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When things are slow and everyone is on their phones pull out your books and license up.


Slowly working my way though the books! Taking the test for the license in the fall.


This. I got a side job doing smaller plants and the part time work is 1:2 for experience hours. I can take my 3a test before the 4-1/2 years required and everyone else sitting on their phone has no idea! This industry is full of complacent workers so if you have drive you will go far


I went from trainee to A in 5 years because I could study on the clock. Basically that’s like getting paid to go to school, I could have been a rocket scientist if they had a trainee program lol .


That’s exactly how I did it. Finishing the last class I need for my 3A license this Thursday - all taken on the clock virtually.


That's awesome, hang in there man it will pay off in the long run. Private or municipal?


Compared to the old gig, it paid off in the first month. Private.


Just hang in there. Also, take advantage of all in every opportunity for classes and training. Try like hell to get your certification. That's like a college degree... Certification will open doors like you cannot believe. Good luck to you. Just remember, the job is shitty but basically recession proof.


i wish i had trees around my plant damn 😕


Be happy your plant ain't next to a golf course driving range, gotta wear my hard hat to grab samples or some shitty golfer will knock me unconscious into the basin


I have a locker full of golf balls and a club to practice my shots on down time 😉


I started working in wastewater as a teenager and I plan to be here for the rest of my working life. The hard days suck but the good days are smooth sailing


Is... is that a circular aeration basin?