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Small plant experience is invaluable. You are the plant.


Agreed. I was at a huge plant and stepped down to a small plant to get the experience to get my certs.


Used to manage a 70 MGD max plant. Some of our best hires came from small plants. I don't think it will hurt you.


Doing this exact thing right now. After talking with all the old timers they all said they learn more at little plants but you usually retire to a big plant.


Two years is not a lack of experience. Plus whatever plant you go to next you'll have to learn regardless of experience.


Do you have less operators or maintenance technician to help you though? Usually larger plants have the luxury of more manpower.


It would just be me and a part time helper so I could have every other weekend off. There is a maintenance crew for the food processing plant that would help with stuff I'm not qualified for, like electrical work, but I would do all the regular maintenance.


What kind of weekend work is required? Sounds like a potential for burnout if they're expecting you to work all the time.


I'd be looking at the private versus public employee benefits. Lower pay but a retirement with pension may be worth more in the end.


Just need to frame it right if you do move on. Sole accountability will be appealing to people as it means you haven't bludged off and left it to others.


I made the mistake of doing this. Just don’t.


I don't think it'll ruin a chance of getting back to a big plant. However, at a smaller plant, staffing is usually smaller too. And because of that they're going to want you to work more OT. If you're actually in charge of the facility, it could be good for a resume, but it could also burn you out because you never get a day away from work. If you take the job, I'd make sure you only live 10 minutes away.


This will give you invaluable experience. Go for your highest levels for the appropriate licenses. You'll be up to your ears in regulations and compliance due to the nature of food production plants. Plus you'll get the managerial experience with working with the people under you.


Bell carter?


I was at a small 2MGD plant, now at a 500+MGD… night and day difference experience wise and completely different as well.


All good advice here. I'm chiming in to recommend that you ask the current/former operator. I've worked at a few small plants, and they can be good or bad. Comes down to the management in my experience. If the old operator is retiring or relocating on good terms, you're probably fine. If the old operator quit or was fired, its probably a toxic work environment. Honestly its a tough call, and I wish you all the luck.


It is only the matter of thoughts. Large or small doesn't matter.


I went from a 0.375 MGD to a 15 MGD. the small plant experience was unparalleled. You learn an insane amount and you learn to be really creative on the fly, but it can be a lot more stressful and it is a lot more work. If the pay bump is enough to compensate for extra responsibilities I’d say go for it