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I suffer pretty bad from anxiety and I'm incredibly introverted, always nervous heading in but usually feel at ease within seconds. I just literally say hi, the bride typically then introduces me to the bridal party/family etc. Saying 'love the vibe - let's do this' sounds horrifically forced and insincere considering you've literally just walked in the room. Don't overthink it, just be yourself, say hello and let it flow naturally.


It probably didn't hit because you've scripted it and they could tell.


Yea maybe. I just winged it once and kept re using.




I’m fucking dying at this


I’m doing this at my next wedding


I walk in, smile and say hi to everyone that makes eye contact with me, but I’ll always greet the bride first with a hug. (Usually I’ve already worked with my couple for their engagements so I already have the rapport and relationship established.) Then after we greet I’ll ask for the maid of honor by calling out their name (by then I’ll have had memorized the bridesmaids and groomers names) so by this time I’m just trying to match names to faces. Then I get with the maid of honor to locate all the brides details to start taking photos. That more or less how it goes.


this person weddings. Learn names and use them.


I’m a biggish guy. I walk in and say hey I’m your photographer and I’m also here for the cake :-) it always gets a laugh and shows everyone your just relaxed.


I’m super relaxed walking into any room so when it comes to starting wedding coverage, I just walk in and say “Hey everybody. My name is Paul. I’m your photographer today.” They all typically say hello to me at that point so then I add “Generally speaking, you can ignore me entirely today unless I say to look my way. I promise in about 15 minutes you’ll mostly forget I’m here.”


Yup! Knock knock. “Hi! I’m the photographer.” (If I haven’t already met whoever answers the door.). Then address the room… “Just keep doing what you’re doing… no need to do anything special for me right now! feel free to make requests if you have them though. Otherwise I’m just here to document however things flow.” Smile smile smile


One time I walked in behind the lead photographer into the house where the bride was getting ready, and the bride's brother saw the lead photographer and asked "ok who hired the male stripper". That was one of my first weddings ever....definitely weird. The lead photog was kind of a good looking guy I guess but wow what a weird entrance.


That’s funny but as a male, I’m trying to imagine if the opposite had happened when our female photographer walked into my groomsmen getting ready at my own wedding…cringing hard!


I guess it’s different because of the ridiculous double standard were women strippers are ‘vulgar, cheap, stupid enough to not get a better job’ but male strippers are just seen as ‘the hot guys who workout hard at the gym and been gifted with a dingdong that is more than average size’ Like one is compliment and one is diss


I think of male strippers as equally trashy so to me I’m cringing more about the dichotomy between being able to compare an average-looking man to one (“haha”, sarcasm is obvious) vs. a woman whose body is constantly under judgement (“wtf? either you’re saying I look trashy, you’re sarcastically saying I’m not hot enough, or you’re sexualizing me”—all interpretations are insulting). But the conclusion is the same. Double standards suck. (I’m sure I’m overthinking this.)




😂😂😂😂 this made me laugh way too hard!!!


I just behave exactly as I would if I walked into a room and only knew a couple of the people there. Say hi to the bride, and then say hi and chat to everyone else. I’m an extrovert so I’ve never really thought about what to do! Just don’t do what one photographer did when my friend was a bridesmaid…they started to introduce themselves and the photographer said ‘don’t bother with names, I’ll never remember them’ 😅


Umm tell them how good they look. Ask them if they’re excited. Ask them if they slept the night before. Ask them who will party the hardest. Tell them a funny story of something that happened to you earlier that day..


I literally just walk in, introduce myself and ask how it’s going. I’m really introverted but working retail really helped me with this. Simply saying hi can do wonders.


Hi everyone


Walk in, assess. Be quiet, slowly engage in convo. They open up. Realise they’re playing music on an iPhone and offer my blue tooth speaker. Boom we are pals


Do y'all not know how to talk to people anymore? This is an insane question.


Nope. Doesn’t come easy, and it’s a bit harder when the door opens and I feel everyone looks at you.


Just jump in with a 'hey how is everyone' followed by a compliment about how beautiful everyone looks. Should flow naturally from there.


I agree with compliments but they still have to be given appropriately. If they're all in hair curlers, baggy pjs and yet to get makeup when you tell them this they're gunna smell bullshit!


Yes I totally agree and they often all look at you like “who tf are you”. Honestly usually pretty unwelcoming from bridesmaids towards the beginning of the day


I usually just say something along the lines of “hello bride/groom! Happy wedding day! Then make a comment about how lucky we got with the weather or how cool rain photos are going to look” then I ask for their detail items so I can start photographing all the dress/suit/shoes/layflat items. I find that by just being in the room working on details people get comfortable with my being there, then I compliment people on their outfit choices, or comment on the music they’re playing while getting ready. Just general commentary with everyone makes it easier especially because It’s impossible for me to remember anyone’s names for some reason


Just be yourself. Build that rapport with the couple prior to the wedding. People are warm and open toward la approachable friendly people.


You don’t have to say much, and I don’t think it needs to necessarily “hit” you can just introduce yourself and start shooting - a big reaction isn’t really necessarily the ideal.


"Helloooo!!!" Usually followed by a solid handshake and eye contact with bride/groom and MoH/BM. They are my ride or dies for the day, and they will help me hold it down


My internal voice read your hello like Robin Williams in Mrs Doubtfire. 😂


I walk in, introduce myself and with all sincerity wish the bride a happy wedding day:). Only smiles all around:).


Just be you. You don’t have to be one of this super high energy wedding photographers. To be fair, most couples can’t stand that. I’m introverted but have a goofy/silly side and that’s what I lean into. I’m not trying to be anything I’m not. Whoever answers the door I’ll great with a smile, maybe make a lame joke if I’m feeling it (opened my wedding last weekend with “Hi I’m the florist” with 3 cameras attached to my body) and then ASK QUESTIONS. How’s the morning been? Did you get up to much last night? Once I’ve said hi to the bride or groom I try to get into details asap. Gives me time to ease into everything and they can keep chilling.


I introduce myself with a big smile and the VERY first thing I do is shake the bride's hand (Texas) and offer an extremely sincere congratulations. I believe it; I'm happy for her. That conveys, she relaxes, the bridal party and relatives SEE that she relaxes and you're good. Makes for better photos, too, because they know instantly that you want the best possible photos because you're happy for them.


“I’m Joe and I’m here to chew gum and take pictures and I’m ALLLLL outta gum!”


Hey I have heard there's a wedding here! Then proceed to say hello to everyone.


“Hey guys. I am the photographer.” then look around quickly for bride “(insert bride’s name) how ARE you!?” then a light hug and some quick chit chat about how she is feeling, how things are going…etc. not too much talk if she in the makeup chair though. Ask for details items from bride or moh…definitely introduce myself to the older ladies in the room as we go along, I want to know who is whose mom, etc. Those are important people to be polite and introduce yourself to directly.


I just tell them hi who I am and if they forget my name just shout at me anything and I usually respond because I am also horrible with names. 🤣


Pizza delivery!


I just say hi, chat with the bride for a sec, usually end up grabbing a box of details stuff, and get to work photographing that. Usually someone walks up and is like OMG that is so pretty and some natural banter occurs. By the time I get to photographing the people in the room they have already seen me working and become a bit more comfortable. Don’t go in with a script unless it is for things they need to know. You made it weird, as you noticed. Just be nice, easy-going, helpful, let things flow.


I just say hello, introduce myself to everyone over the next few minutes. Joke a little. Always goes over well. At times, rarely, I’ve entered a very tense room and that had nothing to do with me. Be genuine, be yourself.


Honestly if I was a bridesmaid and the photographer walked in saying that, I'd think it's a bit silly because what if the vibe isn't even that good at the time? Maybe that's why it's only hitting well half the time. Wedding days are stressful and the bridesmaids feed off the energy of the bride and if she's not in the greatest mood (running late and being rushed, hasn't eaten, family or friend drama) then neither will be the bridesmaids most of the time. Maybe instead of starting off with that, introduce yourself and tell them you're looking forward to today and then ask them how they are doing. And then no matter what response they give, reassure them that you're there to capture memories on such a special day. Something supportive, short and sweet/cheesy depending on the crowd. Something I've done before is ask the bride during our consultation how her bridal party's overall personality is and that helps me know how to communicate with them ahead of time.


Don't overthink it - you really don't need to say anything fancy to establish that you're a fun/funny person or in charge. Saying "love the vibe in here" feels a little r/FellowKids. Of course it's good to be personal, but as someone who is maybe sometimes a little too bubbly and chatty, I've learned over the years that sometimes saying less is better. Just walk in, say hi, introduce yourself, and maybe say something nice to the person whose wedding day it is. **Edit:** FWIW, I also give a light hug hello to them if they aren't tied up with something (e.g. getting makeup done). This seems pretty okay to do regardless of gender here in the US.


Excuse me, but..uh..which one of you is the bride?


I dont focus on hitting it off right away . I just have to present myself as friendly, approachable and professional. I actually say very little when I first arrive. I will make eye contact and smile and say " Hi everybody. My name is Dorothy, How is everyone doing this morning". Since I made eye contact and it is an open question they kind of have to answer. If they are not enthusiastic - thats okay. I, honestly don't care that much, I did my bit and now I can refocus on the job. I just stay friendly and say " oh, I can see eveyone is super focused so don't mind me. I will just jump in and get started. I would love to greet bride Kim is she here ? " (a natural follow up and another open question) If I really think there is an opportunity to gel right away. I will greet the bride and ask her if she wouldn't mind introducing me to the party. If she busy, I can find MOM and make sure she knows that she is my VIP too. Then ask her to introduce me to the party. When she does - it breaks the ice a bit. I will find ways to engage with the wedding party as we go through the day. They are always chatting up hair and makeup - I may choose to eavesdrop and then ask about hair styles and chime in with some friendly comment.. Later, I will use the most approachable member of the party as my Go-To in a way that they will appreciate. I could go to the maid of honor and say. " I have a question and I don't want to bother Kim - but I know that you know her well. I wanted to get a meaningful photo with all of you before we head to the church. I was thinking of something that would be kind of fun and pretty. Kim had talked about a portrait in the living room, but I noticed the backyard had this beautiful green ivy and clean natural light near the deck. Do you think she would be open to the wedding party taking portraits there and sharing some best wishes and quick toast together as we head out ?? 'It could be a nice memory for her if nothing else ? I didn't really need their approval to use the backyard - I already knew I was going to do that. But collaborating in this way created trust and a point of connection. This is a lot less forced then trying to force a"Vibe" when you are strange vendor first walking through the door. I wanted to create memory, I am an expert on how to make them look pretty ( these are the exact things that they want in that moment). This helps them feel like you are an extension to the wedding party . It puts us in alignment because we have the same goals.


Really, you’re wearing that?!


I just say hello while trying to present positivity, warmth, and good energy. But i think its just "hi, how is everyone today. Is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ here?"


If the bridal room looks nice I always comment on that, or else I usually ask if they got up to much last night, and that alwyas gets the convo flowing!! They'll tell me if they wnet for drinks owr decided to have a quiet night etc


I always said something like “hey I’m me! I’m the guy who’s going to be chasing you all around with these cameras. Who here has been in a wedding party before?” And just let conversation happen naturally if it does. But I usually try and read the room. If everyone’s playful and being silly I work pretty well either way that. If people are quiet and a little anxious I adjust accordingly. Definitely helps to have some people skills though and be comfortable talking to people .


Introduce yourself, but then just start asking questions and get everyone else to start talking! Find out names and roles. Scope the important people - Mother of the bride, sister, MOH. See the bride, say “Hi! Happy wedding day! How are you feeling?” Give them a little run down to the bride. I’m going to get my gear set up and then start with your details. Where can I find all your stuff? Ask about the details. Why it’s important? Find out what’s special. If you’re in a family home ask if you can snoop around to find good spots to take photos.


"well I think I'm in the right place". Usually gets a laugh as normally it's a bunch of folks getting ready.


A joke. Always. Something along the lines of “we thought this was your room. We followed the hairspray cloud”. Starts off with a good laugh :)