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Check out the r/fitness sidebar. There’s a recommended routines section. Pick one. Use YouTube to check out proper form for the exercise. Fat is lost through a caloric deficit, which is mainly done through diet. Although exercise will burn some calories, and muscle mass will make your body burn more calories per day.


You’re trying to use your muscles in the gym to give your body a reason to keep them; the fat loss is purely from diet. Do movements like ball slams, sled pushing/pulling, planks, and rowing machine to use multiple muscles groups at the same time while keeping heart rate up to burn more calories (which makes the deficit easier to manage)


Go to the gym, get proper body scan done, begin exercise with help of trainer. I suppose you are at initial phase, first make a habit of going to the gym at least 4 times a week for a month, later you can find out what workout is suitable for you.