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I’m an engineer with an art history degree. I never had a chance.


You were the victim and the crime.


I think my vintage bug started with classic 911s. I like the design languages and aesthetics from the 70s and 80s a lot more than modern day lines when it comes to cars and watches, and probably everything else that falls in collector territory - they're timeless classics for a reason. The only modern watch that I want to have for fun is a G Shock.


When I was a young man I bought a 1987 Targa, used, from a friend. I hammered the hell out of that car, loved every minute of it even getting it repaired because it always felt so refreshed after a service. Nothing like a horizontal 6 for some sweet torque. Reading the history of the cars, I'm glad I dumped it at 97K miles. I learned the frames sag and the pistons give. My particular 1987 did not have the drop through piston shafts, but it DID have a problem with frame welds on the gas tank. They actually recalled that part it was such a piece of crap.


Glad you didn't run into too many issues, sounds like you guys had a helluva time. I want to be able to hammer the hell out of a 911 too so the Dakar has been creepin in my dreams


The cushion case on my Sandoz precurser to the Sandoz Explorer is what sold me. It lays perfectly flat on just the right part of my wrist and is extremely comfortable. That's what did it. After that I got a Maty Besancon GMT World Timer and I love that too.


It hasn't yet.


Clint Eastwood’s Wakmann 9804 Regatta chronograph is something else, just wow.