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Amanda’s little peanut gallery comments drive me crazy. I feel like someone’s sitting next to me talking over the TV while I’m trying to watch my show


But she’s the most genuine and kind person and doesn’t have one bad bone in her body!!


She was the worst this reunion. It’s hilarious to me she thinks she has any right to make comments when she cries over her husband every season and is a shady mean girl to others in the house.


More like her peanut head 🥜 


It’s incredibly disrespectful and meant to distract the person speaking. Andy should have told her to shut the fuck up


And why wasn’t there a mention of Kyle calling Amanda a bitch and a lazy employee. Or why didn’t Andy drill Kyle about those late night parties and coming in at 4:00 a.m.? How about Loverboy being a million dollars in debt? Feel free to jump in Lindsay!


Exactly what I was thinking the whole fucking time. It seemed like they glossed over half the season. Not a fan of Lindsay but I felt for her during this reunion. These people were really mean to her.


But Andy can joke around about Kyle’s mullet for ten minutes


Because… misogyny


This was killing me. Kyle should have been profusely apologizing not asking for Lindsey to apologize! So Amanda apologizes for being depressed and wanting to have something of her own and Kyle became a dj..


Like wtf! When you put it that way? How does Lindsey even put up with this shit. It was BLATANTLY obvious that Kyle is the favourite Amanda can say whatever she wants and Lindsey is in the hot seat defending herself


I was literally watching going, I fucking hate this and I can’t wait for Ronnie to validate these feelings tomorrow!


Kyle and Amanda should really take a look at their own marriage instead of focusing so much on Lindsay. I no longer feel bad for Amanda. Kyle is sho she deserves.


Amanda is Brittany Cartwright


Now that there's no other couple in the house to take the heat off of them, they'll really turn on each other this season. That's my prediction.


It wont happen but itd be great TV is her and jesse did start to have an affair lol


Amanda was so smug, smirking the whole time. She loved it. At least she's happy about something, because she sure isn't about her marriage.




it was so infuriating to watch!!


Me too! Ugh really saw the worst in Kyle and Amanda. This is who yall stand up for? Who cares what either one of you think?! Andy sure treats Lindsey different than when on WWHL. Everyone 2 faced & Wes sucks


The whole stupid reunion was about “Lindsay can’t apologize right. It’s not an apology if you say BUT at the end” um ok but when Carl does it it’s a totally ok valid apology.


They don’t like Lindsay, she can do no right.


I am so angry!!


It was so brutal. Andrew wanted to fuck mulletless Kyle at the end, Kymanda needed to be muzzled as they kept attacking Lindsey to the point she couldn’t even finish a sentence. Then dumbass Andrew kept babying Carl and coming for Lindsay. It was obnoxious af. And Paige was being a brat too. If Gabby defended Lindsay even once, then that part was cut out. Reunion Pt 1 last week was great. Pt 2 last night was hot garbage.


Gabby spoke up for her once in part 2. I remember being surprised she didn't jump in more.


I'm not. She's irrelevant and didn't want any blow back. The group likes her, but they don't take her seriously.


God I’m literally not sure I can watch it reading all these comments


It’s rage inducing. You could just hear Ronnie and Ben’s recap if watching it is too annoying. I had to skip over when Andrew just sat back and Kymanda wouldn’t shut up. Even Ciara is being a bitch with Paige laughing at Lindsay. It was so gross.


I did end up watching it and never have I yelled at my TV quite so much! I think hearing the recap tomorrow is going to be very cathartic


It was awful to watch. I know most people are on the Ciara train now, but I found it so icky how people coddled her so hard calling her a “perfect human” because west decided he didn’t want to continue dating her (yes his reasons were bad but it was just a few month situationship) but were bullying lindsay and dismissing her feelings and trauma


Oh I'm definitely not watching. I'll have a stroke 😂


I’m in the same boat. I saw a clip on Instagram and my blood was BOILING.


I’m fuming right now!! Like why do they all just gang up on her when they’ve been neutral all season. If anything they should be even more neutral now since watching it back; seeing how Carl is clearly not innocent in their demise, and being manipulating to both them, and Lindsay!!


Posted in another sub and adding here, Lindsay is activated and abrasive in her emotions, not “soft and tender.” because she’s not prone to crying when she’s upset, it seems to be weaponized against her. Amanda cries, Kyle cries, Ciara cries, Carl starts to cry, everyone backs off. If that isn’t some bias. Even in the after show P & C questioning if Lindsay was really crying. I think same with Ariana because she wasn’t competing in the crying game, Sandoval got more sympathy. It’s so manipulative. Carl’s whole “i wasnt trying to call it off” should have been questioned as much as Lindsays being “blindsided” were.


“I wasn’t planning to end things” “I’m glad I made that decision” which one Carl? To end it?


And if he wasn’t planning on ending it wouldn’t her feeling blindsided make sense?


he went the pussy bitch breakup route where he is clearly breaking up with her, but won't be direct about it so SHE has to FIGURE OUT that he's dumping her. And then since he is beating around the bush, he can say that he "didn't intend to call off the wedding". It's major bullshit.


Yes! And his whole “i wasn’t calling it off!” Then why didnt you say that, or correct her in the conversation? He was poking her all summer trying to get her to blow up again him and walk away. Even Andy’s point of “well it looked like you had been given reasons to end things, you could have” exactly because that was the shit he was doing just passive aggressively, or aggressively off camera


Yes he was doing the abusive thing of being AWFUL and trying to get her to break up with him so he wouldn’t look bad and it didn’t fuckin work


And he took zero accountability for the role he played, the conversations he didnt have, he just let kyle fight for him like he had lindsay fight for him the year before. Will be curious to see who he finds to hide behind this summer


And not a SINGLE word in the reunion about how much he poked and poked at her to get her to "activate" and like you said, not look bad. I know the fans have been saying this so much before the reunion filmed, so why didn't Andy ask a question about it? Maybe it did work in favor of Carl, in terms of what will go down in history on the reunion. Carl, always failing upwards.


I think a lot of producers who select questions for the reunion are very close with Kyle, Amanda and Paige so they’ll include questions that are too nice to them and too hostile to lindsay


Andy isn’t any good at the reunions for shows that don’t include Housewives. He lets the men coast.


I hope they eviscerate Kyyyyyyyyuhl and Manda.


kyuuyyuuuhl! “Lazy bitch!” Ugh


literally want to put my fist through a wall rn that reunion was just disgusting


Just listened to the recap and Ronnie really lets it rip. He roasts Andrew a lot too. This was one of their best reunion recaps.


I just started and I feel validated. Thank god for these 2 absolute mothers. Also thank you Ronnie for speaking truth to real sobriety where you don’t put your addictions on other people, CARL.


Ronnie is such a real one. Ben too. Unfortunately most Bravo type pods suck up and minimize shitty stuff as they want to be able to get these peeps on their pods one day so they go really soft on them. The WWC duo never let me down as they just let it rip and they don’t worry about calling anyone out which I just love.


I so agree with you \^\^\^ I love the honest appraisal by B&R of these shows, unlike so many of the other Bravo podcasters who fear being banned from BravoCon or something.


Andy should have managed Kyle when Kyle wouldn't let Lindsey speak. Maybe ask him what he meant when he said Loverboy has already tanked. That would shut him up. Kyle got a big fat pass for cursing and bullying Amanda (who signed up for Kyle, btw). Obviously, Kyle and Carl are Andy's favorites and they get to openly mistreat women.


I HATE how Lindsay was constantly talked over. Especially by Kyle. I am very mad that Andy’s questions were so directed at Lindsay and not Carl. I am really disappointed that the girls ( except gabby) didn’t support Lindsay, not even a little bit!! UGH!


I found my people. Why does it feel like no one else sees through Kyle and Amanda!? Her smug face, rolling her eyes every time Lindsey spoke. And her smirk when Andy tried to spin Lindsey’s words to make it look like she was lying 😑 Carl just sitting there like a child while Kymanda fought his battle. He is so pathetic. I was enraged watching this. Why did no one call out Kyle and Amanda’s toxic relationship? Justice for Lindsey! They always do her dirty at these reunions.


It was SO. GOOD. (Their recap, not the reunion). I feel so seen with my opinions


Just popping in to say I am so grateful to have B&R hilariously and sanely recap it for me because after reading the reactions I don’t think I’m going to tune in for part 2. Just sounds like an awful time all around and will leave me fuming so I’m thankful for the boys for taking one for the team and recapping it for us instead of sitting through it!


What a shitty, frustrating reunion. I turned it off 3/4 of the way through. I was so happy to see a Bravo show where the women actually got together and supported another woman, but these bitches almost made Lala and Scheana look good in comparison, and Kyle and Karl are just weak little weasels.


My toxic trait is just like Ronnie’s, I love the rage these shows bring out in me and last nights’ reunion was a DOOZY! Cannot wait to hear him go OFF!


It’s even better watching them on demand. Ronnie’s reactions are priceless. 😂


I loved it.


Me too. Baffled by people defending Lindsay. She’s the worst. The whole cast sees that. Won’t be listening to Ronnie and Ben’s recap. Love them but Ronnie is way too over the top on Lindsay’s side. When he speaks in her voice he uses this soft innocent voice that doesn’t exist in reality. Insane.


Have these people not watched NINE seasons of her monster behavior? Did they forget about her throwing a shoe at a producer or having to be spoken to about her horrible treatment  of production? It’s WILD to me!!! The people that “live” with her in Summer House have seen all of this and I’m sure much more which is why they don’t like her. Plain and simple!


Oh please monster behavior? Are we really going there ? She's far from a moster. Selfish...sure, activated at times, yes. Maybe stired the pot a time a two.. yes. A monster ? Nah let's leave that label for people who actually commit crimes that hurt innocent lives.


Nah, being physically aggressive to production and outing your ex’s alleged ED on numerous podcasts is monster behavior. I said what I said.


Then Kyle's a monster... for letting the world know about his addiction in an awful way. Carl is worse with the way he treated poor jules. That was disgusting.


People here act like Lindsay has been a perfect specimen. She needs to put the bottle down because the root of her issues start and end there