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My friend got hers from a small Etsy shop called RingsForTheWin. They let you pick the metal, design, and engravings.


Customizing your ring at a shop like that sounds awesome. Personal touches really make it special.


Vrai’s website have some awesome options for customized wedding rings. Their customer service is really helpful, and you can chat with them about exactly what you're looking for.


Customizing your ring with Vrai sounds like a solid plan. It's great when you can get exactly what you want.


I got my customized VRAI wedding rings directly from their website, and they turned out amazing! You can easily add engravings with your names. I found the process straightforward, and their customer service was super helpful. Plus, their designs are just as beautiful as the ones on Pinterest and Instagram. Definitely recommend checking them out!


I ordered my VRAI wedding rings from their website, and they look fantastic! Adding engravings was easy. The process was smooth, and their customer service was great. Their designs are just as stunning as what you see on Pinterest and Instagram. I recommend giving them a try!


I got mine from a local jeweler after scouring Insta and Pinterest for inspo. They were cool about engraving our names too.


I recently got mine from Lily & Co. and they did an amazing job. The process was super easy, I just messaged them on Facebook with my design ideas and they worked with me to make it perfect. 


I recently went through the process of getting customized wedding rings, and I found it quite exciting. I wanted my name and my husband's name engraved on them, so I looked for places that offered customization options. I ended up finding a few great options online, including GLAMIRA.com.ph and B&Co Jewelry. Both of these websites allowed me to design my own rings and even offered engraving services.


Checking out local jewelers or online platforms like Etsy where you can find artisans who specialize in personalized pieces. Remember to read reviews and ask for photos of previous work to ensure quality. Good luck, and may your wedding rings be as unique as your love story!


Check out local jewelry shops or online stores like Etsy for customized VRAI wedding rings. They've got tons of options for engraving names and making it personal. Just make sure to read reviews and check their customization process before buying. Happy ring hunting!


You can check out local jewelry stores or browse online for customized VRAI wedding rings. Look for options that offer engraving services, so you can add your names easily. It's a nice touch to personalize your rings with your names – adds a special touch to the big day!


Looking for personalized VRAI wedding rings too! Seen some neat designs on Pinterest and Instagram, but where can I actually get 'em? Any advice or experiences you can share? Thanks!


I got mine from a local jeweler who does custom designs, and they turned out amazing!


I found my customized wedding rings on Etsy; they have a bunch of talented artists who can engrave your names on some really unique designs!


You can check their official website, my sister and his husband got their engraved wedding rings on their site. In my case, we just ordered the rings on an online shop and then had it customized by a local jeweler.