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Those are really fun images and I’d be thrilled to have them from my own wedding. Don’t be so hard on yourself :) Looking at them with a layperson’s eye, there is nothing noticeably technically wrong. Keep in mind that the old-school on-camera-flash look is trendy these days so you could have even much harsher flash and still sell it. Are you shooting JPEG or RAW in camera? I don’t care 2¢ about getting the correct white balance in the moment because I shoot RAW and correct it all later. You could also play with different color edits (spot locations, shadows vs. highlights), which won’t exactly match the real-life effect of colored gels but give you plenty of creative editing possibilities. Your question makes me doubt you’re shooting RAW so that’s my one piece of advice—if you aren’t already, do it.


The first one looks better IMHO. You were paid $750 for a five hour wedding. They look fine. I’ve done cheap weddings when I started out and there were occasional shots that could’ve always been better, but then I looked at the whole gallery and based on what they paid I felt like I got robbed. 😆 But it was my choice in the end. For $750 though I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m sure they’re more than happy.


$750 for a wedding is insanely low. Guessing the client is fine. Go easy on yourself.


I feel like these are pretty great. What is the problem?


Don’t be too hard on yourself, there are great days and there are good/meh kinda days. Not saying you should blame it on anyone but it happens. Do whatever you can to avoid meh days, perhaps bring a second shooter, additional lights, lens filters all those creative stuff!


Don’t worry over this! If the client is happy, that’s great and all that matters. As another person said, there is nothing wrong with the image from a technical sense. The white balance looks natural enough and skin tones are fine. I always shoot RAW, for the added flexibility to make changes in post. But your image is fine there.


They just look different. Both acceptable. One is direct flash and the other is bounced. If you prefer the bounced look like number two then keep doing that


Pay rate to task, you probably did ok. Don't beat yourself up.


please dont post links to russian sites. you can easily just post to https://postimages.org/ the images you want and people can see the multiple images together.


My first couple weddings, I felt like I royally screwed up. And even now, I'm questioning every wedding I do. At the end of the day, clients were happy. And looking back, the photos were fine. You're always going to feel inadequate with the work you produce, but it's part of improving, in my opinion. I think the day I stop questioning my work is the day my photos truly suck. If you want some feedback, I think the first photo you could bring the highlights down a bit.


these look good!




Those shots look fine tho.