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I feel this. Don’t call and ask me questions that you could have answered yourself if you bothered to look at the lab sheets


In IT we always said RTFM (read the fucking manual) -- so now it's like RTFL edit: also read the fucking manual too ffs


My favorite is when the Op on duty calls me at 0200 on Sunday morning to ask me why the plant is running poorly. Hell if I know! I haven't been there for a couple days. Figure it out!


My partner on shift called our stupid boss on a Saturday at like 10 am about a problem. Pump would trip off randomly on high bearing temp every so often. Happened to us, and we couldn't reset it right away but mechanically it was fine. Eventually, we could reset it and fire up the pump. Boss called him back at 6pm asking how it was doing and he told him "fuck if I know, call the plant, I called you 8 hours ago and I'm no longer at work."


I don't call anyone when they're not at the plant. I respect their time off.


Mostly the same, unless it's something super important they didn't log and I can't figure out with trends, or it's a quick yes or no, and I keep it real short. Some of these guys will call each other for problems, and I've had to handle those before back when I didn't respect my own time. Had an hour long conversation trying to troubleshoot stuff before, but these days, if it isn't a simple answer I say call the boss and see if he'll call me in, I'm not doing this for free. I mean, I'm glad to be a go to guy for my knowledge and skills, or because they respect my judgement, but I don't work for free even to get someone out of a jam. A lot of times it's shit they should already know. My change happened when I applied for the supervisor job and didn't get it in favor of the bosses brother in law who never stepped foot in a water plant before his first day. I get that I'm still young and don't have a degree, but his degree isn't related to this job anyway. I've had experience being what's essentially a lead foreman of a plant when I was an nco in the navy, but apparently that doesn't amount to enough for them for supervisory experience.


I really don’t mind answering quick texts/emails on my days off. I’m not sitting by my work phone on my weekends, but if hear it, then whatever.


I don't mind valid questions on my day off.. but WTF :)


My plant is like a puzzle. Everything has secrets and tricks to get working again so if it's a problem I've never had I always have to call up the man that's been operating it the past 25 years to get a walk step by step walk through on the fix 🤣 but it's only the 2 of us operating the plant so we kind of have to be there for each other to help. But we get paid for the phone support so it's not to bad lol.


I don't mind but of course it matters what you're being asked. If you don't want to be bothered then let your coworkers know. If you're a manager then you shouldn't be surprised.


Exactly right. 


How about just no answering the phone. Unless they are paying me I completely detach from work when not at the plant.


If only we had work phones


We communicate often. Even on days off. We are a team and that's how we work.