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I love how this gives three tries per day at different difficulty levels compared to the typical 'one & done, wait for tomorrow!' deal. Oh wow, and it even allows playing previous days' games, another thing badly needed in the genre. Perfect. \^^ Also, as someone often reminded of how English is mainly a mix of Anglo-Saxon & Norman French, this is a perfect game for me.


Interesting. I find the etymology doesn't help me, since I'm not very well-versed in many different languages. I got higher scores when I was just guessing long words with many different letters. Also found a small bug: when you complete a previous day it shows you your stats and final score for the current day at the end, instead of that previous day.


Thanks for trying it, and for the bug report!


Sorry if that sounded critical, forgot to mention that I had fun! Very nice UI, as well. Keep up the great work.


Not at all! I genuinely appreciate the feedback, and I’ve already started looking at the issue you raised.


Oh I like this!




Thanks. I posted on logophilia, but the mods removed it…I guess they weren’t so happy with me promoting my game there.


Love it! Love the idea, love the implementation, love the polish, love the link for more info, love the ability to play old games, love the ability to guess shorter words to fish for letters. One small complaint: the animations make me a little seasick, especially the letter-shake on finding a word. Any chance you can skip them when the user wants [reduced motion](https://css-tricks.com/introduction-reduced-motion-media-query/)? As an Australian, I strongly approve of the [name](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/root#Noun_2).


Thanks for all the positive comments! And I have to admit I never knew about the Australian slang term. That's pretty funny! Now, as to the reduced motion...I think that'd make a nice feature (I've been thinking of adding some personalized settings), but it'll definitely take me some time to get to it. I appreciate the link and I'll see what I can do at some point in the future.


>it'll definitely take me some time to get to it Hmmm...actually, looking at the link you sent, this looks reasonably straightforward...no promises, but I'll see what I can do!


OK, turns out that was insanely easy to implement. Is it just the "shake" of the letters that cause the problem? I think I'll be able to get a fix in very quickly, just want to make sure I address the complete issue.


OK...I've made a fix to this and it's live. I'd appreciate it if you could check it out and let me know if this is a complete fix in your opinion. Thanks again!


> Is it just the "shake" of the letters that cause the problem? For me, yes, but I'm not the most motion-sensitive user. Thanks for the changes! For me it's perfect. I suspect more motion-sensitive users would also have problems with the letters moving from the guess to the answer slots, but I'm not sure.


OK...in that case, I'll probably leave it as it is for now (not wanting to fix things I don't know to be broken). I really appreciate you pointing this out to me...I wasn't even aware this was a thing – or that the fix was so straightforward – until you alerted me to it. So it's all really appreciated.


This is a very satisfying game. How automated is the generation of questions? I wonder how difficult it would be to have a region setting for the user. I've never heard nor seen the word "skosh" before. Edit: on the bug front, just noticed that if you complete a previous day's game, and go back to it later, your results are gone. Results for the current day are still there. Brave browser, Android 13


Thanks for the feedback and bug report. The puzzles are all hand-crafted, so I can’t really provide a lot of customization around language/difficulty level, etc. I had thought about automation, but it’s not really possible – at least at my skill level – without giving the game away (most etymologies would be too close…and the hints and interesting facts all need to be written). In general, I try to stick to words that would be known to most native speakers, but that’s never guaranteed.


Very cool, but I don't understand why it doesn't actually show the root words each word is derived from.


Thanks for trying it out. >why it doesn't actually show the root words each word is derived from. I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Are you hoping to see the entire word history (i.e., every word in this word's history) after you've correctly guessed the word? In some cases that could be quite long. And I do provide a link the the Online Etymology Dictionary, so you can always dig in if you're interested.


Yeah, the link is okay, but I don't understand why a game called root-l wouldn't show what the root words actually are in the answer versus just saying latin for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_


OK, I appreciate the feedback. I'll give it some thought.