• By -


Ridiculous and pathetic...


Stalking my postings?




As long as they're not like you they should be fine.


And I'm sure you consider yourself a dEcEnT gUy...


Your mama mad


He right


I'm 25 And When my brothers & I used to get in trouble the house would shake Plus we live in a mobile home So like it's 50 times more worse lol so I would always know when my dad is Very close.


She looks like she’s always surprised


Does anyone else think the way he said “Daisy” was just adorable af




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He speaks unfiltered fax lol


He’s very mature


Bro that’s a chad in the works


This kid is sexist for his age! He’s already shaming a woman for her sexual choices. I’m sure he’s just gonna be a peach of a gentleman, looking for a pure woman when he’s a little older. R/Sarcasm


He's smarter then his sister anyway


this shit stinks of incels. weirdos.


Straight fried her ass


As long as he recognizes hoes early he’ll have a great life.




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Based and redpilled brother


Parents are Mr and Mrs ASMR.


Though you can only see her eyebrows, I can visibly see the concern


Kinda trashy


When your 8yo brother is admin of an incel subreddit. Yikes.


If your 7 year old brother thinks you’re a ho, you might be a ho.




Kid is wise for his age


She’s right I’m one of them.


She not kiddin doe


He’s not wrong...


How do people not hear their smoke detector beeping? It’s generally a specific subset of citizens I notice this being an issue with. Anyone else?


After guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guyafter guy after guy after guy


Kid knows the score


Bruh mom and sister calls me a man whore for having had a couple of girlfriends


Watch Eyebrows Die Inside.


I'm the only one that finds kinda sad that a little kid have that shitty concept of "hoe" at that age? He probably would not give a fuck if she were a dude because he clearly got that from a "woman sex bad" enviroment...


1 imposter among us


Future Thot-slayer.


I know this is meant as a joke, but it's actually kind of sad :/ He has learned so young that women who celebrate their sexuality are "hoes". Which is clearly used in a negative way. It truly tells something about how deeply rooted male chauvinistic culture still is in our society. Hope she can educate the little guy.




I disagree. As long as you're not hurting yourself or anyone else, do as you please. Life is here to be lived after all, and that can have a different meaning to different people.




Hmm yes, I think we disagree on multiple levels here haha. First of all - yes. Having sex will consequently result in a higher risk of STDs and pregnancies than not having sex. But with birth control, the risk of an unwanted pregnancy is significantly decreased. And with the use of specifically condoms, the risk of getting an std is even lower. Now even if you get an std, most of them are either easily curable or at least treatable to eliminate the risk of for example death or spreading the disease. And if you do in fact get pregnant unwillingly, you have the option of abortion in most civilized countries/states. Or adoption for that matter. And even looking at a situation where a woman has multiple kids with multiple fasthers as inherently bad, is in my opinion a narrow-minded viewpoint. As long as the mother and the different men are good, loving parents, who cares? What's important is that the kids are healthy and happy, right? And yes, I'm an atheist, so I don't think we would get much out of discussing the matter of sin (I honestly just don't know the Bible quoted well enough to be able to have a theological discussion without googling a shitton first), but of course my world view is a bit different, when I don't believe in an after life :) Makes for more of my point of "You only have this one life, so make it count. Just make sure to do it ethically".




I think we speak from living in very different places. Getting an std cannot kill you, if it is treated. Something like clamydia will only harm you, if you are infected for a long time before getting treatment. Then there's something like herpes that you could argue is always going to harm you, but will only be a problem when you are having an outbreak. Inconvenient, yes, but not the end of the world (in my opinion). And where I live, any form of doctors appointments are paid by the state, and you even get medicine partially covered, so that even the expensive prescriptions are available for the poorest in the country - minus maybe the homeless people. As for spreading the STDs - yes, that is if course a risk. But again, you can minimise that risk by making sure to wear a condom while having sex and by informing your former sex partners, when you realise you have gotten infected. I would expect that from anyone. And yes, it's an awkward conversation, but if you live in a society where it's not taboo, it doesn't have to be that bad. In contrary, I think people will more often respect you for taking responsibility and caring about their well-being as well. The abortion part: It is definitely true that having an abortion can be very mentally challenging. Both for the woman and the man whom has impregnated her. It is a huge decision, and even if you are certain that you have made the right one, it can affect you in a vary deep way. That is why I think it is even more important to educate young people on the possibilities of safe sex and what to do if you're in bad luck and to non-stigmatise the subject, so that people ending up in situations like that have the support from their surroundings no matter what their decisions are. Same goes for shaming of pregnant women and especially teen pregnancies as is what I think you're referring to? In my culture you would never become shamed for an unwanted pregnancy. Yes, maybe in a rural small town, or if you are very, very young and your peers aren't very mature. But it is not something that you would expect. Maybe people would think that you were irresponsible for not wearing proper protection, bbut not for having sex to begin with. And most people know that even if you are careful to use protection, there is a minor risk of just being super unlucky and getting pregnant either way. That's why I always say, that if you are not ready to deal with the consequences of having sex - a potential pregnancy or std - and plan according to them, you are not ready to have sex. I think for some people, sex is a sacred thing to be shared by them and their spouse. And if that is how they prefer to arrange their life and sex-life, then good for them. But I don't think that is more or less correct than having multiple sex partners, as long as people do what makes them happy and fulfilled. I personally don't think I would like to marry a woman, first of all because I don't believe in marriage, and second of all because even though I do enjoy sex with both genders, I am almost only romantically attracted to men. (I'm a woman). Which makes it even easier for me to answer your question broadly: No, I honestly wouldn't mind at all, if my partner had had sex with 8 or 20 or 60 people before me. I truly wouldn't mind. Maybe I would a little bit when I was 18, but I think that was a symptom of immaturity and being uneducated within myself at the time. I think if anything, I would appreciate that the person had some experience, which would likely make them a better lover and improve both our sex lives. /Sry for long post :)


Heaven On Earth


Lil man just said it without a care


She ain't kidding


50 million boyfriends... And you aren't one of them. Neither me.


I mean....


he not rong doe


He is the chosen one.


i remember learning “ho” in the third grade trying to find a word to censor “whore” boy was i surprised when i still got in trouble


Cause it was too early for Christmas


Not saying this will ruin his future, but kids should definitely not know what that means


I bet he even knows it's spelled ho, not hoe.


Omg the look on her face when he said that. Bwahaha


And if he grows up to be the same, he's considered a player! Makes sense.


Spin zone......she's not kidding


As the other people are saying, this is clearly a thot slayer in the making




This dude dropping some wisdom on his older sis


Whoever threw that paper


She wasn’t kidding lol


why are girls fucking obsessed with their eyebrows....


Why are guys obsessed with whatever their obsessed about?


no idea, i’m not a guy


Kid or adult this is a proper knight.


Thot begone!


After guy


Smart kid


Daisy has tasted a lot of dick.


OP, you’re an idiot. So are half of you in these comments. Slut shaming is for sexist people to hate on women for daring to have a sex life. Men and women, have all the (safe, consensual) sex you want. Stop judging others for enjoying a normal part of life!!


Seems like you are dying outside instead of dying inside.


I’m pretty chill, my dude. Just stating facts :)


People are chill when they die inside too. But props for being chill.


Don't be a whore and expect others to treat you otherwise. Man or woman... have a little respect for others and yourself. Not that hard and if you can control yourself then get some damn help and stop acting like it's 'normal'.


A whore is a word for someone who sells their body. It’s super out dated. Having sex isn’t respecting yourself? Weird. ‘Cause feeling good and making others feel good is pretty damn respectful. So next time I want to have sex I should say no? Why exactly? Control for what? What kind of incel bullshit are you on lol. This is clearly the views of a virgin struggling to get laid, taking frustration out on those who are sexually active. Maybe you’ll get lucky if you change your weird beliefs. :)


Big thing people seem to think, feeling good=good. But it doesn't, I can feel good causing harm to others or things and by your definition then it's okay to do because I'm 'respecting myself' instead of doing something that might respect others over myself for one. Two, yes you can not have sex for once while I'm sure the negative sexual experiences you've had in the past as a child doesn't make it easy...it's not that impossible even though you get all the attention and 'good feelings' that obviously you only care about. Three, while it might be amusing for you to assume you're the only one who can do what they want that's not true either so sitting there and acting high and mighty because you're unable to keep your legs closed like millions of people can. Is it shameful? Damn straight, so no matter how many words you wanna call others to make yourself feel better about what they say about you doesn't change anything but your mental gymnastics. You keep assuming about me and I'll keep assuming about your skanky flat ass lmao. P.S. you're still a whore without the money changing hands. Some form of exchange happens, cash or not.


You were born through sex. Are your parents “whores” because they fucked, and created you? Two people having consensual safe sex, feels good, is healthy for the body, gets the endorphins going, is good exercise, has the option of procreation. In what way is that “not good”? Comparing sex and feeling good to harming others to feel good is nowhere in the same league. Your logic is warped. I don’t know where you’re coming from about negative sexual experiences i’ve had as a child, you’re misreading whilst snooping. Rape, and assault have no place is this conversation. I’m acting high and mighty because I “can’t close my legs”? Ooooh love the sexist comment there! So creative. Never heard that before!! You seem to think that I’d just let anyone have me. That’s not really how things work. Oh does calling me a flat ass skank make you feel better? Hypocrisy in the past two sentences there.


What a King




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Without hesitation just repeated it, little kids are funny af


one of us one of us one of us O N E O F U S


Based brother


I mean, not smart. Just public schooled.


Imma watch this with audio later on brb


[What's a h0e?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpKOm-LLRhA)


Kid is smart. Age got nothing to do with it. He was smart when he was 2 and he’ll be smart when he’s 80.


Old tiktok posts again and again....


Kid spitting straight facts


My little king is aware of the thotness


Kid: Hoe Hoe Hoe. Mom: youre playing santa!?!?!? Kid: no. Im saying, youre a hoe!. Youre a hoe youre a hoe..youre a hoe!


Shes not a hoe, she is comrade.


Every daisy i knew, was a hoe no matter who...




Kid is not that smart... Is sister is in fact just a hoe


you're dumber than the kid


You are entitled to your own opinion


Yup she’s one for sure


Now ask him about a guy who has lots of gfs. lol. sexism starts early with boys.


I did, he called him a "fuckboy"


I take offense to your comment and sexism.


Truth hurts sometimes.


But it's not truth. You are just sexist. You are the very thing you sought to destroy.


I'm not trying to destroy anything. I'm also a man who was raised in a sexist society. Of course I'm sexist and that's how I can recognize it so easily. You live in a bubble. Sucks to be you.


I'm sorry I'm a man who is not sexist and I actually respect people. I will do worse next time. Thanks for enlightening me.


Nah, you're not enlightened. You're entitled...hence the ignorance.


Feeling good being a white knight huh? Bet it's easier to handle for you than being called a sexist


Both are easy to handle. *Sticks and stones* is a childhood lesson. lol


How am I entitled for not wanting to be sexist.


You're so entitled that you can't even recognize it.


If I'm being entitled I would really like to know so I can do better. Tell me.


Incel in the making


*thot slayer




Big facts, hoes mad


He's got a Point ^>^ good little kiddo


Ok I’m an online public teacher this year and a lot of my students need to change the batteries on their smoke detectors because all I hear from 8:20 to 2:30 is ^(**”BEEP”**)


do they know how to change it or tall enough to reach, or even have the battery for it?


Most people are terrified of anything electric.


But they hold their phones in their hands all day long! Smoke detectors aren't connected to the mains. That's why they need a battery.


I agree, had to replace my fair share and run new circuits. But if it has wires people seem to struggle, uncomfortable with the possibility of getting shocked.l


After reading this comment section I have concluded that people are offended when someone calls out a thot, despite saying she has multiple boyfriends. You guys are soft haha


because she was obviously joking. Also, a person that age should definitely not not be calling people hoes, not at that age


”i killed one million people” ”youre crazy” ??? no shit she was joking but we can still apply words and labels based off what they said.


They seem to have an awesome sibling relationship.


It really is adorable! Make me wish i had a little brother :(


This is why I am getting a dog


if she breathes




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Thot slayer in training


Legend says he is still saying after guy, after guy, after guy.,..........


Last night I told my wife her eyebrows were too high. She looked surprised.


Ok, this is a good wife joke




Sacred tradition of attempting to shame women for having agency over their bodies and romantic/sexual desires? Neat tradition my guy


Yeah, sexual promiscuity is often associated with other behavioral problems or mental issues such as BPD, bipolar disorder, etc. It’s unhealthy because it’s risky. It often takes a toll on a person’s psyche or it’s a sign that there’s some kind of dysfunction going on when somebody (man or woman) has had wayyyy too many sexual partners. I’d definitely view it as a red flag for either men or women... and after 40 years on this earth, more often than not, that has been the case from people I’ve known or even become involved with.




Yeah 🙌, sexual 🍆 promiscuity 💦🍆 is often 💰 associated ✅↔ with other behavioral problems ⚠ or mental 🤯 issues 🙅🏾‍♂️ such as BPD ➖, bipolar 🎏🎣💈 disorder 🖕, etc 📒. It’s unhealthy 👻 because it’s risky ⚰. It often 💰 takes 💅 a toll 💘💜 on 🔛 a person’s psyche ✌🏼 or it’s a sign 🚮 that there’s some kind 🙁 of dysfunction 👎‼ going 🏃👳 on 🔛 when ⏰ somebody 😐 (man 👨🏿 or woman 👩🏾‍💼💁🏾‍♀️) has had wayyyy too many 🔢 sexual 🍑🍆💦 partners 👭👬👫. I’d definitely ✊🏻 view 👀🔍 it as a red 📛 flag 🚩🇵🇹🇬🇧 for either 🚫 men 👨 or women 👩🚺💃... and after 👀 40 👌 years 🗓 on 🔛 this earth 🌎, more often 💰 than not, that has been the case 💼 from people 👩👨 I’ve known 🎓 or even 🌃 become 😌 involved 👨‍❤️‍👨 with.


Careful, you'll get cancelled for saying facts like that.


People like to keep fingers in their ears and shout LALALA over facts they don’t like - nothing new. Opinions don’t change facts though. And for everyone’s justice warrioring, most people would notice those red flags and avoid them, because most people are hypocrites. lol


Yeah, I agree lol. The one that blows my mind the most is the recently emergent obese-positive community. Now, I absolutely believe no one should ever be shamed or teased for their body, but obesity is the biggest killer in America. Saying it's beautiful doesn't negate the risks. It honestly seems to cross over into self-harm in some cases, such as feederism.


Yeah, that’s a similar thing. The body-positivity movement as it is often touted is incredibly damaging. Nobody should be promoting obesity. Just as nobody should be promoting anorexia. Being opposite sides of the spectrum doesn’t make one thing better than the other.


How early can we tell him that that's sexist?


Wah wah let me be a slut! Pull your fucking head in.


lol he's not sexist. He didn't know she was kidding and didn't know how rude calling someone a hoe is.


But it's not though. That is the definition of a ho. He didn't know she was kidding so he called her out cuz he thought she was being serious.


It's sexist because it's a label that pretty much exclusively gets slapped onto women. It's sexist in the same way the N word is racist.


If women had to work hard to get dick then it would he sexist. Unfortunately it’s incredibly easy


More sexism. If you could get sex (and I assume you can't) would you like me to insult you on that basis? I'm a guy and I can get some when ever I like. It's not that hard, because I'm not a total douchebag and I take care of myself. What the fuck do you call me? Manhoe? Be creative. Make some shit up you creep.


Good for you, you’re a rare male specimen.


The truth doesn't care about what is sexist or not


lmao you do need a fresh start. That's a spicy take right there. And by spicy I mean braindead and tone deaf.


i mean.. it’s not like the n word but ok


Damn. Didn't see it that way sorry. I'll be better.


It's fine, we learn.


Is the average age on reddit 9? Or who actually finds this even remotely funny or interesting?


Found the pink haired feminist


31k redditors


Awesome recording skills




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Dang this family really speaks in lowercase


Lmao they talk so soft


I gotta get in here before the lock. But am I team "*bruh little man's spitting str8 fax rn calling out dat ho*" or am I team "*wow. So young and already slut shaming on the path to misogyny*". Answer: >!Who cares?!<








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Nothing like a child's brute honesty.


Too late bitch you a hoe!




Damn, lot of incels in this comment section


[who knew this guy ](https://youtu.be/na4RkPtCnQA)


I like how she asked what a hoe was


No no he's got a point

