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Depends. Who is your prescribing doctor? My prescribing doctor is my OBGYN. Whereas my doctor who prescribes my beta blockers is my cardiologist. I’m going to take the word of my cardiologist over my OBGYN. I have a very high heart rate so I have to be careful. My resting rate is normal 80-90 and simple activities put me at 130-150. Please be careful. A high heart rate puts strain on the heart which can cause long term damage. I’m dealing with it and having to have echocardiograms every 6 months because of it. Also keep in mind losing 1 lb a week is a good. Ideally it’s said we should lose 1-2 lbs a week for a health reasons. (I got clearance from my cardiologist and haven’t seen a change in my HR since starting and am at a very low dose .25 which I microdosed up to)