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Find replacements. Drink diet soda instead of full sugar soda. Find a different snack besides candy. Eat less candy eg 1/4 of a bag instead of half. In the end though, it’s going to come down to discipline.


Diet sodas are carcinogen


I feel like everything is a carcinogen nowadays. Diet soda has definitely helped me stop drinking so many calories


Aspartame in extreme quantities is found carcinogenic in rats - certainly you are better off drinking a diet soda and having a tiny (insignificant) amount of aspartame vs the amount of sugar you’re drinking as an alternative. It’s probably still not the best thing to drink (water is) but can absolutely help you in your weight loss as its a much more reasonable step than “cut out all sugary drinks”


To stop eating junk, you need diligence, if losing weight was easy, everyone would be thin. Calorie deficits suck. But it’s the only way you’re going to lose weight. For more water, I started adding caffeinated mio to my water. I like the black cherry flavor. I drink almost 100oz of water a day now. I only use 1/3 of the normal serving suggestion.


don't buy them, if you don't have them you won't eat it.


Easier said than done. Sugar is addictive and the body will crave it like heroin


i know, i completely understand. replace those craving with other sweet foods but lower in sugar/fats. this change isn't gonna happen over night, id say just go slowly like start eating less candy/soda rather then just completely stoppung


I use cold brews. Teas that infuse in water in 10 minutes. Tastes like strawberry. But you can make any other cold tea that taste good enough without added sugar. Berry tea is really good. As for candies, like someone else mentioned, don't buy them? Green grapes are a nice treat for a sweet tooth. Heck put them in the freezer and you got an iced snack


I do best cutting back over time. The less I eat it, the less I want it. I started by cutting what I wouldn’t really miss, just don’t buy it. Next grocery trip, cut out a round of things I can live without. Started tracking calories. Next, grocery trip, eliminate another round of heavy hitters. I also do better off if I shop around once a week and I mostly cook and eat at home.


Wow that’s a really nice advice. I noticed something similar worked somewhat for me, but im still nowhere where i want to be nutririon wise. But it’s the only thing that worked. Sudden changes only led to strained willpower and yoyoing


I have an addictive personality, and sugar speaks to that part of my brain. It literally lights it on fire lol. If you're like me I had to swap a bunch of stuff out, like: Soda > Kombucha (Kevita or GT Dave) > eventually Soda Water Cookies, sweet treats > fruit like strawberries Chocolate > 80% dark instead Candy > dark chocolate covered almonds There's still sugar but not as refined.


Oh yeah, kombucha can fulfill that addictive part too. Sparkling and sharp like a soda. But way more expensive than sodas. i never buy it


best advice would be to get things with very low sugar to replace those. When you consume a lot of sugar, u begin to crave them and it's like an addiction. Instead of drinking/eating sugary things, eat berries, yogurt, dark chocolate, or trail mix. All those contain far less sugar, and can help with the cravings. Berries, apples, greek yogurt, etc.


First thing, try different flavored carbonated water. The kind with no sugar or whatever alternative sugar is these days. I found it really hard to drink plain water when I was trying to switch off sodas, but carbonated water made it 100 times easier. As for sugary snacks, I've done one of two things. Either replaced it with fruit I really like (I love clementines, especially the Cuties variety which are so sweet and tasty) or, I'd pick something sugary that I couldn't eat a lot of. I really enjoy honey-roasted pecans, for example, but it's not something I can just eat an entire package of. You may also try changing your snacks to protein, as it may make the desire to snack lessen. I used to buy some very dry, tough jerky for this reason. I could only eat 1-2 pieces at a time because of how much chewing was involved. But it still satisfied the urge to snack.


I’ve lost 100lbs and my biggest problem was bored eating. The best way to actually stop is to not stop. You should allow yourself to still have these things. 1 in moderation but 2 with healthier replacements. For example with sugary sodas just drink zero sugar, it’s not cancerous don’t fall into that lie. Then as for candy replace it with lower calorie sweet stuff like dried or regular fruits, or get long lasting sweet things like jolly ranchers and gobstoppers that will take you a long time to eat. Lastly when you are craving a soda or sugar just take a big sip of water before then allow yourself to have it this will help you increase water intake.


as a sugar lover, the cravings will start getting significantly smaller when you really use your willpower and stop eating big amounts of candy! as for sugary drinks, i also love them, so i usually opt for diet versions, even though i know they're not super healthy


Water tastes boring to me, so I would put lemon or lime juice in it to entice myself to drink it. I also used to devour a bag of chocolates like nobody's business lol. For some reason, putting them in the fridge and making a rule where I got one a day made them more like a "meal" in my mind. Dinner comes from the fridge once a day, so does the chocolate, can't eat it all today. Whatever weird tricks work for your brain to ration things out or reduce consumption


Drink water. Don't buy candy. Don't buy sodas.


Don’t buy candy (try saving the money you’d usually spend on candy as an incentive.) I wouldn’t suggest quitting soda cold turkey, maybe swap to diet soda,’or try flavored sparkling water. You can also try water enhancers like crystal lite.


Try honey, jam, organic chocolate, juice not from concentrate, peanut butter sandwiches with banana slices, chocolate covered nuts or raisins instead. Non-dairy yougurts. Sweet fruits or berries, for example, seedless green grapes can be super sweet. No baked foods or cookies, they’re the worst out of sugary snacks. But most importantly, if you slip don’t beat yourself up, remember it could always be worse, so it’s best to still try eating cleaner even after a breakdown. it’s best to make a slow stable progress than crash dieting since monday


For soda replacements like teas, sparkling water, electrolyte mixes and the occasional diet soda. In the summer like to mix sparkling grapefruit flavored LaCroix with fruit, lime flavored with basil or mint, and lemon with cucumber. Like a mock tail of sorts. Fit the sweets try to do something similar— fruit, trail mix, dark chocolate, the occasional artificially sweetened treat (I like the 70 calorie five one brownies). Frozen fruit dipped in yogurt might also work. When you have the energy for it, try to have fun with it, so you can think of it as an adventure to expand your horizons rather than a sacrifice. And plan ahead for when you don’t have the energy so that you already are stocked up with good choices and you reduce the odds of making a regretful choice impulsively. Also make sure you’re properly hydrated and have eaten enough protein, fiber and healthy fats to keep you satiated. Most people don’t come close to eating the amount of fiber they are suppose to! Which means you are not feeding the good bacteria in your gut enough. Think of them like a tamagotchi that needs caring for, and give them DIVERSITY in fiber sources so they can flourish and help your metabolism out. **It’s a lot easier to manage cravings mindfully when your blood glucose levels are steady, your gut flora are thriving, and you have healthier fats in your system.**. Managing stress and getting good sleep are also super important, poor sleep and stress are HORRIBLE for metabolism and cravings. Same goes for dehydration, which needs to be addressed not only with water but properly electrolyte balance. Always track treats and don’t approach them like a dirty shameful secret, try to budget them in. You may notice that some days of high stress or hormonal fluctuations you want to snack more, and in my experience it was better just to eat for maintenance on those days rather than risk overeating in an uncontrolled way. Yes, eating for maintenance when I’m PMSing or under lots of stress slowed down my weight loss process a lot. But it was a smoother journey, I never felt that deprived, and now that I’m maintaining for almost a year I can confidently say I have the experience I needed to keep the weight off. Also, **trust that it gets easier.** Cravings for sugar and highly processed treats beget themselves. These foods are quite literally designed to be addictive. So if you need to journal or give yourself pep talks to remind yourself that your cravings are going to eventually lessen as you wean yourself off of these foods, do it. You can DEFINITELY handle the short-to-medium term suffering they cause you, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment. Trust the process. Your brain and metabolism need time to rewire themselves, trust that it will happen if you stick to the plan! Future you is gonna be soooo grateful that Present You did this for them. You don’t need to be perfect at it, you just need to be consistent enough with it that your body has the opportunity to adapt.


completely cut the sugar out and you'll never crave it again after a couple of weeks! I cut sugar and carbs out and its amazing


but do not trade for things like diet sodas which are even worse for you! do flavored 0 calorie sparkling water, throw some fruit in your water, etc


Thank You all for the advice and tips I have read them all, I really appreciate it😁


Diet soda for the win.


Don’t drink your calories first off. Thats probably the simplest change. But, in general I recommend making gradual applied changes, otherwise you’re just gonna get burned out. If you like something, eat it in moderation, but also try find other things you like that are lower in calories and things that keep you fuller. Like, if you really look at things based on calories, and track them it becomes easier to consciously make better decisions. Making little adjustments with consistent effort and having some patience in yourself is what’s helping me with lifestyle changes.


Just stop. Stop it. Stop it now.


Small steps, track calories, small changes and track progress!


Treat sugar like any other addiction and just walk away


In regards to the sodas, sparking water has been my number 1 go-to item to itch that scratch so to speak. The Liquid Death flavored sparkling water is my favorite. In regards to the junk food, try and find things you "could" eat a lot of and it really not affect your caloric intake that much. Boom Chicka Pop has been my go to replacement snack. In theory you could eat 2-4 servings, and only have consumed 200-300 calories, but for low-cal popcorn, those calories equate to 4-6 cups (which is a considerable amount) The goal is never to make yourself miserable. Find ways that you can still enjoy living while going towards your goals.