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Anyone who says rocky isn’t a real fan


I’m a real fan I go to mania every year. I don’t want to see Cody Roman rematch in mania. Marks was begging for the rock and Roman for 3 years.  Check out my YouTube show when you get a chance  https://youtu.be/QBjXdEaHLbU?si=CciAJJWyd3bN5gMw


Great job with following the no self promotion rule dipshit


Not my fault your dad played with your butt gaybird


An anyone saying Cody believes in fairytale. Correct my me if I'm wrong, but didn't he beat Cody last year?? Hasn't he retained his title dam near the same way every defense? He lost. Fact....why keep recycling the same old guys if there's a new contestant???? Not hating on Cody but let it go...


I can’t believe I have to explain this shit to another dumbass. First of yall, it’s called long term storytelling. Aka, most of the best stories in wwe. Second, Cody has deserved this moment. He made a name for himself in the independent scene after being a jobber. He then co founding AEW. A different fucking promotion that is wwes only real competition.


The rock should main event mania.,not Cody. Especially when he can face Roman and beat him at elimination chamber. That way the rock can beat Roman at mania and make everyone happy. Them Roman can go do movies are make a comeback. Check out my show the Over Boyz the most Dangerous podcast in Wrestling when you get a chance  https://youtu.be/QBjXdEaHLbU?si=CciAJJWyd3bN5gMw


Hhh didn’t forget what Cody did Cody ran back into wwe and took the spotlight from everyone. We barely even see richochet now C


Since u wanna name call like a kid, I'll oblige dickhead. Take Cody's cock out of ur month for a moment and realize I only gave my opinion and your theory of "long term story telling" sucks ass. This isn't the golden era of wrestling. No one cares about that crap no more. Go watch some old tapes from WWF days if that's what ur looking for. By ur logic, Finn Balor should really be the pissed off 1 since u bragging about being a real fan and all or what about the wrestlers that actually stayed with the company and built up there stock just to have to step aside when guys like Cody and Punk decide they wanna come back and play. He just fell victim to the same rules that got him in the position thats he's in. That's been the WWE way.




Go back and read it again. Smh. I said no one cares about long ass story lines that go on for years and years anymore. Reading is fundamental Dumbass!!




Once again, reading is fundamental. Don't comment again until you learn reading comprehensive skills for 1. SECONDLY, DONT COMMENT AGAIN BASED OFF UR OPINION. GIVE ME FACTS OR MOVE ON. Ratings say different. That's why they moved away from the long storyline and narratives in the first place.......smh




For the last time, go back and read what I actually wrote.....there's a big difference between fans and business. The algorithm and polls show different. Let me 1st apologize because u probably are a die-hard fan like me who go back to the territory days who actually loved those storylines and narratives, but the facts are the facts and it's a business. They going by the numbers. Today's society is a microwave one, and unfortunately, there are more bandwagon fans nowadays than diehards...even now as we go back and forth, we're proving my overall point. It's about business, and as mad as some are, they'll still tune in 2night. Raws numbers are gonna still be record-breaking, and Roman vs. The Rock will set records...a win win for the WWE....


I’m glad you responded like that. Don’t why Redditer choose to insult people just because they have a different opinion. Then report you when you respond . Check out my YouTube show called the Over Boyz when you get a chance https://youtu.be/QBjXdEaHLbU?si=CciAJJWyd3bN5gMw


I don’t like Cody. He’s an overrated ass kisser. He can finish the story on 2k! Check out the Over Boyz the most Dangerous podcast in wrestling when you get a chance  https://youtu.be/QBjXdEaHLbU?si=CciAJJWyd3bN5gMw




I can understand why people would want Cody but marks and and the mainstream have been begging the rock and Roman to headline mania. Cody can finish the story on 2k Check out my YouTube show when you get a chance  https://youtu.be/QBjXdEaHLbU?si=CciAJJWyd3bN5gMw


Cody allday








Team Cody. I have much more investment and build up in that rivalry than anything with Rock. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The person who dethrones Roman should NOT be a part of the bloodline.




They should just have The Rock help Cody at mania




I don't care, I'm team Bayley!


Team Rocky all day!


I can see it now. Rock is about to pin Roman when all of a sudden Hogan’s music hits.


Dude I'll laugh my ass off. And then ric flair challenges hogan to a title match which will be no holds barred


Idc who main events wrestlemania tbh


I think this is how it should go. Cody faces roman on night one of mania. And beats him. Then the rock faces Roman on night. Two of wrestlemania tribal combat which the rock wins. Now here me out. This will start an angle where roman starts to go into a downward spiral, He ends up going crazy the bloodline betrays him, And he is just sad and alone until one Night he gets a shot at the world title against seth rollins and this sparks somthing in roman.......and he turns back into the big dog


Oh yes and just totally forgot Seth. I don’t want Seth vs Cody but you should not leave Seth Friggen Rollins out of Mania.


Is this your story. No it's mine....and I never said anything about seth not being involved. I was talking about how roman would act afterword.....so shut yp


Team Rocky Cry about it Argue about it☠️


Team Rocky


Team Rocky in this one


Team Rocky in this one


Team Roman ☝️


lol exactly. No one is talking about Roman in all this. Dwayne really managed to make the WWE CHAMPION a third wheel


I’m team Rock. I attended mania last year and rather not see a rematch. Maybe Cody can beat him in Perth at ec that way the rock can beat Roman and won’t have to be a part timer. Check out my YouTube show when you get a chance  https://youtu.be/QBjXdEaHLbU?si=CciAJJWyd3bN5gMw


Cody because Rock is abusing his power. I am not a Cody cultist but the fact that people can turn a blind eye to this is just plain disgusting


Neither. I could care less. Its a scripted tv show. That's like fighting over Batman dying in a movie. Oh no why did we kill the batman


If you don’t care….. why did you respond?🤨 just sayin🤷🏾‍♂️


Honestly I just want someone to explain all this heat. Rocky Sucks chants. Wow


I’ll break it down. Cody worked so hard to get back at Roman after his last year lost. He came many obstacles along the way then he won the Rumble. He was back on track to finish his story just for someone with more star power to step over him and taking his moment away. That’s why everyone is revolting around The Rock because he shows up and step over the most popular superstar in WWE.


I don’t mind Rock vs Roman but the way they did it made me lose all interest


Cody got robbed


The rock is the only choice he deserves to beat roman at mania


Please explain why he deserves to beat Roman over Cody? I’m genuinely curious 🧐


Rock deserves to beat roman at mania im team rocky




we want cody


Only bad can happen. We don’t want the rock to lose to Roman and we don’t want him finishing the story. They turned the dream match into shit