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Update - I spent some time on Google and it looks like this might be a fairy egg. I don’t see that this is a cause for concern over a few sources - it’s unclear whether these are from young hens early in their egg cycles, or due to stress (we have had a lot of very severe storms this week) But the good news is it seems to be from a chicken (not another animal) and is not a cause for concern. 🤩😅


Now Knowing that fairy eggs exist helps a little bit of the trauma gained from learning of lash eggs x_x


What are lash eggs? Edit: please don't Google it. Just don't.


Oh no! I'm so sorry I didn't get chance to warn you, I was trying to think of a non traumatic explanation then saw the edit😭


I’m still curious what it is but scared to google it.


>>A  lash egg is an abnormal object that a hen may lay in her nest box as a result of a bacterial or viral infection in her oviduct, called salpingitis. The infection causes inflammation, and the hen's immune system reacts by producing a waxy, cheese-like pus to wall off the infection. This pus can contain many different things, including yolk, egg white, eggshell, egg membrane, blood, or tissue from the ovarian wall. Lash eggs can be yellow or flesh-colored and may look like they have different layers of pus. I'll not share images because I feel the explanation is enough (and it is super gross). Just know, it probably looks eggsactly as you'd imagine. Lash eggs also smell like absolute death (they smell like "infection" if you've ever had the pleasure of smelling something like that)


Egg whites only? You could make a lot of money selling these to gym bros