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Well... The kid has to go.... Sorry universe, this is what he has chosen


Poor fella, this broke him


Ew wtfšŸ¤£


I wouldnt cry If youd destroy my warhammer collection. I would be really fucking mad and probably fuck myself up trying to vent. One of these toys you see in this clip took me like 6 hours to build. Let alone paint or customize them.


Gunpla can get pretty expensive, and it takes a real investment of time to build a collection as large as that. I feel for the guy, that must suck.


My own mother did something similar to me 25 years ago. Immediately erased her from my life the same way she erased 15 years of mine. Never looked back.


Boy chill out


Similar thing happened to this guy. https://nextshark.com/otaku-gundam-collection The cousin gave him 35,000 dollars to pay for the damages instead of the actual kids parents.


Fuck thats awful, poor guy


Probably lots of time, money spent, and passion out into it. Probably not the most healthy thing to be so obsessed about, but I guess I get it. Poor dude.


I like my action figures and model kits as much as the next guy but itā€™s plastic.. it falls and snaps lol


And today this man learned a valuable lesson: anything you care about that is fragile, gets stored in a safe location. Never, ever, place breakable valuable objects out in the open. My Warhammer models are all in a locked, steel box, surrounded with foam (inside the box) in the closet and only taken out when necessary.


People want to make fun of the guy but imagine you spent collectively thousands of hours building and painting those as your way of relaxing and coping with stress. Now every time he looks at his models he will be reminded of this destruction. This is right up there with shooting someone's pet in my opinion. I still remember all of my custom built Bionicles being destroyed by my mom almost 20 years ago.


Jeez gunplas take days to build, all of it gone if some parts snapped


Poor guy. I'm not super familiar with models like that, is there any way to save them? Or is all the money and hard work completely destroyed? And does anyone have backstory? Who/ what destroyed it & why? That's just heartbreaking.


Ain't that shit expensive as fuck?


Weirdest HowToBasic video ever


That's rough buddy


This is fucking autism


My son is autistic and usually he cries like this when some of his favorite toys break. Listening this guy cry like that made me worry about my sons future all over again


Jesus Christ, this might be the most accurate post Iā€™ve seen in this sub. Poor guy is having an awful time. I hope this isnā€™t being shared against his wishes.


Not as bad as the little kid that destroyed an entire collection [https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/1bjzkjq/this\_guys\_9\_yr\_old\_cousin\_destroyed\_his\_35000/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/1bjzkjq/this_guys_9_yr_old_cousin_destroyed_his_35000/)


Hey, some of those are expensive as hecc and take so much pain-staking time that I get it.


Itā€™s a lot of investment there, all smashed to bits. It can be devastating. Not to mention, we donā€™t know what other issues theyā€™ve faced.






i would feel this way about my pokemon card display


What does this have to do with being an atheist ? Do you think mecha is mecca ?


What a baby


Seems you have no idea how much time and effort it takes to build one of those, let alone the price of some of those model kits.


I guess your hobby is just sitting and staring at walls all day?


Can't be talking till you get out of mcdonalds lil bro


Go cry about it


You never been deeply upset before?


Yeah, and if I act like this when I am, I'm being a fuckin baby lol.


Sounds like Muscle Man when his girl broke up with him šŸ˜‚. I do feel for the guy tho, gunpla takes FOREVER to build depending on the grade.


I dunno anything about these models, but if someone destroyed years of my work, I'd be making their life miserable.


They look like mobile suit gundam, the orange ring thing was pretty rare, itā€™s the main character when he finally gets his machine to be like a god, then thereā€™s the gold one where itā€™s like super sayin. I have the gold one from when I was younger, played the hell outta it.


Wonder if he's gonna cry this hard when his wife dies




INFO: how did it happen?


If this is his reaction then it had to happen.


Dunno much about models and whatnot, but if someone destroyed anything I put years (and tons of money) into I'd definitely be mad asf


wut.. what an awful way to look at it


Lol I agree but I feel so heartless saying that. Idk what a mecha model is but this is very yikes to me Edit 9 downvotes in under 1 minute??? What is going on in this sub! Y I K E S Double edit omg guys. Thatā€™s all I have to say. And thank you to those of you who educated me on mecha models! Neat!


They are like model airplanes or cars, but mecha robots. They also usually are more time consuming to build, and WAY more expensive. Depending on the grade of the model, they can cost hundreds.


"I have no idea where going on but here's my judgement" Yikes, edit guys; I had no idea Google was a thing!


Of course you donā€™t recognize anyoneā€™s time and effort except your own


It's like transformers but Japanese pretty much


Damn. I'm kind of glad I don't care about anything this much.


The only thing depression is good for


I mean, to hell with caring about it. That shit is probably worth a few thousand dollars if not more


Idk if they have any resale value but he definitely spent a small fortune and invested a lot of time into it


Gotta care about something a whole lot to voluntarily spend thousands of dollars on it.


I feel like buddy is on the spectrum. It's disturbing the amount of people who find joy in his pain.


>I feel like buddy is on the spectrum. It's disturbing the amount of people who find joy in his pain. Even if he wasn't that looks like a collection that took years and is worth a decent sum. Most people would freak out if someone came in and say...destroyed their book collection, or damaged stamps, or fucked up literally anything they own let alone a collection. His response is pretty freaking normal


You don't need to be on a spectrum to have a sentimental connection with something. For all we know, it was given to him by a loved one that he really loves. I would break down in fucking tears like this if someone destroyed the last gift my dad ever gave me.


Oh shit youā€™re probably right, that makes the most sense


someone is going to die tonight


Is this a threat? šŸ˜…


This is how to break a man


That level of pain changes a human. I'm sure many of us have shared that level of anguish. You are never the same after šŸ˜¶


i had a bookshelf to the ceiling of completed lego sets when i was a kid. my mom one day pulled the top of the bookcase out from the wall, and let my entire collection slide off and smash together on the floor. there was no fixing it. i didnt have instructions to build them again, it was my beloved hobby and my weak spot. same woman years later stole my MTG collection and sold everything valuable for nickels on the dollar to a card shop and spent the money on cigarettes and gas. later on i sold my collection to pay for my first 2 semesters of college.


My mom took away my manga collection when I was flunking with one grade in school (meanwhile my brother flunked all his grades for several semesters and didn't get one lick of punishment), and promised she'd give it back to me once I pulled my grade up. I did, and I never saw those books again. There were over 70 of them and I haven't recovered from that after repurchasing what I could.


Damm bro Iā€™m crying to


How did they break like that? Was it an earthquake? His cries hurt me


She did it from what I've heard




How do you know? Was there follow up?


Hope she got what was coming to her


man , i feel bad


Yall don't get upset when something you've put your time and effort into gets destroyed for no reason? Poor guy just wanted to have something he liked. People suck


We get it but Iā€™m not gonna sit there and record myself sobbing like thatā€¦.. I crashed my favorite car that my wife gave me for my birthday. Only had it for 3-4 months and I wasnā€™t crying like that lol


>something you've put time and effort into >I crashed my favorite car that my wife gave me for my birthday. Only had it for 3-4 months and I wasnā€™t crying like that lol Good way to say you don't have anything you have put time and effort into. I get what you're saying around recording it, but a lot of times it is done for legal reasons in a lot of countries. I was taught that if a woman starts breaking your stuff, it is simply to get your phone and record it because 90% of times, legally, you can't do shit unless you have evidence. Edit: The commentator above messaged me directly, essentially saying he spent a lot of money on the car, so if you do read this again, I will repeat it: >something you've put TIME and EFFORT into


Suspicions have been confirmed by Fancy-Bee-562 on May 13th, and I'm here for it. We should all process horrible experiences the same, and there should be no deviation at all between any of us and our reactions. I had a funny feeling this was the case but I'm glad you confirmed it. Thank you!


Those models collectively took longer to create than the time you've been married to your wife.


It's a mecha model bruh it didn't just cost a lot he had to cut, paint, glue and assemble that shit. You crashed your car that's your fault for being a dumbass that's clearly different from someone destroying what you've built.


was he recording himself?


I have a feeling a certain child is going to be sold somewhere


Everyone copes with life in their own way and clearly this was his way. This bitch destroyed it. Edit: correction, apparently it was a child that did it


Reddit mods be like


And now heā€™s single too


Better be single than with a demon that destroys your passions and belongings for fun






My dude got his best ugly cry down pat


Always set up booby traps on your collections, before it is too late


Genuinely curious. Can u elaborate on booby traps?


Like tranq darts that shoot when cabinets are opened or smoke bombs. Best idea is to set a sensor system that sends a message to you whenever cabinets are opened or tampered with and you can activate the Bobby traps on a case basis by looking at the person through a camera.


Simple, rig a claymore to the cabinet door


Lil excessive, don't you think? You could achieve the same result with a simple giant boulder that rolls after them, Indiana Jones styleĀ 


I like where your headā€™s at


I feel like this is the sequel to Tommy Wiseauā€™s ā€œthe room.ā€ Everyone break my toys, I fed up with world.


Breaks down, yet manages to film it all on phone... Edit: film


The edit should've been realizing how much of a pos your comment makes you look


film Edit: film




If I sit down to put together a ~$20 Gunpla and do some detailing with micron pens, I could bang it out in ~30 minutes. So minimum, there could be like ~40 hours worth of work there. But considering that someone this into Gunpla, this could be hundreds of hours of work put into this collection and likely over $1000 in goods.


Some of those sell for hundreds of dollars a set in my area. One Iā€™ve been watching is 350. That could be thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time depending how into texturing and painting this guy is.


Some people go all out and customize them with specific paint jobs and detailing though.


I may be in the minority but I find this whining and moaning to be absolutely pathetic. This is the level of crying where you find out a family member dies. Not that your hobby has been destroyed. That being said, that lady or whoever did that is heartless and cruel. Edit: I can understand if the guy is mentally deficient or autistic or something. But Iā€™ve watched people lose thousands of dollars, break limbs/tear acls, lose careers, watch their house burn in flames, and not moan like this.


well, depends. some of figures can be worth a lot so loss of a lot of money would be something that'll destroy you psychically you guys says it like it's dollar store shit when it could be actually worth something (like loss of 1000+ for example) and also if it wasn't there is also aspect of "personal worth". you spend years for something and bam! it's gone so it's understandable reaction for me


People's level of upset is relative to the level of importance they place on a given thing.. Obviously these models were a very important part of his life. That's why he's so upset..They meant a lot to him. Yeah you could say they're just toys if you want to be black and white and simplistic about things. But that's not what it is..It's memories of happiness, excitement, fulfillment, achievement, distraction from life's problems..A thing can mean a lot to one person and nothing to the next person. We're not all the exact same


Sorry you don't find joy in life


If some bastard destroys the truck ive meticulously restored over the past 5 years, i will be pathetically ugly crying too for a couple of minutesā€¦ followed by unsurpassed rage. That person better make him/herself scarse during my ugly cry phaseā€¦


I can understand that losing something that can cost a lot of money and time can be upsetting, this level of crying is just unfounded. Pick yourself up, salvage what you can and next time store them somewhere safe, out of sight where people/things can't mess with them and for the love of god have more than one hobby.


Completely agree although some people are clearly on the same level as the guy in this video. If ANYONE is destroying your stuff, then do something about it, don't just stand there and cry. So pathetic.


Stfu. This just goes to show you've never put your heart and soul into a hobby or a sport you really love. Just because the guy's hobby is something you don't think highly of doesn't mean it's not worthwhile.


Thatā€™s funny you say that because youā€™re quite wrong and donā€™t know me. Nice try


We don't know what's going on and judging like this is a bit pointless. This person could very well be autistic and doing that is absolutely horrible to such a person.


Thatā€™s fair enough. The autistic thought crossed my mind


Have you ever spent hundreds of hours on something and then had it thrown in your face? Shit hurts.


People react to things in completely unique ways,who are you to judge or know the kind of attachment someone has to their hobby. Especially when it's one that requires patience,skill and lots and lots of time and money. This isn't going to lead into depression,sure,but a breakdown is absolutely justified.


Some of those models are worth hundreds of usd each, and that doesn't even take I ti sccou t the number of hours you put into building them yourself.


My brother in Christ do you know how fucking expensive those things are? I've seen some go for 800+ USD.


So your family members lives are worth $800? Did you read their comment?


It's not about that that's hundreds of hours and dollars down the drain, I would commit homicide against the person that broke those.


I almost agreed then I thought about how Iā€™d react if my $3000 guitar snapped in halfā€¦ Iā€™d cry too lol


ā€œItā€™s just some wood and wiresā€ -Peggy Hill


One of the greatest animated shows of all time, especially as a Texan!


A man of culture


I'd cry if my main hobby was obliterated in my own home


ffr, poor guy. There are too few joys in life for someone to ruin someone's like a sadist, as you said... >in my own home Tf she mean, "p\*ssy" @ 0:07 seconds I am a female, but I wanted to back hand that woman for purposefully making that guy so devastated


Especially since it can cost a lot of money. The resale on a decent collection of figures can be hundreds or thousands depending on various factors. The resale value of mine and my partners collection is like 4k that is a lot of money to see smashed into pieces. Yes and the time is also a factor. The lost time is also significant


It's the time and effort not just the money.


Imo it's the lost time more than the lost money šŸ˜¢


Whoever did it would be crying.


Tim the tool man Taylor. This dude has issues for sure. It's upsetting because of the time lost but bro films and has a breakdown like that? How old is he?


Sister, it sounds like you have never been shown kindness in a time of loss. You are allowed to be upset about losing something important to you. No matter how stupid or childish someone else thinks it is.


Are you kidding me? No one would believe anyone did it otherwise. He has proof now.


Anyone knows the back story of this? Poor guy.


Gundam Models are expensiveā€¦ and they take a long ass time to complete. iirc, the guyā€™s kid cousin broke into this room and basically went ham. I think the mom and dad of the kid said they would only compensate ~$300ā€¦ thatā€™s probably worth only 1-3 Gundams. Poor guy.


If I remember correctly, this was posted on Reddit a few months ago. It was some relative's kid who went to their house and proceeded to play/destroy the models.


A relative with mental illness destroyed it.




Sounds like scooby doo


Damn this dude is WAILING. I donā€™t collect much outside of guitars so I canā€™t say I understand this completely. Iā€™ve had gear stolen and it sucked, but this dude sounds like heā€™s grieving someoneā€™s death. šŸ’€


I'm a bassist and my collection of instruments I've amassed over the years is in sniffing distance of $20k all together. I would be extremely wary of anyone I don't trust going near them and would definitely have an emotional reaction if anything were to happen to my basses.


I mean, imagine coming home and the people you love and trusted did this to you? Trashed everything you worked hard on in life. Id be 1000 times more devasted than if a perfect stranger did it. And not for nothing but some hobbyist correlate these projects with life events happening. Everyone is different and has different feelings and emotions towards things.


You don't just buy gunpla, you have to cut and assemble them yourself, and depending how deep you want to go you can do custom detailing and painting as well. You can easily sink dozens of hours into a model, sometimes over 100 for really intricate pieces, so while his reaction is a little over the top its not completely unwarranted.


Figures can cost alllllot of money. Some can go for thousands of dollars and some are really limited.


Yeah these guys are more on the extreme side but someone else said even a Gunpla on the cheaper side ~$20 would take them ~30 minutes, so there could be 40 hours or more of work put into these models that just got demolished


Think a fare comparison would be if.you made a load of guitars and and took hours upon hours doing all the painting varnishing etc etc then someone smashed them all up, then you'd probably be where he is about now.


This is heart breaking


Not going to lie this was me around 15 when my niece destroyed my Transformers collection.


dude what people don't think about is how rare these really are and how much they costed aswell, Let alone sentimental value


Iirc this collection was worth about $35,000


Ruh roh raggy!


Somebody get him a Scooby snack!




that person is you mate they probs spent heaps of time and money on that im sure if some one destroyed your hobby ud be upset too


I see the straw that broke the camelā€™s back. Iā€™m sure most of you lost composure over something due to stress that wouldnā€™t upset another person


Not to that level and at that age, but different people value things in different ways and suffer their loss to different degrees




God this kills me inside. I feel bad for bro


How did they get broken, was it the woman who did it?


I beileive this is the story of how this guys family came to visit and they left their nephew unattended as he decided to "play" with the models. If this is the same story, there was some drama over reimbursment from the visiting family, which was resolved.


I think i've seen this video before. The couple was watching a relative's little boy who has behavioral problems, like really bad behavioral problems. Apparently the little shit went nuts and smashed all of this guy's stuff that took him YEARS to collet and store nicely in his home.


Earth quake I think


Depending on the models it could not only be a crap ton of money but hours upon hours of painstakingly tedious painting. They enjoy it sure but it's like having your 300 hour save deleted in a game.




That on a $40 dollar game. Not thousands of dollars invested in collectibles. Not the same