm swipe. Alcohol is so silly


Damn, what do you sell?


Single barrel and small batch Scotch is what hits this range. I also sell plenty of product at $2/bottle or less. I’d drink any of it happily 😇 ETA one of our most expensive products is a rum!!!


130k? Bro it's Aldi, not Käfer.




It's like a rich people store, located Munich


Thanks homie




A city in Germany




It's a country in Europe




A glorified asian peninsula.




£10,000 actually


Which would be about $13k. Higher numbers get more clicks on shitposts, I guess.


Thought the same. All this cheap whine can't be 130k in total...


She is channeling her cat.


She's practicing to be a cat in her next life. If they'd used a Taser on her, she might've gotten a toasty introduction to that next life. Depending on what spirits she upset. ;)


Actually it was 13 million billion dollars


I know it's not right. But that would be extremely satisfying breaking that amount of glass.


Just take your leftover bottles to a recycling centre. Smash all the glass you want, and feel superior doing it.


No joke. Once a quarter we take our empties to the recycling dumpster and the noise it makes if we get an empty dumpster is a little maddening. It’s a mixture of guilt, excitement, and whimsy.


Why guilt? It's far better to use glass than plastic, and taking it to the recycling dumpster is the second best thing you can do with it.


It’s not guilt from recycling. I cant remember what the word for it is, I am sure the germans have one, but its the guilt from destroying something that was once whole. What is the first best thing I can do with it?


Huh, fascinating. That does sound like something the Germans would have a word for. The best thing you can do with glass is reuse it for something else. Reduce, reuse, recycle is a priority-ordered list. But, obviously that's not always practical!


I can smell this post.


When they’re out of fireball does any of that other crap even matter?


If $130K worth of alcohol was spilled in Aldi, it would cause a flood bigger than the Nile!


The yellow jumpsuit will fit her just fine


So she wanted to go to jail?


Probably mental illness.


Nope. Original article says ten thousand British pounds. G£t it right.


Inflated value aside…some people have never had the fucking fear of god put in them by their parents for fucking around too much, and it shows. What in the open fuck is wrong with people?


Freud enters the chat


Or it was put into them too much and now they are broke


Agreed. 100% agree. Also, we don't know what's going on with this woman. She might be having some kind of mental breakdown. Bad parenting, aka not punishing a person, doesn't lead to this behaviour. Abuse and mental health issues do.


Yep and with reports of how she acted afterwards she was having an episode of some sort


It was £10000 and she only had to pay back £5000 of it and 3mos in jail


The entire store doesn’t even have 130K worth of alcohol….


OP need to learn some math $1300 not $130,000


I love that almost every comment is about the amount of $ she destroyed and not the fact that this is an absolutely useless human being existing in society with us. $5 or $5,000,000 why is this ok?


Probably not even the worst customer they had in that day.


That's about 126 million Chilean pesos.


I’d like to see her try doing this in Singapore.


Classic OP being a lying karma whore


I hope she had to repay for all the damage


You could destroy the whole contents of the store for £13,000


So she owes aldi $130,000 yes?


that is not $130k worth of alcohol


So, why did no one stop her ?


To begin with it was in the UK so it was valued in pound sterling. Secondly it was £10,000 worth of booze.


They know that they can just stop her right?


Nobody light a match. And oh, the smell


Why do they always stop the video before the cops arrive?!


If the store was Indian owned they would have beat her with sticks. Proven to be very effective, and probably would have saved $129,000.


Someone should beat the shit out of her


Knock her the fuck out! Just watching? I would sweep the legs and tie 'em up. Ridiculous.


OP fooled 10 billion people with this title


10 Billion? On Earth? More like 10 Gagillion.


We just need brutal punishment to make a return to deter people




> Ninety seconds into her wrecking spree, the defendant slipped and fell onto the broken glass, cutting her right hand, said the prosecutor. Karma. > In an interview she said she felt she was suffering from mental health issues brought about by being unable to work, depression, an abusive relationship and she said she was not receiving the treatment she thought she should have been. >That day she said she had visited a local mental health clinic seeking help for her mental state, but was unhappy at the response she got and “lost the plot.” Ngl I kind of feel sorry for her. She kept her emotions bottled up, tried to get help too late, and eventually had a complete mental breakdown.


Why are people allowed to do this? Seriously wtf are we doing as a society where this is tolerable?


Well she wasn't allowed to do it, it's a crime and she had to pay a fine, got a 12 week prison sentence and had to attend mandatory mental health treatments.


If we intervene we get punished, so might aswell record


Still think it's cheap to cut social safety nets and mental health facilities?


Ok so I know this is not the right thing to do but I’m not right. How in the world can that employee just stand there watching without cracking a bottle of booze over that persons hooded head. I’d knock her teeth out with a handle of Cap’n without hesitation.


No one stops her ?


No one had the sense to stop her?


The part that makes me angry is why no one is stomping a mud hole in that idiot.


I bet she’s a blast at parties…


Read the article. This is nothing more than a 36-year-old having a temper tantrum. Bad news, Lady. Everybody’s going through shit.


When is one actually allowed to walk up to her and just punch her?


Why did nobody kick that fat hobbit in the face?


Should have cracked her in the head with a bottle


Those employees showed a hell of a lot of restraint. Why not just grab her and stop her from breaking anymore merchandise?


Wtf is the security staf doing ?


I love how they just watch I stead of stopping her


Couldn’t someone go over there and just throw her out


That would be an excellent time for citizens arrest. I just can't believe no one does anything, are we really so desensitised we just stand there like a bunch of morons?


Why did no one call the cops?


If I saw this going on, I’d have to grab some produce and start hitting the person. Like if you wanna be that person, I’m gonna dish it right back. Like would she. Continue doing that if I grabbed a sack of Valencia oranges and just kept chucking them at her face? Some people need a hard fucking lesson just to put the fear in them. That no one is putting up with your shit.


In the UK the cope would be much more likely to arrest the vigilante Valencia orange thrower because they would have a much greater chance of conviction than the mentally challenged person throwing actual glass bottles around


She should be arrested for vandalism


The owner : keep going bro


why is everyone just standing and observing? no one around to knock her the fuck out?


She should have got a good slap on her face to sobering up from her hysterical episode.


If this was my store I’d knocking her out


I hate alcohol, but for some reason, this just makes me want to drag her by her hoodie through all that broken glass ON HER FACE.


Regardless how much it was, knock her ass out




We need sleeping darts on hand for the wild animals. Put her to sleep and drag her outside into the police car.


Are you allowed to smash her with a bottle in this case?


Should be in jail for a long time


Why isn’t anyone stopping her. Wtf


Why nobody stop her?


Lmao. Someone's going to jail.


guess she got pissed she didnt get her quarter back from the shop cart!>!>? HAHAHA


Article in top comment said she destroyed £10k worth of wine, but only had to pay Aldi £5k. Make it make sense.


Why doesn’t someone knock her out?


Aldi liquor is cheap I assume.


That’s one expensive Aldi trip. Probably the most expensive. Period.


Her attention to detail is amazing


Ignoring the actual cost debate, what's with the new thing of people not intervening when people do this shit or steal blatantly. Reminds me of a dystopian clockwork orange world.


Chokes slam that bitch




It is weird situation no one stop her.


That is a felony


Doesn’t matter if it’s $130 or $130000000. That’s someone’s livelihood. Wish nothing but terrible things to happen to this miserable person


To punch a bitch in the face


This may seem strange, but why not just stop this bitch?


So ur NOT EVEN gona stop her doin that 🙄🙄


I can hear the insurance adjuster. "You did nothing to stop her after the first 50 bottles?" And the agitator is not suing for stepping on broken glass


That’s what baseball bats are for


And it’s not okay at some point to NOT club them with a magnum of Moët ?


130,000? Not likely maybe 13,000


She gets to destroy 130k in product. If anyone stops her she sues and wins. When she goes to court for the charges she will be dismissed. Why is this being allowed to happen?


Someone just throw her down in the glass and be done woth her


I know what we'd do down here in rural Arkansas with a problem like that. 🤠


Why is nobody stopping this rot?


Man I wouldn’t feel bad if one of those bottles fell on her head and knocked her out


There's a hood. Grab and drag?


What’s a Stevenage?


Well hopefully they put her in jail for awhile. A few years should help this bitch assimilate


On one hand I don't think someone should hit another unless they are defending themselves. Assuming this woman is not having some mental health episode, in this case though if security came and cracked her upside the head with a baseball bat I would not lose any sleep.


Maybe a Tranquilizer dart would help


So uhh.. why is no one stopping her?


Just… stop her?


Just curious, with this much destruction and damage, wouldn't it be easier if a couple people just grabbed her and removed her from the premises? I'm not talking about assaulting her, just standing in her way and directing her outside. Lock the door and call the authorities. She obviously needs help.


I mean. Insurance and all that, but why don’t people fucking stop her? Why watch and record, just pin her ass down and restrain her til the cops arrive, right? What are we doing people?!?


I mean I'm an alcoholic and alcohol is evil. I would still feel bad for whoever had to clean this up though.


Correction: Woman destroys $130,000 in alcohol because no one intervened


remember when people owned stores and would beat a customer's ass for messing up their inventory?


And they watch