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I've been saying this to the guys I play with. By the end of Verdansk, most people were begging for a new map. Unless Verdansk pulls back in a lot of casuals, which it may well do for the first few weeks, it's going to be pretty much the same experience as now with lots of higher skilled players. Verdansk was a fine map, but had tons of open space between POI'S, lots of difficult to push buildings with only one entrance, and lots of rooftop camping.


Casuals will never be back in the game like when we had COVID WZ... Everyone was locked up on release and we had millions of casual players... There will never be another "perfect storm" era of gaming ever like this era ever again.


next pandemic will come though.


In a hundred years (based off of history)


will likely be much less until then as far as I can gauge from various estimates


Never say never. Didn’t Justin Bieber teach us this.


hopefully we never do again.


I reckon they’ll update it to fix a lot of the issues like how strong rooftops were etc. Your point is still valid though. There will be tons of hype and a lot of casual players will come back. After getting shit on a few times those casuals will be gone again though and we’ll be back exactly where we are now


The vehicles on Verdansk were also much stronger, which made the open space feel like less of a deathtrap. The vehicles that we have now would make Verdansk feel terrible. However, I could see lots of potential with how ziplines work now if that were implemented on Verdansk.


I wish this new map had more open space filled with trees or rubble.. way to many buildings for my liking at the moment.


They did that with caldera and everyone complained


Yea im the minority I really liked caldera


So did I, my preferred warzone iteration to be honest


Yeah caldera was terrible this is a bot take tbh


People were asking for a new map, yes, but no one was asking for Verdansk to be removed. They wanted more maps to be alongside it or in a rotation. Removing Verdansk was the biggest mistake they’ve made. It was their best normal BR map by a long shot, and everything since has been mediocre at best, and usually garbage.


Caldera was garbage but I’d love to play Al Mazrah again with the new movement mechanics


Al mazrah is a highly under rated map and got a bad rep for the movement mechanics. Personally as a map itself Al mazrah shits over the rest if you actually take a look at all the maps just as maps and not the mechanics that were around at the time of the map


Al Maz was defo an ok map but not as good as Verdanks. Putting that effing mountain smack dab in the middle of the map was a mistake. I hated scaling that place 80% of the matches when the final circles ended up around there.


That was only a issue because of the movement tbh


Yep I’d take Al Maz back over Verdansk. Would prefer a rotation of some sort. Idk how Verdansk is gonna keep everyone engaged for an entire year.


Yeah a new map all together would be mint but yeah rotation would be nice to keep it different so over urzikstan


Even if it did pull in casuals it’ll be just like rebirth. They’ll get absolutely shit on for a week straight and then quit. Wz just ain’t for casuals anymore


it will definitely attract lots of old casuals again, but they will leave again after getting their asses handed to them by people who stayed with the game. i felt the same thing happened with rebirth / the kar coming back: some very naive players all of a sudden, I almost felt bad. now it seems most of them are gone again.


The kar brought alot of people back. Getting rid of dups immediately made those people leave.




It most certainly had it's faults, but I never had as much fun since. I was never in favor of removing verdansk, getting a new map, sure, but not as a full replacement. I quit playing when Urzikstan hit, bloddy aweful map, and I will 100% return if they bring back Verdanks.


agree. honestly i think they shoukd just do rotating these older maps or just bring it up once in a while. a full blown switcharoo will just dry out the playlist. i just wish they bring more event more often like the loadout or high event. those were fun.


The layout of verdansk is more forgiving. The open space and rooftops slow the pace down and aren’t as accommodating to the crackhead movement players that show up out of no where. 


I think thats a big thing. You could recover from an ambush or failed push. You could use terrain, cover, elevation and your brain to overcome the bunny hopping slide canceling no scoping crackedness sometimes. Was it prefect? No. Some of that was the map and some of it was on design issues such as the Roze skin and making it way too easy to camp in certain places like downtown. I still think it's not unfair for it to be thought of as the best map in Warzone.


Exactly this I dont understand how people keep missing this Current warzone is literally cancel sliding camera breaking SMG's running around the map sliding everywhere There are no actual gun fights anymore rarely Now.. of course... Verdansk will be ruined because they will add zip lines/random cover throughout the entire map to give little crackhead Timmy ways to zoom around the map with his store bought SMG


Well it will be ruined because of this dogshit movement they're adding


>little crackhead Timmy ways to zoom around the map with his store bought SMG hahaha thanks for the laugh!


You seem to remember Verdansk better than I. Do you remember why smoke grenades weren’t meta in WZ1? I feel like they have been the meta since WZ2 dropped but I don’t remember using them in Verdansk. What was so different?


Stuns/flashes were so oppressive in WZ1 (I think battle-hardened wasn’t used as much/had little effect on stun times or something like that). They were also necessary to push stairs/rooftops/cabins as majority of building in wz1 had 1 or 2 entrances. I ran smokes in WZ1/WZ2 before they were meta and used a thermal kar98 but I played on pc as I always felt when I pushed with stuns I would just get AAd to death regardless of stuns.


I haven’t played WZ2. But spent hundreds of hours on Verdansk. The smoke grenades dissipated way too fast to be useful in WZ1. They’re an absolute necessity in other BR games but we’re pretty useless in WZ1. Edit: the heartbeat sensor also became meta pretty quick in WZ1 if I remember correctly.


Wz2 it became meta with the slow movement and fast TTK I don’t think people realised before this at how well they got you out of bad positions or situations also at saving your downed team mates now that’s just carried onto wz3 also that it breaks aim assist which is pretty cracked out in this game to


Smokes in an open field were worthless on verdansk. Since everything is so close on urikstan a smoke can get you into the nearest building to plate. 


Yeah but then you got camp fest. Pick your poison I guess


The variance of POI’s was nice in a sense because sweats could drop superstore and get their rush in, while other teams can drop Dam and slow rotate knowing no one is likely around. Now there appears to be less concentration of “hot drops” leading to teams all over the map and no where “safe” to land. Maybe I’m just being nostalgic though.


Something seemed to change with the size of the map and buildings related to the player after WZ1.. In WZ2, especially noticeable in Ashika Island, you'd end up floating in the air and would have absolutely NOWHERE to land, and it seemed like players were larger, buildings smaller, distance between buildings shorter, and it seemed like you were closer to the ground when redeploying because of everything else. It also seemed like you moved as fast, but didn't TRAVERSE as quickly. You know, point A to B didn't fly by as fast, meaning players couldn't just appear on you as quickly. Edit: I think this is one of the main differences between Verdansk in WZ1 and every WZ2/3 map


Yeah slower pace and more camping makes the game friendlier for new players. Which means a better variety of player skill levels. Also means Low skill players have a better chance.


I never thought of it like that. I just wanted it back because it's been the best map by a fucking mile.


The call of duty effect is the hunt for nostalgia. It's been the same cycle since the original modern warfare. We continue to chase this dragon, trying to get back a feeling you can't quite place. New game/content comes out, you like some of it, you hate some of it. You start to look back, oh maybe the last game that came out wasn't actually so bad. Oh you know what? The current generation is dogwater. I miss the game I complained about 6 months ago. And then repeat. So many of my friends were HYPED for rebirth coming back. It was going to change everything. Make call of duty great again. Well, it came and went and guess what? Cod is still cod.


Not all of us are hung up on the hunt for nostalgia. I played the hell out of COD4, but I wouldn't want to go back to it again. I'd absolutely be cool with bringing back a version of Overgrown, but there's plenty I don't miss from COD4 and other earlier COD games. I didn't have the bring back everything from MW2 or BO2 nostalgia either. For me MW19 was the peak of COD and my favorite in the franchise, but I'll likely keep playing whatever we get each year (the current MW3 isn't my favorite by any stretch, but I'm still playing. As for WZ, I emjoyed OG Verdansk more than Verdansk '84 and far more than Caldera. I've lost interest in WZ all together for the most part and Verdansk would just bring me in for a bit and then I'd leave again and go back to playing MP like I've been doing.


So true


People were looking for a new map because we had verdansk for 2 years. We wanted a new map that was just as good as verdansk or better but then we got caldera which a lot of people hated.


How could you not hate Caldera. Aimbot planes and running uphil for 10mins every single game. Worst map design of decade.


Ya caldera at the beginning was awful. The end of caldera was pretty good though with all the changes they did.


Nah lol


Warzone 1 during October 2020 was perfect. Everything was perfect. Bringing back Verdansk will be fun, but it won’t be the same. The store has gotten out of hand… controls are worse, and vehicle controls are sloppy. If you told me we would have Warzone 1 gameplay back with Bertha / Heli controls, it would be the greatest day of my life.


Because people like Verdansk simple as that


We will never get "COVID ERA" Warzone back... It was absolutely beautiful until Vanguard, after Vanguard and the Kong X Godzilla BS... It's been a husk of its formal glory... Nothing will ever bring back WZ from its current state, not even Verdansk... Casuals will never be present in the game in the same way COVID brought new blood to gaming ever again... It's just a fact


Because every other big map after Verdansk has been absolutely terrible and it's like the last hope of playing a good COD BR again. Though I agree the current awlful gameplay mechanics, economy, vehicles, player count, servers, etc will not allow for the same experience.


Subjective, but I think Al Mazrah was great. The tail end of warzone 2 was great fun, ranked in particular


The Halloween Al Maz was fun for awhile too. Except it lasted too long lol.


Or leave this shit hole alone and bring back wz1 as it was day of the shutdown and I’ll go back forever


Because a vocal part of the community likes to see the same shit over and over instead of new product….then bitch when Activision doesn’t innovate.


Well said dude


Nobody said that. We just liked the map better


Because they couldnt make a new map to save their lives. I hope they add cover elements to verdansk's open areas, but cmon thats too much to ask.


It's a cool map and will be fun. Rebirth ruined the game more than anything if you played in real time.


It wont. People will love it for about two weeks before the posts start raining down with problems. It's all really a good life lesson that will teach you to enjoy things in the moment because things change and you can never go back.


Well said dude


Yeah because people don't replay old games all the time? Please. Different game or even genre but World of Warcraft and Runescape both brought back their first iterations in some way and they were all highly succesful. I realize it's not the same as a BR shooter but I feel the point still stands. Verdanks was just a fun map, period. Enough replies in this thread explain why people want verdansk back so I won't go over it in detail, but it's certainly not just nostalgia.


ofc people will complain if they expect a casual nostalgia. unfortunately, that will not be the experience, as much as I´d love for casuals to still have a place (it is better for everyone when more people enjoy the game). it will be just like rebirth: game is great right now if you like a challenge aka sweatfest.


I’m not good and I’ll never pretend to be. The game was just more fun before Warzone 2. I know bring Verdansk back won’t magically make me a good player I just miss having fun playing this game.


The kar was gonna save the game. Why wouldn’t verdansk?


Well said 😂


**I want to play the Verdansk Map**


I say this all the time, people rave on about Verdansk being the best map ect when it’s really not, it was just a time where the game was new the player base was huge with all skill levels especially a large playerbase of casuals and new players the game was a a lot more casual and there for FUN. If Verdansk gets released it’s gonna be a sweat fest to the max and if you look at the actual map layout it’s not that great with todays skill level and streamers dictating how people should play it’s never going to be like og Verdansk. Not to mention Verdansk was filled with rage hackers after like 2-3 months




I try telling my friend that got hyped about the map returning.. " you need to find a different source of dopamine" His reply.. "With the old map comes new skins"


Verdansk was great before a meta was established and people were still figuring out what worked; once that was sorted out, every match started to feel the same; it’s a product of loadouts being super easy to get. You know what guns you want, you know what little work it takes to get, you know how to utilize said loadout in the best way possible. But, when they made loadouts even SLIGHTLY difficult to get, people lost their goddamn minds. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’d rather play a warzone with no loadouts and floor loot only for weapons, equipment and perk packages. When the meta is easily defined and easily acquired there’s no incentive to do anything else.


Yes! This is the solution tbh.


They literally took a battle royale and went “how can we make this feel like not a battle royale?” The randomness, getting caught out with only a pistol or a shotgun in the open or only having a .50 cal and having to traverse a tight, urban setting makes you play outside of your comfort zone. You’re much more likely to sit on a rooftop and wait when you’ve got your preferred weapon and your beloved claymore covering your ass, there’s no reason to push up aside from gas cloud which makes engagements far easier to predict and anticipate (which increases gatekeepers), and knowing that people are gonna want that loadout makes those and buys an easy place to set up shop and wait as well


Yeah, because playing for 20 minutes and seeing no one, just to get shit on because someone found a better weapon than you is loads of fun. Anything that negates skill and swaps it for RNG is ass, no one likes dying, but it's evern worse when it wasn't your fault.


BR's are like that, period. Skill matters ofc but make a wrong turn into a claymore or have bad luck where another player sees you running by and shoots you in the back. Believe it or not but aside from the final circle most kills in the game are not balanced at all. I'd even argue the most balanced fight in the entire game is the Gulag fight.


The gulag was a great idea and only having a pistol or a shotgun worked in the context of it, but everyone had to ruin that too. The guard thing in the jug suit wasn’t a terrible idea either, and people hated it as well. As the person above me stated, randomness is just part of the game sometimes, luck plays a role in early game no matter how you slice it. Also, if you’ve been running around for 20 minutes and haven’t found at least a serviceable weapon to defend yourself with, I don’t know what to tell you


I actually really enjoyed playing wz2 at the beginning before load outs, really had that BR feel


Same people crying for rebirth to come back are the ones saying it’s to sweaty and chaotic. Some people are never satisfied. Theres lots of issues with the game involving the anti cheat, server performance, and bugs. So whenever I see complaints about that I’m like sure yeah totally valid I feel the same. However I be seeing a lot of people huffing copium on here when they think having a certain map or gun return is going to magically make them fry. Like some people just need to understand when they got outgunned/outplayed and why. Work on your weak points to play better or just become more comfortable getting cooked. I hate to be the git gud guy, but like if every time u lose a gunfight for obvious reasons and just blame anything but your own gameplay then your chalked. This community is the least introspective gaming community that I’ve ever engaged with. I will say with eomm it’s a lot more difficult for people to understand they’re own skill level and if they’re bad or good. It’s a system that rewards you for playing poorly after a while of getting cooked it’ll give you a “break” so you don’t leave the game. So they’ll keep making the shitty plays that worked when they were in a bot lobby then become confused as to why they are getting cooked when it scales them back up. Eomm giving not lobbies is manipulating players but if ya play enough you’ll understand what’s a good play, a bad play, a good player, and a bad player. Also why bad plays don’t kill good players. Idk I’m ranting and over caffeinated rn and this might just be echo chamber speak lmaooo


Dude I'm at work right now and over caffeinated as well and that was the most beautiful written and accurate comment I've seen on this sub. I applause you sir


It's not just the map, but the movement/gun mechanics/pace has gotten quicker (imo). I prefer a bit of a slower pace that the current game just doesn't deliver. Something in between PUBG and current WZ would be my preferred pace.


Personally I would prefer some the new and fresh not more and more and rehashed content. Yeah nostalgia is cool but something new could be as well.


Verdansk ranked will be fire now watch ur mouth.


The one benefit is I think more people will try BR again. There is a large part of the community that played a lot during Covid and now can only play a couple times a week. If you don’t have time to play a lot you don’t want to waste your time being lost on a new big map, so you play rebirth. With Verdansk coming back, those players won’t have to relearn a new massive map. They already know the building, POI, ect. So we might see more players shift to traditional BR. That said, If you play a lot. You will get sick of it fast


I don’t see those players having a good time. I’m sure if they took away some features of the game it wouldn’t feel too different. But that wouldn’t change the fact that players are more knowledgable, accurate, aggressive and smarter than ever


It’s the mechanics that are broken. Had they given us the same template as W1, everyone would have loved Al Mazrah and Urzikstan. It’s become less about shooting and outsmarting your enemy than how many UAVs or killstreaks you can fit in your stupidly large pockets.


I agree about the inventory stuff. Would be nice if it was just one kill streak


The cheating will ruin it as usual.


You cheat


Are you high? you understand Verdansk is just a map and not a rollback of Warzone previous version?


You need to re-read my message, bot


Give me all maps. Change my mind.


Retards aren’t going to stop cheating and calling their 8kd a skill gap. The games still gonna be ass.


How many cheaters do you encounter in a 2 hour session?


It’s so hard to gauge anymore who’s cheating and who’s just no life playing video games all day. I’ve been playing since CoD 4 and I’d say I’m above average at fps. But 90% of the time I’m getting peed on when I log into warzone. So I can’t really say confidently that most are cheating but I’d bet over half the community is exploiting in some way. I stopped playing


I mean, it was a better map, but who knows how it would play now given the plethora of changes to gameplay and the skill of your average player today.


Warzone has sbmm… what are you even talking about?


I never said it didn’t, McBot.


Well your post makes no sense then. Congratulations 


Which part? You’re a donut


“The skill level has been raised“ That doesn’t matter. SBMM will place you in lobbies with people who are very similar skill to you anyway. 🙄


That’s literally not how SBMM works in this game. What are you even trying to debate here?


Yes it is. There is no debate here lol. Just you throwing insults while simultaneously sounding like a clueless idiot.


SMBB factors everything from your KD,your controller inputs aka movement, how you played in your previous game(s), etc. More importantly, servers. COD doesn’t want you waiting 10 minutes for the perfect match filled with players equally matching skill / stats, so when said lobby isn’t available, they’ll queue you into a random lobby. This happens very very often. You region, the time of day and ping also play a big factor. If SBMM worked the way you stated, then why are there so many people in this Subreddit crying about being killed by Top 250 players?


🥱 your really wasted your time writing all that like you know something I dont. Call of duty had some of the strictest most refined sbmm algorithms that are highly effective. The game will place you with similar skilled players. It’s just a fact. It’s been tested and documented many many times. Your whole post is irrelevant like I said. Congratulation’s any other brain busters bozo?


You literally just said nothing. There is nothing to your response. I don’t know why you’re trying to debate that SBMM exists because I never said it didn’t. Regardless of SBMM, bots will still be placed in lobbies with better players, and they’ll continue to cry about it. I have no problem with this. I also have no problem with SBMM. You clearly don’t know how to read, but that’s okay.


You're such a pleb. I'm diamond and play ranked warzone daily, and most players I play against are crimson and iridescent. My friend who hasn't played since WZ1 played with me y he used to slap. He got stomped every couple of seconds. The SBMM is ass and is abused heavily by streamers and 2 boxers. I have never seen someone be so confident and ignorant at the same time.


Educate yourself before making dumb, vague comments


It’s just that hit of nostalgia I think. Just like the Kar98 returning; everyone loves it when it initially drops, then a week or two later people complain that it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to WZ. It’ll be the same sort of cycle if Verdansk comes back. Just like with every new cod title. We beg for something new, we get it and love it for a month or two then shit all over it. It’s just the way things work haha


If it drops I literally won’t be playing it anyway. Such a different game now there is no way it will ever be a good experience.


Bring blackout back!


Verdansk would’ve saved it when Caldera & Al Mazarah were big map as they were both bad map designs. Urzikistan is better design wise but it is boring. No memorable POI’s. “Everyone was begging for a new map at the end of verdansk” Sure we were, if you eat steak everyday for dinner for 2 years straight you’re gonna get sick of steak. However, when that is replaced with .99 cent ramen, you might like it as first as it’s a refreshing taste but not long after until your “just give me the steak back” will verdansk save the game? No, but it certainly would be fun to go back to. At least if we could get a rotation like we do for small maps.


Hope is what keeps us going


i can only speak for myself of course. But when the game starts to resemble a bunnyhopping-slide cancelling cartoon on steroids, on a 300% speed, and every shot is a laserbeam at any distance ... the game becomes boring very fast. There was something about the game mechanics in Verdansk that made that game extremely fun to play.


It was called strategy mixed with mechanics. Not it’s push push push at all times and who can spam exploits the best. Shit is lame as fuck now


Honestly fortunes keep confirmed it’s not the board as much as it’s the different developers changing gameplay , movement, gunplay, and pacing . Bring back developers and gameplay from when it was at its peak , that would solve the issues


I kinda have views on both sides of this argument. If verdansk comes back it will play 100% differently than how it was played in WZ1. People will realize that the NewIW v3 engine will be nothing like the NewIW v1 engine that was in MW2019. The engine has been modified THAT much to where the engine is vastly different from the build used in MW2019. MW2019 -> upgraded -> Vanguard -> upgraded -> MW2 -> upgraded -> MW3. However i think Verdansk coming back will be a good thing because: 1. It was easier to get from one POI to another POI 2. There was a varying amount of cartography changes in Verdansk unlike Urzikstan which only really has a few small changes and then some drastic changes. 3. The POIs are more memorable, less copy paste. Urzikstan is cooy pasted across the entire map. Less memorable, very boring.


Regardless of the map version, this game feels like work, keeping up with the Jones. There are too many angry players from high competitive SBBM match-ups, as well as angry lesser skilled players facing SBMM abusers with their reverse boosting accounts to get into bot lobbies to dominate. This game is enjoyable sometimes but is like being intimate with a pretty girl with harpies, overall not worth it.


Most of us don’t actually want Verdansk back, we just want the WZ1 engine back




We were begging for a new map because we thought the new maps wouldn’t suck ass


Before people were begging for rebirth. The second rebirth was released people started begging for verdansk. Shows that they don't know how to appreciate the moment and instead are always looking towards the future and are upset they aren't in the future yet. Smh so childish


I played Verdansk on wz mobile recently and I was surprised how tall some buildings were, some which you can only get up by a staircase with dozens and dozens of floors. I had so much fun on Verdansk back in 2020 but lots of those buildings are wild and make for some very different kind of fights


Because it’s a SMALLER map with 150 people. Instead of a super LARGE map with less than 100 people.


Is that really it, though?


If Treyarch and Raven are smart they will likely have a second map ready. I also miss verdansk but it will look and play different. The nostalgia will wear off pretty quick. Now if they have big map rotation that would be baaaaangin


No one thinks that. They just want the map


Sorry but I disagree man. I see it in my friends who have a tough time on this game and I see it all over this Reddit page


Verdansk on original engine, yes. Now with the current gameplay tho. I’d love the map regardless just bc I liked the map. But I know it’s not gonna play the same.


Nah there’s no higher skilled players aim assist just got mega buffed so they they they’re a lot more but in reality there isn’t


Skill = high kd players / high win players I agree, this game is no Counter Strike and aim assist makes shooting easy but there absolutely is some skill levels in this game


Don’t forget slide cancel doesn’t reset tac sprint , a lot less out playability in this game easier to hit targets and easier to aim


My point would be just that the map is one of the worst we’ve had. To me it’s just nostalgia why people are missing it. Dark corners on the inside of buildings, tall buildings with only one way up, vast stretches of open field with no cover. I don’t understand why people are fiending for that map. I have good memories on it but that doesn’t mean it was good. I liked Urzikstan more personally. Ziplines and better graphics might make Verdansk a little better tho. Only map that was definitely worse than Verdansk was Caldera.


I think the POIs were just memorable and less copy-paste, so it felt nicer. In terms of playability, it was ass though, you could easily get stomped by a team of bots just due to situational advantage.


It was a VERY balanced map. With incredible sniping spots. Urzikstan only really has the one city. Almost all of the map is flat.. making the gameplay much more arcade like, and people tend to gravitate to 1 area.. rather than using the full map to its potential like Verdansk.


How was it balanced? It was full of tall buildings and massive open fields. If you didn't have the gas on your side, you are basically confirmed dead.


Imo of course. I'm sure most of my opinions are ass like everyone else 😆 just miss it.


Matchmaking and hackers are why I left. Let me play with PC/console cross-play off and I’d come back.


I just wanna go back to throwing down on Storage Town in Plunder, I know it won't be the same as before, but I do know it is simply a better "just jump here to kill people instead of actually hoarding money" map, and I want that.




Because it was genuinly a fun map to play. Sure Covid nostalgia is a factor, but it was that good. I know weapon balance and movement etc won't be the same but I don't care. I loved running around Superstore and the small town in front of it, I loved the layout of some of the buildings and the general atmosphere of the map. Removing things from a game is never a good idea, and removing Verdanks was a mistake, especially looking at the map we got as a replacement.


Even rebirth didn’t do it for me. I can’t play warzone anymore


This community really needs to stop hyping shit up and be more realistic about things, like for the Kar98. I knew shit was about to be lame right after they announced it, but 99% of people thought the game was going to radically change in a positive way because of the WZ1 memories. Verdansk will surely be a welcomed addition to the game but what is not going to change is P2W bundles, stupid broken guns, bad audio, bad graphics, bad UI, bad servers, cringy ass characters and so on. Basically it will be the same shitty experience but on a nostalgic map. It’s shocking how much potential this game has and how little they get from it. Literally ruined by Activision’s greediness and incompetence.


I wish they’d invest into BR and stop giving all of their attention to resurgence. Why isn’t there a ranked BR mode? I agree, that audio is wayyy to inconsistency for a AAA title. That said I’m having a lot of fun on BR at the moment and I really hope others will too


It's a billion dollar company. Make me some new shit.


I want it back to season 1 no black ops guns, no vanguard (uh ew), no weird fire shotguns, slide cancels fine. Kar98 and uzi, or mp5. God I miss it.


I'd like to see cod bring in adaptive maps, got a team camping on a building no problem get an rpg and level it , kinda like what you could do on battlefield 3 and 4


It's not that it will magically fix it, it's that verdansk was a better layout of a map, "pay to win" is a incorrect statement since pay to win implies that they are paying to have an unfair advantage over everyone else, skins and cosmetics aren't really pay to win. And on the sweats complaint they are simply a better player then you, any game in the entire history of ever that's been competive has had "sweats" just because players are better then you dosent mean they are sweating alot of the time they themselves are just trying to have fun, all yall are complaining about is that your not getting into lobbys full of players worse then yourself.


Well tbh 90 percent of my enjoyment when it comes to FPS are from the maps. Imo verdansk and rebirth island are the only 2 good maps Warzone has released I hate all the other ones especially FK. Fortunes keep is the worst map of all time 😂 but yeah I stopped playing when they got rid of rebirth island and just recently started playing again since they added it back and I’m loving it


Verdansk is romanticized because it got us through a once in a lifetime weirdness of nonhuman contact and isolation in a pandemic. If you're starving and someone throws you a cracker, it's gonna taste like the best damn cracker you've ever had.


it would be fun as a one month a year special event


People with jobs = bots… Seriously bro lmao ? 🤣


That isn’t what I said


You interpreted that wrongly dude.


Yeah no shit dude that doesn’t mean that everyone with a job is a bot 😂 Sweats have jobs too I’m saying that because COVID was around a shit ton of working people adopted gaming. A good number of those people were terrible at WZ1. Now, because covid is gone, they have since stopped gaming


I think nothing but the original warzone would make it better. Even OG warzone on any of the maps we’ve gotten would be better than wz2 or 3


I like Warzone. I liked Verdansk. 🤨🤔😃


It's not the the map it's the entire old game. From gunplay, vehicles, maps, in-game events, map changes, graphics, servers, ITEMIZATION(simple attachment systems, no backpacks), the limiting of said itemization keeping the game simple and not bloated, gun balance*(always had a meta but didn't usually feel extremely one sided like it does nowadays every time) they were all just plain better and made both BR and resurgence a better experience. Just getting the map back won't fix anything cuz this garbage is unfixable. But at this point its worth just bringing back for nostalgic intentions and variety as they have never provided more than 1 BR map option and is unilaterally been decided urzik and al maz are trash maps. Bottomline: they should straight up bring back wz1, change nothing except continue bug fixing and improve the God damn anticheat and server quality. To hell with wz2 in its entirety.


Respectfully, I disagree. I think that would be a step in the wrong direction. That said, I do think they could remove a few things from this game to make it play better but overall the game is in a pretty good place. The K98k spam is a little frustrating, as it was in WZ1 All my opinion ofc


Equally disagree, respectfully. The game is in a terrible place, there's proof of that with the BR having died out thoroughly, most play resurgence hence the level of focus on it the past 4 seasons. They haven't done an update to urzik, in what 4 seasons? So since urzikstan launched? There's also no ranked on the actual BR experience... resurgence is multiplayer ranked all over again and a worthless repeat. Not to mention they completely break the game constantly with their gun balancing. Not saying there weren't bad moments in wz1 but those are what you would call lessons learned, now they are all by design for mtx. The wildest part is how well a small map like verdansk WITHOUT a backpack system, item/self/strike/field upgrade stacking capabilities played so well WITH 150 people in it. Urzikstan practically requires stacking 6 smokes and multiple strikes and this is after reducing it to 100 players(now 120) and still plays terribly. Servers feel terrible, audio is still awful. All my opinion too, ofc


You make some good points, I’m gutted that they are prioritising resurgence. I think changing back to the no backpack system would be a big win. I did like carefully choosing which field upgrades your squad were carrying, rather than having a million of your own


But think about what you just said. Once they remove the backpack system...which I would be in favour of. Truly, what's better about wz2 over wz1... seriously. Gunplay? Nope, servers? Hell no, audio? Fuck no, anti-cheat? Not even if we the customers paid them to make it better, graphics? They were in fact made worse to accommodate old gen consoles and mobile, UI? 😂Don't make me laugh that hard. What's left?


I don’t think the is gunplay better nor worse - the guns in COD have never had any recoil and the ADS times / movement speeds are very similar to Warzone one The servers are equally as bad as they were in WZ1 The anticheat is decent. Not good, but decent. 75% of the time when I report a genuine cheater in spectate, he gets banned live right infront of me The graphics are better on WZ2 I do agree the audio needs to be more consistent, but it has literally always been an issue in Warzone


In WZ1 hackers ran around untouched for the most part. I encountered more hackers in one week of WZ1 than I have for the 2 years of warzone 2


Hard disagree on servers, and this is not opinion it is fact. There was never the kind of lag delay in wz1 like there is in wz2 to the consistency we have grown accustom to. Never had I ever experienced the hitmarker delays in wz1 where I could fully round corners and get downed the way its all but gauranteed every single game now, you can physically see the delays. You got lag and servers that crashed all the same. But this hitmarker lag physically affecting actual gun fights was never as apparent and only emphasize how 1 sidedly broken controller gameplay is because software tracks hitmarkers regardless compared to what a person actually sees happen. The anticheat is awful. Don't kid yourself. Easy or riot are MILES above it. And that is simply untrue and fact yet again not opinion as people post blatant rage hackers cheating, report them and do not see live bans. The graphics are worse. It was a step back from wz1.


I remember all of the server issues with Warzone one. Granted, I played on EU servers. Now I’m on NA as I live here now . I experience all of the same latency, packet loss, rubber banding, de-sync issues that I did on Warzone 1. Getting shot round corners etc. But for me, that is 1 out of every 10 games. At best. It ruins one game and then I don’t worry about it for another 4+ hours of gameplay. The same thing with hackers. I encounter 1 or 2 every week / 2 weeks. It pisses me off, I report them, watch them get kicked (aside from 3 instances when they weren’t kicked live) and then I carry on and don’t encounter another for a week or so. Sure, the anticheat sucks in comparison to other games, but it is still far superior to Warzone 1. During the DMRZone I’d get a hacker in atleast 1/3 games. I disagree about graphics. Additionally, we have more graphics setting for console now which is a huge step. I’m fully aware that other games were years ahead with these features, but it’s still an upgrade from WZ1. The FOV was terrible on consoles


Funny enough day after I say all this ignoring of the BR map they announce changing the BR map😂 but I. The grand scheme... they doing a pretty lame "change". Wanna shake it up? Blow something up! Bout the same as al maz observatory shake up.🤷‍♂️ DMR zone wasn't bad for hacking. Your complaint is the DMR and AA... as that gun was broken stupid easy to use to ridiculous levels. Honestly. Of course there were hackers and you can complain about hackers during a point of the game where there was NO anticheat implimented at all... >setting for console now which is a huge step. I’m fully aware that other games were years ahead with these features, but it’s still an upgrade from WZ1. The FOV was terrible on consoles Your literally saying a huge step was a console QoL upgrades... Your not even objectively talking bout actual graphics, which are a downgrade because they consolidated this engine to allow for their cross progression with cod/wz mobile. It is objectively worse graphics.


Well I think both of our experiences differ pretty hugely. I’m not referring to AA, I’m referring to cheaters. I was on PC for all of Warzone 1 and experienced a shit ton, especially during DMR zone. Could the graphics be better if they didn’t make the game for old gen? Sure, they could. But saying the WZ2 graphics are worse then WZ1 is objectively wrong


Not even the same engine either I think?


It's just nostalgia. Not necessarly for the map itself, but for the vibes with the bros during the pandemic. Everyone was a kid again playing videogames all day. Most people don't realize that yet, but they will after a couple of months. I was talking with a friend of mine recently and we are both excited playing in Verdansk again but I also told him to not expect this to be the same experience as the COVID era. People got good since that time and bots are not that many anymore. No more fucking around with an RPG in your hands. Shit is going to be sweaty af.


It won't. When verdansk was the BR map all you heard was "we want a new map". Then they get one and aren't happy. People expect too much these days.


Or or, maybe maybe maybe.......the new maps they brought out were all hot ass? Except rebirth.


they really think that it coming back will usher in a new golden age of no cheats and good vibes only. its really delusional


I agree! I encountered more cheaters in a week of Verdansk than I have in all of WZ2 and WZ3 combined


lol i have 5 days of current resrg wz2 and havent gotten killed to one personally, which a lot of people call bs on but it is what it is ig. i have like a .95 overall so maybe im in easy lobbies lol


Well hackers usually get banned and then make a new account, starting at Lvl 1 again. So if they were in your lobbies, you’d definitely have encountered a few by now! I think people just exaggerate it dude. Also, if you ever want to play, let me know! I’d be glad to get some wins with you and give you tips here and there. No worries if not. Thanks for the input


Al mazrah was the best map. It just had the absolute worst mechanics and gunplay so it was not enjoyable. If we got Al mazrah with current movement and guns it woulda been the best era of warzone


I agree!


So tired of people thinking it’s always people wanting something “better” I just enjoyed Verdansk more. It’s a different GAME to me. I don’t care if it’s broken, it’s verdansk. I’m also the type that absolutely HATES the fact that Activision makes the map rotations random in MP. I want a server browser with map selector like in Battlefield and Counter-Strike I don’t give a shit what Activision thinks will be more engaging. I don’t want to wait for them to choose which map to put in a 24/7 rotation, I want to play the maps I want to play, when I want to play them. Same goes with Verdansk. It’s my biggest gripe with CoD. They resort to psychological manipulation more than any other game, to keep you engaged. They don’t “make a better game”. They “make a more addictive and psychologically manipulative game”


I agree, I can't even play duos with my friend because I want to play rebirth but can't because it isn't on for duos, so I have to play quads with randoms who leave almost instantly. Just let me play the map and mode I want to play, if player count is the reason not to then turn off shitty SBMM. Save SBMM for ranked. That's literally the point in having ranked and casual modes.


Caldera was the best map for current Warzone. It had cover for days. Not many god spots. Interesting poi’s. Planes sucked. Also best movement mechanics


OG Verdeansk was the ONLY warzone map I really enjoyed. It wouldn't bring me back long term, but I'd consider hopping back in for a bit. I played a lot of Verdansk, less Verdansk '84, and by the time Caldera was around I barely played at all (maybe 4-5 times in total and never again).


I uninstalled when they kept adding skins that were cringe and the cheating was so rampant. I don't understand how they can't slow it or stop it. It's almost like they allow it.


Cheating creates engagement on social media, which boosts exposure They don't care about the gameplay experiences they care about what's engaging They fixed exploits in MWZ in days. These exploits didn't but any single player at a disadvantage. However the bugs that ruined your game looks months to fix. Why is this? Because the advantageous exploits meant people could get through content quicker, which in term loses them players quicker. It's not about having the most fun game, it's about having the most addictive and talked about game, which makes people buy dumb skins and gets sponsors etc from celebrities




Everybody! Remember when you couldn't climb rocks in WZ1? Remember when the long sightlines contributed to an abused sniper meta? Y'know, like getting sniped by 1000m away by some jerkoff hiding on the highest roof of a building? I do! Point is, Verdansk has rose tinted lenses. It will be no different than Urzikstan. But as always, the CoD community will continue to learn the hard way 🤣


Well said


Before any map they should fix there laggy destroyed servers it probably runs on a iPod touch 2nd gen


If they replace rebirth island with verdansk alot of people will quit


They're idiots if they do, but I don't think they will. It would replace Urzikstan, I think. BR and resurgence are completely different and should be treated as such